Category: Evil phone sex

I’ve got a perfect new fuck buddy

Rape phone sex fantasies


My new fuck buddy is amazing he fucks me like a champion and he sends his friends over to get my cum guzzling services. Last night he shoved his fist so far in my asshole that I started to cry. Let’s call him Dexter, anyway Dexter is a monster in the bedroom he never lets up I know he would fuck me until he saw blood before he got even more insane. I’m addicted to the way he drives his enormous cave cock into my soaking wet wide open cunt. Dexter is a slapper and he likes to see my face welt up with his handprint, he squeezes my nipples so hard and chokes me until I pass out that makes my pussy squirt so he loves it because he keeps fucking me unti I come to again. I love it and he likes me to tape his friends without them knowing so we can watch and fuck like movie night.

Alternative Sex With A Sadistic Bitch

Gothic Phone SexIt’s so fucking funny how pathetic most guys really are. I am alternative and a cunt, I will never care about anyone’s feelings. I am willing to bet most guys haven’t had sex with a gothic chick just those lame ass basic bitches guys fuck. How funny and then they complain, someone like me brings guys into almost like a dante’s inferno with a little bit of pleasure. I love pouring candle wax and hot grease down your nipples while you stare at my bright black lipstick. It makes my pussy so wet knowing your skin is peeling off and I am smothering you with my fat pussy. If you bite I will do something you won’t like very much, most guys don’t know what they got into with me. I love jumping up and down and pussy slamming on a face until I come super hard. Why don’t you see what mood I am into, are you going to be able to cum or am I going to let you suffer….

Bitch better pay me

2 girl phone sexFucking Blair owes me thousands of dollars right now, bitch got her party on and thinks I’m just gonna let her play for free?? That ain’t how life works no matter what that fucking crack whore thinks! She can’t just throw that pussy at me either cus I am not a man I don’t give a fuck about her old pussy… but if she ain’t gonna pay me I damn sure will be putting that pussy to work. I had to go to her house to get her cus she was ducking all my calls, she knew I was pissed off and she was scared, or at least she should have been scared. She was so high that she offered no resistance when I dragged her out the house, bitch didn’t even start complaining until I got her back to my place! First thing she asked for was a bump but instead I gave her chains. Locked that bitch up nice and tight and then started off fucking her old ass pussy with a red hot poker. She squealed like a lil piggie and begged me to stop but I was just getting started! I pulled that poker out of her burnt up cunt and shoved in my biggest sandpaper dildo just to really rub that skin raw then I invited over all kinds of men to fuck that raw pussy. I sold her off for 5 bucks a fuck, until her debt was paid, the rest I let fuck her for free! Hope that bitch learned not to fuck with me!

violent phone sex

Please Kill Me

Murder phone sex FantasiesMy life is worth much I’m just a pathetic whore who’s only feels things when it’s pain. My existence isn’t worth much, I’ll never be important enough to keep around. Want to give me some worth? Why don’t you let me be your victim, give into your dark desire. How powerful you must feel having me completely at your mercy. You could end it all for me, you could do it quickly or you could make me suffer. It’s up to you. I’ll surrender to my master completely no matter how messy or painful it may get. All you have to do is take my life, it’s yours I don’t need it. I’m only useful to you as a toy, even then I’m easy to throw away.  Will you be the one to end my pathetic existence? Please master release me from my own torment.

Tonights Caller

Cannibalism phone sex
I had a caller tonight that had me fucking myself with my dildo the entire call. He was talking about eating my flesh while I was still alive to witness him munching on my flesh like a juicy piece of steak. The way he described slicing of my flesh from my ass. He continued on how I would be completely awake and strapped down tightly to the floor and he would feed my own body to eat. He said he would shove it in my mouth and force it down my throat if I did not eat it on my own. I have had callers who wanted to eat my dead corpse but none that ever wanted to eat me while I was still alive. That was such a fucking turn on for me I begged him to call me back and I hope he does.


