Category: Cheap phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex Victim

knife play phone sex

When you told me to shut up and do as you told me to or there’d be hell to pay, I didn’t believe you. It was always just a fantasy all of the other times we fooled around and had knife play phone sex, so I didn’t think that this time would be any different, but it was. I told you no when you ordered me to get down onto my knees and suck your cock and that was clearly the wrong answer. Again, he said “Get down on your knees bitch” but this time he added “Or I will slit your fucking throat and you’ll bleed out while I jizz in your mouth.”

He held the knife right up to my throat as I sucked his cock and I could feel the cold steel blade up against my neck. I was afraid that if I moved too much, I’d get cut accidentally, but it was a risk I had to take. If I didn’t do a good enough job, I knew worse things than getting a small accidental cut were going to happen. I know you and your cock are just dying to know what happened next, or better yet, maybe you want to act it out with me. 

Blasphemous Fucking Of Saint James

Blasphemy Sex

James was not yet a saint, merely a man – an Apostle of Christ, the one my sister Mary Magdalene had gotten knocked up by. James was a cutie, a devout man who I’d been chasing down for months. Finally, I got the courage to slip into his tent one night, as Jesus had come into mine to stuff Mary Mags full of that Divine cum.

James was shocked to see me, but I was dressed to impress and he couldn’t resist my elegant form in the lantern light. “Indigo?” He asked with such confusion, not expecting to have seen me there. I stripped quickly, and his jaw hit the floor as his cock rose to the Heavens. “Jesus said you get a reward.” I grinned wickedly. James got to his knees, and began to immediately worship the most holy gift of God – my perfect pussy.

It wasn’t long before I was cumming all over Saint James face, blessing him with my feminine juices and a loud fucking cum. I was screaming his name so loud Lazarus must have heard me. I knew I could turn him to my causes; ending the fucking Roman Empire. The first step of that was ending Jesus Christ himself.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

Violent Phone Sex With Faith

violent phone sex

I think everyone gets turned on by something violent now and then. If they tell you they haven’t, it’s just because society isn’t okay with that. They’ll tell us it’s wrong and that we’re going to turn into a serial killer or some shit (although, how cool would that be?!). But I don’t think that’s the case at all. There are just times we have to get our aggression out and violent phone sex really does help take care of those feelings. I had a man call me the other day and tell me that he really needed to put his hands around a woman’s neck and choke the life out of her.

Some women would pretend to be horrified by that, but not me. The more you tell me you want to hurt me, even to the point of death, the more turned on I get. I got my vibrator out and started fucking my pussy while we talked about how good it would feel for him to drain the life out of me slowly. Do you have a fantasy like that and you weren’t sure who to talk to about it? I’m here, ready and waiting to take care of you and your dark desires!

Snuff Movies Are My Favorite

snuff movies

Admit it. You’ve found yourself on the dark web a time or two checking out snuff movies. Don’t feel bad. We’ve all done it. And for me personally, it makes my pussy really fucking wet. I cum so hard when I’m watching the life get drained from another human being. The power that someone must feel while doing that is probably incredible, don’t you think? Have you ever imagined your hands around a woman’s neck while you are fucking her? Do you think it would make your orgasm more powerful? I definitely think it would, and I think we should talk about that.

I love role plays and it would be fun to think about you fucking me to death, literally. You don’t have to strangle me, although I do find that sexy. We could talk about you taking a knife to my smooth, soft flesh. It would be like making our own snuff film. That’s something I would love to do someday. Would I be the one being snuffed out, or would I be an accomplice to someone else taking their last breath? I guess I won’t know till it happens. Do you want to help me decide? 

Accomplice of Babysitter phone sex

babysitter phone sex

You know I love abusive sex and being your evil babysitter phone sex slut! I hate watching your brats but I love making them do shit to get my pussy off! I invited my twin sister to help me with a  brood of brats that were so bad. I hate crotch goblins who don’t behave.  We might have facetimes our boyfriends while the little urchins ran around like crazy monsters.  When my boyfriend said that he knew what would shit those little loud mouths up, his cock…. Well my pussy got really wet. My twin Jumped up and said let’s do it! She told her own twisted fuck man that he could come over and help us tame these wildcats with his dick, she knew he had been itching to do some freaky brat shit. Let’s face it, she and her are always ageplaying for our older boyfriends. We know when we see a p-man! 


And in this accomplice phone sex whores life, I am always striving for the most twisted deranged sexual encounters. I knew this night would get bloody, as we would have to get rid of a couple 3 dead little bodies and make a run for it. I did want to stick around and watch the mothers face as she saw how brutal we got. 

accomplice phone sex

Those little fuck meat dolls never seen it coming. I had the boy entranced by some perky little tits of mine and the girls began running to hide. Funny how some young ones just feel evil when they see it. I had my boyfriend grab up a juicy young one and shut her mouth right up as I jacked her throat as his cock was deep in her esophagus. 


My sister’s old man had his dick in the boys ass and my sister and I ate out little cunny.. Not much smaller than our own cunts, to be honest, but fresh and untouched. THen it was time to bring out the powered turkey knife and start cutting off heads so our men could fuck those little brains out, quite literally.

