Category: Evil phone sex

Waiting for the Doorbell

Halloween is coming and I know what you have planned. You have beaten all of us girls beyond recognition, and our scars and blood and overall appearance rivals any zombie costume that could be made by using makeup. Some of us are acged, and some just tied, in the basement of your wicked looking house. Its a favorite trick-or-treat house for the neighborhood bratss every year. They dare each other to come knock on the door for a treat. I know this, because I remember the year I did it – the last taste of freedom I will ever have.

My friends dared me to go to your door. Your house was creepy and rumored to be haunted. Even during the day we would cross the street on the way home from school, rather than walk close to it. You were rarely ever seen, and some of the other brats said you had been seen burying bodies in your back yard. It had all sounded so ridiculous to me. It was Halloween, and I was a brave little thing, well a show-off anyway, and I was going to ring your bell. None of my friends would go to the door with me, they waited across the street.

I rang the bell, and the door swung open. You were no where to be seen. I was so scared, but I peeked inside. From nowhere, your arm reached out and grabbed my throat, yanking me the rest of the way inside, slamming the door behind us. Your grip was so tight I couldn’t even scream, and you dragged me deeper into the house. You threw my tiny body onthe floor, and began slapping me until my mouth and nose were bleeding. You took my princess costume and ripped it off my body, pinching and biting me like a monster, and I felt like I was having a nightmare.

You took your cock our of your filthy jeans and fucked my tiny pussy right there on the floor as I bled everywhere. You tore my body to shreds until the sun came up the next day. I will never forget that night, even after all the torture you have instilled on me since then. Now, I rot in your basement, useless and pathetic. You still torture me and fuck me, but I know its not the same as the first time. Halloween is almost here, and I know you are waiting for the next little brave girl to come up and ring your bell. Your collection of broken princesses grows each year. If only they were smart enough to stay away from the haunted house.

The Family Scarecrow Curse

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

My great grandparents were simple folk from the mid west. They had owned a few farms and lived off their land. When they died, they left the only farm house that was still standing in the family. My mother said I could go check it out, and if I felt like it was something I could handle on my own, it would be mine to have. But the more I learned of this property, the less it became about me having a home to call my own, it was the legends of the family scarecrow.

There had been many stories in our family that this particular piece of land was cursed. My great grandparents were not good people and had tortured many of their slaves. And so apparently one of the slaves that was used in many breeding rituals was a young witch. The tale of her says, that the last thing she saw before she died, was the lonely scarecrow out in the field. There were a few pictures of it in old family albums, and undoubtedly, it was creepy. After her passing there were accounts that anyone that came into contact with the scarecrow would have nightmares so awful, than ran screaming from the property. Dreams of their skin being carved off of them by something they could not see. Dreams so realistic that it caused more than a few to go insane. Eventually the farm was abandoned, and no one dared touch the scarecrow.

When I arrived at the property I was filled with dread, and a calming sense of terror. This was a perfect place to bring my victims to.. a sleepy little town.. Evil just lurked about. It was too perfect. I headed down to the farmhouse with a sense of purpose, me and this scarecrow spirit were going to get to know each other really well.

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan 

Torture Phone Sex; Revenge For My Master.

torture phone sex monetta

You wouldn’t believe how much master opened up to me the other day. I think I’ve finally figured out why master likes to be so dominant of women.  The was this one girl in his life that he was in love with and she broke his heart. When he was telling me this story he was really sad and I don’t like to see my master sad. I begged master to let me make it better and he said he didn’t know if I could. I wanted to prove to him that I could. I may not be his equal but I will be the one to make this one thing better. I found out who the bitch was and when master was at work I scouted her out. I accidentally ‘bumped’ into her at the coffee shop. I quickly became friends with her. We went to the local pub down the road and had quite a few drinks.  I could tell she was feeling pretty tipsy so I invited her back to the house for some more drinks and she quickly accepted saying something about she was in desperate need to make new friends. I check the time and noted that master wouldn’t be back for at least another hour. That gave me plenty of time to get things ready and set up for him.

I lead her to living room and brought out a few shots. Once I knew she was down right drunk, that’s when I started putting my plan into motion.  I excused myself to the ‘restroom’ and went to the basement and made sure I had everything laid out and set up that I’d need for this evening. I walked back to her and asked her if she wanted to see my favorite room in the house. I grabbed a bottle of wine and lead her to the basement. When we got there she was confused on what she saw and thats when I smashed the bottle over her head causing her to fall to the floor. I drug her over to the bed and cuffed her hands and feet to the bed posts. I blindfolded her and put a gag in her mouth. Just as I was finishing up, I heard the front door open and close. I ran upstairs to master who looked like he was having a rough day. I told him I had really big surprise for him and I was going to make it all better. I love how his eyes light up when I tell him that I was going to make it better. I grabbed his arm and he followed me to the basement. As soon as he seen Chloe tied up on the bed he asked what I was going to do. I told him we were going to make this bitch pay.

