Category: Evil phone sex

Layla’s Rape Phone sex Fantasy

snuff phone sex layla

   It was the end, I knew it That Bitch ass husband was going to pay! For involving me in his Rape Phone Sex Fantasies  But how! I was dragged and chained down here and there was no one that would hear me scream. My blood was running cold as I saw the gang standing there. Laughing as usual I was going to be sure that it was not the end for them or for me! Taking the chain in his hand he began to swing it from side to side. I closed my eyes and waited for the blood to fly on his shirt from the force of the blow. He would lick and taste it and then hit me again. I was sure he would not stop until the 50th blow and maybe even not then. The barbed wire was coming and I was going to have to brace myself with my legs apart for the thrust to my pussy. I looked at the many scars that were trying to heal but never would. Positioned behind me was the newest member of the gang. He was already turning into a vicious little Creighton much like his older brothers!


      At night when the others were asleep,  I would think I could convince him to let me go. But he was having too much fun breaking glass bottles and shoving them in my cunt! He would then kneel down and taste the blood and pull down his pants turn me over and spread my cheeks driving his meat handle deep within my ass. He would laugh when he was done and kick my mouth and pee on me like always. Urine was the bitter taste that kept me alive here because I would have to open my mouth and drink it. Not theirs I would spit that out but my own. Sometimes I would try to fight back and tear at the skin on their faces with my dirty dingy nails but it was no use. Each day I grew weaker from fighting and just lay there while for hours while they tortured my little hole. One day I didn’t hear it coming my neck snapped and my eyes closed.


Angie’s Snuff Porn Vids

snuff porn angieSo my mother and daughter duo proved to be more fun then I originally thought they would be. After several hours of having them watch each other be tortured I decided we were going to make a snuff porn for my snuff porn vids collection and guess who the stars of the show were about to be. Ahh yes fame was about to come for my new victims. Not the fame they wanted but fame none the less. They were already to weak to fight and watched wide eyed as I set up the video equipment for their debut into the wonderful world of porn. Sitting down to write a short script I untied them and we began filming. Bending that sweet young thing over I handed mama a steak knife and gave her the instructions to fuck her sweet girl’s ass and cunt. Watching her cry as her girls screamed in pain while being fucked was almost more then I could stand. But I regained control of my soaking wet cunt watching as the blood began to flow out of her and onto her mom’s hands. “Cut” I yelled, no pun intended. turning off the cameras I began to set up the next scene. The big wooden tub is water tight and can hold any fluid that may be released from a body during torture, whether it is piss or shit or blood or vomit, or if I am lucky a combination of all the above. Like a good director I had Mama get into the tub while that girl of hers stood beside it. She was beautiful covered in blood, her breathing so shallow I thought she would faint. Handing her the hammer and a piece of wire I turned the cameras back on. Directing her to beat her Mom she began. “Cut” I yelled once more. Walking over to her I pulled her head back with a painful yank that left a clump of hair in my hand. “Listen here bitch I want to hear the sound of bones breaking. If you don’t get this shit right you will regret it! Do you understand?” Turning the cameras on again and giving the command for action, she got it right. Watching the hammer fall over and over again and hearing the bones shatter had my cunt in over load. “Turn the hammer around and use the claw” I instructed. The tears streaming down her face she obeyed and I delighted as the flesh was torn from the now shattered bones of her mother’s body. She was no longer of any use to me so I demanded that her girl wrap the wire around her mama’s neck and began to tighten it. Wire has a way of cutting the flesh and severing the head in the most erotic and sadistic way. She stood there sobbing as she took the life of the woman that gave her life and the tub began to pool with blood. Finally it was my turn to have my way with this young thing. I walked in front of the camera and found my steel iron, placing it in the fire until it was red hot I began to cauterize ever wound on he body to stop the bleeding. I washed her trembling body clean before beginning her torture and ultimate death. snuff porn vids angie

Withered Hole Layla

Snuff Phone Sex Layla

          My pussy was so sore  and bloody  and I didn’t  think  that I could go on. Each crack addict and HIV carrier had to be in the room, but these bastards didn’t  care as long as I paid off the debt of a coward. He had left me on loan to these assholes and I had no idea what was going to happen to me. I just wanted it to end fast, but I knew that was not to be. I was going to be fucked and hard and the guys in the room were going to take turns cutting me with the rusty blades. It was shocking to think that the end of my life would be at such a deathly hand. My husband had given my soul to these assholes and there was no way I was getting it back!

         One of the gang members prepared the knife and I felt the  tear of my skin and break in my flesh causing my head to bounce upward. I was pushed back down and a cock was entered into my pussy. I was numb to the entry way of hell that had become my life. I wanted death and although I felt my pussy being stretched again, and the sound of three men behind me thrusting into me. I knew that they would prolong my death because I had a debt to repay! My tits set on the nightstand in a bowl full of ice that these assholes had preserved as a trophy prize! They cut them off the first night I was here! The dingy bandages that were on my chest stuck to my skin from the dry blood and smelled like rotten flesh. I had begun to spit up large chunks of deep -rooted bloody phlegm and my shit was like water. I knew it would not be long now as I felt another cock in my ass and my eyes shut.

