Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Snuff Porn with Blair

snuff porn mommy murderDo you like snuff porn? One of my Master’s does. In fact, he forced me to help him kidnap a young college girl. I actually knew her, which made it worse. Of course she willingly got in the van with me. I had her believing I had a job opportunity for her starring in an independent film. Said I had a friend who needed a young girl to act like she was being stalked in the woods. It was going to be a thriller movie and she had to be convincing as a scared girl.  I took her to where she would meet her death. She was so innocent, so unsuspecting. Master put me in charge of holding the camera. He was going for the realism and hand held camera affect of the Blair Witch Project.

Once I introduced them, he let her run free in the woods. He acted like he was hunting her, but he was not acting. When he struck the first blow to her head, she screamed out my name. But I knew my place. I had to ignore her pleas for help, and let master torture her, force himself on her, and eventually kill her. She put up a fight. He beat her with a bat, strangled her with his hands, violated her holes with his cock and the bloody bat he bashed her head with. He eventually strung her up with a rope abd tied her to a tree branch until she died from strangulation. I filmed it all. The screams, the pleading, the gasping for air, the blood, the forced sex, the twitching in the air… every sick perverse moment I capture on film for Master to sell for profit. Snuff porn is a big money maker these days, and according to master the more real it looks the more money it brings. Nothing more real than dead.

Master saw my guilt as we buried her in a shallow grave. He was not happy that I showed remorse. This made him doubt my loyalty. He always tells me, no one ever misses a worthless cunt. Then he reminds me I am a worthless cunt. As we were walking back to the car, he whacked me hard over the head with the shovel we buried her with.  I felt blood trickle down my face before I passed out. I woke up tied up in the back of the van. I heard him say I was gonna star in his next snuff porn.

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The Bloodier the Better

bloody phone sex torture gothWhen I was younger, instead of watching cartoons and Disney movies, I watched torture porn horror films. I didn’t want to see romantic little tales of when girl met boy. I wanted  sexy stories about when girl dismembered boy, or when girl disemboweled girl. While other girls my age were experimenting with sex and drugs, I was experimenting with knives. I’d get so turned on by the Hostel and Saw movies that I would have to go hunting. Back then, I rarely killed, just maimed and disfigured. But stalking, hunting, hurting, are just like fucking, the more you do it, the more you love it and the further you go to get off.

We all have our ultimate sexual fantasy though. For some guys it to bang hot sisters or be the star in some Girls Gone Wild movie. For some women it is to get double penetrated by two big black cocks. For me, my ultimate sexual fantasy would be to kidnap some worthless piece of trash and string him or her up above me naked. Masturbate at their fear of not knowing what I am going to do to them next. And, as I am cumming,  I slice them open as their blood and organs cascade over my body bringing me to the pinnacle of my orgasm.

Bloody phone sex, bloody sex turns me on. From stabbing and cutting to castrating and chopping to eviscerating and gutting, the bloodier the better. If you are a worthless fuck pig, then I will kill and gut you like one. If you are like me, a sick, twisted mother fucker who gets off and pain and death, then  let’s go hunting together and see what kind of trouble we can make for others.

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Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra

rape phone sex fantasies big tits subbyI was in Mexico on vacation with a male friend. We were walking down the road, shopping at little street vendor carts, when a van suddenly stopped and 2 big men got out. They shoved me and Billy in the back and sped off. They pinned me down and started forcing their cocks in my cunt and ass while they made Billy watch. He looked helpless. I could tell he felt bad that he could not stop them from assaulting me. My assailants didn’t speak much English, but I could piece together what they were saying. I was going to be sold into white slavery. A blonde beauty like me could demand a lot of money on the street.  I was a worthless blonde American whore. No one would miss me.

They dumped us in some dingy bathroom in a bleak warehouse. We were in stalls; separated, but in the same room. I was on the cold floor, scared, waiting to be assaulted again or maybe even worse. I heard men come in and grab Billy. They were beating him senseless. I heard his screams, heard his bones breaking; it was horrible. Then I saw his body limp on the floor, through the stall door. His leg was mangled, bloody, broken. Broken bone  sticking out. I reached my hand under to feel him, see if he was alive and a baseball bat smashed my hand. Bill was expendable I guess, but me, a blonde buxom bitch was a rarity in Mexico. I was a commodity about to be bought and sold repeatedly.

