You can tell me your killer phone sex fantasies. I know they consume you like they do me. I talk with guys that have fantasies like mine. Sometimes I get to provide some sadistic therapy to men who have an annoying problem like a brat or a wife, maybe both. I spoke to a guy last week who wanted to get rid of his pregnant girlfriend, so he could have access to her little daughter without her cock blocking him. We hatched a plan to sell her and her unborn brat into slavery. He wanted her to be sold to someone violent and for the brat to be raised by a P man. He really didn’t like his girlfriend, which turned me the fuck on. Normally, once cargo is bought, I have no knowledge of what happens to it once I have been paid. I am on a need to know basis with several traffickers. I live in Texas, close to the Mexican border. Since no fucking wall has gone up yet, getting rid of folks is easy. Once cargo crosses the border, no one in the US cares anymore. That cargo can be shipped all over the world or left in Mexico. I talked to a few of my trafficker friends and found one who had buyers already in mind. He assured me the pretty woman would be hooked on smack and used in a Mexican brothel that is worse than Hell. And, he had a P man looking to raise a little girl as his own, so he could explore his rape fantasies daily with her tiny holes. Both girlfriend and unborn brat would have horrible lives. That made my friend’s dick super hard. I told him his girlfriend would eventually end up doing a live snuff porn because that is what happens to white whores who lose their sex appeal in Mexico. I even suggested his bad seed may suffer a similar fate once she grew out of her sex appeal to her P daddy. Another satisfied customer. What problem can I help you solve?
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Solve Your Problems
Evil Babysitter Phone Sex
I love evil babysitter phone sex. I hate brats. All brats are useless unless servicing your cock or my cunt or both. Don’t you agree? I can clean up well and look like a normal 20 something girl. I just never want to. I made an exception because Charles had super cute brats. As cute as those evil time consuming little bitches and bastards can be. I was low on the rent. Just needed a few extra hundred dollars and little bitches bring top dollar on the dark net. Normally, I kill them for a client who wants to destroy their little holes first. I procure a guy brats while he explores his rape phone sex fantasies and then I dispose of the bodies. All for a fee of course. I don’t expose myself to get little soul stealers for free. I had no clients wanting my fuck and kill package, so I stole two brats and sold them myself. Charles thought he was hiring Lena for the night from an accredited site. He did, I just stole her identity. Within an hour of being there, I drugged the brats. While passed out I dress them in slut clothes inappropriate for their age. I made sure they were clean, then put the live on the dark net. I auctioned them off to the highest bidder. They sold fast too. Of course, they did, they were super young and cute. I met my Russian high bidder two hours later for the trade. He gave me more than a few hundred dollars for a cute boy and girl at a popular age for P men. He can do what he wants with them. Sell them to men for snuff films for all I care or keep them as his fuck slaves. They are just useless brats. There only purpose is to keep adults happy, don’t you agree?
Slutty Little Accomplice- Fuck The Bitch
The car ride was quiet as I watched you constantly watching our prey in the backseat through the rear-view mirror. It was very obvious you were turned on. We arrived and you carried her limp body down to our special place, it will be weird sharing it with this strange whore. You laid her on the worn down mattress, and I went to work tying up her arms and legs to the surrounding poles. She was spread wide open for you, as your tore away her clothes. I fetched a bucket of cold water and threw it on top of her. She woke with a shriek, that made your body quiver. Trying to remain calm she begged and pleaded to be let go. You laughed as you teased her cunt with your fingers. You quickly grew tired of her noise and ordered me to sit on her face. It was a strange but powerful feeling smothering her screams with my pussy. A part of me really like it. You began to fuck her hard, enjoying her body struggling under the both of us.
Slutty Little Accomplice- The Plan
At first I was hurt when you said you were getting bored of me. That you needed some fresh blood to play with. I’ve given it some thought though and I would love to help you seek out that special taste of strange you are craving so much. I have it planned out, all you have to do is sit in the car. I’ll dress up as just another giant slut looking to party and get fuck. I will spend some time dance and keeping my eye out for a blonde big titted slut, I know that’s your favorite type. I’ll dance with her, and offer to buy her a drink. Then I’ll slip a little roofie in and wait, when she feels all woozy I’ll drag her doomed ass out to the car. Where you will be waiting for us, and then your night will truly began.
IMAX Meetup Accomplice Phone Sex
Texting with this new pervert of accomplice phone sex that has a mean streak for young stupid girls was just the thing I needed for my night. We arranged to meet up at the huge IMAX Theater since so many parents dump their brats off at them and we scoped out our prey for our play date. These little sluts are so hard to determine their ages by how fucking trampy they dress and so it was a smorgasbord board of pickings. In fact we opted for two as these two little cunt tramps were perfectly bratty and dressed to tease cocks like mad.
We follow them into the theater and my pervert and I act like we are on a date and really want to pay for the girls and so we cover their tickets and chat them up. I get them to come to the bathroom with me to show them this awesome lip gloss. As I know this place well enough I was able to con them into a maintenance closet near the Bathroom with it’s own exit. Tom pulls the van up and I guide the two, chloroformed sluts into the van. Taking them around back I strip the two real good and let Tom fantasy rape the fuck out of their tight bald cunts as I strangle one and slice here titties. The other I take a strap-on to her ass while Tom destroys her cuny and as I thrust in her and she starts to scream I slit her god damned throat. Fuck I love the gargling sound of life leaving the body.
