Category: Evil phone sex

Cut Off My Cunt

ass rape porn


Cut off my cunt. Tie all my limbs down and open me up so you can see my insides really good. My screams do not matter at all, you are on a mission to mutilate my tiny pussy so that I can never feel pleasure anymore. Knowing that it will actually cause me a lot of pain any time I am touched below my waistline turns you on so much. You heat up a knife on the stove and explain exactly how this going to go on. You are going to first slice my clit off then go on to remove my lips. The practice is held in many countries with great regard as a way to suppress women and you just think it is exactly what a dirty slut like myself deserves for prancing around the way I do in those skimpy outfits. You remove the knife, which is red hot by now, and in one slow cut take my clit away from me. I passed out from all the pain. What happened next??

Fifty Bucks

Sadistic phone sexMy man told me he found a new client for me. He said that this man paid a lot of money to do anything he wanted to me. On the drive over to this man’s house, my man warned me to make this new client very happy. I was dropped off at the new client’s home like a UPS package. I knocked on the door and a sweet-faced, elderly man answered. He invited me inside and once the door closed an evil grin filled his face.
“Take your clothes off you filthy nigger bitch!”, he yelled,
I obeyed and he removed a black leather belt from his pants. I braced myself for the pain. He hit me over and over again while racially degrading me. He called me “Nigger bitch” with each swing of his belt. I yelled out for him to please stop, but my pleas only turned him on more. He didn’t stop until he was out of breath. But after a few minutes, he would start swinging his belt all over again. Later I found out the old man gave my man only $50 to beat me for hours.

Breaking and entering her virginity

sadistic phone sexI consider breaking and entering to be my most sadistic phone sex. I mean, what a surprise to be sleeping soundly and suddenly be pinned down and throttled. To have your nightgown ripped off and a cock shoved down your throat. It’s one of my favorite accomplice games. You can smell the fear in the air. And all I basically have to do is watch and make sure she doesn’t scream. That’s easy enough when your panties are shoved halfway down your throat. Watching your cock batter that innocent pussy got me so turned on that I wanted to crush our victim’s skull.

We were relentless. You busted every hole open as she turned blue. I pulled out the panties for a moment to taunt her. You used that opportunity to face fuck the bitch and I went down on that sweet, used pussy. After you busted a nut in her mouth, I slit her throat and let her gurgle on your cum and her blood. Yes, I am one sick, fucked up slut. Let’s plan our next victim. I’m just getting warmed up.


 Necrophilia phone sexOnce Master made me try dead pussy there was no going back. I fucking love eating dead pussy. I love fingering there fucking cold ass pussy oh and the fucking asshole too. We put extra lube on the dead holes so my fingers or my strap on could easily slide in. Master loves jacking off to watching me fuck the dead bodies. I grab the stiff titties and play with them. One time I pulled on the nipple to hard and it came off. That just pleasured Master so hard. I grabbed it like a good little fuck whore I am and I rubbed my clit with that cold fucking nipple. I rubbed it till I fucking orgasm the cold of that nipple made me squirt all over my self. Master loved it. Pulled me to suck on his cock. I sucked it like never before. Then I grabbed his dick and put it in the dead pussy.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Explore w/ Geneva

I’m Geneva your neighborhood victim that your dying to have your run with me with some rape phone sex fantasies to explore. You’re not sure if your really up for the bloody messy kind of forceful fucking and rape fantasy fucking me with a knife. I bet you have considered some slow torturous foreplay even like punching me in the face and busting my teeth or maybe yank each tooth out as you fuck me and torment me.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Whatever twisted way you want to use my sweet round ass I am the ho for you. I am only here to serve a Master and be used by men and women alike for their sick and twisted pleasures. You can use me for your your own sick desires or maybe your desire is to watch me get fantasy gang raped and my fuck hole destroyed before you decide your route for my demise.

Devoured by Wolves

Snuff Sex

I was kidnapped by burly looking mountain man. He left me hogtied in a burlap sack in the back seat of his old truck as he took me somewhere far away. When the truck stopped, he dragged me still in the sack across the ground. When he released me, I could see we were outside in the night. By the vivid detail in the night sky, it was clear we were very far from any civilization. Barely able to see in the dimly lit night, I could barely make out the silhouette of a chain link fence surrounding us in the yard behind an old log cabin.