The door swung open and my attackers were standing over me with baseball bats. The dragged me by the hair and tossed me on a dirty mattress. I saw a line of men  waiting with money in their hands and bulges in their pants. I knew what was next. Men paid my captors money to fuck me. Not just fuck me, but to violate my ass, piss and shit on me, beat me, strangle me, choke me, burn me, cut me. I wanted to be dead like Billy. When all the men that had paid to abuse me had left, I was thrown back in that dingy bathroom stall. My ass gaping open and bloody; bruises all over my body; and a face, if I could see, unrecognizable. They told me to get some rest because tomorrow the fun really started.

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Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: Wheel of Death

knife play phone sex evil dominatrixJohn and I were snuggled on the couch watching American Horror Story Freakshow. We had just finished off his stupid worthless cunt of an ex girlfriend. He helped me eliminate my old school nemesis, so I owed him a kill. We get so horny when torturing and snuffing out worthless fuck pigs. John knows my affinity for knives, and as we watched my favorite TV show, he suggested we execute our next victims on a Wheel of Death like they have in American Horror Story. My cunt got wet. He told me I could make death by impalement and art form. He gets me. The thought of strapping some stupid cunt or useless bastard to the Wheel of Death while John spun them around and I threw my knive, excited the both of us.

We went to the mall and snatched up the first vacuous Barbie doll we spotted. The little teen twat had a mouth on her too, but John smacked her hard enough to knock her out. She woke up naked, on the Wheel of Death babbling some shit about her daddy and when he finds out yada yada yada. John told her we didn’t want or need her money. She was my Christmas present. I love that man.  I sharpened my knives in front of her, while John burned  her with cigarettes for fun. Her screams made my pussy twitch with excitement.

knife play phone sex snuff killerJohn started turning the wheel like he was a sadistic Vanna White and I began hurling knives. I didn’t do bad, until John started feeding me shots of Tequila. Then my aim started sucking. I hit the bitch in the femoral artery. Blood started spurting out her thigh. She was going to bleed out. I could have thrown a knife to hit her jugular vein, ending her life instantly. That would have been the humane thing to do. But neither John or I are exactly humane. Instead, we let the bitch bleed out and fucked in the pool of her blood. You ever see Hostel 2? The opening scene is wicked hot. A young girl is gutted above a hot woman who gets off as her blood pours over her body. That scene is spank material for folks like John and I. I guess some folks would think we were the freaks, getting off on blood and death. I bet if you are reading this, you get the darker desires that lurk in the minds of some. Some people don’t deserve to live. They contribute nothing to the world. And that’s why girls like me exist. That is why accomplices like the love of my life, John, exist. We aren’t afraid to get dirty. We aren’t afraid of a little blood. Or a ton of blood.

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Accomplice Phone Sex with Blair: Let Me Do Your Dirty Work

accomplice phone sex kidnap snuff

My boss hacked my computer and discovered  incriminating photos of me and my son. The kinds of  photos that could get me arrested.  I thought he was going to blackmail me; force me to fuck him to keep my job and stay out of jail. I did have to fuck him. I had to let him fuck my ass so hard he bruised it, and left it prolapsed. But that was just the beginning of what he had in store for me. He informed me I was going to be his accomplice. If I could do all sorts of depraved things for my son for free, I could be his bitch to keep my job. Turns out my boss has a sick perverted side. He has a penchant for those sweet little lasses. He just needs the right accomplice to lure them into his sick perverted world.  

He had a sweet angel already selected for me to snatch and grab.  We did a few drive bys so I could see his selection and learn her daily route home. Cute, angelic blonde with a little teddy bear. Reeked of innocence, just what he wanted. I felt sick about what I was about to do, but I had no choice.  As a natural redhead, I look awful in orange; and, I am not about to be Big Bertha’s bitch. My ass would be sold for a Kit Kat in jail. Sorry sweet thing, but it’s me or you. I stalked her for days. When I was ready to kidnap the little slut,  I put on a  mom outfit, brought my dog and a Benadryl filled  juice box. No one ever suspects a mommy type is a sick twisted p.  She fell for my routine. After I offered her the juice box, the rest was easy. When she got sleepy, I snatched her up and shoved her in the boss’s van that was following us. Poor thing, her parents should have warned her about engaging with strangers.  

