Category: Castration phone sex

Let’s fuck in the park!

Fantasy phone sex

Come with me to the park. I wanna play with my pussy in the grass with you, let me live out my fantasy with you. Let’s run around naked and fuck in public, let’s put on a show for people. I want to see what you can do with my tight little wet pussy.

As I sit here I want you to play with me, finger my pussy and get me nice and juicy, let’s lay here and grind, get all dirty together, roll around and have some fun. Then slide your thick cock inside my dripping snatch, pound me hard. I wanna scream so loud that people stop to watch us.

Grab ahold of my hair and pull it, pull on my neck and make me squirt. I love it hard and rough when I’m outside. I almost turn into a wild animal looking for a mate.

I want you to cum up my pussy, leave me dripping and cover my thighs with your creme.  There’s nothing better than grinding after you cum inside me. Tickle my asshole and taint and watch me quiver and shake. 

The taste of human flesh makes me cum

Cannibalism phone sex

I’m an evil bitch but my true love is the taste of human flesh, especially fat meaty cock, those leak out more blood than a heart. My cannibalism is bloody evil, if I fuck you there’s a good chance you’ll be on my dinner plate later that night. You need to feed me.

The tastiest part of the body is the dick and balls, they leak so much. After I’m done sucking on your cock I like to keep it coated in cum when I cook it.  I’ll give you the best blow job you’ve ever had then finish you off while your body is jerking having a full orgasm and you hit that peak. You won’t even see the knife coming. Mmmmmm I love the fear and the blood, it makes my pussy so wet thinking about cutting you into tiny pieces while I’m sitting on you, fucking the living shit out of you.

When my victims catch on I’m forced to tie them down and force fuck them, I want my creamie cunt filled before I kill. I gag their mouths and tape their eyes shut, torturing my food is so fun! I’ll grind that dick while controlling their airway. Getting the perfect kill requires skill and the more cum they spew up inside me the tastier.

Knife Play Phone Sex Because I Can Inflict Maximum Pain with a Kinfe

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex remains my favorite. I inherited a massive knife collection from my grandpa when he died. Some of these knifes historians would consider priceless because they date back hundreds of years. My grandpa bought most of them on the black market, so they are not traceable. No one knows I have these knives. But I never leave a dead body anywhere for folks to discover. I let nature take care of the remains. But when I castrate or mutilate men, the knife pattern will not be traceable if a victim goes to the police.

Did you know that a forensic specialist can tell you the type of knife used to stab someone. Then they can see who has purchased one of those knives in recent months. So, when I do a free castration phone sex visit, I use an untraceable knife. Plus, I enjoy using ancient knives to remove a man’s junk. It offers a more barbaric or medieval feel to the torture.

Knives just have more versatility than a gun. You cannot torture someone with a gun. You aim, you shoot, they die or bleed out. It’s quick. The pain does not last long. Although I often cauterize the wound after I remove the balls, the pain lasts. It’s a physical and psychological pain. If a man did not want to be castrated, he lives with the pain of never being erect again. Psychological pain can last forever.

A Knife I Feel is More Versatile Than a Gun

I gave a free castration over the weekend. He deserved it. This hipster douche bag tried to spike drinks at the Goth bar. Did you know a girl can wear a certain nail polish that if she dips her finger in a drink, it turns a different color when the drink contains roofies? Few men do. But I tested a few drinks and lured the culprit back to his place. He wanted to fuck a Goth girl.

But I did not want to fuck him. However, I did want to inflict maximum cock and ball torture sex pain. So, I used a rustic knife to chop his balls off. And I did let him bleed a little before I cauterized his wound. Normally, I take the balls as a souvenir. In my dungeon torture chamber, I have over 100 balls in a jar fermenting as a reminder. Sort of my trophies. But I left this bastard’s balls in his mouth to shut him up.