Blasphemy Sex Exploitation of Sister Anna

Blasphemy sex and exploiting a servant to the Church is what this Sunday entailed. You see this dumb fucking penguin thought she could lay her judgement upon me and my gang this morning. As we were enjoying the sunrise with our booze chilling on the green behind the old monastery. We weren’t bothering anyone and were just passing around a blunt when the whore approached us. She felt it was her duty to try “saving” us. Well… little did she expect she would need the saving.

Blasphemy Sex

I got up and pulled her close to me by her fucking crucifix and beads. She was sputtering and willing to back down and leave us alone, but it was too late. We bound and gagged her and hauled her into the rectory where we tied her up on a large wooden cross. My guys and I took in the sight with laughter and drinks proclaiming her a sacrifice to “OUR” fearless leader Father Satan.

Taking my switchblade out I sliced her penguin gown off her trembling body. Look at the pathetic whore of her Lord wearing the most prudent under garments of some old bag. However this whore had to be in her late 20’s and had a hot body, so pure and pale. She made me sick so I sliced into her sweet c cup breast and licked the blade only to spat her blood and my spit in her face. I grabbed a large crucifix from the wall, I cut her panties off and started fucking her with the relic of her worship. Laughing the whole time.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My guys wanted her, they wanted her bad so we cut her down, spread her legs and bound her wrists as we bent her over the pulpit. I soaked her panties in the holy water receptacle and ringed them out ensuring her cunt juices were wrung into the basin ultimately desecrating the purity of that basin. I shoved her panties in her mouth gagging her as my gang had their way with her other two fuck holes. We left her naked and dripping with cum in the church ready to greet the congregation.


Cold As Ice

torture sex karmaThe night was as dark as my heart. The clouds covered the light of the stars and the moon. The air was heavy with the impending storm and her body lay shivering, naked and afraid. The flames of the fire made light dance on her trembling cold flesh giving the illusion that she was dancing for me while tied to the slab. Dancing around her to the sound of the haunting music I had playing, Each time I touched her and felt her body shiver my cunt grew wetter. I could now hear the rumbling thunder in the distance, it was getting closer and soon the sky would open with the furry of the storm. That is what I waited for to begin the mutilation that I longed to inflict on her. I didn’t have to wait long for the furry that spurred me on. Lightening cracking all around me and thunder drowning the sound of her screams as I cut flesh from her body savoring it, uncooked and sweet while quenching my thirst with her thick hot blood before finally laying on top of her and writhing against her until I came hard. This morning she was stiff and cold, covered in blood laying on the slab with her eyes wide and still fixed in fear. What a shame I was hoping to inflict some mere pain and mutilation. But the thought of fucking her cold and lifeless body was just as arousing as I approached her and shoved my fingers deep in her cold pussy. Breakfast was served and I savored every bit of it.

Mutilation phone sex

I tried to remember life before daddy brought me home and locked me up.

I remember the green of grass and blue of the sky but that slowly starts to fade away with memories of being hurt. 

Being held down and told that I was such a dirty whore.

Having a cock shoved up my ass fucking me so hard it bleeds. 

Knife play phone sex

I started cutting myself to relive the pain. 

Feeling real pain made my mental pain fade away. 

I love watching the blood run down my arms but it wasn’t enough.

I was tired of being used as a sex toy.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. 

I started rubbing that knife all over my body. 

Feeling the cold steel was turning me on. 

I pushed the knife into my pussy, it felt so amazing. 

Mutilation phone sex

Having the knife shoved into my pussy over and over again. 

Little did I know that it would not stop them from fucking it. 

They liked it all cut up and bloody.

They wanted to fuck and hurt my pussy even more… 

Cannibalism phone sex

I was just finishing up my grocery shopping the other day when I ran into some brats selling cookies. I had to have some. I asked a couple of them for help taking them all to my truck, where of course I knocked them both out and threw them in the back of my truck. I drove home, just wondering what to do with them. I finally decided as I pulled into the driveway, smiling to myself. So many ideas. I threw the little brats on the bed after putting my groceries and cookies away. They were both out cold, the little dears.

Kidnapping phone sex

I picked one up and brought her to the kitchen counter, where I slit her throat and killed her in one swift moment. No bubbles, no screams, no second thoughts. One moment she’s here, one moment she’s not, funny how life works out. Or doesn’t, in this case. Hehe. I took her lifeless little body and turned it over, fingering her still-warm, tiny little cunny . I grabbed a glass of ice cold milk and let her blood pool into it until it was the color of strawberry milk. I then threw her body in the backyard, right in front of the window, and woke her little friend. I sat her down at the kitchen table. “Hey sweetie” I said, right at her eye level “A man hurt you and I saved your life. We’ll go back to the store and see your mommy soon. Just relax and have cookies and milk. Do you like strawberry?

