Category: Cheap phone sex

Murder phone sex Fantasies Come Undone

murder phone sex fantasies

These are the ultimate murder phone sex fantasies come undone! Down in the AIDS ward there are some twisted and evil men who would do nothing more than kill you slowly! Bug Juice awaits your ass! And I am going to enjoy every second! 

You don’t mess with the black sheriff of your town and think he will let you and your wife get away with anything!

  A broken tail light is the least of your worries as we are handcuffed and taken down to the basement. No one will ever hear our screams. Pumped directly with that deadly virus and a bone grinder awaits your pathetic ass. I scream no not my husband but the shot in my ass is making me feel so good, and horny! My thoughts turn evil as I am ready to do anything these fuckers say to do. Like hold that bone grinder to your right arm as the blood and bone fragments spurt away! Oh and as I get a train pulled on my ass and pussy at the same time as I am dismembering every limb off of you. I am teh evil bitch now and nothing is going to make me stop fucking while this snuff slut torture you with every medical device i can get my hands on!

Snuff Phone sex With Jezabel

Snuff Phone Sex

They took us and beat you, and would make you nothing but a stump of a man! Thats how this sexy snuff phone sex Bitch gets down!  

I would be begging for my boyfriend not to be killed when he lost that pool bet. Instead needles full of Heroin And infected blood would be shot into him and my body would receive the best of the heroine, making me submit to all the cocks that wanted to breed me. 

Even the most evil bitch gets herself into a fucked up situation and as long as I am getting fucked while the grinder is disfiguring you, I am a happy go lucky cunt! I wouldn’t mind six huge hung black men breeding me as your arms are grinded off slowly as you yell in pain and howl like a bobcat. 

Your pain makes me horny, and do I shy away from it? The fuck no! 

I want your stumpy body quivering as they melt your dick and balls with a  soldering iron. My gimp piece of flesh to sit in the corner and watch your whore girlfriend get fucked for the rest of your sorry life. A feeding tube, and dope keeps you my barely there piece of flesh with sunken eyes for ever in the pit of torture! I am not a submissive slut, but if it takes me getting fucked and forcibly bred to watch you suffer, than I am all mother fucking Game! I am a Taboo phone sex slut for a mother fucking reason! 

Bring me your body on a platter and I will dice you up and feed you to the wolves and your own family if need be. My Name is Jezabel for a Reason Bitch!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies in the Burbs

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? I sure do hope so. I love violent fantasies. I have a reality that is not far from fiction. I have bad choice in fuck buddies. I am married. I am a mother. I live in suburbia but the soccer mom life bores me to death. I want nothing to do with the vanilla world. That is why I do coke. Even if my life is dull, I can numb myself to it with some coke and let my life escape to the nasty corners of my mind. I was super coked up the other night and snuck out of my gated community to slum with the other druggies and whores. I met a dealer who made me a sweet offer. He wanted me to service his friends and in exchange, I would get some high-grade coke. How could I say no to that? I did a few lines and started sucking cocks. The men did lines and went animalistic. They tied me up so I would not fight. They started shoving a couple cocks at a time up my ass. Gaping my asshole like they had fisted me. When high, I fancy myself an ass rape porn star. I was begging to be sodomized. My asshole was prolapsed, and I was oblivious. Once I knew, I joked that they should fuck my asshole back in. I let the dealer’s posse use me up and stretch me out until the sun started to rise. I knew I was pushing it close to getting home undetected. I pleased the dealer and his posse. I left with my ass hole hanging out looking like raw meat. I had a big bag of coke, so it was worth it. I snuck back into bed with my husband, covered in cum and smelling of sex. He was none the wiser. I am good at leading a double life.

I Will Leave A Plate Of Cookies Out

Taboo phone sexIt has been so long since I felt the strength of a mans hands around my neck and that desperation as I gasp for air while he strangles me and fucks my face!

I ache for the pain of you punching me and slapping me!

I feel completely wasted without your cock destroying my ass and making me your filthy little fuck doll!

I need my rape phone sex fantasies rekindled! I need to be drenched in cum!

I will leave the door unlocked if you want to break in.

I will put the dog out so he does not bother you and I will even leave you a damn plate of cookies next to the bed!

Why are you making me beg for what you know you want to do? Is this part of the torture? You know I need the pain, the abuse, the feeling of being a filthy little whore. I can’t cum until you hurt me!

My cunt has been aching for you and your friends to come and finish what you started. To have all of my holes fucked and torn and my bruised and battered body just lying lifeless on the ground!

My once torn pussy has shrunk back to normal and is so tight and wet!



Poetic Slutkin Kill Spree

torture phone sexYour accomplice whore knows about torture in all forms
Sweet young,
Innocent bodies,
Playing and carefree,
Never seeing it coming.
Look at these delicious young Morsels,
Girls and boys of every color,
Waiting for you to torture little fuck whore holes.
Shaking with fear,
Naked and scrumptious,
Soon to be lured over,
My Man knows what he wants,
Twin girls to help us find Rover.
It doesn’t take much for us to take them as they are looking for a lost pup,
Soon blood will overflow our cup.
Didn’t even put up a fight,
Running your hands over sweet young skin we know
They will be dead by midnight.
I am in his ear telling him this is good,
That every man has dark desires,
And how much I want to fuck in their young blood,
Use them Put out the lust fires.
I tell him how and what to do to them,
Savor each moment for we may,
Never have this chance again.
With each orgasm they are closer to death.
We will enjoy more than the rape fantasies tonight,
As we take their very last breath.
They will be at our table for supper,
Only they will be the main course!