Strangulation phone sexI was asleep when I felt really cold all of a sudden. I peaked my eyes up just a little bit and saw my window was wide open allowing the wind from outside to chill me. I felt the bed go down a little as if someone was sitting next to me. I slowly turned over, and was quickly met with a hand roughly covering my mouth and another one around my throat. I felt pressure closing down against my throat making it hard to breath. My head was getting dizzy and I felt floaty without any air. The room was now fading more around me and I can’t recall hearing any sounds. It was like a quietness was surrounding us. I stared at my attacker, can he tell that my body is enjoying this? Can he look back at me and tell that I’m smiling?

snuff baby

 snuff sex 

 Being such a sadistic freak, I tricked my friends dad with my southern charm, Oh he thinks I’m so innocent. But, little does he know I have been planning something with him for quite some time. My pussy drips when I hear him talk, I go home and cut myself and when I taste my dripping blood I think of him. Paul is dark, tattoos he looks like hes a snuff freak just like me. I have flirted with him so many times but he just wont crack. I know I’m young but I know i can please him way more than his wife. I’ll suck him until hes dry, I’ll take cock in any of my holes when ever and where ever all at the same time. I don’t mind my holes to even be used. I love a little knife action and role play being murdered. Sometimes people take it to far I have ended up in the ER several times. But, it hasn’t stopped me from doing what I am addicted to witch is snuff. Eventually I will have Heather’s dad and I know he will come right back.

Stranger Danger 3

Torture phone sexThe man was very particular in the places he would touch and others he would beat relentlessly. He had spent no time cutting my clothes off so he could see all of me. I asked him once what his plans were, he said I was too pale. He was going to add color to me. He made two very deep cuts on each of my sides, each causing me to let out a high pitch scream. This angry him so he decided to gag me when hitting me didn’t keep me quiet enough. I could feel fiery pain all through my body as he got behind me and grab a hold of my ass. I felt his fingers entering my tight ass and then aggressively shoving his cock in. He reached around and his hands grabbed directly on the slits he made on my sides as he would forcefully pull my body hard into him. My screams muffled by the gag at the sharp pain from the tearing of my skin.

He Wanted To Be Snuffed

snuff porn

You came to me to film some nasty snuff porn. Only this time you were not asking for sweet young cunts. You wanted to star yourself. I had my dungeon all set up for our film debut. I led you in in a spiked collar and leash. You had on pretty red panties and lipstick. I sat you in front of the camera and I beat you with my whip till you bleed. All the time you were begging me to stop. “Why would I stop beating a worthless loser bitch?’ I asked. I cut off one of your ears and you tried to escape. Suddenly ten big thick bull cocks surrounded us. I made you crawl your sniveling ass over and start gulping cock after cock. I bent you over and asked “Which testicle should I cut off first, Players choice?” You said right so I began to cut your left nut off with my blade. It took a long time as I should have sharpened it more. But it was okay because your mouth was full of thick cock choking you. A few times you turned blue but you still kept gobbling cock like the pitiful excuse of a man you are. I severed the right nut right before your ass rape porn became reality. Your ass was gaped as you bleed out from your ass and lost balls. I gave you my dagger as you lay in semi-shock on the cold hard concrete. I gave you the choice to die with more torture or finish yourself off. Eating this taste wimpy man burger I think you made the right choice. After all getting fucked by those ten big thick cocks makes a girl hungry.

ass rape porn

Stranger Danger 2

Torture phone sexI vaguely remember being pulled out of the car, and carried into a house, it was mostly dark but I could feel a cool draft as the man took me down a flight of stairs into a basement. I stayed calm, only breathing heavily from nerves and the pain I felt in my head. Feeling woozy as he began to chain up my arms, giving me no choice but to try and stand on my own. He let out a wicked laugh as he came up and licked my face. He then pulled out a knife and started to cut right down the middle of my shirt, revealing my black bra underneath. He slowly cut a slit above my breast before leaning down and kissing my breast. Will he be the one to finally end it?