Domination phone sex for the holidays? Is that what you are grateful for this year? My stepson is never grateful for me. I am the devil in his eyes. I am just the ginger whore who stole his father from his mother. I try to be nice to him. I have been nothing but good to the boy. Doesn’t matter. I will always be the red-headed slut who broke up his family. His father is out of town for a few days. Ever since he left, my stepson has been holding me captive in the basement. I got no food or water for three days. I was blindfolded, strapped up to the rafters and beaten. I had to piss on the floor. Shit too. He whipped me, punched me, fucked me too. I was passed out sometimes from dehydration and exhaustion. That didn’t stop the ass rape porn. My stepson abuses me almost to the point of killing me, but he stops himself because he knows his dad would kill him. I don’t tell my husband about his stepson’s abuse because I have come between them enough. I just take the beating and force fucking like a good little whore.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Thankful for Domination Phone Sex
Kidnapping phone sex
I knew I had found the perfect partner to my twisted little fantasies that I like to live out. It was fate that brought us together. It was my first day working for this kidnapping phone sex line. I knew it would be easy to find the perfect one but I had no idea it would happen so fast! He was perfect and I knew he could help me get what I had always wanted! I seek a thrill that no drug could match. I wanted to watch and play with my evil little kitty as the perfect crime took place just feet from me. This would have me dripping and gushing for him! I told him the general plan, go in through the window, and snatch the little bitch. Once we had her in the back of the van, he cut her nightie off and bound her. Every time she whimpered he would punch her and tell her to shut the fuck up. This had me so turned on already. I watched as he slid her panties down and spread her little pussy open. He held his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams as he slid his hard cock in her.Watching that little cunnie get stretched and start bleeding was so sexy. He stroked hard and deep as she cried and screamed into his hand. I squirted hard as he fucked that little bitch for me until he filled her with his hot load. He might have been finished but I wasn’t, I still wanted more and he knew it. He held the razor sharp knife up as I gave him a wink and kept fingering my juicy wet pussy. He thrust the knife down and into this little bitch’s chest. Then taking the knife out he stabbed her over 50 times as he laughed at her. This was the best part, I love watching little cum whores bleed out!
Necrophilia phone sex For Nasty Pervs
Necrophilia phone sex Is something only the most demonic, evil, vile Bastards love. Well I fucking love it too. I have had my eyes on a little pageant bitch for days. Blonde beautiful curls and such a sweet face. What caught my eye was her tiny fat pussy making a camel toe in her leotard. You cock liked it too. So much that you said you would forward a large sum of money if I kidnapped her mommy and her. They put up a bit of a fight and I broke her mothers neck as I shoved her in my trunk. But the shock of traveling two hundred miles with her dead mother made that fuck tot sedated. I had you sweet slutkin laid out and stripped naked for you, but you decided that cold stiff pussy of her mothers was by far the thing you wanted first, and last. After you violently force fucked that angel face you went back to her mothers corpse as I cut that sweet angel face limb by limb. My pussy came several times as you had you feast of sex with dead bodies.
CaStRaTiOn PhOne SeX
What I do to most of my victims is suck their cocks before and after a slaughter. I like to see the pleasure on my men’s faces. As I enter their stiffness into my warm wet mouth. I suck their dicks as if it was my last meal. The humor of it all. It is actually their last blowjob. Right after they cum I slice their dicks off with a quickness. They loose so much blood that they pass away. The whole time they are bleeding out of their gash of a hole where their dick use to be. I am standing right over them. Their bloody cock in my hands and I am twirling it around my mouth. Sucking on it so gently. The face of horror and shock that they give makes me so fucking wet. I enter the detached cock into my vagina and fuck myself until I cum. Sick bitches like me have to have a little kick to my sex life. Maybe we can engage in cutting someone’s cock off and while I am sucking on the bloody head you are smashing my cunt from behind? The ball is in your court.
Accomplice Phone Sex
I love being an accomplice phone sex partner. Guys want me too as their partner because I have no limits. I lack empathy or remorse, which makes me the perfect killing and kidnapping machine. This guy I know is a big wig in the sex trade. He contracts with me occasionally to procure him some young talent. He pays well, so I don’t mind freelancing as a sex trader. I went to Chuck E Cheese and took twin girls. They were not being watched properly. Their babysitter was flirting with a young guy and her charges wandered off and found some danger. I drugged them once at my car then drove them straight to their new life of hell. My friend was extremely impressed. These twin girls were so young, he could get double the normal price. Plus, they were little white girls in pristine condition. Princesses, not illegal or ethnic ghetto trash. Most of the girls he deals with are illegal brats smuggled into the US that no one will miss or the white trash brats of strippers and whores or junkies. These angels were like the fuck trophies of the Hollywood elite. He planned to auction off their virginity to the highest bidder first, then sell them to who ever paid the most to have them. I knew these girls’ lives were about to forever change from one of privilege to one of fear and fucking. But that is not my worry. I got paid. Plus, I hate little brats.
