Category: Evil phone sex

Drugged And Snuffed

Snuff phone sex

I’ve been to this club so many times, always looking for a real man to step up and take what he wanted. Most nights no such man existed in that place and just when I was going to give up on the thought, you approached me. You handed me a drink, I can see just a tiny fizzle at the bottom and I smiled taking the drink. I sipped slowly and listened to you talk to me, at first I felt disappointed. I felt normal it took a few minutes before I started feeling really floaty and felt like I needed to lay down. You chuckled when I started to stumble, you grabbed me and played it off to those around us I had just had to much to drink. I smiled and played along I allowed you to load me up into your car. I fell asleep as we drove away. When I awoke again you were standing over my naked body, I was on what felt like a hard mattress. I still felt to groggy and couldn’t move. You approached and I noticed your cock was bloody. I looked down and realized there was a lot of blood between by legs. Followed by a lot of stinging pain, but I didn’t cry I felt a sense of pleasure. I looked closer and notice the culprit of the blood and pain was a cock ring with razor blades sticking out the sides. You had a evil grin on your face as you grabbed me by my head and force your bloody cock down my throat. I choked and gasped feeling it cutting my mouth and throat. While I choked in my own blood I started to taste cum in the mixture, you pulled your cock out and laughed while I died drowning in blood and cum.

Bloody Good Time

Snuff phone sexI love seeing that look in your eyes. The dark look you get when you stroke your cock and think about all the ways you would love to tear me apart. I know what you are thinking, you bet my warm wet blood would make excellent lubricate when you fuck my tight little ass. Hearing me scream in pain makes you nice and stiff. I love when you let the dark thoughts enter your mind, and you give in to those twisted desires. You want more then just fucking me. You want to conquer me, dominate me, and lastly completely destroy me. You want to end my existence all for your pleasure. Let me be the first of a very long line of pathetic whores you snuff out.

FireCracker Fuck

 Sex with dead bodies
Beat me on this 4th of July punish me I need it oh so fucking desperately and all I can do is think about being fucked with a motherfuking pair of scissors the big ones cut me up now. I’m a bitch I’m a slut I’m a motherfuking punching bag, you can do what you want you can have your firecracker fucking fun with me. I’m so ready to make the fireworks go crazy in your fucking brain you better fuck me like you’re crazy insane. Yeah I like Gore I love tragedy and crying I love being fucked hard I can fill your fantasies would you like me really bloody bruised and broken down. Well I am I’m ready for some sadistic gory cooking blood-filled tainted blasphemy rape fantasies. You better hang me up by my nipples from the ceiling turn me around swing my pain you’re a devil I’m your Demon Lover. Let’s fuck in a forbidden place right now. Take me take me right fucking now I don’t need your niceness I want rude Raw hurtful angry that’s what I lust for give it to me now. Right fucking now. Piss on my face shit in my mouth I need it I want to taste it it’s so fucking yummy.

He beat me until he saw blood

Knife play phone sex


I didn’t think that I would ever be that kind of victim but I was more than wrong. I met this guy at a bar Charlie or Charles, is what he said his name was. Charlie seemed a little bit odd but not like what happened not that odd at all. He was tall over 6 feet, big blue eyes, piercing beautiful ice cold eyes. Very broad shoulders he was just strong-looking but with a withdrawn temperament, with the guys that I’ve fucked with I should have known something at least but he just kept hypnotizing me with those eyes and tequila shots. I think of myself as a girl with a high tolerance for liquor so I just kept backing those shots and I guess Charles was taking full advantage of that because I was paying no attention to how much he was drinking. Before long I was fucking blasted and Charles looked yummy to me so we gave each other those fuck eyes you know and we headed out of the bar. I went back to Charles place with him, fucking drunk and horny as shit. His apartment was like a sex Den he had things in his apartment that turned my life around completely. I never thought in a million years that being that type of victim would make me cum in an out of Body Experience best way. I was so drunk when he started taking out all of the whips that I went along with it. That night things happened, such sexual deviant things happened. There was blood and cum everywhere.

I Love Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sexI live for bloody phone sex. I don’t just kill a person, I mutilate their body and exsanguinate the body. I am a gore whore. My friends think I am a vampire wannabe because I drink blood. They don’t know the half of it. A have a few goth friends I confide in, but they think I just have dark fantasies. They don’t realize that I mostly have dark realities because killing is my favorite pastime. This little millennial bitch cut in front of me in line at a coffee house. She informed me I don’t matter, so I could wait. I was stabbing her with my eyes in line for an overpriced coffee. I made note of her license plate because once you have that, a home address is not hard to find, especially when you have a friend at the DMV. That little cunt just had her last Frappuccino. I broke into her house early in the morning. Of course, she lived in the suburbs in a trendy artsy community. A grizzly murder and home invasion would rock this community. I woke up because I wanted her to see me kill her. I wanted her to feel her death. Normally, I would have a male accomplice to help me. He could explore his rape fantasies before she became my snuff porn queen. This bitch was all mine this time. I dragged her skinny ass to her bathroom, muffled her mouth with her panties and hung her upside down from her shower rod. I slit her throat to bleed her out. I sat naked in the tub feeling her hot blood spill on my body and fill my wine glass. I masturbated using her blood as lube, watching the life disappear from her eyes while drinking her warm blood. Who doesn’t matter now, bitch?

