Category: Evil phone sex

Blood Money


Bloody phone sex

The call came in that help was needed.  I do have a few friends but not many, so when one of them calls to ask for help I go, no questions asked.  When I arrived he was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette, his hand was shaking like crazy.  He didn’t look at all well.  I sat down next to him and asked him what was wrong.  He told me that his son had made a mistake, a huge mistake and that he was in the house.  As I got up to go into the house to find out just what the hell was going on he grabbed my hand, looked up at me and said, “I’ll pay you what ever you want, just take care of it.” 

Now I was very curious.  I walked into the house, it was dead quiet.  It seemed that his son had left, then I heard someone moving around upstairs.  As I got to the top of the steps his son appeared.  He was covered in blood, he had it in his hair, his chest, his under ware, legs, he looked like he just stepped out of a horror movie.  He just pointed into the bathroom.  I went in to see what was what.  There she was, crumpled in the tub.  I couldn’t tell where the actual wounds were, I stepped closer to sit on the edge of the tub.

She looked almost angelic with her blue eyes staring straight ahead, brown hair up over the lip of the tub, making a halo.  I traced my fingers over her face, she was still warm, I checked for a pulse but there was none.  I stood up, brought my finger to my mouth and sucked off the blood.  I turned to look at my friend’s son.  I asked him what happened.  He told me that they were having sex and he got carried away, he was choking her and went too far.  Okay, but why was there all that blood if she was choked? Plus it takes a lot of force to actually strangle someone, it isn’t like it is in the movies, it takes a while and a shit load of pressure over a long period of time, so his story was a bunch of shit, but hey, who am I to judge.

He went on to explain that after he realized she was dead he didn’t know what to do so he put her in the tub then decided that the best course of action would be to dismember her, clean up, then dump the parts somewhere before his Dad got home.  What this Einstein didn’t realize that it takes a lot of effort and time to dismember a body.  It isn’t like cutting into a piece of bread, especially if you are only using a knife.  I asked him if anyone knew she was there, he said no because he picked her up because she was hitch hiking and as far as he knew she didn’t even have a cell phone.  I told him to take a shower, put some gloves on, get a trash bag and put her stuff into it and go and put it in my car.  

I had to spend the whole night taking care of that damn mess.  I have no clue of who she was because he was right, no cell phone, I didn’t even find a wallet, just some money in her jeans, a few pieces of clothing in her backpack and some gear for doing Heroine, other than that she was just some chick who decided to fuck the wrong guy.  Something good did come out of the whole thing though, I made a nice little chunk of money.

Torture Please

Sadistic phone sex I love a good nipple torture. I have big fake boobs for you to fuck up. I love nipple clamps with weights and I love knife play too. Carve lines into my big fat fake boobs and make my flesh split open pouring out my blood. I love that smell. Take your fingers put in my blood and shove those fingers right in my mouth. I love the taste of my blood. But please do not stop at cutting and torturing my nipples. I love to get mangled from head to toe. the more you inflict the more my cunt squirts. I want your big cock shoved down my throat as you cut my flesh making me gag and scream on your shaft. Torture me please I beg you.

The Taste of Them

Snuff phone sex

Copper.  That’s what it tastes like.  Thick, metallic, crimson, and beautiful. That’s how they taste afterward, but before then it is a much different story.  Sweat, salty, tangy, the fear is just divine.  I have seen you, your mouth pressed against those bald pussies.  Pressing in as deep as you can while they beg you to stop.  You tell the how good they are being, but it really doesn’t matter what you say, they know what you are doing is wrong.  Sometimes they cry, but you like that don’t you.  I know I do.  

You touch their face, hovering over them, blocking out the light, obscuring your face.  You press one finger to your lips shushing them.  Their eye wide, hopeful, you begin to spread their legs as wide as you can get them.  The screaming starts, high pitched, as you press your cock into that tiny little space.  Of course you cannot get it all in, but you try.  How dare she be such a slut, teasing you day after day.  Wearing those little dresses, tight little leggings, she knew what she was doing.

She was just waiting for you to make the first move, and now all she does is pretend not to want you.  You just have to be a little bit more … persuasive. You go deeper, you feel something tear, but you don’t care, she needs to learn.  She needs to learn not to tease then not put out.  Better she learn now then later, this will be your good deed for the day.