I grabbed some scissors and started cutting her clothes off. I pulled up a chair and told master to sit down. I could already see that he was having a hard on. I started slapping her cunt and she finally started to stir awake. “wake up wake up little bitch. It’s time to play, now that master is here.”  I un-blindfolded her and grabbed her hair and lifted her head where she could see my master. “You think you can hurt him and get away with it. I don’t care how long ago it was. You’re going to pay.. You’re going to wish you never hurt my master” I’m sure she would of screamed if she could of. I took my knife and started to make little cuts all over her body. I used my whip to whip her tits and her cunt. Her whole body had whelps and cuts all over. I took her gag out and sat on her face and told her to lick my fucking pussy. Every time she didn’t I’d just sit on her face where she couldn’t breathe until she started to listen. Oh she is a good little pussy licker. After I came all in her mouth I got off and walked to the table and put on my big strap on. I uncuffed her legs and got between them. I didn’t even see if she was wet or not. I just shoved that big cock deep inside her. I was being as rough as I could and she was just screaming out. I looked back and smiled at master and he was stroking his cock. At least I knew he was enjoying it. I pulled out the strap-on and seen a little bit of blood on it. I shoved the cock in her mouth and made her clean it off.

I continued to fuck her and torture her all day for my master. We haven’t decided if we wanted to just end her or keep her locked up for a little bit and use her when we please….


It Took Days

sadistic phonesex karmaI never dreamed that my latest wicked scheme would bring me so much pleasure and last so long. Her pain and agony has been delightfully satisfying giving me days and nights of pleasure. The long and agonizing process of poison ivy first becoming a rash that drove her crazy with it’s itching, swelling her body and bringing red whelps to the surface was just the beginning. As the hours passed the rash became small blistering sores. Watching the transformation made my cunt so fucking wet. Soon the blisters began to grow and fester becoming huge puss sores all over her body.sadistic phonesex poisen She has been tied to that tree for days now. I am keeping her hydrated so that she doesn’t die on me yet. The sores are starting to eat her flesh and I feel sure that she can’t last much longer. The poison has to be in her blood stream. She is feverish and delirious and it is the most wicked, evil, demented, twisted and sadistic torture ritual that I have ever administered. I will definitely be doing this again. The next time my victim will be a man. I can’t wait to see what the poison ivy does to a cock and balls over time. Just the thought of it is driving me crazy and keeping my cunt dripping wet. saadistic phonesex facebook

Ashes to Ashes

I could smell him before I saw him. The stench of cigar smoke so strong that it burned my nostrils and made me want to gag. It was such a contrast to the earthy smell of the dirt floor, and the copper taste of my blood in my mouth from when he beat me. I remembered the days when the only things I I smelled on him was his sweat, and nasty breath from eating the other girls flesh. Now I longed for those days, as crazy as that was. But he had a new habit now. Cigars. And he had made me his ashtray.

He pulled me up to my knees and pulled my head back by my hair so I was looking up at him. He stood their, hard cock in one hand and a burning cigar hanging from his disgusting lips. The smoke fell down around me, covering me in the smell. I knew I would try to sleep that night, and only be able to smell that disgusting odor in my hair. He told me to open my mouth. I did as I was told, and he stuck his cock in. He slowly fucked my face as he toked on his cigar. I kept my eyes open, as he had taught me, and watched as he smoked.

He pulled his cock out and I kept my mouth open, knowing what was coming next. He took his cigar and brought the ash end down to my mouth. He flicked the burnt ashes into my mouth. They floated down into my mouth and up my nose, making my eyes tear. I didn’t dare spit it out or cough. Then he stuck his cock back in my mouth and fucked my dirty ashtray mouth while he continued smoking. He did this over and over, relaxing while I sucked his cock and used my mouth as his ashtray. My mouth was full of dirty ash by the time he was nearly finished, an hour later.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth one last time, and told me to stick my tongue out. It was bone dry from all the ashing, but he took his cigar and jammed the lit end directly onto my tongue to snuff it out. The burning raged through my brain, and I knew I would have another permanent ring scar on my tongue. He told me to close my mouth, and as I did, with all the ash still inside, he stroked his cum all over my filthy face. He shoved me back to the floor and I rolled away from him. He went back upstairs, and I tried to spit the ash out of my mouth. My tongue burned so badly, and sure enough, the only thing I could smell all night was that stentch of his cigar.