Nasty Jezabels Gangbang Rape Porn
I love directing my own gangbang rape porn. The little fuck sluts never know whats coming. They wake up to a room of 20 men and lights and cameras everywhere. They are crying and I just love how those tiny sluts mascara runs downs those faces. You are my financer and you want bloody and brutal. You never ask where I find these teen sluts and you never ask what happens to the bodies. Destroy asses and pussy and the screams echo off the dungeon walls. You keep my cash flowing and let me fuck the men after they are bloody. I even do my own nasty movies with these men you bring in for the gangbang scenes. I take the girls and I cut them up and sell extra meat to the local natural market. I have such joy knowing others are disposing of our evidence. I am the evil cunt that has her pussy dripping as you live out your murder phone sex fantasies in real time. I love sucking off your bloody dick knowing you are as evil I am. Blood mixed with cum smells so erotic.
Cannibalism Phone Sex Fantasies
I have cannibalism phone sex fantasies. I am a sick bitch. I am tall with meat on my bones. I love the idea of being cooked alive. My deep dark fantasy almost came true last week when I was hitchhiking. I know today, hitching a ride with a stranger is dangerous. Very dangerous. My car died on the side of the road. It was 95 degrees outside. I had to get in a car. My car was not the only one overheating. A nice older couple picked me up. Honestly, I thought they were harmless grandparents. I didn’t think they could be flesh eating zombies. They gave me a bottled water to cool off. It was obviously spiked because the next thing I knew, I was naked and bound with a stick up my ass. They were putting something on my body. It was butter. Melted butter mixed with herbs was all over my body. I was scared. This was not a fantasy. I was not having a nightmare. Grandpa and grandma were going to cook me alive and eat me. I was dinner. They were singing and smiling like nothing was unusual. I think there is something unusual about cooking a 150-pound blonde goddess alive. When I tried talking, they shoved an apple in my mouth like I was the main course at a Hawaiian luau. There was a huge pot of boiling water in the corner. I knew that was where I was going next. As a blue haired granny, took sticks of butter and rubbed them all over my body, grandpa cut veggies into the pot. I didn’t think they could move me to the pot. They were old and frail looking. They didn’t need too. They rang a bell and an army of inbred mother fuckers hungry as fuck came and dumped me into the boiling water. I passed out from the pain, so the rest went blank. I hope I fed the family from Deliverance well. Maybe I can bring more satisfaction in death than I could in life.
Gangbang Rape Porn at a Frat House
Gangbang rape porn was not on my agenda last night. Actually, I was not looking for trouble. I was not even looking for drugs. For once, my supply was solid, and I didn’t need to put myself at risk to score. Trouble has a habit of finding me, however. I went out last night for a jog. I was high and full of energy. There is a college campus near my home, so I often jog around there because it is safer. Not last night. I went by a frat house, heard the whistles and lewd comments then something struck me in the head. A rock I think. It’s vague, but I believe someone tossed a rock at the back of my head, which made me stumble and some frat boys took me into their house. Originally, I thought they were being nice. I quickly learned that one of the guys threw the rock. They tied me up after they stripped me naked. They called me a cock teasing whore and a litany of other things. These college boys cared nothing about me or what they were about to do. I tried pleading with them as a mother since I was the right age to be any one of their mothers. That made things worse. They all had rape phone sex fantasies for their mothers. I just tried to go to a happy place while they savagely forced their cocks in my ass and pussy, many times 2 to 3 dicks in a hole at once. They were savages. Slapping me around, spitting on me and fisting my fuck holes too. I thought they were nice young men, but they were no better than the dealers who pimp me out and abuse me, so I can get some blow. After a few hours, they grew bored with me. My clothes were shredded. I had to do a walk of shame from the frat house to my home. I was naked and covered in cum. No one stopped to help me. I think they just saw me as a strung out whore.
He beat me until he saw blood
I didn’t think that I would ever be that kind of victim but I was more than wrong. I met this guy at a bar Charlie or Charles, is what he said his name was. Charlie seemed a little bit odd but not like what happened not that odd at all. He was tall over 6 feet, big blue eyes, piercing beautiful ice cold eyes. Very broad shoulders he was just strong-looking but with a withdrawn temperament, with the guys that I’ve fucked with I should have known something at least but he just kept hypnotizing me with those eyes and tequila shots. I think of myself as a girl with a high tolerance for liquor so I just kept backing those shots and I guess Charles was taking full advantage of that because I was paying no attention to how much he was drinking. Before long I was fucking blasted and Charles looked yummy to me so we gave each other those fuck eyes you know and we headed out of the bar. I went back to Charles place with him, fucking drunk and horny as shit. His apartment was like a sex Den he had things in his apartment that turned my life around completely. I never thought in a million years that being that type of victim would make me cum in an out of Body Experience best way. I was so drunk when he started taking out all of the whips that I went along with it. That night things happened, such sexual deviant things happened. There was blood and cum everywhere.
Fucking Worth Nothing
I am a stupid fucking bitch who needs to be dick beaten choked and fucked all the time. I realize that I’m worthless I realize there’s nothing good about me except for my fucking fat ass cum guzzling pussy and my dick sucking lips. That’s right I’m just a submissive whore the kind that relishes being cock stroked and fucked up. If you have ass rape fantasies I’m the motherfucker you should get with I can make those fantasies hop out of your brain and into your cock and spray all over the place. I am all hopped up on drugs always plus I’m drunk as fuck do you want to beat your meat on my head would you like to beat your meat on my lips and my tongue or would you like to shove your cock down my throat and bang on my fucking tonsils like it’s a boxing bag. I’m no good anyway no one loves me no one cares my grandfather told me that men would fuck me but not marry me I guess the old geezer was right. Do what you want to me it doesn’t matter no one is concerned especially not me.