Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Cannibalism phone sex

I was just finishing up my grocery shopping the other day when I ran into some brats selling cookies. I had to have some. I asked a couple of them for help taking them all to my truck, where of course I knocked them both out and threw them in the back of my truck. I drove home, just wondering what to do with them. I finally decided as I pulled into the driveway, smiling to myself. So many ideas. I threw the little brats on the bed after putting my groceries and cookies away. They were both out cold, the little dears.

Kidnapping phone sex

I picked one up and brought her to the kitchen counter, where I slit her throat and killed her in one swift moment. No bubbles, no screams, no second thoughts. One moment she’s here, one moment she’s not, funny how life works out. Or doesn’t, in this case. Hehe. I took her lifeless little body and turned it over, fingering her still-warm, tiny little cunny . I grabbed a glass of ice cold milk and let her blood pool into it until it was the color of strawberry milk. I then threw her body in the backyard, right in front of the window, and woke her little friend. I sat her down at the kitchen table. “Hey sweetie” I said, right at her eye level “A man hurt you and I saved your life. We’ll go back to the store and see your mommy soon. Just relax and have cookies and milk. Do you like strawberry?

Evil phone sex

” She nodded her head and I brought her two cookies and the milk, swirling it so the blood mixed in with the milk. Perfect. I sat it In front of her and rubbed her little head, her soft mousy hair was pulled back into two braids. She nibbled at the cookies and her face dropped when she sipped at the milk. “I think your milk is sour” she told me. “I’m sorry sweets. Take one more sip…Ooooh, birds!” I pointed at the vultures pecking away at her dead friend and she screamed as I slit her throat from behind. Hmmm, now what to do with this one? Maybe a yummy roast..

Cannibalism phone sex

Frat to Kill Part IV

violent phone sex langleyI felt the blood from their cocks dripping onto my flesh like a bounding eruption of volcanoes. The stingy smell of my own shit as it oozed from my almost lifeless body fell into a pool at me feet. I wished for death but I knew they would not allow that to happen. The mount less heads of the girls that died this way before me was a common place for these assholes. I saw them when they were fucking that other girl and then her neck finally broke causing the snap to echo through the hall we were being held. She didn’t give them what they wanted. Raw meat was pushed towards her aching pussy and she wouldn’t let them put it there so she was punished. Much of the glass that was pinched into my flesh didn’t feel like razor blades anymore. The pulled my hair with much exhaustion and ripped most of it from my skull when I was thrown down in this dungeon.

My date was had long since died and I watched as the cannibals ate his naked flesh and watched as they fed the other girl that was there. I tried to hold my insides as the brain was served to me but I would vomit and that caused them to let me taste the blood as they kicked my faced and hands with a rotten bamboo stick and leather belt. I was ready to be sacrificed like so many other girls but , I was a favorite among the leader of this ring and what he liked to do would be just enough to keep me wishing for death. Pulling me over to him he would take the rusty blunt knife and poke his cock and let me taste the blood that ran from it. Biting me he stuff it in my mouth and cream would slide down my throat. He liked the way I giggled and I am sure this pleased him. The glass that faded was the least of worry as the the darkness filled my eyes…..

Girl Scout Cookies and torture sex, what could be better?

torture sexDid you know that today is Girl Scouts Day? Well, it is and just knowing that has put me in the mood for cookies and and torture sex and maybe a little mayhem too. All I need to do is wait for the perfect opportunity, I’ve already seen several of the little cunts out walking door to door, it won’t be hard to get one of them inside my house and once they are inside, they won’t ever be leaving. I know just the little brat I want too, she is small and delicate with long curly brown hair and I want this one because she is very independent and always walks around the neighborhood all by herself. Once she finally gets here it will be easy to get her inside, she’s been here before and trusts me. I will take all of her cookies and offer her a nice cold drink, walking door to door is thirsty work after all, so I am quite sure that she will drink every drop. It will be drugged of course and once she is sleeping I will be able to do anything I want to her, isn’t that fabulous?