We took her to his place, where he had a special room all prepared for his little victim. His plan was to pimp out her tight virginal holes for money. Lots of men willing to pay top dollar to violate a little one. How much would you pay to fuck a young virgin? After he made a decent amount selling her flesh, his plan was to auction her off to the highest bidder for some snuff porn. Sort of like a rugrat Hostel film he said. He had a ton of expensive camera equipment plus an array of torture devices. Poor thing was not going to have an easy rest of her life. I brought this lamb to be slaughtered to save my own hide, yet I was not all that conflicted about it. I thought I would feel bad about kidnapping her, but I was aroused at how easy it was to snatch and grab her right off her block. My job now was to  make her pretty and presentable for all her new daddy dates.  And keeping her quiet. Turns out  I am a great accomplice for dark desires. I am a good sick

Can I be your dirty accomplice phone sex whore too? As a mommy, I can lure the sweet ones away so easily. And as a subby bitch, I do whatever I am told, so whatever perverse thing you need done, I will do.  Think of all the fun we can have  violating, even snuffing out, those sweet little lambs. I can do your dirty work, so you can enjoy that tight, sweet flesh.

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Snuff Sex Goes Splat

snuff sex karmaWhen you have a twisted and warped mind, the most innocent things give you the most wicked ideas. There is no fighting the urges within. When the thought enters your head, your nipples stand at attention and your cunt begins to produce juices that soak your little black panties, you know that you must live this out. Watching a show about science and seeing the experiment showing what falls faster, a bowling ball or a feather made me want to do my own gravity experiment. What falls faster a dead body that isn’t fighting or a live one that is kicking and screaming? So what do I need for my experiment? Two bodies of course, a building or a balcony to throw them off of and a stop watch to time it. All in the name of science….I got my two bodies and I took them to the abandoned warehouse that I often use along with a stop watch and a plan. My hypothesis is that the dead body will fall faster because it is dead weight.  Now to test this out and see. I know that both of my bodies weigh about the same, I don’t want to make the dead body weigh less, so suffocation or strangulation will have to be the method I use to snuff one of them. With them both tied up I play eeny meeny miny moe. Laying the looser on the cold hard concrete I cover her face with a clear plastic bag and hold it tight around her neck. While she kicks and flails under my naked cunt, the movement and excitement coupled with the sobbing coming from my other body, makes me cum hard. Now that she has stopped moving I lick my cum off her dead body before grabbing my stop watch and dragging her body to the edge of the balcony. Pushing her over and hitting the button I watch her fall and can’t help cumming again as her body hits and her skull pops open with a popping sound splattering brains on the floor below. Ahh this is so much fun. Now time for the second one. As I get closer to her she is shaking with fear and I just smile. I drag her up by her hair, stand her in front of me with a knife in one had and my stop watch in the other. I slice the restraints on her wrists, shove her and hit the button. Watching her fall kicking and screaming. Unfortunately she doesn’t hit the ground the same way and all though the way her body is twisted and mangled and the sound of her breaking bones makes me cum, her skull isn’t popped open. What a shame. And I am wrong, they fall at the same rate. I love fucking gravity!

Watch Me Hunt

snuff phone sex

Watch Me Hunt

When you come home from work you find me in the kitchen laying out my tools…my cell phone, three chloroform soaked rags in plastic baggies, a couple roofies, an opaque sack bag, duct tape.  “Hunting again?  So soon?  You just went last week.”  I nod and give you a kiss on the corner of your mouth.  “I know but this is the best time of year.  They are all out in masses and distracted.  I’ll take a break after Christmas. Can you clean out cage 6 for me while I’m gone?”

You don’t usually try to stop me or disapprove of what I bring home to us; Young, pretty girls at the peak of their beauty and health for us to play with and discover the limits of our humanity with (spoiler alert, we don’t seem to have many limits).  We have a few cages in the subbasement that you call “The Barn”, eight of them.  Right now only five of those cages are occupied and by the end of this weekend we will only have three left.  You don’t like it when we have too many girls, but I like having options.  Some nights I feel like Asian, school girl, waitress, drunk data entry temp that got separated from the bachelorette party she was enjoying, ect.   Before I leave I suggest you work on Girl 2, a cute whimpering nursing assistant that begs us to stop in the sweetest of voices, like a hurt little doll.  She’s still has too much spirit and needs it broken, her meat has to be tenderized.

While you watch me get dressed in my hunting clothes; nice but non descriptive little black dress, blonde wig, stylish boots that I’ve had customized with a steel toe, and my “poison” ring with the powdered roofies, you get a loving and appreciative look in your eyes.  “I would like to follow you one night.  Watch you hunt.  See how you do this.”  I giggle and jump into your arms “Really?  You want to watch me hunt?  Stalk the hunter if you will?”

