Category: Kidnapping phone sex

I am his


I can hear him walking down the stairs again.
I can’t help it but I’m shaking.
I don’t know if it’s because this hell room is cold or because I know he is going to touch me again.
I can smell his cigarette, his cologne mixed with whiskey and the smell of tide.
The smell of tide reminds me of home and makes me hopeful that he is just going to let me go.
I have been down here for 3 no 5 days? maybe its just been a couple of hours. I honestly don’t know.
I start crying as i hear him open one of the drawers behind me.. Please don’t let it be the whip again..
He sets something beside me. and spreads my legs open wide. I know what he is going to do..
I can hear the swishing of the air as he is working on his form..
Then he teases my pussy and ass with the whip.. then pulls back and i brace myself for the hit but he starts teasing me again.
SMACK and a cry out from me as he spanks my pussy. He is laughing and calling me his dirty whore.
He starts to tease me again and hits me so hard I felt my skin tear.
He stops, bends down and pours something on to my broken skin and it burns.
As its burning he shoves a hard and very cold object up my ass and it starts to vibrate.
My body is so overwhelmed by the pain from the tare and the pain of this thing in my ass but turned on by the vibrations.
He gets up again and pours more of his liquid on my ass checks as it burns more.
Then he starts whipping my pussy and ass even more. This time he hits my clit over and over again it makes me cum. I now know its his time to cum. He is going to fuck my mouth until I puke all over his cock and he will cum deep down my throat and make me swallow him.
I don’t know what is worse that he face fucks me to cum or that a part of me likes being his dirty fucking whore.
I am used to being used by men. That’s why I don’t fight. I know at some point he will just let me go but he will always be there watching and waiting for me to be alone so he can grab me and drag me into the dark and violate my ass again. And deep down inside of me I’m wanting it..

Suffocation and Leftovers


On one of the message forums that I belong to, I read an interesting request. There was a woman who was looking for extreme suffocation play; and she rambled on about how one of her boyfriends had strangled her until she lost consciousness, but she had had the most amazing orgasm before she did. I laughed and thought she might be fun to play with; the dumb ones usually are. And, there her perky little smile was, staring back at me.

The cute little idiot coed visited my house for dinner. I always like to play with my food first. And, I invited my mentor along for the ride; I knew he liked big round butts, and she certainly had that. We dined and talked; her idle chatter was fueling my despicability for her. I dosed her wine with a little something, and my mentor reprimanded me, complaining that she would taste funny, but I told him it was just an herb…nothing too hard.

We restrained her; and when she woke up naked, the fear in her eyes was apparent. “Now, we’re going to give you what you came for, little girl,” I grinned. She tried to relax, but the imbecile didn’t even know what was coming. I pressed my fingers around her bird-like neck and watched the terror spread across her face. I let up and asked if she was liking it thus far; she “requested” that I be a little more gentle. “Like this?” I asked and held her throat closed for longer; my mentor’s evil brain began clicking and he placed a vibrator between her legs. I pushed the clear plastic around her face, smashed it.  We laughed at each other’s cleverness. I let her cough and struggle; but it was getting late and my mentor was eagerly awaiting his feast.

As a last touch, I took a pliable double-dildo out and wrapped around her bruised neck. I thought it was poignant that she be suffocated to death with what she wanted. And, my mentor enjoyed eating her plump, young flesh.

Uncle Don’s Ghostly Visit

Evil phone sex

I had the strangest experience, and I would think it was a dream except for…well, you’ll see!

This Friday the 13th at midnight, I was awoken by chimes, which is weird since I do not have a grandfather clock in my house. So, I went downstairs and there was this faded black-and-white image sitting in my chair and drinking my scotch. “Well, now, there she is. Sleep head, aren’t you?” He smiled and walked toward me. I moved away, not because I was afraid…but because I was cold! “Someone told me you were the gal to see about my unusual appetites,” he winked and motioned me to follow him.

We walked to the nearby playground; and, sure enough, there was a young girl in the swing and another one climbing on monkey bars. “Let’s take them home, Pandora,” he whispered in a maniacal voice. And, we did; they seemed eerily willing to follow him without him even saying a word. When we returned to my house, he instinctively went to my dungeon downstairs. The girls laced their fingers and placed them demurely in their laps. He pointed to one and she came to him. He lifted her dress over her head, the curls falling against her shoulders; and, he rolled her panties down before bending her over to touch her puffy pussy. Spreading her ass cheeks, he fingered her, opened her up; then, he pulled out his cock and put her on his lap, bouncing her up and down. She didn’t even scream. “Now take care of her,” he said and waved his hand at me.

I took care in chopping her up, not taking as much joy in slicing her throat as I normally would because I was a little perplexed by the grey figure who was with me. The other little girl stared blankly at me as I dismembered her friend and Uncle Don forced his cock in her mouth. After he was done, he slapped his hands and passed the blank girl to me. I began dismembering her, too; behind me, he said, “There. That should take care of the little bastards.” When I turned around, he was gone…but the bodies were still there, and there was a wet ring where his scotch glass had been.

