Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: My Favorite Movie

bloody phone sex torture gothIt is pretty clear that I am not your typical girl. No amount of money would make me go to a Nicholas Sparks movie. Vomit. Eli Roth flicks are more my speed, especially Hostel 2. I enjoy the torture porn flicks. Bloody films with extreme violence, torture and sexual depravity get my cunt wet. Like all of the Hostel films,  the rich and the depraved pay for the thrill of killing some innocent lamb in whatever sick, twisted, perverted manner they desire. I relate to the female lead in this film, Beth.  A rich girl on vacation with her BFFS, meets the wrong people and finds herself kidnapped and in a room about to be prey to some submissive nerd who she rebuffed sexually because well, she has standards. But Beth turns the tables on Stuart; refuses to be his victim. She not only tortures him, but cuts off his worthless pecker and feeds it to the dogs, before snuffing him out and buying her way out of the torture chamber. My kind of girl. My hero. Beth and I are a lot alike, I torture and snuff out worthless pigs who have wronged me in some way. My victims are not so innocent. They are stupid, pathetic, weak, self entitled pricks who need to be taught a lesson, sometimes a deadly lesson.

bloody phone sex knife playNo man gets the better of me. And any dude who tries, finds himself castrated, bloody and likely no longer breathing like Stuart. Like Beth, I take no shit from men and I refuse to be a victim. Now, every now and then, I spare the life of a worthless prick just so he can become my torture doll. You can turn a dominate man into a submissive one. I have one Stuart like guy who tried to sexually assault me at a party once when I was intoxicated. Not only did I take his balls, which are in a jar on my mantle piece, I took his dignity. I own him now. He PAYS me to torture him. A rich motherfucker that until he met me, thought all women were on earth to service him and that his money could buy anything, and  anyone.

bloody phone sex evil killHis money can buy anything; it can buy the privilege of my sick, twisted attention. He pays me to bleed. In a twist on Hostel, he pays me to torture him, and he even tortures himself because he knows how much I enjoy it.  His neutered ass, slices his flesh and bleeds for me. He cuts hunks of his flesh off and gives it to me as presents. He even brings me sweet young things to play with, play with in my sick twisted way. Beth inherited her money; I was not so lucky to come from a wealthy family. However, I am rather cunning and crafty, so I am quite comfortable financially because I know how to milk pathetic losers like you. My love for money, however, does not outweigh my need to stalk and mutilate poor excuses for human beings. So, I will hunt and snuff you out for free. I don’t need to pay some Elite Hunting group in Slovakia for the pleasure of kidnapping, torturing and snuffing out pathetic losers. If you are reading this, you are fascinated by me. You have dark desires to hurt yourself for my pleasure; to pay me to cut and slice or even castrate you. Pay me to gut you like a pig and bathe in your blood.

Just like the woman in the opening scene of my favorite movie, I will suspend you above me, slice your arteries, and get off as your warm blood cascades over my body. I love it when you bleed for me. A goddess can never have enough loyal subjects to bleed and mutilate. I cannot wait to pierce your sweet, but worthless, flesh. And, I cannot wait to rape your wallet while I do it.

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