You walk me to my van, with tinted windows and built in hidden floor compartment large enough to hold three human beings.  “So Girl 2, what should I do with her while you are gone?” you ask as I toss my duffle bag in the passenger seat.  “Well if you don’t want to work on her tonight then can you make a few more accounts for me on Tinder so I can start prospecting,” I get in the van and start it up.  “Actually I want you and I to both play with Girl 2 together when you get home and we prep the new girl you bring home.  But I’ll give her a quick cleaning and feeding, and then tie her to the guest bed.” You give me one more kiss good bye and I head out.  I’m so lucky to have a man like you support my hunting habits!


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Watching Ass Rape Porn with Reagan

Ass Rape Porn Reagan

He emailed me and said he had a special ass rape porn movie he wanted me to watch. This was his tribute for me. I love his gifts, he knows how badly I love to watch his movie collection. Only a few people in this evil world really knew how to make me cum like he does, and watching his snuff porn, really made me wet.

I clicked on his file and opened up the most delicious torture sex scene I had ever laid my eyes on. He had her bound and gagged on the floor of a basement. Three masked men hovered over her naked with hard and thick cocks. They were yelling and kicking at her helpless bruised body. They told her she was a slut and had to pay the price for having a wet cunt. I started to rub my wet snatch and fuck my hand as I saw all three men pick her up and use her like a fuck toy. She was crying and they just laughed at her, telling her it’s what she wanted, she needed to be violated and punished hard and punished raw. These men were so brutal and I found myself wishing I was there to help this cunt get used. I wanted nothing more than to take my special toys with me and play with this whore. I would love to pound her wet snatch till it bled, anduse my knife to slowly carve into her flesh as these men dumped loads of dirty semen up deep inside her.

After what seemed like hours of torture sex, a new set of men joined the room. But they had other things in mind other then just fucking our little cunt. They wanted to watch her suffer in a whole new violent way. I watched them tie a rope around her neck and hook the rope to a pulley. They slowly pulled her body up as they fucked her. Her body reacted with panic as they laughed. She was shaking and convulsing as the rope got tighter and tighter. She was such a good little fuck doll. And of course once she was no longer breathing, they got to enjoy a whole new delicacy of dead cunt to fuck!

Oh yes, a movie worth watching to satisfy your snuff sex desires!

Ass Rape Porn Reagan

4 Fucking A.M.

Babysitter phone sex with BlazeI cant believe the NERVE of some people. I mean this BITCH wants me to get to her house at 3 fucking am in the fucking morning…To babysit so this bitch can go shopping! I mean what the fuck was she expecting. If I have to put up with fucking little whores so early. I am gonna make those sluts … PAY. I couldn’t wait for their mother to LEAVE. Then I set up my camera in those sleeping sluts room. And I called over my friends! They woke those whores up by ripping their fucking clothes off! I loved the sound of them screaming begging for mommy to cum help them! Of course mommy had other priorities! I came in long enough to give the little sluts a shot in their toes. They wont know what the fuck happened to them! I loved the sounds of them getting fucked and used like the sluts they are! And this video is gonna make me a TON! It really serves their mother right! Fucking 4 am!

You made me an insatiable pain slut

bloody phone sex georgia 00You always like to remind me how helpless I am. Last night you even tied up my wrists and ankles with rope. I waited that way until morning, struggling to fall asleep because I knew a severe beating was coming. This time I want to feel the pain from every blow, I know I earned it. Didn’t you notice how I kept my eyes open until they swelled shut? I know how much you enjoy hurting me and I’m really scared now because I like it too. Every time you choke me I know it might be the last time, I could easily black out and never wake up. It gets me excited too, it’s actually the only thing that does now. Nothing will ever be the same.
Although you probably think I’m lying its the truth. While you were beating me this morning I felt ashamed of how wet it made me. My cum was gushing out and running down my thighs, you must have been too distracted by all the blood to notice. After you left me untied and alone in my room, I pressed hard into my swollen clit until I squiredt into a puddle of my own blood. I was so disgusted with myself I nearly puked. Maybe this was what you wanted all along or maybe you wanted me to always hate it. Obviously I’ll never ask, you rarely let me speak anyway. Most days I’m gagged when your pricks not stuffed deep inside my throat or I’m just locked away in my room. Sadly, all I did this week was rub my slippery pussy while I day dreamed about all the torture that awaits me. That’s how sick I am now, I can’t control it anymore

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