Category: Fantasy phone sex

My Turn

Killer phone sexI’m always the obedient accomplice, the observer, the whore…but tonight I want to feed my demons. They crave a taste of blood and I needed to find my first victim, you made it easy for me. Was it the fact that I was barely covered that made you feel I was safe to approach, because I looked easy? Finally looking for my own victim I realize now why my own masters keep me around to be used for bait. You and so many others see me as harmless. A thought that you will regret in just a bit, yes led me to your car. How convenient you parked in the back, I do that too. My hearts pounding as you pulled me into your lap, releasing your cock and rubbing it between my thighs. You comment on how wet I am when you stick your fingers inside me. Mmmm I am wet, as a feel the demon take control. Sliding down on your cock, and being the whore you wanted me to be. Watching as you moan underneath me. Feeling you climax as I reach in my boot as your head goes back as you release your load inside me. Pulling out a small blade I swiftly slashing it across your throat for my climatic moment. The warm blood covering me as I cum listening to your choke on the blood filling your throat and lungs. When finished I step out of the car. Careful not to touch much. I’m not so good at disposal yet so I just grab the gasoline can I stashed nearby and let flames take care of the rest. And carefully slip into the night feeling refreshed and alive.

Willing Prey

He said he was coming for me…he said he had been stalking me for a while and that he new everything about me!

The call started out normal enough…I took his info and rang up the card…but when I came back,

he was different.Taboo Phone Sex

He told me that he loves to destroy filthy little whores like me.

There was anger in his voice when he was describing how he would tie my wrists tight enough to snap them…

how he would split my soft tender skin with the snap of his belt…

the way he planned on removing my skin with his glowing hot knife!

He wanted to hear my scream and beg for my life.

But it wouldn’t matter…he was going to gut me anyway!

And while I lay there.

my eyes wide open, frozen in death while I bleed out…

He was going to fuck my tight cunt until it grew cold and tight

So of course I did what any pain loving whore would do!

I left the door open and a plate of cookies on the end table!

Snuff Phone Sex Fantasy

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex gets me horny. I love watching bitches and bimbos like me getting snuffed out. I am on both sides of the snuff film industry. I have been the snuff star and I have helped acquire the talent. I am in my 30s now, so I am no longer a starlet. I have a deal with my master that once I bring him 100 young girls to snuff out on film, I can have my freedom back. I am almost halfway there. I am motivated to be a free whore. I am no longer riddled with guilt over luring young sluts to their death. It is survival of the fittest in the snuff porn world. I found two young Latina whores for him this week. Twin sisters. They were with a coyote who I was able to distract with my whore body. I drugged him and he passed out while fucking me. I then took his two little kidnapped bitches and brought them to my master. He loves race play. I have brought him little whores of all colors. He enjoys those puntas. They had been sold by their parents anyway, I likely just brought them to a sooner less torturous death. Master had a party, and they were the guest stars. A bunch of old white men violated their tiny holes. I am not a complete monster. I gave the gangbang twins some heroin to dull the pain. I filmed the show. They were passed around like candy, used in all their holes, choked, and slapped around. It was like a horror movie. Their little holes were obliterated to the point of gushing blood. If they had not been so fucking high compliments of my needle skills, they would have begged to be killed. Master and his pals came close to exterminating the brats, but I had to do the honors. He said if I want to make it out of the snuff movies, I cannot be afraid to get rid of the talent.

Snuff Sex Rape Fantasy of Sister

His darkest fantasy rape for snuff sex plagued his mind. He wanted to ruin his bitch slut sister and I was the perfect victim. Fake, hot and a blonde too good for him bimbo. In his eyes all blondes are bimbos. My fake tits made me even more of a bimbo. He despised me and wanted me at the same time. He hooked up with me on a sugar daddy site. He wooed me because he needed to have me.

As a material girl I was way out of his league too. He took out a second mortgage on his condo just to pay the rate for me. Things he did just to get me to fulfill his need. He took out loan to lease a sports car and managed to afford a high end dinner of private catering on the roof of his condo. It was elegant and due to covid it was our own secluded little meal. I never expected that we would be so alone and so high above the city. His condo was a showplace and he had a temporary period of being the only one in the newly renovated warehouse building. We were completely alone.

He gave me a dress to put on and some heels and lingerie. It wasn’t new, and it had another woman’s perfume on it. Once I came out in it he called me by another woman’s name. I was Ursula. I played along. He said we would do something different. Something was in the champagne that made me feel funny. Last I recall he helped me to the bedroom. I was conscious but paralyzed. He shoved me down on the bed and violently violated me. His hands were big on my neck and I lost all consciousness. I was certainly due my destruction and I hope it was worth it for him.

Snuff sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is so delicious. This is the perfect time to hunt for your next meal too. Folks still have their winter weight on them. Personally, I love it when a meal is pleasantly plump. Not too fat, not too skinny. I am a skilled hunter. I can look at my potential dinner and know how he or she will taste. Personally, I like my meat natural. No tattoos. No hair dies. No fake tits. A meal tastes better free of dies and preservatives. Once I eye my meal, I like a hunt. Makes the kill more satisfying. I have a meal waiting for me as I type. Female, young flesh. Tender like veal. She is in a cage in my basement drying out. She is not old enough to drink, but she stumbled out of some party too drunk to drive, so I pretended to be her Uber driver. There was not much hunt with this one. It was more luck. I was in the right place at the right time. And I was hungry. I was high and driving around not knowing what I wanted to eat, and she made my tummy rumble. I do not like fermented meat, so she is drying out. I have prepared a bourbon glaze with honey and butter that will mask any residual vodka taste. I have a big pan with chopped veggies and water to prepare her in too. She will take a good day to cook. She is a 140lb bird. She is going to be tasty, however. Very juicy and succulent.  It will be hard not to snack before she is done cooking, but I do not want to ruin my appetite. I will feast for a year on just one little bird. That is unless you want to join me in a meal.