Suffocation Phone Sex Princess

suffocation phone sex

A few weeks ago, I had a sexual experience that left me breathless in more than one way. One of my newest lovers came over and he told me that he had something he had been wanting to try. I’m always up for an adventure, so I told him I’d be more than happy to make his fantasy come true. That’s when he told me that he wanted to suffocate me while he fucked me. Of course, suffocation isn’t new to me, but I know that when someone does it for the first time, they tend to get a little too excited and go too far.

That was, of course, the case with my new lover. He got on top of me and started fucking me and grabbed a pillow and put it over my face. The more excited he got, the more he pressed and I started to get really nervous about whether or not he was going to stop in time to save my life. He did, obviously, but it was pretty touch and go for a while. Do you have a suffocation phone sex fantasy you’d like to role play with me? I’m ready and waiting to please you!

Sadistic Phone Sex Princess

sadistic phone sex

Kyle caught me in a cruel mood the last night he came over. It very well could have been his last night on earth, the way I was feeling. I wanted to make the sexy mother fucker bleed for me. When I sunk my teeth into his balls I heard him scream. It was a lovely sound that I heard a lot of that night. I pushed him to the edge and then played nice and jerked his cock for a bit. Then I came at his flesh with teeth and nails until I overwhelmed him with pain again. He sounded so fucking hot crying out, and the taste of his warm blood from his lip turned me on and pushed me to go further.

Sadistic phone sex always gets my cunt wet. I didn’t know how much I was going to enjoy cutting Kyle open until my hands were stained with his blood and my pussy was smeared with crimson streaks while I rubbed my clit over his bloody skin. His cock was sore so when I rode him hard, he cried out the entire time. I only stuck a few dozen thick needles in, what a fucking wimp.

Bad Coke deal

snuff phone sex He has been hiding from me for days. He has stolen 3 Kilos of coke and made me look bad to my business partner. He thought he was safe from this snuff phone sex killer!
Quietly sleeping in a rented room, dreaming of the money he will make of my merchandise. But he wakes to chains being clamped shut. Cold water was thrown in his face as I stood over him. Give me my shit James!

“Jezabel! I am just holding it for a better deal, I swear!”

I lit my cigarette and laughed as he realized this sick and twisted bitch has him cuffed and vulnerable. I put my cigarette out on his balls as the tire iron came down to break a few ribs. I grab his balls and dick and twist each in a different direction. Finally he relents and gives me the safe number behind the picture on the wall. But its just baking soda so I blind his ass with it and unshackle him. Two tall muscular men carry him to the free candy van after I hogtie him and cut his clothes off.

“James, you crossed the wrong bitch and how you thought you could get away from me Is beyond my understanding,” I whisper as I kiss his lips. The kiss of death as he begs for his pathetic life!
I take the opportunity on the van ride to open my good travel torch and shout up to the front of the van for my goons to put their ear plugs In… ????
I look lovingly into the flame and tell him that his time on this earth will be short lived! We pull up to my torture den, and before the night is over he will have a stump where his cock used to be and will be cut into a million pieces and fed to the hogs! But not before he became a star in some hot and bloody Snuff porn! This merciless Killer is ready for a victim!

Fisting The Young One

fantasy phone sexBeing a snuff whore makes this cunt soaked and dripping in juices for you to force fuck me with. I was immediatly turned on when my older uncle grabbed me from my room and locked the door behind him! He had me tied up and invited daddy in with him and I felt their hands groping and touching all over me and fingers spreading me out to fit their daddy dicks. Soon enough they had their fists in my pussy covered in my juices and running down their arms. Finally after all the mess and pain, they took out those big dicks with precum dripping from the tips and force fucked my virgin cunt! They left me dripping in blood, juices and cum with tears in my eyes, now they do it every night they can!

Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith

knife play phone sex

Most girls would get freaked out when they are naked in your bed and you pull out a knife, but not me. I get turned on by the feel of the cold steel against my skin. Knowing that the blade could slice me up at any time is so exciting. You might be wondering how I found out that I’m turned on by knife play phone sex. Well, my then boyfriend wanted to fuck me and I wasn’t in the mood. He pulled out this long, sharp knife and held it up to my throat. He said I could either spread my legs willingly or he’d force me to. I said “Force me” and so that’s what he did. He pushed me down onto the bed, spread my legs, and shoved his cock inside me while holding the knife to my throat. I should have been terrified, but I wasn’t.

I threw that man out a long time ago, but I’ve found myself asking for knife play a lot every time I find a new sexual partner.  Some are reluctant and afraid that they’ll hurt me but you know, that’s part of what excites me so much. Will they or won’t they slice into my soft flesh as they caress it with the knife blade? The first time someone cut into me was so fucking hot. It made me cum really hard immediately. Do you want to hear more detail about how I’ve been turned into a knife-playing slut? Maybe I’ll even turn the tables and make you the victim. But how far will I go? Or how far will you go? I guess only time will tell. Are you ready to explore with me? Grab your phone and give me a call. I can’t wait to play with you.