He pinned me to the ground as he ripped off my clothes, causing twigs and stones to dig into my back. Although, I barely noticed the pain as I tried to fight off this strange man. He pulled out his cock from his pants and forced himself inside my dry pussy. I squealed from him going too hard and too deep, but he didn’t care. He tore through me like truck stop whore. His rough hands gripped my throat tight enough to cut off my breathing. I choked for air as he continued to beat up my cunt and abuse my body.

By the end, I didn’t even have the energy to lift myself off the ground. I laid still on the ground, hoping he would leave me for dead and I could escape into the night. But when he went into the cabin, I heard to sounds of metal gates being lifted around the perimeter of the fence. Keeping completely still, I listened for any signs of movement. I heard scuffling and then a deep growl. My stomach dropped as I made out the faint view of the hungry wolves surrounding me. Before I could even scream, they pounced, ripping apart my flesh and snapping my bones. The searing pain of teeth tearing me limb from limb was the last thing I experienced before I slipped into the dark.

Little Fuckers

 Murder phone sex FantasiesMaster took me out on a hunt to get the little fuckers and bring down to the basement and make them our little bitches. One of the new girls refused to use the little fuckers. Bad bad fucking decision! Stupid ass bitch now Master is having me cut off her nipples and feed them to the little fat fucker in the group. Now we are having the skinny fucker bite off the clit while we fuck her with the butterfly knife. Bitch you should of listen you already know how master gets. We slowly start poking her eyes with fucking sharp needles. That makes masters dick so hard. He then puts his dick in her eye, now that is what master calls a good face fucking. He ordered me to get all the little fuckers together and start biting her all over her fucking body. But to save the asshole for him.

She learned all about snuff sex!

snuff sexThe other day one of my friends introduced me to some stupid young whore with a snuff sex fetish, she had a nasty attitude and a never ending story to tell. Seriously, that fucking bitch literally never shut the fuck up! It was mind numbingly annoying! She was trying to impress me because she had some stupid idea in her mind that she could be my fucking apprentice or something but that was never going to happen. To shut her up I told her that I would teach her all about it if she agreed to be silent and do whatever I asked without question… the bitch was dumb enough to agree so I took her down to my basement. Mercifully she was finally silent, she didn’t say a word when I strapped her to the rack and cut her clothes off her body. When she saw the razor studded whip in my hands tho… that’s when she started to scream. I whipped the skin off her back and rubbed salt in the wound, then I left her for my friends to fuck as they pleased. They used that fucking stupid little whore all up, they literally fucked her to death!

Our BBQ was a hit.

accomplice phone sexWe all sat down to celebrate with my accomplice phone sex meal. Of course, only you and I knew exactly was in those pulled pork sandwiches that everyone was chowing down on. We exchanged sly grins as the juices dripped from their chins. It made my pussy wet, knowing all of the effort we had put in was paying off. I laughed when someone complimented you on your delicious spicy sauce. Have another slice of ass, I wanted to say.

If only they had experienced our kidnapping of a fresh and perky young girl. This one was hand picked by you. I just made sure she came home with us. The poor little one begged for life and pleaded with you that she was a virgin, so please don’t rape her. Turns out that the only injection she got was with the cajun baster. I sunk that needle in deep to fill her with aromatic herbs in oil. Of course you added your own “secret sauce” to the mix.

Soon her beautiful carcass was slow roasting on the smoker. I’m sure the smoke quickened her demise. She screamed a few times as her fat dripped into the fire, making it flare up. Good thing we purge them before we cook them.

Mmmmmm, finger licking, cock slapping good. Care to join us?

Lost In The Woods

Ass Rape Porn

I cut through the woods on the way home today and that was a major mistake. I came across a hobo camp of men who all got that look in their eyes like they hadn’t seen a girl in years. Before I could run, they were all over me. Dragging my body to the ground and forcing their nasty unwashed bum cocks down my throat. Cutting my clothes off my body, forcing me to eat dirt and busting my nose wide open. The end result of all of this is that they made me fuck them all and they left me in the woods half alive. Just when I thought I would be making it out of this alive, they showed back up and plunged my throat till I choked to death on my own vomit. They left me out in the woods, taking turns enjoying my body while it was still warm. I shouldn’t of walked alone though the woods.