Watching and Waiting

torture phonesex karmaWalking through he woods I hear a wicked laugh. It is deep and dark and it sends a delicious chill up my spine. Following the sound I take care to be extra quiet. Whatever is going on I don’t want it to be known that I am there. Slowly I creep closer and the sound of that laughter filled with evil sets my skin on fire. My cunt is reacting and I can’t control it. I haven’t even seen who is laughing or at what and my skin is covered in goose bumps. Finally I am close enough to see and there in the clearing is this man, He is tall and pale skinned, His hair is slicked back and dark as night. I can’t see his face but in his hand is a bloody knife and at his feet is a young one,. She is covered in blood and what little flesh is showing is pale. Her breathing is shallow and there is a gag in her mouth. He lifts the knife to his lips and licks it laughing as the flavor delights him. He slowly lowers it to her body and begins to peel the skin off her inner thighs, slowly, meticulously, not going to deep. I can see her body quiver from the pain and his laugh once again fills the air. My cunt is convulsing now, pumping cum all down the inside of my leg. I stand there and watch him for a long time, his torture so artistically administered. I struggle with the idea of making my presence known when he is done. Instead I follow him and I know I will make it a point to meet him soon and share the love of sadistic torture of the young and innocent.

Poor Poor Dumb Whore

Taboo phone sex Reagan

Poor sweet little Tiffany, she really never knew what was gonna happen to her until it was much too late. I guess next time she will learn to pick better friends and not just go with anyone who asks. I mean seriously, this stupid whore came with me to the middle of nowhere after knowing me for all of 20 minutes! All I had to do is invite her to this killer party, I told her that half the town would be there and she definitely wouldn’t want to miss it so she followed along beside me like a lamb to slaughter. When I told her it was a killer party I wasn’t kidding, poor little Tiffany may have thought I meant a rager when the reality was 4 big strong men waiting to force her to do all sorts of degrading things.

When we got there she looked a little scared and asked me where the party was, poor thing was so confused. I told her that she was the party and to get on her fucking knees and get ready to suck some dick like her life depended on it. The guys came out and her eyes went wide when she saw their huge cocks, she cried and said there was no way cocks that big would ever fit inside her. I told her that they were gonna fit even if they had to rip her up to get them to fit! They brutalized her and pounded all her fuckholes until she was lying limp and barely conscious on the floor. I was kind this time, I let her go when they were done playing with her… next time she may not be so lucky…

taboo phone sex Reagan

An aunt’s gift

Taboo phone sex Pandora

I love my niece, but her taste in toys is horrendous. I blame it on the options, though. There are all these stupid, skinny little clean-skinned dolls smiling behind their clear plastic cover. And, the stupid larger versions, don’t forget them! Really, it’s just creepy.

So that got me to thinking about creating a better toy for her, one that would remind her of Aunt Pandora. I bought a doll, painted its face zombie white and began looking around for some red hair dye. I almost splashed some of the dye on the doll…but, I had a better idea: why not use the real thing for blood? It was easy, really; I just went to the park, chose one of the lambs that had wondered off from her mom. She was easy to lure, especially with the doll that would soon be transformed. Apparently, she had never seen a doll like this. And, she never would again; I would make sure of that. I was going to honor my niece by killing this sickeningly sweet thing. My niece would not be like this, I told myself; no, she would be like me.

My evil heart sang as I carved into the little brat’s flesh. As I sprayed blood on the doll, the snotty-nosed brat cried. I shook the doll in her face and cackled as the cunt-stain cried louder. Finally, I had enough: I stabbed her in the chest, ripped open her rib cage, and there it was: her heart. I brought it to my lips and inhaled. I cut a few slivers and then soaked it in black ink before popping the doll’s head off and placing the heart in there. Now, the doll was transformed! I handcrafted a death certificate to go along with my gift. I couldn’t wait to see my niece play with her new, favorite toy!


Teenage Head

 Teen phone sex

Teen phone sex with a mortician is quite different than anything you’ve ever experienced… My wicked impulses and bloody appetite are unlike anything you’ve ever seen—and too cruel to even depict in films, which wouldn’t do the thrill justice.

I’ve been a little swamped with work lately, and that’s fine because I love my work. However, fixing bodies for their loved ones is not what enough to satiate my darkness. Sensing this, one of my friends asked me to come over; and, though I politely said “No,” he persisted. When I arrived, he had a young girl strapped to a chair, gagged with a handkerchief. He looked at me and watched as a smile spread across my cherry red lips.

I wondered how he had found someone so young, and he told me that he had put out a couple of advertisements for a babysitter, which was a perfect ruse. He had selected this one because he believed that she would appeal to me and because (he confessed) she had big tits. I rolled my eyes, but I was pleased with his selection.
We spent the entire night torturing the teen; my friend, poking large holes in her nipples and ripping the tissue off. Then I stabbed the pink tissue, watching the blood gush. He tore off her pants and panties, too; her eyes widened, thinking we were going to indulge our rape fantasies. And, we were, just not the way she thought.

