Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Snuff phone sex with Ivy

Snuff phone sex

Living in the city of sin I get to just sit and people watch. You can really find some good victims here. They are all way too drunk, and way too willing to party. I was at a casino just watching people and sipping on my long island ice tea. I get turned on watching these drunken sluts walking through. So many have beautiful bodies but not the ones I am looking for. Finally she found me. Crawling on the ground between the slots she grabbed my leg and thought I was her friend.  I helped her up off ground and played along with her. As soon as we got to my car she was black out drunk. So easy to get her all way to my house. We stumbled around but I finally got her into the shower.

Cannibalism phone sex

She tried to fight me off but I hit her in the face a few good times. She was thick in all the right places. She was going to cook well.. Just thinking about smelling her slowly cooking in my oven made my pussy so fucking wet. I sat on her face and started rubbing my cunt against her. Smothering her with my pussy until I squirted down her fucking face. She was still passed out cold until I started prepping her. I love spicy food, so when I poured half the bottle into her pussy and asshole she felt it. But that isn’t going to be anything compared to sitting in the big oven and slowly baking to death! 

Accomplice Phone Sex: Let Me Help You Kill Little Ones!

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex fantasies make me so wet.  I am usually the victim, but I have dark fantasies too.  I love the idea of killing and force fucking sweet young things. I love the thought of helping you molest, torture, even snuff little girls. My fantasies are varied, but I love the idea of getting revenge on the mean girls from school by hurting their precious baby girls in front of them. I’m quite certain that any spawn from a bitch, will also be a bitch. The world needs fewer bitches, don’t you agree? Bitches don’t suck cock or take it in the ass, at least not willingly. Together we can teach young and old bitches a lesson. I love especially being daddy’s accomplice. After I age out for daddy, I help him find fresh young meat with really tight holes. Tight holes we can completely destroy. If I am good for you daddy and bring you a really pretty one, maybe I can use a strap on  and fuck her too? The possibilities are endless when a submissive whore is your accomplice. I want your approval so bad, I will do anything you say, even snuff out the little bitch. Oh please oh please can we find some young thing to play with together? Maybe we can make her a snuff porn star?

Snuff Porn Auction: What Price Would Pay to Kill Me?

snuff pornEver hear of a snuff porn auction? It is where you are sold to the highest bidder for whatever sick depraved thing they want to do to you. I owed my dealer a lot of money. He was no longer content with exchanging blow for my well used cunt and ass. I promised him I had his money, but I didn’t. I was desperate for a fix so I lied. I was sure he would settle on fucking me in exchange because I let him do anything he wants like piss on me, smack me around, rough anal…. He can even share me with his friends. He smacked me hard, put a collar and chain on me, then dragged me into the back of his van. I thought he was going to take me for a gang bang, share me with his friends. Where we ended up was what I thought was a burnt out warehouse awaiting demolition. I needed a fix, so I went with him without a struggle.  He led me like a dog down a cement staircase. Honestly, I was a bit scared. I had really pissed him off. He is not the sort of man you want to piss off either. When we reached the basement, bright lights came on. Great, I was going to have to do some dirty ass rape porn to pay off my debt. That would have been ideal in comparison. I saw a row of strung out women on leashes facing a line of scary men. No one would answer my questions, but it became clear that we were being bid on. For what, I was not sure. That was the scary thought. Was this like those Hostel movies? Women are kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder to live out their dark fantasies? I swallowed my own puke at the possibility I was being sold to die. Everything happened so quickly, but I was bought by a foreign man for $5,000. Now I am his, awaiting my fate in a small cage. Will I be a fuck doll? Will I be a torture doll? Or maybe I will be a snuff doll? If you bought me and could do anything you wanted to me, what would it be?

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies: Where are My Hungry Cannibalism Phone Sex Men?

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are all I have. How about you? I don’t fantasize about the shit that makes a Nicholas Sparks novel or movie. I dream of the stuff that would make Eli Roth gag. I recently saw his latest movie, “Green Inferno.” It is based on a movie called “Cannibal Holocaust.” The premise is a plane filled with do gooder college boys and girls goes down in the rain forest somewhere. The naive group encounters some indigenous folks who want to have them for dinner. Literally have them for dinner. I got really excited at the cannibal scenes. The idea of eating human flesh turns me on. It is extremely taboo, but it is also very wicked. Who hasn’t thought about having some ex for dinner? No better way to dispose of a body than to consume it from head to toe. “Green Inferno” showed the fat guy getting eaten first. Of course they were feeding a village. The perfect dinner for me would be a tender young thing with some meat on her bones. Not too fat not too skinny. Just right. She would be natural. No bleached blondes with fake tits and tattoos and piercings. In this movie, dinner came to them. I like to hunt for the perfect meal. The best meals are planned. You want the perfect main course, so you take the time to find it. And, you take the time to prepare it to your liking also. In this movie, it was clear dinner was served to feed the masses and get rid of the enemy. I just have a special friend or two to serve. Colleges are back in session which means tons of new college freshman with their extra 10 pounds and inability to hold their alcohol. That is my kind of dinner. So who has dark fantasies, patience and a voracious appetite?

cannibalism phone sex

Maid To Order

taboo phone sex I knew as soon as I saw him that he would be my slave. I could tell by the way he carried himself that he had little to no self esteem. Kind of geeky looking he looked like he had never been laid.

Striking up a conversation was harder then I thought it would be. If you looked up the word “introvert” in the dictionary, his picture would be front and center. Pulling him out of his shell enough to get him to agree to come over for dinner was a huge challenge but with each small victory my cunt got wetter and wetter.

