Evil Phone Sex with Cassandra: House of Horrors

evil phone sex big tits subbyMaster is very fond of scaring me. He claims I constantly need broken in; calls me his stubborn Philly. Last week he had me kidnapped by a bunch of frat boys. He paid them some beer money and they snatched me right out of the mall and took me to this house of horrors. They left there and told me to find my own way home. There was no electricity, no heat, nothing. The house was so old too. Like I could fall though a floor at any moment. I was afraid I would hurt myself. That was not what I should have been afraid of however.

As I felt my way around every  corner, I encountered a horrific find that had my heart racing. My Master put me in a nightmare. He created a house of horrors just for me filled with everything that terrifies me the most. There was a room filled with slimy slithering  snakes. I had to crawl on the floor feeling them run  all over me. I peed my panties. Another room had spiders. Big hairy fucking spiders. I squished some with my fingers. So gross. I hate creepy crawly things. Master knows this. I was sure he was filming this and getting off somehow.

I had my cell phone with me, and although I could not get a signal to call for help, my flashlight app worked. I was trying to conserve the power, but I was getting more and more scared. The next room had something hanging from the ceiling, like punching bags that I had to navigate through. When I got something slimy on me I used the flashlight to see what exactly I was pushing my way through. Big mistake. It was like I was in a slaughter house. Dead pigs and cows everywhere. Gutted and bloody. The stench was nauseating. Master loves  playing survival games with me. Testing my will to live.

I have survived worse than a house of horror. I have been buried alive, submerged in water, forced to kill… I can get through a creepy house.  Suddenly, the floor fell out from underneath me. I was falling and landed in something wet and sticky. I fell hard too. I knew that smell, that taste. I was in blood. A vat of blood. No clue what kind of blood, didn’t want to know. I felt like Carrie at the prom. My long blonde hair was covered in blood. I fell in a tub. I crawled out and at least now I knew I was on the next level of the house. I crawled on the floor when pain hit. I was now crawling on broken glass. It hurt like hell. But I went as quick as I could. I was covered in blood, my own and someone or something else’s too.

I crawled right into a person, a live person. I thought it was my Master, but when I used the flashlight I saw it was something grotesque. A freak of some sort. It picked me up by the throat and throttled me. I was gasping for air, kicking frantically to free myself. Then the freak through me hard against a wall. I hit the wall, then fell through another floor. My Master and his friends were there waiting for me, laughing. I was  covered in blood, bleeding, banged up and they were laughing. My pain amused them. Does my pain amuse you?

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