Fucking Worth Nothing

Kidnapping phone sex


I am a stupid fucking bitch who needs to be dick beaten choked and fucked all the time. I realize that I’m worthless I realize there’s nothing good about me except for my fucking fat ass cum guzzling pussy and my dick sucking lips. That’s right I’m just a submissive whore the kind that relishes being cock stroked and fucked up. If you have ass rape fantasies I’m the motherfucker you should get with I can make those fantasies hop out of your brain and into your cock and spray all over the place. I am all hopped up on drugs always plus I’m drunk as fuck do you want to beat your meat on my head would you like to beat your meat on my lips and my tongue or would you like to shove your cock down my throat and bang on my fucking tonsils like it’s a boxing bag. I’m no good anyway no one loves me no one cares my grandfather told me that men would fuck me but not marry me I guess the old geezer was right. Do what you want to me it doesn’t matter no one is concerned especially not me.

Trust Me

Snuff phone sexI may be weird, when I beg you for me pain. Maybe you are scared of going to far, please don’t be. This is me begging you to go for it. I want to scream, I want to bleed. I want to feel cold and fading away. Just the thought of my cold dead body is enough to get you excited. I know it is, I’ve teased with this thought so many times, hoping to plant the plan into your head. I see that darkness in you, I’m begging you explore it. Peel off my flesh slowly enjoy my cries use my body for your sick pleasure. Let me be your first, I might not deserve to be so important but I want to be. Please let me be the experience you won’t ever forget. Let me be the first pathetic life you snuff out from this world.

Snuff Phone Sex 101

snuff sex

Snuff Sex isn’t just about killing and eating bitches or bastards. It is about how my pussy contracts and starts flowing honey down my leg at the sound of screams and cries. Begging me to spare that life. Begging me over and over, and giving them hope that there is something they can do to be spared.  The sound of that final heartbeat, the way the blood spurts up all over my naked body ,so hot and full of that iron smell. I love it when I have a nice big cock to ride after I take that last breath from my victims. Blood dripping down my body. I love when I have had three or four acclomplices pumping cum into battered cunts and asses. the smell of blood and cum makes me so hungry for my victims flesh. I love when I can just tear a piece of that sweet neck off and have a sweet bite right in the middle of Cannibalism phone sex. 

The Gift For His Slut

Sadistic phone sexMy old man gave me a gift wrapped in a box. I was surprised because he’s never giving me anything. For a brief moment I was happy but not for long. I opened the box and saw a human dog collar and leash. He was telling me where my place was in his world, I was no better than a dog or an object. Tears rolled down my face as he fastened the collar around my neck. He made me get down on my knees and walked me around the living room like a well-trained dog. I didn’t dare protest because he would kick my ass. I knew my place. He sat in his favorite chair and pulled my chain because he wanted his dick sucked. I held his huge dick and licked it all over before putting it in my mouth. I sucked him nice and slow like he trained me to do. He came in my mouth and I swallowed. I opened my mouth because he liked making sure that it was empty.

Knife Play Tonight

Knife play phone sexMy fingers are shaking and stained with blood. I couldn’t help myself the way the silver glistened in the reflecting light, it was like it was calling for me. My body ached for pain, needed it like a addict needed their next fix. Let’s be honest I am addicted, pain in my most pure drug. It gets me off makes me feel alive. I laid in bed watching my silver pocket knife sitting on the nightstand, just begging to be played with. I pulled down my panties and reached for it. Flipped it out and stared at the sharp 3 inch serrated blade. I pressed the cold blade against my skin, goosebumps covered my body. I toyed with the blade the tips slowly scraping down my stomach to my sweet bald little peach. I used my fingers to separate the soft little lips, letting the blade gently touch my clit. I spread my legs wide and inserted the blade inside me, while I pressed my thumb hard against my clit. I moved my hips, slowly pulling the knife in and out twisting it around to feel the sharp pains of it tearing the inside of my pussy. It got wetter and wetter, I could feel blood gushing out making a mess between my thighs. I was so close, I rubbed my clit faster as I started to climax. Afterwards I slowly pulled out my knife, which was once shiny and clean now cover in red, the shine barely able to be seen. I feel so light headed, but completely and utterly satisfied.