As soon as we walked in the door of my house the humiliation began. Ripping his clothes off leaving them in a shredded heap at his feet, his face was priceless. His attempt at modesty was feeble and unsuccessful. Laughing at his skinny body with no muscle or definition, I threw him a little white maid apron before grabbing my leather ridding crop and cracking his flat ass with it. A lone tear streaked down his face serving to increase my desire to mold him into the perfect, subservient, slave. He would soon learn that to displease me would be very painful indeed.

Hurt me, baby

bondage phone sex

Being awakened with smelling salts while every orifice is being fucked by someone is a shock to the system. I have never felt so afraid, and so ALIVE. My hair was being pulled, I was being spit on, punched and kicked, while also being fucked in the ass with a large object while a cock thrust in and out of my pussy with an aggression I haven’t felt before. Fingernails scratched me. I was slapped in the face and bitten. Just when I thought it was over, I felt an electric current ripping through my body, starting with each nipple. Then, it moved on to my pussy. It hurt, TOO MUCH. I begged them to stop, but I only heard laughter.

Next came out the knives. They were throwing them at me as I lay strapped to a board. I knew it would be over soon. As the blade tore into my flesh and I felt the warm blood start to trickle out, I heard more laughter and more knives.

Bondage phone sex

Bondage phone sex

Tied and bound, bleeding and breathless, I awoke to find myself stretched out and being choked with a huge cock being rammed down my throat. The pain was almost too much to bear. Feeling a fist shoved inside my pussy, I tried to scream out but couldn’t. I’d been drugged. I was being beaten with something that tore at my flesh and I couldn’t bear it anymore. My ass was being ripped open by something that was tearing apart my insides. There had to be three of them taking full advantage of me.

Would this be the end? I had started to wonder if this would be the way that I was going to die. Having every hole fucked and being beaten and choked until I took my last breath. I decided to fight it. I fought to regain consciousness. I tried to bear with the pain and focused on breathing. I figured if I let them fuck me and cover me in their cum like a good submissive, maybe they would let me go.

After hours of torture and regaining consciousness several times, I was released and left to die on the cold floor of a warehouse. Luckily, I was able to make my way to a hospital and recover.

Sadistic phone sex

Such a Gentleman


Roleplay Phone Sex

I managed to catch a ride, apparently I was close anyway, into Denver yesterday. The man who gave me a ride was such a sweetheart and gentleman. He took me to the mall to shop, since everyone knows that hitchhikers rarely stop for new clothes, budget being what it is. He let me pick the place, and I decided on Victoria’s Secret. He let me model three different intimates sets. A thong bra and panty set with a sheer overlay in pink, blue, and black lace. I showed him the pink, and he liked it, but I could tell he wanted to see the other 2. So, I went back and tried on the blue. I saw the glint in his eyes, but still, he was a cool character, never said a word that wasn’t polite and courteous. When I tried on the black one and showed it off, I could see the tent prominently stretching his jeans. I took him back to the dressing room with me, where I gave him a lap dance.  It turned him on so much that he reached out to me.  Of course, I couldn’t let him suffer any more, so I knelt down and sucked him off, right there in the dressing room.  He was so amazing, and I wouldn’t mind catching a ride with him again.Goth teen phone sex

Snuff Porn is Real

snuff porn Snuff porn is 99.9% fake. At least what is on the Internet is fake. But, every now and again one makes it on the Internet and people assume it is a really good fake snuff film, but it’s not. I saw one recently I knew was real. My companion for the night asked me how I knew it was not fake. I knew because I was there. About three years ago I woke up chained in a basement. I had clearly been force fucked for hrs, maybe even days. The last I had remembered, I was having drinks with a guy I met online. That man drugged me and sold me to a guy for $1,ooo. A mere grand was all my life was worth. I was not the only woman in that dungeon. This was clearly a Hostel type situation. Women were kidnapped, drugged and sold to the highest bidder to do whatever the fuck they wanted to them. I thought I had been sold simply for gangbang rape porn. That was just foreplay to them.

gangbang rape pornAs I was bound in shackles, I was forced to watch them mutilate a young girl. She didn’t look like a street girl, runaway or even a junkie. This was some family’s pride and joy. The more I focused on her face, the more I realized who she was through the bruises and swelling. She was a high profile missing girl from an affluent family. I knew they would never see their baby girl again. I watched as some masochistic asshole put her on an old time rack. I didn’t know they existed. Her tiny teen body was torn in half. I watched mortified, fearing that was my fate next. I wanted to vomit as I watched her body twitch. She did not die instantly. Her brain took awhile to catch up to her body. I watched as blood and sinew poured from her body. I counted in my brain how long it took her to die.  240 seconds. Approximately 4 agonizing minutes to die. As I watched the snuff film with my companion, I told him how many seconds it would take her to die.

How did I survive he asked? I was never meant to die. Only to bear witness to the fact that snuff movies are real.

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Home invasion phone sexIt’s dark, raining and there is a chill in the air. I feel as though there is someone watching me. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up. The power goes out and my heartbeat quickens. I hear a sound in the bedroom, frightened, I freeze. When I get the nerve to move forward down the hall, I am grabbed from behind and choked out.

When I came to, I awoke in my bedroom, tied to each bedpost and unable to move. There was a ball gag in my mouth. Three men were going through my things while one stood over me, naked and stroking his cock. He called to the others, “The whore is awake.” Before I knew, four masked men were sticking their cocks in every whole I had. I was being choked and every hole I had was being stretched to bleeding. I screamed, they laughed and one slapped my face with such force my eyes watered instantly. With each hole filled and immense pain throughout my body, I wanted to beg them to kill me. As though they could hear my thoughts, once I was covered in jizz, I saw a butcher knife and could hear the sound of my throat being cut just as I lost consciousness.

Violent phone sex