Category: Fantasy phone sex

Fuck Em and Burn Em!

sex with dead bodies

I picked up a job at this crematorium and my boss is literally the sickest fuck I know. Almost all of the posthumous hotties that come in run the risk of being assaulted by his deviant dick. If I’m a good bitch, hell even toss me a few human bones to fuck my sadistic cunt with! I love a good hardcore fucking from a blood-filled flesh pipe so there’s something about watching my superior stick his warm meat in a cold piece of still flesh that makes my twat eager. He says he loves the chill that beams off of his victims skin as he caresses their lifeless body. His favorite is when someone “passes in shock” which is another way to say their eyes are still open. He force fucks their pale bodies until he fills them with his seed. Once he fucks em: we burn em. The best part is tossing them in the furnace and listening to their sling crackle like pork rinds as the perv in charge cleans the death off his meat. 

 She better not die on me now!

Of course, I like to put on a show and have a live audience to my depravity, so it should be no surprise that my slaves watch as I destroy this little slut. She is a dumb bitch who isn’t even good at being tortured, let alone fucked and stuffed, so she is no good to me! I guess the only thing that she is good for now is to entertain me this one last time! I could use a good squirt; it’s been a few days since I last hunted. I have to send a message, so tonight is going to be fun! The metallic smell of her blood fills the room, and my pussy is dripping wet! Knife play phone sexI don’t know the last time I got so excited about a kill, but boy am I is my cunt throbbing. I grab my hunting knife, and slice her left tit clean off with one quick motion. The sound of the knife slicing through her flesh is almost enough to take me over the edge, but the scream she let out did the trick! I love to hear them scream and beg for mercy, as if that will stop the reign of torture that I am going to deliver to her on a sliver plater! oh wait no that her mutilated and decapitated body parts! I take the bloody knife and lick her blood off the taste of her life force and the rush of it was too much and I collapse in a puddle of my own squirt! God damn this is so good! No one can tell me that snuff is not the only form of sexual pleasure needed. I think as I hear her blood dipping to the cement below.  She better not die on me now! I’m just getting started!

Watch Out For Willow… She’s In The Water!

Murder phone sex Fantasies


Something about the summer solstice makes me crank my murder phone sex fantasies up to an extremely elevated level.  Maybe it’s the sweltering heat smothering the shit out of me, could be all the sweat covered flesh flashed everywhere I look, it’s probably a mix of both with a little seasonal depression thrown in to top it all off.  I hate the fucking sun and all of the “fun times” that supposedly come with it.  I’m hot, I’m cranky and all of the bikini wearing bitches and brewski pounding bros around are going to have to pay for it.  They deserve it.

Ever hear how loud a bunch of coeds get when they’re partying at a lake house?  It’s always the same.  Stupid shouts and gleeful screams as someone crashes through a beer pong table that is somehow louder than the blaring electronic music that sounds like a robot getting raped.  The hoots and hollers of the drunken and drugged mass of party time fuck pigs as some random sorority slut clones strip out of their bathing suits and grind their whore holes all over the party.  They’re all like this, maybe with slight variations.  Makes for easy pickings, I have all the sound cover I need.

As much as the sun sucks, skinny dipping on a warm moonlit night has to be one of earth’s greatest pleasures.  There’s a lake not far from my House of Horrors that has lots of little alcoves and offshoots that are perfect for it.  Unfortunately, the summer lake crowd ruins it every year with their trash and noise pollution.  Selfish pricks.  The one thing I like about the season ruined on an almost nightly basis by a bunch of out of towner teens.  A couple of “accidental” drownings usually takes care of it, though.  And there’s always a few fucked up fuck pigs who want to skinny dip in the moonlight, too.

They never know I’m there.  Sometimes they just splash around, maybe the girls will play with each other’s glistening titties or slap their friends asses as they flip around in the lake, other times I’ll get a couple or two who are getting in the water to fuck.  Either way, I sit patiently and wait for my moment to strike.  Like a crocodile stalking its unsuspecting prey in the shallows, I slowly swim my way over to the good time group and position myself to strike as they unwittingly splash about. 