Evil Phone Sex with Venus: Just a Little Ole Halloween Prank

evil phone sex bloody knifeI am not exactly the kind of girl to punk someone or even play a practical joke. I’m more the dark serious type. However, I have no problem pulling an evil Halloween prank, especially on someone I cannot stand like my best friend’s cheating, lying, tool of a boyfriend. If I could kill him I would. But then I would have to hear her whine about him being dead even though he is a worthless prick. I decided to scare the piece of shit. I invited him over to make peace. Me make peace that should have been the dipshit’s first clue. I knew if I came on to him, he would be all over me like Mrs. Voohrees on horny camp counselors.

He took the bait and was trying to fuck me in kitchen. I instructed him that if he wanted me, he had to work for it. First, I told him to get naked and go into the dark bathroom and sit on the toilet waiting for me. Said I would be in momentarily. Made up some shit about liking to fuck on the toilet. And I’d turn on the light once I got naked so he could bask in my beauty. I amazed myself.  When he went in the bathroom I waited for the screams. Then I heard them. I knew he had done just as instructed. I went in, flipped the light and saw him stuck to the toilet. I had glued a thousand tacks onto the seat so when he sat down naked, his flesh would be pierced. He won’t bleed out or anything, just hurt pretty good and be stuck for a bit.

I turned on the light and came over to him with my big knife and made him think I was going to castrate him. I told him he did not deserve Taryn and his cheating miserable excuse of a boyfriend didn’t deserve to have his pecker. I put the knife under his cock and made him plead to save his worthless dick. He cried, and begged and made promises of fidelity. I may have accidentally on purpose sliced him a little. Once he promised he would keep his dick in his pants and treat Taryn like the princess she is, I told him it was all just a evil little Halloween prank. I never planned to lob off his manhood. But, I made it clear to him that I was an evil bitch who loathed him and could just as easily castrate him for real if he was to ever trip and accidentally fall into someone else’s vagina again. He seemed to get the idea that I was a rather psychotic prankster. I then made him get up, warning him, he may have a few tacks stuck to his ass. The look on his face when he thought I was going to rid him of his manhood was worth the blood on my toilet. Sadly it was just a prank, albeit an evil one. But, I have castrated men for far less offenses than cheating on my BFF. Hell, I’ll castrate you just for the fun of it. Not every man deserves a cock.

The Worms Crawl In……

evil phonesex angieI love Halloween. I can be evil and demented and people, especially the little ones think it is all fake and just a good trick. I always have the scariest shit in my yard for my little visitors. They always ask how I make it look so real and my answer every year is “How do you know it isn’t real?” They laugh and walk away and my cunt gets wetter as the night goes on, This year I have been preparing for the biggest, nastiest, thrill yet. He has been in my basement for going on a month now. I started by cutting his flesh and allowing the wound to fester. With the open sore becoming more infected by the day I finally added my little minions, a handful of flesh eating maggots. It didn’t take long for them to devour the rotting flesh of the wound and begin to move up the leg to fresh, delicious, tasty flesh. It’s OK I never waist food I could eat myself. He was a homeless bum from tent city by the tracks. An alcoholic that came willingly with me for the cheap booze I bought him. I never eat anything but healthy flesh. He is perfect however for my Halloween decorations. When he begins to moan I simply give him more cheap booze and he gets drunk and passes out while my little maggots do their job. My cunt has enjoyed many good orgasms as I have watched the maggots devour his flesh. By the time Halloween rolls around more then half his leg will be crawling maggots and bone. I will drug him so he looks like a prop and I will lay him in the yard by the front gate. Everyone that comes to my door will have to pass him. They will stop and stare and be amazed that I did it again. The worms crawl in…the worms crawl out and by the time I am done they will be through his stomach and out his mouth…..sinful perfection!evil phonesex maggots

My Wicked Heart Beats Faster

torture phonesex karmaUsually when I torture a victim it includes using and abusing them for my amusement and sexual gratification. Today, however, I am simply going to enjoy her discomfort, her pain, her torment and just sit back and watch. In preparation I carefully put on gloves and head out to the woods. I am gathering a huge basket of poison ivy. She is tied to a tree naked and scared just like I want her. She has no idea what is about to happen. I come back with my basket and begin breaking the leaves and rubbing the poison ivy all over her exposed flesh. On her cunt, her face, her tits, not one inch of her body was left untouched. throwing away the gloves and taking a shower, I sat down and lite a cigarette with a satisfied smile on my face, just watching her. I wouldn’t touch her again, but I would get off. It only took a few hours and her skin began to turn red. She began crying because she itched all over and her skin was burning. Soon the blisters began to form and her nipples and pussy were swollen, her face was taking on the most grotesque appearance. The festering sores brought me great pleasure and the pain and suffering she was having to endure made me cum in hot rushes of desire. By the end of the night she was begging for me to put her out of her misery. For her it would only be over when I said it would be. This was absolutely delightful!