Evil phone sex

” She nodded her head and I brought her two cookies and the milk, swirling it so the blood mixed in with the milk. Perfect. I sat it In front of her and rubbed her little head, her soft mousy hair was pulled back into two braids. She nibbled at the cookies and her face dropped when she sipped at the milk. “I think your milk is sour” she told me. “I’m sorry sweets. Take one more sip…Ooooh, birds!” I pointed at the vultures pecking away at her dead friend and she screamed as I slit her throat from behind. Hmmm, now what to do with this one? Maybe a yummy roast..

Cannibalism phone sex

Taboo phone sex with Ivy


Taboo phone sex

I’m just gonna come right out with it. I love torturing people, especially other women. I love getting them hot and bothered and then threatening to do t terrible things to them if they don’t satisfy me. I usually end up doing them, anyway. So I was cruising down the boulevard on the way home from getting my nose candy when I saw this bitch standing on the corner, fighting with her man. I pulled over and asked if I could help.

Torture phone sex

She was a prostitute and she’d gotten mugged, and she needed 50 bucks or this pimp was going to make her sleep outside. There was a storm rolling in, so I told him to Fuck off, and I took her into my car. She thanked Me endlessly, telling me she was so thankful, didn’t know how to repay me, all that good shit. I laughed “just keep me company.” She started to cry when we got to my place and as you can imagine, there’s nothing that gets me hotter than a woman crying. My pussy was sopping wet thinking of the terrible things I could do to this bitch. I took her into the house and offered her a line which she gladly snorted like the dirty whore she was.

Evil phone sex

I made a quick call and took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom where I started licking her pussy. She whimpered and cried and begged for more, and she gladly obliged when I stuck my fat dildo in her cunt. She came so hard for me, her eyes closed, and screamed when she opened her eyes.  My brother was standing over her wearing a clown mask and holding a machete. “Choke on this dick” he growled. She did as she was told and he came down her throat, tears pouring Down her face. I’d been preparing my dldo as they played, lacing it with poison tipped razor blades. See, thing is, the pimp I gave the money to, he was my brother. You don’t Fuck with my brother.

Pain Addict

Ever since i met you, I’ve found an addiction in what you do that I have never experienced before. Your abuse and mutilation and complete domination of my body is the only thing that gets my pussy wet. I am so sick of the pussies who whistle at me on the street. Of course they want to fuck me – but they don’t know how to inflict the pain I need to be a happy little pain slut. Thats why I have to visit you regularly and beg for you to give me what I need.

snuff phone sex stephanie
Your equipment overflows from every corner of your basement and you have a no limits policy – thats what I am all about. You never ask – you just take. Clamping my nipples until they fall off, spanking my ass so hard that I bite my tongue until it bleeds all over the table. You always take me right to the brink of what my body can handle, and then just a little further. You have a way of making me beg for my life that no one else has. Your hands are strong and cold and evil. Your voice growls commands and I do anything and everything you say.

My pussy aches for your attention, and you make sure my hands are kept away from it with bars and ropes so that I can;t pleasure myself. My pussy belongs to you. My whole worthless whore body belongs to you. Take it and beat me senseless while you feel your cock throb in your pants. Use my blood as the lube you need to finally penetrate me before you choke me out. You are my one and only Master and you are my sweet addiction.  

Frat to Kill Part IV

violent phone sex langleyI felt the blood from their cocks dripping onto my flesh like a bounding eruption of volcanoes. The stingy smell of my own shit as it oozed from my almost lifeless body fell into a pool at me feet. I wished for death but I knew they would not allow that to happen. The mount less heads of the girls that died this way before me was a common place for these assholes. I saw them when they were fucking that other girl and then her neck finally broke causing the snap to echo through the hall we were being held. She didn’t give them what they wanted. Raw meat was pushed towards her aching pussy and she wouldn’t let them put it there so she was punished. Much of the glass that was pinched into my flesh didn’t feel like razor blades anymore. The pulled my hair with much exhaustion and ripped most of it from my skull when I was thrown down in this dungeon.

My date was had long since died and I watched as the cannibals ate his naked flesh and watched as they fed the other girl that was there. I tried to hold my insides as the brain was served to me but I would vomit and that caused them to let me taste the blood as they kicked my faced and hands with a rotten bamboo stick and leather belt. I was ready to be sacrificed like so many other girls but , I was a favorite among the leader of this ring and what he liked to do would be just enough to keep me wishing for death. Pulling me over to him he would take the rusty blunt knife and poke his cock and let me taste the blood that ran from it. Biting me he stuff it in my mouth and cream would slide down my throat. He liked the way I giggled and I am sure this pleased him. The glass that faded was the least of worry as the the darkness filled my eyes…..