Daddy’s Accomplice
As a submissive whore to my daddy, when he suggested that we go looking for some new little trainees I was sure to oblige. I love my daddy and live to please him. We went to a park in a neighboring town and waited. Soon the playgrounds were full of sweet young things. As their mothers or nannies chatted amongst themselves it was easy to distract a little one. Daddy had his eye on this cute little blonde hair blue eyed darling. I put myself in a position to quickly grab her and hurried towards daddy’s van. No one noticed we took her, and we drove off to daddy’s workshop. Once there I could see daddy was going to have his way with her and that she probably would not survive the night. Sometimes daddy just can not help himself and gets too aggressive. I helped daddy by holding her down and he tore into her tight little pussy destroying it. Not quite done he flipped her over and started pounding her little brown hole. He grabbed her little neck and tightened his grip with every pound. Soon I could see she was no longer fighting and laying there lifeless. That didn’t stop daddy and he turned her over and opened her mouth and proceeded to throat fuck her little dead body until he shot his load all over her. He then smiled, cleaned himself up and went to get himself a beer. Being the little whore I am, I took the little limp body to dispose of it, but not until after I licked my daddy’s cum off of her body.
Torture Sex Death
It was a torture sex night for me. I was not prepared for it. I was out dancing with girlfriends. I hooked up with this guy who told me to call an Uber when we were done fucking. He said he doesn’t drive trash home. I was embarrassed and humiliated, so I left. I called the Uber, but I got in the wrong car. Boy, was it the wrong car. He had a fake Uber decal. I never paid attention to what my driver looked like or what car he was driving. This poser drove me to some underground club. He pulled me out of the back of his car kicking and screaming. We were soon inside some dark club. It was a BDSM looking place. It was far more sinister than BDSM, however. This was some sort of torture chamber. As he dragged me downstairs and through hallways, I heard screams. I got glimpses of women being tortured and mutilated. The driver got to a room, knocked then handed me over to another man in exchange for money. He was just the wrangler. This tall handsome man looked me up and down, then strapped me to a table. I saw all the medical instruments next to me on a little metal tray. He started to cut my flesh and peel back layers of my skin. He branded me too with his initials like some cult leader. He fucked me while pouring acid on my tits. My screams of agonizing pain made his cock harder. He started stabbing my big fake boobs as he fucked my ass. My blood made him harder too. I was in pain, crying, screaming and he just kept fucking the shit out of me. The more I cried, bled and screamed, the harder he fucked me. The fake Uber driver drove me to my death.
Slutkins Suffer Snuff Sex
Slutkins suffer snuff sex at my hands for you. I don’t mind going to parks, or malls and luring out sexy little things. You know the type you like. Freckles, soft fair skin, and budding chest under a training bra. Shorty skirts and such a sweet manner about them. Those are the little girls that make your cock jump. I mean there is no way they are going to be even breedable after getting fucked by you so why should I bother keeping them alive. My boyfriend and I are happy to join in the fun and rub the blood from virgin cunny all over our bodies as we fuck while you are destroying these two! Don’t worry I will clean this mess up, and yes, I expect you to cum inside both of them. They will taste much better in the brat stew with your yummy cum marinade. Care to bring a bowl of hot fresh brat stew to the missus and watch her eat the brats your cock destroyed?
Snuff Sex Victim
Snuff sex is what I am good for, according to him. If I didn’t do what he said, he would have shot me dead. It was not like I wanted to bring him a little girl to fuck. Luckily, I don’t have daughters, or he would have forced me to bring one of them to him. I guess I was glad that I didn’t have a girl. I had to snatch one from the park. I used the lost puppy story to lure her away. It was broad daylight. I took a risk, but my life was at stake. I owed him a lot of money that I couldn’t repay and bringing him a little one for his rape phone sex fantasies made us even. I had no choice. I gave that sweet girl a death sentence. He tied me up once I delivered the girl because he didn’t believe I wouldn’t try to help her. I watched him fuck her. She screamed for her mommy. I felt bad, but it was out of my hands. He fucked her ass too. She was bleeding and screaming, and I was forced to watch. Now that I did this for him, I know he will ask more and more from me. I guess I should just feel lucky I am still alive.
Cheap phone sex
Last time I checked I was that bitch that made women skin crawl and their voice tremor. As far as the men, I make their dicks hard and make them come even harder. I am that evil bitch that kidnaps bitches for my pleasure and forces my man of the night to rape fantasy her pussy while I watch and please myself. This morning I caught me a nice white whore going for a jog at the park. I snatched that bitch up so fast by her hair and threw her in the van. My male accomplice was the driver. We drove to a nearby lake and had our way with the bitch. He fucked every hole on her body while I sliced ever part of her body. We played a nice game of hide and go seek the bloody limbs. And the winner got to get 3 hours worth of head. That motherfucker won! So I sucked his dick until the cows came home. That is always one of my favorite games to play. Any more games in mind that we can play?