Frat to Kill Part III

violent phone sex langleyI was aching from the glass in my back and my legs were tied so strongly together that I couldn’t bear any weight on my legs when I was dragged down a flight of stairs. Pushing me over into a corner, the hood came off my head and I saw my date struggling to stand. A rope was placed around our necks and we were forced to stand on wooden blocks on the arches of heels. The glass that was forced so heavily in my pussy was making me turn red and oozing down in steady streams. My heated fleshed was burning from my tits being cut by a knife. I sniffled thinking of the things that he had did in the car.

While the car was in motion he had poked a dagger into my tits and was poking holes in with the glass. My lips and mouth were duck taped but that didn’t stop him from using the glass to cut shears into my pussy and yank my hair out with the shiny blade. Smelling my hair and placing it in his pocket, he continued cutting my tits and causing the blood to run deep almost purplish on the blade.
I knew I was going to die but I just didn’t know when. As the rope was tightened I felt the twist of a knife hitting my inner rectum causing me to release shit all over. Picking it up my head was pulled back and my mouth opened to taste it. The smell hit my nostrils and caused me to gag and try to vomit but I was pushed back up and lay in waiting for the next thing to come….

Layla’s Death Wish

violent phone sex layla.jMy Pussy was so raw and the blood dripped down from the beating this bastard had just given me. I don’t know how long I had been chained down here. But the one thing I did know was that while the bruises on my flesh were real I didn’t know how long I was going to be able to survive here. The gaping scars from the rope that inflicted my skin tore into my flesh and the warm blood was gushing of my pussy from the assault I just had taken.
One asshole had thrown acid on my back and used a knife to deepen the cuts. I thought piss and shit were the least of the worries in this hell hole but they came back with sponges and salt to rip away at the skin that was already open. One’s favorite game of torture was to put barb wire on my pussy and insert it forcing it so far up my breathing hole I could hardly breathe.
One of the little ones they brought for me to fuck used razor blades at my ass cutting the hole so deep and wide I could no longer shit any more. I tasted the blood from my mouth and one would kiss and spit on me. Saying “You like that you filthy little nigger whore don’t you?” I would cry and the snot would just build up on my cheeks as I felt the length of their cocks in my pussy stretching it wide while the rope was tightened around my neck. Using a garden hose, they would beat my head and legs letting the blood run onto the dirt floor. The little one would stand in the door with his dick in his hand stroking it and run towards me forcing it down my throat while the others stood in the back ground getting ready to piss on my open wounds. This I thought had to be the fun part as the rope would go further up my neck and my eyes bulged out and yet I did not have the strength to pull at the rope that was taken me to darkness.

Babysitting fun!

Babysitter phone sex

I was babysitting some new meat this week end. They were so fucking cute. To little virgin sisters who needed to be broke in and filmed! I set the whole thing up. Gave them a little drink to make them all wobbly. And set up my video recorder. I invited Tom over to take care of the girls. I love how hard he is on them! Ripping their clothes off. And slapping the little sluts around! The harder he fuck those whore the wetter I got! I am going to make a forute off these whores. And when Tom flipped them over and rammed his cock in their ass, I just about came all over myself! And when he pulled his cock out and made those sluts suck his cock clean, that was it! I started cuming HARD! Tom finished it up by making the whores his cum dumpsters! I loved it! Cant wait to “take care” of them again!

Kidnapping Phone Sex: The Hunted

Kidnapping phone sex and the hunt of prey is a disturbing new game. These guys prey on women and girls in the most vulnerable states and I was not spared, completely. I was taking my sister to the club when she visited and we got seriously fucked up. Come to think of it we seemed to get fucked up quick and on very little. It would appear the hunk bartender that served and flirted with us set us up.

As we headed out towards our car we were knocked out from behind. The assailants grabbed and forced us into a van and it sped off. We start coming to and notice several other girls back there with us. All of us were dressed in club ware and wearing heels. The van stopped, and we were all still and silent, in shock I am sure. The doors swing open and there stood three huge men dressed in heavy leather butcher aprons with large knives in their hands. 

With a toothless grin the head guy starts laughing as they stood aside another of the men telling us to get out. We start shuffling out of the van it was dark and the floor was wet and sticky. I slid and fell on the floor to see the floor was covered in blood. Panicking I hurry out and pray this has to be some twisted joke.

