Bad Mommies Need Torture Sex to Punish Thier Cunts

Torture Sex Reagan

Bad mommies are the best victims of torture sex. I had a bad mommy, you see. And the things I will do to a bad mommy today, are only things I wished I could have done to the cunt that shit me out. When I find bad mommies, there cunts must be punished.

She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. Wondering how much longer she would have to endure, she found herself slowly loosing ground. Her vision was almost completely blurred and her head was spinning. She felt her empty stomach cramping again. With nothing but stomach acid forcing itself up with every gag, she no longer tried to turn her head. It was way too heavy now anyway. She just choked down the bile, and began to swim in the pain that began again.

I warned her. I told her what would happen. “Bad mommies get their cunt punished”. But she chose to ignore. I looked over at the small bodies discarded like trash. Suffocated in their sleep by the one who was trusted to nurture them. When I met this woman months ago, she was looking for a way out. She no longer wanted to carry her small baggage with her. She thought I could offer her a solution. Instead I became her judge and jury. And it was her sentence now that I carry out.

Torture Sex Reagan

She spread her thighs, and with care I bound them with rope. The past two days were hard on her I know. We started the process with purging. She was hog tied and force fed a nice concoction to remove her stomach contents. I get much amusement out of watching a whore being forced to vomit while she is bound to a variety of vibrating sex toys. My robotic machine now took over as her lover as it pumped a rubber cock into her ass, and than into her cunt. Yes, It was an amazing sight to see how deep and fast my machine could work a cunt. Once her vomiting turned to dry heaves, I moved on to the emptying of her bowels. I pushed the rubber tubing inside her anus and started to slowly empty the warm soapy water into her. She cried in protest when she realized I was not going to be removing the large rubber cock that was slowly moving in and out of her prostate. I stepped back, admired my work, and left her there to slowly expel her fecal matter and lay in her vomit. That is what she is now, shit and vomit.

Later that evening I rejoined her and was pleased to see her cunt looked like hamburger meat. I opened up my hand and showed her a little glass container. She cried, knowing what I would be doing with such a thing. “Open your legs, bad mommies get their cunt punished”. She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. I started to open my little jar of salt.. such a beautiful thing I saw. Just like salt poured on a slug.

Torture Sex Reagan

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