Category: Evil phone sex

Drugs and aliens make for evil sex.

fantasy phone sexI wasn’t sure if it was the drugs or if I was really abducted by aliens last night. I remember picking up a john and going for a ride in his car. It was supposed to be a simple blowjob in exchange for a little coke. But the next thing I knew we were driving into some woods. He pulled me out of the car and punched me in the face. “Filthy druggie whore. Your ruined my life. My wife left me because of a whore like you.” He kicked me hard in the ribs, breaking them, driving a shard of bone right into my lungs.  I began to gurgle as the blood replaced air. He pulled me up by my hair and smashed a handful of coke into my face. forcing me to inhale it. He pulled out his cock and rammed it into my mouth, which was filled with drugs and blood. He came within seconds, aroused by beating me. “Die of an overdose with cum in your mouth, you tramp.” he screamed. Darkness took me.

I woke as I felt a searing pain. My scream was cut short by a blow from an alien creature. He yanked me to my knees and I felt his probing beastly cock move over my body. He found my pussy and burrowed deep into it. It felt like a million razor blades and I screamed as my pussy became wetter than ever before. The creature grunted and moaned, filling me with cum that was like battery acid.  My drug induced euphoria made me scream with my own orgasm.

I opened my eyes. I was lying in leaves and dirt. I slowly pulled myself upright. Had I really been fucked by an alien? Or was it just the drug overdose and the blows to my head? I reached down to touch my sore pussy and looked at my hand. It was covered with a slimy green ooze.

snuff sex

Worn and Torn

evil phone sexThere is not much I can do these days to keep these two from nearly splitting me from asshole to appetite. I learned that it is in my best interest to just lay there and take what they want to give to me at that moment in time. Weather it be a cock shoved so deep into my asshole and the only lubrication helping it pump in and out of my torn flesh is the blood from which they tore me open, or maybe one decides he will skull fuck me as the other presses a cold sharp blade against my neck. Knowing with the slightest movement or to hard of a thrust it could nearly cost me my worthless life.

Babysitter Phone Sex Turns Evil

I have been a caregiver, if you really want to call it that, for a few years. It seems so many of these worthless married with offspring types have such babysitter phone sex fantasies that for some the ability to contain themselves around me is humorous.

One afternoon I had a little intervention with some of the couples I sit for. Seems they are starting to question my motives as they have caught on that the sudden demise of their families is some sort of evil plan. I looked at the bitch talking and punched her square in the face. I continued to warn off the other housewives with my knife and started commanding the husbands to bound their wives arms and legs to the chairs and gag them with their own panties. 

This was going to be good as I went and serviced all of their husbands at once. Making good and fucking certain they watched as I got their men to fuck and jizz in me to my fucking purest delight. I then grabbed my biggest strap on and started filming a nice ass rape porn with all of the wives taking my big cock before I snuffed them out on film gagging on the big prick.

Babysitter phone sex


Snuff Porn Sunday

snuff pornIt’s snuff porn Sunday. Every caller I have had today wants to kill me. That is not unusual, however, most men want to do very bad things to me. I have a tendency to bring out the evil in men. I remember this one time a few years ago. I was on a date with a Wall Street banker type. I had always heard that the men in the most high powered jobs are the ones likely more docile, more submissive with women. It makes sense really. Doctors, lawyers, CEOS… they have so much riding on their decisions, their actions, that they want to give up power in the bedroom. I thought I was safe from a night of abuse going out with Reggie. I met him at a Starbucks. He seemed in awe of my beauty and not in a “I want to take it from you,” sort of way either.

I don’t remember much about the date until I woke up in an executioner’s mask and  Reggie was choking me.  He degraded me as he abused my body. He ridiculed me for thinking an educated wealthy man like himself would actually want anything to do with a trailer park whore like me. He carved WHORE into my stomach with a razor blade so I would never forget what I am. In fact he sliced my entire body with that blade. Nothing deep, but there was blood. At one point I looked like Carrie at the prom. My entire body was covered in blood. Not enough to kill me, but enough to make me freak out. Enough to leave my body covered in scabs. Enough to cause a lot of pain. Imagine your entire body was covered in paper cuts. That is what I felt like.  He mutilated my flesh for hours while humiliating me.  He never fucked me. Well not with his cock. He abused my fuck holes with a baseball bat and other innate objects because I was probably “a diseased whore.”

I learned that day that no man is safe. I make even the meekest looking man do very bad things to me.