Teen phone sex10

I grabbed a machete and began cutting through her neck, that tender skin. How beautiful it was to watch the grey color wash over her face as she breathed her last laborious breath! I continued to carve the head, take slivers of the brain for some soup that I planned to make. And this left my friend to her torso, which he straddled and began fucking. As he was about to cum, he placed his fingers inside the gaping hole where her head used to be; I watched his ass cheeks clinch as he came in the corpse. How silly, I thought; I much preferred not to play with my food. He began looking at the head; after I carved her up really good, I’d let him have it…I knew he wanted to put his dick in her sweet teenage mouth. After all, he had planned to do this in order to cheer me up—and it had worked!

Snuff: Silence is Bloody

Snuff phone sex Jezabel

I was in the mood to torture.  But, when am I not?  At the café, some little brat was alternating between pouting, yelling, and crying.  I wanted to fucking slap the good-for-nothing piece of shit since her mom wouldn’t.  Finally, I told the mother, “Hey, I’m a governess; I’m really good with little ones and I could help you control your daughter more effectively.”  The dumb cunt believed me!  Maybe she was just as tired of the brat as I was; well, I’d make sure that we’d both be rid of her soon.

Along with my coffee, I bought the disgusting munchkin a doughnut just to shut her trap until we got to my house.  When we entered, she tried to take in the entire decadent, dark mystique that pervaded my house.  “Do you know what happens to bad girls?” I asked her, without really waiting for an answer. 

I pinned her small body down on the leather couch, wrapping small pieces of leather to keep her limbs in place.  Then, I picked up a torch; I was going to give her something to scream about!  The fire erupted and began to sear her flesh.  Yummy.  She began moaning in her throat because she couldn’t move her lips. 

And, then, I did what I wanted to do ever sense I laid eyes on her: I laced some of the leather through a needle; starting at the corner of her mouth, I sewed the little piece of shit’s mouth shut.  I had to look at my artistry for several minutes as I watched her eyes roll back in her head.  I threw some water on her so she would revive.  It was time: I took the sharp end of the fireplace poker and started pounding her skull.  I loved the sound when it cracked and spilled out blood…her brains lying on the floor at my feet.

Things That Make Them Go Boom

Going through the basement and spring cleaning I found a box of goodies. Left over fireworks from the fourth of July and a couple of little goodies that my friend in the military gave me to play with, a little brick of C-4. I remember when he gave it to me and told me to go blow some shit up I had all kinds of ideas and yet somehow I put it up and forgot about it. But now my cunt is dripping with cum as my mind decides what to do with my goodies. There are a couple of little twits that have been irking my last nerve over the last few months. I have been waiting for something special enough to take care of them and I believe this is it. I can see them shaking and naked right here in my basement, tied face to face. I can feel the sweet softness of their asses as I spread them wide and begin inserting fireworks in them before lighting them and watching as they jump and scream only to become a tangled mess that falls to the floor unable to escape the pain and horror of it. But the best part will come when I drag them to the field behind my house and break off small amounts of C-4, attaching a little piece to a finger and a toe before detonating it. Slowly blowing off bits and pieces of their bodies until I am left with nothing but two bloody torsos. That is when I will use the last of the C-4, placing it between their bellies and detonating it, enjoying the feel of the pieces of flesh blowing apart and hitting me as they fly into indistinguishable chunks of flesh. torture phonesex boom

Nightmare On Elmo Street

torture phonesex elmoShe is one of the youngest ones I have ever taken. She was sitting there in the department store in front of the television sets watching Sesame Street. Singing the little songs and counting with the Count. I waited a long time and no one came around. It was like she was put theere just for me. She didn’t resist when I asked her to come with me. She seemed like she was in a trance almost. It was just eerie enough to be perfect for me. Tonight she would see Sesame Street in a whole new light. I am going to give her A Nightmare On Elmo Street. Elmo was molesting all the little ones on Sesame Street. The grown ups all got together and cornered him in the alley by Big Bird’s nest and set him on fire, burning him alive. He will exact his revenge by waiting until the characters of Sesame Street fall asleep. Then he will creep into their dreams and kill them one by one. Big Bird is first since it was by his nest that he was set on fire and burned to death. Sesame Street wil become Elmo Street when he is done. All this is going to haunt her dreams with nightmares as Elmo finishes with everyone on Sesame Street and comes to kill her in her sleep. Her bed time story will paint a graphic picture of bloody images of Elmo terrorizing Sesame Street as he dismembers everyone from the Cookie Monster to Big Bird. When he is done he is coming for the little ones and she is going to be first on his hit list. I can’t wait till she falls asleep and begins to toss and turn from the nightmares as I do Elmo’s bidding and kill her in her sleep. How evil for me to twist such a sacred show designed to entertain and educate the brats for years on how to be kind and share and be fair…..This is just going to be more fun then I can imagine, and it was dropped right into my lap!torture phonesex angie