Category: Fantasy phone sex

Satanic Goth Phone Sex

Bloody phone sex

I chopped their cocks off one by one. My revenge was a sacrifice ritual I made for my saints. Remember the humiliated torture a biker gang put me through as they gangbanged my holes with no remorse? Well I’m back ten times fold and I’m giving them what they deserve. As I made my entrance into their clubhouse. I walked in disguised as a biker whore. Off the rip the head boss wanted a piece so I led him in. Hahah I really left him on the floor passed out with pliers squeezed to his nuts. Ouch! Then I waited behind a door knowing that his little pig pawns were going to walk in to check on him. Not too long after I led them all in and threw a smoke grenade which made them all pass out. All of them got their balls busted or dicks cut off using tools, electricity and my knives. There was one specific biker I was targeting. With him I legit tied a rope to his big black cock and I cuffed him to the wall. Want to know what I did with him? I tied the other rope to his Harley and burnt out rubber all over the pavement causing hot tire chunks to land on the whole gang. That gave those suckers a third degree burn!!! When I sped off his dick flew off his pelvis behind me… I was speeding down the road with a limp black dick dangling tied to a rope. Fuck these bitch ass biker lame cock dirty bastards. I seduced them into their own disability. My perfect revenge sounds like a movie scene but it’s not. I’m for real. I will pickle that beat up bloody cock using all the blood and busted balls as a gift for my saints. That will protect me from getting gangbanged ever again. I am invincible bitches.

Filthy Fuck Hole Snuffed

Your filthiest sadistic fantasy can be carried out using a filthy fuck hole like me for snuff phone sex. In fact I beg that you use me. Take those aggressions out and if your a cheating bastard of a male then I am the perfect one to destroy when that bitch cunt woman of yours finds out and kicks you to the curb.

Yeah you just need a fuckslut to destroy now don’t you. Get in your crack smoking stupor and grab me up at the club when I am leaving. You follow me because I was a total cunt to you. Yeah it was me that tossed my drink in your face when you drugged stupid brain told you it was a good idea to grab my tits.

Well that pissed you off more didn’t it? You smoked some more rock and saw me walking past the alley as you were getting that high on. You were in that daze now weren’t you. And pissed at all women because you fucked a dumb babysitter and your wife found out. That dumb whore bragged to her about it, and claimed Rape phone sex fantasies as the reasoning.

That left you out. You are staying in a roach trap of a rental room and destitute. What woman in her right mind would fuck you? None. So here I am walking by. The one that humiliated you, a dumb cunt stranger. You have your chance…

Snuff Phone Sex

I Put His Daughter in Snuff Movies

snuff moviesHe wanted his daughter in movies. Just he wanted her in snuff movies. He came to the right woman. His daughter is a hot teen slut. Only this little slut is a prick tease. She cock teases her daddy, then when he gets an erection, she demands money or presents to not tell mommy. She is draining his bank account blackmailing him. Plus, he knows if he forces himself on her like he wants, he will have to kill her because she would tell his wife. He had a predicament, but I was the right woman to help him. I talked to him and decided the best thing would be to set her up. Make it look like I wanted her to be my next scream queen. I tell unsuspecting girls and women all the time that I am a scout for a horror movie production team, and they always believe me. I even have cards and a fake web site set up in case someone Googles me first. I told him he could explore his rape phone sex fantasies for his daughter without her knowing. He was all on board. I accidentally on purpose bumped into her at the mall. Such a self-absorbed teen twat. Vacuous too. She deserved to die. She will grow up blackmailing and cock teasing men for life if someone does not stop the little cunt. I was the perfect person to stop the little whore. She came with me to my kill shack willingly. She thought I was going to audition her. Daddy was waiting for her in a black executioner’s mask and outfit. Dumb cunt thought he was who she was screen testing with. She did scream well when her own farther started fucking her. I made a snuff flick, but it was a teen rape porn first. Daddy finally got his revenge. I told him he could leave his DNA all over her because with me as his partner, I would make sure her body was never found. She is coyote shit now. Who can I help you murder and fuck? I hope she is young. They are the most fun to kill.