She gasps for breath as you start to pound into her, then you see her look at you, you see hatred in those big eyes.  You stop, you realize she lied to you, she didn’t want to be with you, she was just like all the rest of them.  You thought she was different, but she wasn’t.  This just makes you angry, and it should.  Little bitches like her shouldn’t play with people’s emotions.  You get up as she collapses sobbing for her Mommy.  Her Mommy is probably a slut just like her daughter.

You grab your pocket knife.  You get back between her legs, she starts to beg again, that just makes it worse.  You can’t help yourself, you plunge back into her as the blade sinks into her tender flesh.  Now her screaming is more intense, you bring the knife to your lips, smearing the crimson liquid before licking it off.  She tastes amazing.  You want more.

You shudder as you watch her blood spill slowly down her titties, soft pink nipples that are barely there  take on the color of her blood, you lean down to suck it off of them.  You explode inside of her, you bring the blade to her pretty soft neck, you slice over her throat, cutting, slitting her jugular as the hot warm blood spurts all over you.  You look down at her face, her eyes go dull.  You toss her out like the lying trash she is.  Pity, you had hoped that this time she wouldn’t be one of those teasing whores.  Luckily for you there are plenty more out there, and you are determined to find the one of your dreams.

Cannibalism: An Intoxicating Feast

She was a real juicy specimen that just wondered into my favorite hangout and on the best night possible for such a plump one. It’s the night of our annual gathering where we bring in about three plump and delicious sides of fresh flesh to get skewered. Well, we get them intoxicated and have some fun tenderizing the flesh or prey as it may be. We make sure they are marinated well inside before we toss them in a pot of warm brine and use a baster to really clean them out, and inject them with some nice dry white wine.

Once the prey has been penetrated and fucked by every member of the gang and fucked good is when all of the above preparations happen. We then impale them from ass to mouth with a long seasoned roasting stick that will be used to carry them to the fire. Positioned over the open flame we all start to oil the meaty breasts and asses up and let the flames lick away at their scrumptious flesh. The smell of their flesh cooking is beautiful and we continue to baste them with oils and seasonings until they meet our desired doneness. We really get into chopping the heads off and digging into the brain for a wonderful delicacy. Limb by limb the appetizer is served up. Let’s have a feast!

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Beat Down

Sadistic phone sex It was like 4 am and I was fucking horny. But I wanted more than a beat down I wanted a forced sex scene possibly an orgy forced sex scene with complete strangers. So I dressed somewhat proper I didn’t want to look like I was searching for my forced scene. I parked my car and walked three blocks east to the bad part of town. Lots of homeless, drug dealers, and just general bad fucking people. I acted like I was lost and could not find my way. I could hear the chatter around me and feel the stares starting to burn holes in my flesh. I turned the corner into an alley still pretending I was lost when I felt a hand come around my mouth and drag me off to an abandoned building. Inside I could see several guys with their dicks hanging out of their pants. I did the struggle and fight thing and got exactly what I wanted. I played these boys as they were thinking they had the upper hand.

Castration phone sex with Ivy

Castration phone sex

There is a pub just a short distance from where I live. I was walking home from the pub after having a few cocktails with some girlfriends. As I turned the corner, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I new that I was being followed. Instead of being freaked out, it made my juicy pussy cream my panties. I knew that you must be the serial rapist that the local news has been warning us about. The thought of turning the table on you sexually excited me. I acted like I was unaware until I reached my apartment door. I reached into my purse and had my chloroform spray ready.

You grabbed me from behind and covered both my mouth with your hand. I reached up and sprayed your face before you even realized what had just happened. I finished dragging you inside my apartment. I hand cuffed you to the radiator. I put a spread bar in between your legs, and secured them. Now I just had to wait for you to wake back up. You were a little groggy and confused. I took my large butcher knife and rubbed it against your cheek. I even stood over you with out any panties on showing you my hot wet pussy.

I told you that I knew my hot juicy cunt is what you had come for, but you made a mistake. You picked the wrong girl. No one gets the upper hand on the devil’s princess. I took my knife and sliced your jeans revealing your large hard cock. You said I was wrong and begged me to let you go as I ran my knife up and down the sides of your hard throbbing cock. I shoved my knife up your tight puckered ass and enjoyed your screams as I twisted it. Cutting and slicing your tight ass for my pleasure. I just laughed as I cut your great big balls off in one wield of the knife and then shoved them down your throat. Your cock I took as a trophy. What will I do to you? You will have to call me for some castration phone sex to find out.