I made you want it!

taboo phone sexIt all started out as a typical domination session didn’t it? I had you there on the bed all tied up and helpless… just the way I like you. You seemed so nervous when I put a blindfold on you, like I was going to slit your throat or something, all I could do was laugh… it’s not like you could stop me! I bet you thought you won the fucking lottery when you felt a mouth on your dick didn’t you? Hahaha yeah you were super excited until I whipped that blindfold off and you realized who was actually sucking that cock! I bet you didn’t expect to see your own daughter down there did you? Awwwhhhh poor guy, you were so upset but that dick stayed rock fucking hard and I knew that deep down you have always wanted this. Shit, when I told you that we were going to have to kill her to keep her quiet you didn’t even hesitate! You just begged me to cut the ropes so you could help me! I have to say, I was a little surprised by your violence but I liked it! I wonder who we should kill next…

Devilishly Delicious

torture phone sex karmaArm in arm we walk the streets.

Whispering in each others ears.

Pointing at the vast array of delightfully delicious morals around us.






Images of naked little bodies, shaking with fear fill our heads.

Finally we pick a sister duo with rosy cheeks and big round eyes.

Luring them over with a desperate plea to help us find our lost puppy for a reward of five dollars, they follow us with out a fight.

Watching them now with tear streaked faces as he runs his hands over their fresh young bodies, I can feel the moisture between my legs.

I speak so soft and gently to him. Telling him it is all right. they are gifts. Urging him to do this for me. For us.

Instructing him every step of the way.

Where to kiss them.

How to touch them.

When to take them.

While watching him follow my every direction to the letter.

Bringing us closer and closer to the earth shattering orgasm we have been waiting for.


Alternative Mutilation Methods

torture phone sex angieThere are so many creative ways to cause pain. So many ways one can mutilate a sweet body. So many ways to extract the beautiful red fluid that brings a flutter to my stomach and a tingle to my clit.

Looking down at her naked body strapped down, shivering , goose bumps covering her flesh, not from the cold, from the fear.

Tonight I am not using my usual tools for her mutilation. No knives or scalpels.

Tonight I am using my new piercing tools. the plan is to pierce and then rip.

I will decorate her body from head to toe in beautiful piercings. Admiring them all as I go. And then I will rip every one out one at a time.



Watching the blood as it drips down her fair white skin.

Dancing to the song of her cries of pain and agony.

Laughing as I show her the scared and disfigured body that I have destroyed.

Snuffed Out

snuff phone sexMy husband was out of town for the weekend. I knew that meant anything but a peaceful and relaxing couple of days. Not ever since he got the neighbor involved with his games he likes to play with me. I was fast asleep one night. And was suddenly woken up not being able to breathe. My neighbor had his cock shoved deep into my throat pressing his cock head against my airway completely cutting off all oxygen. I squirmed and struggled beneath him. But that only made him grab me by the head of my hair and shove his dick even deeper. I was trying my best to breath through my nose but I felt myself starting to gag. The last thing I remember is vomit coming out of my nostrils and I woke up covered in a mixture of my vomit and his cum.

Make Me Suffer

torture phone sex I love being suffocated and brought back. I love the feeling of not having any air and you use my fucking tight holes. I love when you push my head on the concrete and make my face bleed! Then you put a bag over my head and let me die for a brief moment then give me some air. Better yet how about you slice my throat so I bleed out just feeling the blood rush down my fucking tits knowing I will soon be dead so you can fuck my dead body. How about you make me bleed in my panties and shove them in my mouth? I am feeling extra dirty today. I want you to slice my stomach open and fuck my intestines.

torture phone sexMake me bleed all over myself and the floor. I had a fantasy yesterday about being me laying flat on something and being strapped down, and a man came up to me and slid a butcher knife down my body and sliced open my legs first. He sliced the open and pulled out my tendons. Then he stopped and got a plastic bag and put it over my face. I couldn’t really see anything but I could feel him cutting every part of my body open. I was suffocating and I think I passed out for about 2 minutes then he took the bag off and woke me up. When I woke up and looked down my tits where completely cut off. I started to scream so he put my bloody tit in my mouth to make me shut up. That’s when I woke myself up from cumming so hard.

I am going to hurt you so good!

mutilation phone sexOh I had so much fun this morning! This arrogant little prick came to see me, he seemed to think that I was some kind of subby whore that he could do whatever he wanted to… well he found out real fucking quick that he was very wrong! He pulled out this tiny cock and ordered me to get on my knees and suck it… well I almost did end up on my knees but only because I was laughing so hard that I almost passed out! As if a bitch like me would get on her knees to suck a tiny dick, he was fucking crazy to think that, he learned that real quick when I hit him so hard upside his head that he fell over! I knocked his pathetic ass right out and tied him up while he was out. He was so confused when he came to and all I could do was laugh at him. I told him that he was going to have to be punished for his cockiness in a way that he would remember for the rest of his life so I pierced his cock and balls with as many rings as I could fit. He screamed like a little bitch the whole time too, it was fucking hysterical! Pretty sure he learned his lesson though, he knows now not to ever disrespect a girl like me!