I wait for a straggler, one of the sluts who wander a little too far out into the dark water away from the group.  Sometimes I get a “gimme” and find a super fucked up slut passed out on the bank.  However I come across them, I just drag them under the water and drown their dumb asses.  If they’re conscious, they fight a bit.  No problem though, they’re already too deep to really do anything.  I can hold my breath for longer than any unsuspecting party slut, I just hold them down and wait it out.  By the time their friends find their bodies, I’m long gone with zero evidence of me even being there.  Just another drunk whore getting too fucked up and drowning at the lake.

It really is the best way to break up a party.  Murder, that is.  Do you think anyone can have a good time after they find their lifeless friend floating in the water or laying lifeless on the bank?  I mean, other than me, of course.


Snuff Sex Whore Doll

This afternoon was really an interesting one when Michael and I crossed paths. He found me to be the stunning little cunt that he needed to fuck, violate and ruin. I stumbled a little as my heel broke when I was running from him down a broken up sidewalk in a very desolate side of town. I was still wasted from the night before and had been fantasy gang raped all night into morning. I was a hot mess. This triggered Michael to come after me and try to get my attention. Trying hard to ignore and just get away I took a wrong turn. I stumbled right into his playground of Hell. This was a single bad move for me that should have brought on my end. He laughed and knocked me in the face with a steel pole. Bleeding and stumbling I broke my ankle when I broke my heel. This made him even hotter. He was on top of me and slamming his cock in me and it was enormous. I wanted to scream but he just laughed telling me it was no use, other than make him fuck me harder.

Snuff sex

Your Wicked Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexReady for accomplice phone sex? You may think you are, but my brand of accomplice fun means the little bitch dies after you explore your rape fantasies. You see, I have your back. Men think with their cocks. We no longer live in a he said she said world. You fuck a female against her will, you are guilty in the court of public opinion and cancelled. You need me to do the dirty work. Very few men I have met have the balls to have their cake and eat it too. By this I mean few of you can kill your prey after you fuck it. I never have a problem killing. I will kill bitches all day long. Bastards too. It is population control. I have found a way to make a substantial living catering to men’s dark fantasies. But since I do not want to go to prison for your rape phone sex fantasies, I kill the victim once you are done having your taboo fun and dispose of the body. No one is finding the little bitch you just violated unless they are doing DNA tests on coyote shit in the woods. I like killing. No, I love killing. Not that I need an excuse to kill. I kill lots of folks for my own shits and giggles. But when you hire me for your dark desires, the killing part is just so we can continue to have our freedom afterwards. I know that most men would force fuck a young girl or boy if they knew they could get away with it. I help men get away with it. No one has been caught yet. Well, that is because no one who has hired me yet has pissed me off enough and still lived afterwards. I will frame you for murder or use you for my own snuff porn needs if you do follow my instructions. I am not going down because you get cold feet or guilty thoughts. I am not every one’s favorite accomplice, but with me you get what you want and stay out of prison.

The little slut tried to scream

Taboo phone sexNothing beats the rush I get from snuff sex! I cannot explain to you the pleasure and everything that leads up to that final moment.  You know the moment, right? Knowing that I am in control of life or death, mostly death is my choice and at my hands, is the most addicting drug! There is nothing better than watching the life drain from the prettiest face that I’ve seen so far! I knew this would be the best kill I’ve had thus far! The little slut tried to scream, but the drips of her blood falling off this knife is louder than anything! My senses are enhanced with every kill, but this one was different. She fought a little but after a while it was like she accepted her fate and even wanted to sacrifice herself for my pleasure! Such a good little whore! I knew she would be a good kill, but when I tell you I went crazy, well let’s just say I’m the original “red skin”! covered from head to toe in her sweet blood I lick the blade tasting the blood of my kill. Ummm almost as sweet as she was! Oh well it was worth the fight and being up half the night because the sound of her blood dripping off this knife is almost as good as the fight! I know you would have loved the way she begged for her life but that was for not because now she is gone and the only thing I have left is the memories.