Torture phone sex slut Stephanie

torture phone sex

There are not many things that get my evil cunt as wet as my torture phone sex calls do. I keep rubbing my pussy and dreaming about these twisted fantasies long after our call is over. I’m in the mood for something extra dark and vile tonight. I would love to be caught off guard and force fucked at knife point. You could sneak up on me while I’m in the shower. You know that I’ll do anything you tell me to once I feel the blade of your knife pressing into my throat. Make me bend over and beg you to use my worthless fuck holes. I may scream and cry but that won’t stop you from ripping and slicing me open. Force me to suck your cock like my life depends on it, only to ram that sharp knife blade straight through my eye as you blow a load down my throat. I’ve had enough accomplice play for the night, I’m ready to be your victim!


God Likes It, How About You?

Blasphemy phone sex


I hope you know that blasphemy phone sex is much more than just taking the lord’s name in vain or slapping around a nasty tempered nun.  At least, it is with me.  When you have a dark beast inside you driving your every desire, sacreligious sex becomes something evil and twisted.  Even the most fucked up and foul bible bashing pussy pounders tend to tap out of our cum drenched Christ crushing conversations earlier than they had expected.

Maybe the thought of me sitting on a group of debilitated nun faces and grinding my brown-pink asshole into their mouths while I mutilate their titties with a sharpened rosary gets guys off early, but the fear in their voice tells me that they’re too scared to finish.  Of me, of God or whatever.  Something about jamming a holy chalice rim first into a tight assed Reverend Mother’s hairy yet unsullied shit hole until she cums so hard that she gushes pussy juice and blood filled ass slime makes some wannabe butt abusing blasphemers hang up before I’m even close to being done with my sordid story.  Look, they paid the toll and knew what they were getting into.  It’s not my fault they’re a bunch of Nancies.

Some guys think that they can handle the thought of me ordering a dirty P loving priest to defile and abuse his innocent little altar attendants in every way imaginable while I please my pussy with an extra large crucifix until it’s a mangled bloody pulp, but when I get to bellowing out my favorite movie quote of all time, all I hear is a click and silence on the other end.  “Let Jesus fuck you!  Let Jesus fuck you!” is a phrase that’s turned me on since I was a little girl.  I guess they don’t like “The Exorcist” as much as I do.  Fucking faggots.

I hope you know what you’re asking for when you tell me you want to have some blasphemy phone sex.  Judging from my prior unholy fuck call experience, you’ll probably bail out before your time is up.  I don’t care if you cum or not, you already gave me your money.  If you don’t like it, toughen up and call me back.  Know what you’re asking for before you open your fat mouth.  And just remember, God is always watching and I guarantee you he likes to jerk his life giving cock to all of the pain and suffering he’s created.  I’m here to help him get off.  How about you?


Cannot Escape Snuff Sex

snuff sexHe told me I was made for snuff sex. I thought my victim days were behind me. I was getting accustomed to being an accomplice and not the victim anymore, but he said I owed him. I thought he was letting me share his coke because he liked fucking me when he was high. We have not been together long, but I really like him. He pimped me out. Now, I feel so used and violated. I guess I could have said no, but I did not want to stop partying. I did not want to stop fucking him either. He has a massive cock. I told myself I have done worse for men I did not even like. That was true too. I have made snuff porn with complete strangers. Why not just do this one thing. I figured I have done worse, and I falsely believed that this man would be gentle. My boyfriend sold me. He sold my fuck holes for $500. I thought that was a steal, but it really was not for what he did too me. He was brutal. I know my boyfriend needed money, but I could make $500 in two hours at the strip club and not be touched. He did not want to hear reason. He wanted me to shut up and fuck this guy like a good slave. So, I did. He beat me. He sodomized me with foreign objects. He fisted my cunt. He punched my face a few times too. Punched me enough to knock me out and make my nose bleed. I woke up to this hairy fat fuck pumping his pathetic dick inside me. When I started complaining about his tiny dick, he super glued my lips together. I could not speak. I struggled to breathe too. Once he was done, I was a battered and bloody mess. My ass was prolapsed again. My pussy looked like raw hamburger meat. My eyes were swollen shut and I lost a layer of skin on my lips trying to get the glue off. I do not want to be the victim anymore, but I guess that shit is hard to shake for a taboo phone sex whore.