Kidnapping Phone Sex

As we stood outside we see we are in a densely wooded area lit by the full moon. The guys smiled sheepishly as they told us only one will survive. That we would get a ten minute start before they come to hunt their prey. We were the prey. They continued on that they would torture, gut and kill those they catch. 

Finally we were told that the final girl standing would be forced to watch as they fucked and dismembered the fallen girls. That the winner would get the final reward of being fucked by all three of them and would be left in the woods beaten, nearly suffocated and strangled until she passed out. They would leave the winner alone and desecrated for any animal or man that happened by. With that final word we were released for the chase.

The shrieks and screams of girls taken down rung in my ears as I ran, stumbled and crawled through the downed trees and foliage. I removed my heels and continued to run, at a glance I notice infrared lights, fuck they have heat seeking technology so I can’t hide. Shit they got my sister…. Am I going to make it?



Kidnapping phone sex stories with Makayla

I would do anything for daddy.

His mood changes everyday.

If he ever found my notebook he would probably make me choke on it.

Bondage phone sex

This week has been different tho.

Something is going on.

He hasn’t be down here, he hasn’t checked our chains.

The only thing he does is leave food at the top of the stairs.

That is all we have heard from him.

I am the one on the long chain.

It is my job to get the water, and the food and bring it to the others.

It is just me and two others, so we have a lot more food than normal.

I pulled the girls together and told them we needed to clean out home.

I bet that is why daddy hasn’t been down here, it smells like piss, blood and shit.

We have a toilet but it is really dirty.

I looked around and found some bleach, not some but a lot of bleach.

We didn’t have anything to scrub with so we used our clothes.

Home invasion phone sex

The bleach burned our cuts, and skin.

We started cleaning one day after daddy left for work.

He didn’t get home until very late.

He came running down the stairs.

He was shocked to see the entire basement cleaned.

He grabbed us, and started kissing us.

He stopped and said “this looks amazing my brats but did you ask permission?”

Daddy tied each of us up and punished us for doing something without his permission..

Always ask daddy.

Blasphemy Phone Sex with Toni: Torturing the Sheep

Blasphemy phone sex

Nothing is more pathetic to me than people who go to church or believe in a god. I don’t care what god you worship, it’s pathetic! Christians and Catholics are the worse though. That’s not just my opinion that’s a fact. A lot of the people you see flocking to church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice a week, are just as morbid and twisted as me. In their minds, they’re saved so anything they do in this life is forgiven as long as they ask for redemption. At least that’s what they like to think.blasphemy phone sex
One of my favorite things to do is kidnap these stupid bitches and torture them until they loose every once of their faith. Just loosing faith in god isn’t enough for me, I want them loose faith in everything including their salvation and humanity. Their last seconds on earth will be so horrible that there won’t be any flash backs, there won’t be time to reflect on the past. All there will be is pain and anguish.
The Hell the created to scare people into following their beliefs will be their only reality and I always love every second of it. Watching them suffer and squirm, listening to them beg for their sad little lives–it’s what I live for!
One time I even forced a pastor of a small Baptist church to wear heels and shoved a crucifix up his ass. Fucking him with that crucifix hard and deep was one of my favorite memories of all time. Don’t think he didn’t deserve it! They all do! He’s rolling in money while all the members of his church struggle and they’re all blind to it too. Don’t worry, those sheep aren’t of the hook. They all got pictures in the mail, it was a warning that I’m coming for them too.

blasphemy phone sex

The Making of a Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn ReaganShe looked so sweet when I saw her cry. Very yummy indeed. Her chest heaving with each raspy breath. The ropes were nice and tight, I can say if I am good at anything it is tying knots. I brought in her young one and she almost came unglued. Angry muffled sounds behind that tape across her mouth. A swift blow of my baseball bat cured her anger. At least the little one was calm. But not for long. I laid her down in the middle of the room and chained her to the rings on the concrete floor. Drain under her mid section. Starting with her pretty little face I stated to carve and peel. The blood was amazing. The more she cried the more blood there was. Mommy almost passed out from the blow to her head and emotional ordeal. When my carving was done I turned to my sad little mommy and painted her in her daughters blood. What a wonderful way to spend your daughter’s birthday, helping her make a snuff teen rape porn. I turned and pulled out the hammer and nails.Teen Rape Porn Reagan