Snuff Movies as Payback

snuff moviesSnuff movies are more fun to watch than to star in. I know from experience how rough some snuff flicks are on a woman’s holes. I owed this woman. Well, not so much owed her. She was blackmailing me. She found out I was fucking her son. I think she was just jealous that I got to his little wiener before her. She threatened to call the cops on me. I was stupid. I sent him nude selfies. He is younger than my two sons. I figured for a mom to blackmail me instead of sending me to prison, it had to be something extreme I had to do in exchange. I was thinking snuff porn. This woman is rough. If I had known she was the boy’s mother, I never would have seduced him. She is a biker bitch. Single mom. Reputation as a man eater. She is awful to men. Turns out she is just as awful to women who molest her son. I had no choice. Be her victim for whatever macabre film she was going to make, or go to prison and never see my boys again. I made a torture film with her. She stripped me down naked and tied me to a table. My legs were spread. She had electrodes attached to my nipples and clit. She shocked me so often, I could smell my burning flesh. She used a couple of those industrial sized back massagers everyone knows women use on their pussies. She shoved one in my cunt and the other one up my ass. I was screaming. My entire body was convulsing from over stimulation. She duct taped the vibrator to my pussy and I was having piss orgasms. She was filming it. Apparently, streaming the torture sex of my girl parts for profit was her way of exacting revenge. From all the money dings I heard, it was a profitable revenge.

Teen rape porn

Bloody phone sex

Daddy wanted a pregnant bitch to torture so that is exactly what I got him. A teen pregnant slut for daddy to use and abuse. We wrapped rope around her swollen lactating tits and hung her from the ceiling. We turned that bitch into a human pinata! Me and daddy took turns hitting her with a metal bat on her stomach and didn’t stop until we saw her choking up blood. The bitch was 8 months pregnant and we figured we could assist with premature labor. After brutally beating her we gave her a nice ice bath to bring down the swelling. Daddy dug his hand into her uterus and pulled that little right out of her cunt. That thing came out hollering so daddy had her latch on to mommies teen breast and suck away while I cut her umbilical cord. I finally understood why daddy wanted a teen slut he wanted to taunt her while he had his way with her little. What better way to welcome a future slut into the world than to introduce her to a nice hefty long cock.

The Taboo Phone Sex Life

taboo phone sexA taboo phone sex slut can get herself into all kinds of trouble. Sometimes, I think with my pussy and that often leads to disaster. I hooked up with a guy last night. I met him in a fetish club. He was so handsome. Tall with big hands. That usually means big cock too.I do love a big cock. We had fun at the club. He is into bondage. He just lost his slave. She moved to get away from the lifestyle. I told him I was not looking to be owned. I am a free agent. You do not go straight from shackles to being a mistress. I still like bondage and pain. I just do not want to be owned 24 /7. I still like to play at the clubs for a fix of bondage and pain, but I do not want to be a slave anymore. He seemed cool with it. We had fun in the club. I said goodbye. The next thing I realize I am tied up to a dungeon bed and I am his ass rape porn star. He drugged my drink and kidnapped me. When I woke up, his hand was on my throat and his cock was buried in my ass. I glanced around the room. It was a prison. No windows. Cement walls. I was not sure if I was in his house or some dungeon. I did know that this guy could kill me and make my body disappear. I had to be careful how I responded. I acted like what he did was the hottest thing ever. He did not buy it. He slapped my face and told me he was impervious to my games. He fucked me until I passed out from exhaustion. I was still tied up on a BDSM bed when I came too but I was all alone. I think I have been kidnapped for a snuff porn.

Evil Phone Sex Addict

evil phone sex

Yesterday was Sunday and I did what any evil phone sex Goddess would do – I fucked a man of God right there on the altar. I went to a new church, and I stayed after because I knew I was going to fuck him. Under the guise of having questions about the church, I asked if I could talk to him. He said yes, because of course he fucking wanted to get me to join his flock of sheep. There was no way that was going to happen, though. I had bigger plans for him, and it didn’t take long at all to make them happen.

I asked him what he did when he felt like sinning, and he said that he always gets down on his knees and prays to God when he feels like he might do something he shouldn’t. When I inquired as to whether or not it works, he said that it usually does. And that’s when I told him that I’d seen him looking at me and that I knew he wanted to fuck me. Do you want to know what happened after that? Commit your own sin and call me to hear all about it.