She’s a Fighter

accomplice phone sexYou told me to go find another one. You needed one that was going to last longer than the others. You needed a fighter because you love to watch them struggle. I picked a girl tonight who is perfect for you. I slipped the drug into her drink and waited with you in the parking lot for her. We watched her stumble out all alone like a dumb fucking bitch and then we grabbed her. We waited for her to wake up and when she did she was so scared. We laughed at her while we cut off all of her clothes and looked at her fucking whore body while we got out brands out. We loved her fucking screams while the scorching hot metal touched her skin. Then we were ready. I spread her legs and spit on her pussy for you. I held her legs up for you so I can see you pound your cock right into her tight fucking hole. I know you enjoyed watching me make little cuts on her carving out your name. I beg you to cum in her tight fucking cunt to make her our breeding whore.

Snuff porn

Bloody phone sexEvery slut has a day where she will get cuffed. Every sick person has a healer, and every humiliation torcher professional has a day where it all ends. Just like that all the torturing I have done to men is being done to me. I will say this once and will never repeat it ever again. I got gangbanged by a black biker gang. They are literally ramming the fuck out of my pussy. I’m not crying because there are two big black dicks in my pussy, one in my ass and two more in my mouth. No, I am crying because I submitted to dick. I broke my oath. UGhh I hate this, I just want to be alone. It’s okay, I will come back 10 fold. I will chop all their black dicks one by one…once I recover from this wheelchair. They fucked the good and the bad thoughts out of me. Wow!

Cougar Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornI was out with a girlfriend last night. I was not looking to star in a gangbang rape porn. Neither was she. In fact, she is the opposite of me. She is not a dirty mom. She is not a party girl either. She is a real soccer mom. So am I, but I harbor dark secrets. Melissa does not know my dark secrets. She is a nice woman, but the things I do would make her pray for my soul. She is a church going woman. Sometimes, I am envious of her life then I come to my senses because I have more fun. I definitely have more fun. I wanted to feel normal, so I went to a wine bar with my friend. Nothing bad ever happens to soccer moms in wine bars. So, I must be a jinx. Bad shit follows me. We were not drinking much. There was no way that we got drunk that quickly on Chardonnay. This taboo phone sex whore is a seasoned drunk. We were roofied. I knew it. I could feel it. I was telling my friend we needed to Uber home and get out of there quickly. While we were waiting for the Uber outside, some younger guys grabbed us and shoved us in a van saying they were our Uber. We were too out of it to fight much, especially her. I try to have a normal soccer mom experience and I end up in the back of predator van getting sodomized. My friend was screaming. She has clearly never been fucked in the ass or force fucked. It is a weekly thing for me. My problem was trying to act like I did not secretly enjoy being violated. I have been an ass rape porn star for ions now, but not my friend. I felt badly for her. Trouble follows me. I just give off the violate me vibe. They anally tortured us for awhile before they dumped us naked in the park. Was a much hotter night than I expected, but I am sick bitch. Pretty sure the night ruined my goody two shoes friend.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies for My High School Bully

killer phone sexWomen have killer phone sex fantasies too. I have long had murderous desires. When I was younger, I was my father’s slave. He pimped me out to his friends. He used me like a dirty street walking whore. I was not his daughter. I was his piece of ass. His cash cow and his get out of jail free card. I tried to go to school for as long as I could to keep up appearances, but I rarely got sleep and sometimes, I was covered in bruises. Some schoolgirls bullied me. I was a pretty girl. This one girl was meaner than Regina George. She made life harder than it already was for me. So, I had murder phone sex fantasies for her. I was really angry at my father, but I could not kill my daddy even though he was never a father to me. I directed all my anger to this mean girl I went to school with. Over the years, I have not thought about her much. I do not live in the same state I grew up in. I dropped out of high school, so I never graduated which means no reunions to attend. Not that I ever would have anyway. I was shocked to see her in the strip club I work at. She had no clue who I was. I am blonde and buxom now. I even have a new name. She was in the club causing a scene because apparently a charge from the club was on her husband’s credit card. I was flooded with hatred again. I called a friend of mine who likes to force fuck married women from the right side of the tracks. I set her up. Followed her as she left, ran her off the road and had my friend meet me where I wrecked her car. Even as I pulled her from her car, she was a cunt and she thought I was just some random good Samaritan. I refreshed her memory as I punched her fake fun bags. I told her I fucked her husband in the VIP room last night. It was not a lie. I just had no clue his bitch wife was my high school enemy. I watched my friend explore his rape phone sex fantasies with the stuck-up cunt. I killed her. I smashed her head with a brick to make it look like she fell out of her car as it went over the side of the road and crushed her skull. Not the first bitch I have killed. But the first one I killed just for me.