Cut My Air Off

Strangulation phone sexThe intense joy of strangulation phone sex is often misunderstood. It’s not necessarily that I want to die. It’s the amazing high you start to feel when there is no air coming into your lungs. Combined with an intense arousal. The brain is such a funny thing sometimes instead of feeling pain it tries to hide it from you. I imagine my lungs suffer when I cut off the air supplies but I love the floaty feeling when they don’t get their oxygen fix. It’s worth all the discomfort when that high over takes my system. Wrapped that hand firmly around my neck, or slid a noose around my delicate neck and pull it tight.  Sever my air supply and be the deciding factor on when and if I get it back.

Snuff Sex with a Pain Slut

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best sex with a dirty whore like me. I cannot explain the dark fantasies I have in my head or explain where they come from. Actually, I do know where they come from. They come from cocaine. I like to get high and let men like you fuck me up. It is not that I do not feel the pain when high. It is that I love the pain when high. I will let men do whatever the fuck they want to me when high. I often regret it the next day, but I never regret it in the moment. Last night, I was doing lines of coke with a couple guys I met online. Younger than me, but legal age. They just wanted to party with a pain slut and work on their bondage techniques. I was down for that. I love to be tied up. The more coke I snorted though, the higher I got and the more pain I wanted to feel. I made those boys cross their comfort level. They had no idea what a nasty freak I can be when high. Sure, they had no problem tying me up. They enjoyed that. But I made them fist my ass and burn me with their cigarettes. I even had them piss on my  freshly burnt flesh. I think I gave them a taste for what it is like to fuck a taboo phone sex whore.

A Twisted Power Play

Bloody Phone Sex


I’ve had it the fuck up to here with these bratty bimbo bitches thinking they’re better than me. Any whore can see I’m the superior being. I’m strong, powerful, and twisted in the mind. I love the power of the hunt, it makes my pussy wetter than a fresh river of blood streaming from the jugular. I’m strong enough to overtake my victims, and to make sure they stay down when I put them down.

I’m twisted enough to dream up new and improved ways to torture, mutilate, and murder these pathetic meat bags during snuff phone sex. I love vile fantasies. I love making every single one of my nasty dreams come to life, and I’ll even cum if they’re horrific enough. Don’t show up at my door without a plan, honey. We’re going to fuck up some stupid bitch tonight. Impress me, and you can fuck this evil pussy, too.

I don’t get fucked nearly enough, but I really need some filthy bloody phone sex to even get close to cumming on the cock of a man. I used to have a sexy lumberjack boyfriend who’d help me butcher bodies until the cows came home. He and I, we spent so many nights playing in the hot, red wetness spilling forth from lifeless corpses. Blood gets me wet. Bring me something fresh.

Evil Phone Sex

Ass Rape Porn Star for My Boyfriend’s Friends

ass rape pornI am an ass rape porn star even when I do not want to be one. Most days, I do not mind giving up my ass. I love anal sex. But last night it was me and 10 men. I was trying to act like I was not in the mood for sex. I always am in the mood to fuck. I am just not always in the mood to be anally destroyed. They were friends of my boyfriend. They were over watching college basketball. I was hostess with the mostess. One of the guys spanked me across the ass and that is when it began. My boyfriend started bragging about my ass. He told his buddies that I have a big ass and it is still tight even though I am an anal whore. That conversation turned into a challenge to prove it and my boyfriend never backs down when challenged. The next thing I knew, I was bent over the couch and his friends made a gangbang rape porn movie with my asshole. Each guy took a turn pounding my ass and pumping it full of cum. They were drunk and high, so a few of them tried shoving two cocks in my ass at once. That fucking got my attention. I was crying, but the guys were enjoying sodomizing me. I was fuck meat. Just mindless entertainment and a place for the men to dump their seed. It felt amazing to be making my boyfriend’s friends feel good, but I will not lie. It hurt so much. My ass was prolapsing and gaping open. I knew I would not shit right again. I was not sure I would ever be tight again. When they could not cum anymore, they used their beer bottles instead. My ass was ruined over a challenge.

Knife Play Phone Sex is My Thing

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my thing. I like to slice and dice. I am called the wicked butcher online and on the dark net. Venus is not my real name, but your probably guessed that. Girls must have some secrets, right? Only my family knows my real name. It is one of the ways I go undetected. I am a ghost. Back to my knives. I castrate. I stab. I cut. I slice. I dice. Sometimes I torture a victim, other times I kill them. My knives are my best friends and the only friends I ever need. I was on a killing spree last night. I was just in a mood. Let me tell you the snowstorm was my accomplice because it made people stuck and prevented them from escaping. It was like 0 degrees last night but there were folks out. I had my dad’s old tow truck as my cover, and I picked up a few different victims. My favorite though was a mom and her cute little girl. What kind of mother drags her angel out in a snowstorm to get booze and cigarettes? Not a mom who deserved to live. They got stuck in the snow, so I offered a lift home with the car in tow. I have many skills and loading a car on a tow is one of them. It was so dark, and the mom was already drunk as a skunk, so no one realized I was taking them to my kill shack. Mom was guzzling her straight vodka in the back. I carried her in the house and punched her, knocking her out. I put her brat in a dog cage. Made her watch while I put her pathetic mother out of her misery. I just stabbed her in the stomach and ripped her open. Gutted her like a pig and watched her bleed out. I swear her organs smelled of liquor. They were fermenting. The daughter was in the cage crying and screaming. I fed mom to the coyotes, then mopped up the floor. The little girl, I am saving for you. You can be my accomplice phone sex partner because I know you have a thought or two about what we can do to her.