Taboo Phone Sex With Angie & Stephanie

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Or maybe it was the lights and the situation and my ravaged mind. But when I met Angie for the first time, in the dungeon, she seemed like a goddess. This must be the one, the one my Master always tells me about. I thought he had been lying. I thought he made her up as part of his sick fantasy. Maybe just someone he passe dhis days with having taboo phone sex. But here she was, real as could be, unharmed, wearing makeup, and I could tell she wasn’t broken the way I was.  Her skin had no bruises or scars, and her hair was perfect too.

taboo phone sex angie

How could he have a woman like this? All of us other girls had been tortured and abused beyond recognition for the most part. Kept in the dark, in this dirt dungeon under his house. Thus far, He had been realtively less cruel to me, he had told me I had a pretty face.  Angie spoke to me softly, and even her voice purred like a gorgeous cat. She said her name was Angie, and wanted to know if I was Stephanie. I could barely speak, it had been weeks since my last drink of water, but I squeaked out a “yes”. She sat down on the cold ground beside me, her nude body making me so jealous. Then she reached out and kicked me in the stomach with her stiletto.

I recoiled away from her, not daring to say a word. She told me, “So you’re the pretty little bitch he keeps talking about when he is asleep?”. I had no idea what she was talking about, but she was obviously angry at me and I was terrified. She said that she was going to make sure He didn’t think of me anymore. I tried to tell her I didn’t do anything, and that I hated him, but she wasn’t listening. My arms and legs were already bound to the posts that hold me in the dungeon, so she took off her heels, one in each hand, and began to beat me with them.

She swung the stilettos with all her might, hitting my face with the heels, piercing my eye sockets and cheeks. She swung one and connected with my breasts, and then pulled down until my nipple scraped right off. I was screaming as much as I could to get her to stop. I was apologizing for something I couldn’t even control. Angie just kept saying that He belonged to her, and that was the way it was going to stay. She told me I was a slutty little whore cum dumpster and that she was going to make sure I never looked beautiful again. She said I wouldn’t even be able to do taboo phone sex once she was done with my pretty mouth.

Angie continued beating me with her stilettos – she had so much anger and strength, until my eyes were bleeding, my ears were popped, and my cheeks cut to shreds. My lips were hanging and I couldn’t scream any longer. Before she left, she said there was one last thing she had to “fix”. She spread my legs, and shoved her entire shoe inside me, until it disappeared. Blood poured from my cunt and it was also now ruined. She stood up, looked at me like I was so pathetic, and she was right. Then she laughed and walked away, and I never saw her again. Angie had control of Him, and she made it clear that no one was going to change that. I had her shoe inside me now, so that I would never forget.

Another Sadistic Phone Sex Victim

sadistic phonesex angieEveryone knows what and evil and twisted bitch I am. I can’t cum unless we are sharing dark and sadistic phone sex and we all know that I will cum at all costs! I can’t believe how lucky I got to find such a pretty little victim to fuck up. She even has a beautiful name to match her beautiful face and body, Geneva. It just rolls off my tongue. I have done nothing but dream about all the sadistic phone sex shit I am going to do to this little beauty since i met her. The clock is ticking and the time is growing near. Tonight I will have her all to myself. She will fight I am sure, however resistance is futile and the more she fights the more she spurs my desire to fuck her up. I can imagine her on her knees, her face red from being slapped, tears streaking her face, looking up at me and begging me not to hurt her. My fucking cunt is dripping wet thinking about it all. The door bell rings and my body responds, knowing what is to cum. As soon as she crosses the threshold and the door is closed, I grab her by the hair and slap her across the face knocking her to her knees and drawing blood. The sight of it sends tingles through my body and I feel so alive, so powerful as evil thoughts run through my mind. Dragging her to the bathroom I hold her on her knees in front of me as I fill the bowl with piss. Standing up I shove her head in the bowl holding her under the piss filled water. She is gasping and struggling as the piss fills her mouth. Pulling her up she is gasping and chocking, a cry escapes her lips and her head is in the bowl again. My cunt is slick and wet with my cum that keeps flowing while I watch her struggle. Dragging her by her hair I take her down the stairs to my dungeon, thumping her body down each step listening to her cry out in pain.  Throwing her body onto my table I strap her legs into the stirrups and her wrists to the shackles. Pushing hard I spread her legs so wide that it almost snaps those pretty little hips and she cries out again. Delighting in her pain I take out my scalpel and begin to scalp her tight little pussy before bringing her fur muffin up to her mouth and stuffing it in. Blood is everywhere and my body is on fire. Strapping on my sand paper covered dildo I begin fucking her bloody cunt before pulling out and shoving it deep into her virginal ass. It is going to be a long night, dear Geneva. The pain is just beginning. Isn’t sadistic phone sex so much fun? What? I can’t hear you with pussy in your mouth….sadistic phonesex geneeva