Kidnapping Phone Sex: He Kidnapped Me for Dinner

kidnapping phone sex

I have a kidnapping phone sex story for you. I was hitchhiking to a rave last night. It was raining. I have no car, but I will give head for a lift. This nice old man picked me up. He didn’t seem dangerous. He didn’t want a blow job. He just wanted to make sure I got to wherever I was going safely. He offered me a bottled water and that is where things get muddled. I woke up in a cage. I was naked and covered in something slimy. I asked what it was, and he told me butter and olive oil. He was a kinky fuck. I asked him to let me go, but he said I was staying for dinner. Something felt off. I mean if he wanted me to have a meal with him, why cage me. Then I saw what looked like a pile of human bones in the corner. OMG. I was the dinner. I panicked and pleaded with him to let me go. I told him I would be a good sex slave for him if he just spared my life. He pulled me out of the cage and dumped me in a big pan with seasoned veggies and potatoes. He said only stupid cunts take a ride from a stranger, then he added that stupid cunts make great meals. That was the last thing I heard him say before he shoved me in the oven.

Daddy wanted me to make snuff porn

snuff pornDaddy wanted me to make a snuff porn with his friends. I didn’t want to, and I protested. He slapped the shit out of me. My tiny body was black and blue from the beat down I got. I know better than to protest, but daddy has some mean friends. When they get together and drink, all they can think about is ravaging my tiny fuck holes. I had no choice and I knew it. When his gang of pals arrived, they were drunk as skunks. They liked that daddy roughed me up a bit for them. Before they pulled out their cocks, however, they wanted some foreplay. I thought that meant I had to suck their cocks. They had something far less vanilla in mind than dick sucking. They sodomized my tiny bottom with beer bottles. They laughed as I cried from the pain. I looked towards Daddy for help, but he just had a big old grin on his face and a hard dick in his hand. My baby asshole was bleeding, even prolapsed. After they stopped laughing, one of daddy’s drunk friends suggested they fuck my asshole back inside me. I grabbed a bottle of beer and chugged it because I knew this was going to hurt. For hours they pounded my prolapsed ass back inside me. It may have worked at the moment, but today, my ass is a bloody sore mess and they are just waking up from their drunk stupor for round two.

Bitch had to go

snuff sexThis bitch came to me for training, she wanted to learn how to domme stupid wimpy men so I agreed to teach her. Well she would not respect me, she did nothing but give me an attitude and refused to learn! I took time out of my day to teach this bitch and she didn’t even try to learn? Oh fuck no, I wasn’t gonna have that at all! I slapped the silly bitch across the face and knocked her down to the ground. I told her she wasn’t fit to be a domme so I was gonna teach her to be a slave instead. Well she didn’t like that very much so I had to get rough. I got a few of my assistants to restrain the whore and then I systematically broke all of her bones one by one. Trust me, by the end of that process she was more than ready to learn! I however was bore with her so I let my assistants kill her…

Feeding The Trees


Snuff phone sex

Everything thrives off the death of something else.  Death is a necessary part of life.  Even vegans kill things, but veggies do not have a face, so they eat them, I hate to tell them this, but killing is killing.  However, you can make killing fun.  It doesn’t have to be a fucking somber time.  The lead up is sometimes more satisfying than the act it’s self.  All that planning, the stalking, making sure you have the right equipment, finding a place to play, then to dispose of the lifeless fuck-rag. All of it gets my cunt wet just thinking about it.

Having a place to take the prey is critical.  Spare of the moment shit always backfires, that is how people get caught.  Nothing is worth rushing over.  Taking time is what makes the experience worthwhile.  Instilling fear is the first thing, the unfamiliar, the brutality administered over a long time, erratic in it’s timing. It throws them off, making them on constant alert, it is exhausting for them.  Placing them in a place with no outside light, no outside sound, no way of knowing time, that will break anyone.

Once you get them at that point, right at the tipping point, you bring them back.  Showing care, kindness, regret, you gain their trust, then you start all over again.  The emotional as well as the physical pain is a must.  Make it last, days, weeks, months, but never ever hold onto them longer than that. The day arrives where you simply must do away with them.  They become tiresome after a while, and you will crave something new.  They are bruised, even fucking them has lost it’s fun because they just slip away into themselves.  What fun is that?  No screaming, no crying, no protesting, just dead weight. 

One piece at a time you take from them.  Keeping them alive by cauterizing wounds and cuts.  You bury those chucks of your prey deep, no animal will find them, no people will stumble across them, the only thing that knows that those juicy piece of flesh are there are the trees, and they are grateful for the nourishment.