Knife Play Phone Sex With a Snuff Victim

knife play phone sex

When I woke up the first thing I felt was the cold steel on my skin. You were tracing up and down my naked torso with a very big knife. I knew it was very sharp, too, just from looking at it. You told me that I should be very quiet because if I screamed, you would make sure that that was the last sound that ever came out of my whore mouth. And that’s when you revealed your reasoning for kidnapping me and tying me to this bed – you were mad that I would fuck pretty much anyone but I had turned you down. 

I told you that I would be more than happy to have sex with you if you would just let me go. You said you weren’t into pity fucks and that you were going to stick your dick inside me anyway. You did and when I didn’t start screaming, you held the knife up to my throat and asked if I was scared enough to scream yet. I was and I did. If you would like to hear what happens next, just call me now for some hot and devious knife play phone sex.

Snuff Sex With a Dumb Snuff Cunt

snuff sex

Of course, I have done snuff role-plays and that gets me off SO much, but what I really want someday is to have actual snuff sex. Yes, I know that it means I’d be dead afterward, but my God, isn’t that such a delicious way to leave this world? I mean, to a submissive whore like me, it’s the most amazingly intimate way to submit to a Master. It’s the ultimate way of giving up control and my pussy is throbbing and soaking wet right now just thinking about it. Did your cock get hard when reading this? If so, you really should call me.

I wonder how you’ll snuff me out? Of course, I have my own ideas of how I’d like it to go, but I want to know what you want, Sir. If I am fortunate, then our fantasies will line up and we will both get what we desire. Of course, what you want always comes first. I am just a lowly subbie slut and I know that’s how I’ll be treated. So whether you put your hands around my throat and choke the life of me or you choose something more bloody and violent, I’m ready to give everything to you.

Ass Rape Porn

Ass rape pornI was a little low on cash and I saw this ad, “$$Girls wanted for Adult Movie$$”

I am no stranger to a good thick hard one and I heard they pay well. So I got all dressed up in my lacy black stockings and high heels and went for my porn star premier!

The smell of sex was everywhere! The floors were sticky and the sheets were stained!

They gave me a pill and a shot of whisky.They said the pill was a triple strength antibiotic that works immediately, just to make sure I am clean, and the shot was to help me relax!

We did a few teaser photos and the whole time, they were grabbing at me, slapping my ass, pawing at my tits, sticking their fingers in my mouth. I was starting to feel very weak and dizzy!

Then my body went limp, I was wide awake but completely paralyzed!

Within minutes, my nipples were hooked to clamps and my hips were belted down! Cameras were placed everywhere and a monitor was right in front of me so that I could watch from every angle!

I was not sure what they were planning! I could not fight…it’s like they wanted me to watch them rape me!

The shock machine was turned on and the intensity was increased until my body began involuntarily twitching!

Then I was suddenly surrounded by cocks!

I watched on the monitor as they filmed the ass rape porn! My cunt was being stretched by two thick rock hard dicks as a third tore my ass to shreds!

My body was being jerked hard with every thrust and the strap was cutting into my skin! My nipples were mutilated and swollen from the clamps!

I was starting to feel it! The pain of being destroyed by those three punishing cocks and the shocks being sent through my tattered tits! The meds were wearing off!

I started to struggle when suddenly that shit stained cock was forced down my throat, gagging me as he held my nose, forcing my mouth open, slamming my face with brown drool running down my cheek!

Then a mass eruption of cock cream hit me like water out of a fire hose, stinging my wounds and then drowning me in a shower of piss as they hosed me off!

When they finished, they unstrapped me, gave me ten bucks and said they would be in touch. Most girls would have been humiliated or insulted but what they don’t know is, I would have done it for free!



Deadly Violent Phone Sex

violent phone sex

I knew how utterly dangerous he was when we met. It was the amber gaze of sin that broke me, and I didn’t care what he did with me, I would consent. His teeth grazed over my skin like a threat or a promise when he punched himself inside of my cunt. Each stab of his stone-hard cock brought me closer and closer to coming, but he wasn’t going to let me have it that easy. Pleasure comes at the cost of pain.

“Your life is mine” he told me, and it was true. I knew that he was capable of ending my life at any time, and I wanted him like nothing on this earth. He growled and snarled and held a death grip on my throat, battering my pussy with his punishing thrusts. Feeling his fingers cutting into my skin, marking me in a purple choker collar of bruises, I dripped all over his sadistic cock. I ached for him to choke the life out of me and leave me with his seed inside my dead cunt. He wasn’t merciful enough to take my life. Why do that when he could kill me slowly in violent phone sex?

Secrets Society Confessions of Snuff Sex and More

snuff sexThere is a secret society of men who worship snuff sex on an everyday basis. They are born into the cannibalism world of eating females. Women are used as breeding whores until they are 24 years old and then made into a poo-poo platter for the men to feast on. My caller couldn’t give me much information but I know it’s true because I have been involved with some sick shit myself. This hot sadist guy was took in by an elder and his mother who was older than twenty-four by far was used as his personal fuck slave along with his sister. They were kept in cages until the boys 18th birthday where they decapitated the mother’s head and ate her body.

His sister pregnant with his brat would be allowed to live for a couple more years but then the same would happen to her! Imagine a breeding ground where women were only breeding and fuck whore and useless flesh after that. They ate the females and the males would be in the secret society with them all. They even fuck the decapitated fuck meat whore Female bodies after and marinate them with dozens of mens cum in the family feast! Baby this goes back eons too. I want to know your stories. I know there are more of you. You fit right in this snuff phone sex Queens world! My Pussy is so wet in anticipation!