He appeared to still be breathing when I left. But he passed out from the shock. Dumbass. You do not come into a Goth bar and spike drinks to force fuck women. Not in my bar. Not on my watch.

Killer Phone Sex Bitch Removes Your Cock and Balls for Any Reason

killer phone sexBeing a killer phone sex bitch never gets dull. And that’s the main reason I like this job. Plus, it makes me look legitimate to the government, you know? Although I make great money doing this, most of my money comes from being a mercenary. People find me on the dark web and hire me to help them kill someone. Or perhaps, they want me to mutilate their junk. You might be surprised what folks pay for. And how much they pay for their dark needs.

Clay hired me to castrate him. He claims that he tried many times to do it himself but always chickened out. Of course, I took the gig. So, a few men I castrate want to be castrated. However, most of my victims got a free junk removal because they pissed me off in some way or hurt someone I know. But a few wimps like Caly understand that their junk causes more problems than it is worth.

Extreme cock and ball torture sex guys want the ultimate CBT. Others know that their micro penises never please women, so why even keep it. And some men prey on young girls and women. They believe they cannot control their sexual urges. Urges that will land them in jail. Personally, I don’t give a fuck why you want your junk removed or mutilated. I only care about the money.

I Love to Castrate Dumbasses

However, Clay’s reason for wanting castrated proved to be a first for me. He already violated his very young niece. Although she is not too young to rat him out to her parents. So, this loser thought that if I chemically castrated him, he would have a sort of alibi for the crime. If his dick cannot get hard or produce any cum, how could he have violated that little girl. Dumbass, his DNA could still be tested. But I did not tell him that.

In fact, I relished the fact that he would lose his junk and likely get arrested too. If you want to diddle little girls, go right ahead and diddle away. But be smarter than Clay. I gave him the castration phone sex he needed and wanted. But not a chemical castration. That would be too easy and painless. I busted his balls. Then I chopped them right off with garden shears. Made a bloody mess of his bathroom. I got the money. All I cared about. However, I guess now he cannot commit any more sex crimes because he will never get hard again.

Come sit on my exam table…

Medical fetish phone sex. I love playing doctor and tonight your my patient. I’m not here to save lives though, in fact, I may end yours. I need to check all parts of you to make sure everything’s working properly which is why I have my tools.

Sit on my chair and lay down, let me hear your heart racing as I listen through your chest. I’ll take down your pants now and grab your balls, “cough bitch” I tell you with a knife in my hand. Now spread your legs, let me grab that shaft and exam your cockhead. I swirl my tongue on the tip and taste your pre-cum. Hmmm something’s off. Let me stroke that shaft harder and see what I can find. You begin thrusting the harder my hand goes. Your so close to cumming but I’m not done yet. The evil side of me wants to chop this thing off but I want to play for a little longer.

I hook you up to an alarm which means you can’t leave the bed, trapping you down. In my hospital uniform I sit on your hard cock, moving my hips side to side. As I’m fucking the shit out of you I check your pulse and your heart is racing.  You see my knife but there’s nothing you can do.  Just as you shoot up my wet little pussy I stab your neck. Lights out sweatheart!

Cum with me on my killing spree

Killer phone sex

Killer phone sex. Ever thought of a female batman? One who goes out at night in search of the bad guys? Well that’s me except I kill, torture, in search of blood of those men who live out their rape fantasies. I like to capture them by seduction and make them my little toys.

You can smell them in a crowd after they laid eyes on you. The creeps, the gropers. I want them all. Take them back to my place and do what I please. I always tie them up then tape their mouths. I don’t want to hear a peep or these pussy’s scream. Put my strap-on on, panties on them and make them my bitch. Turn them over, pull up their panties and shove my big cock up their asses.

Leash up their neck, my favorite an electric collar and pound them using all my bodyweight. I want to violate every creep’s butthole, tear their ass up and make them bleed out. I wanna watch them cry. I love this shit.  Using my knife I’ll cut them clean while I’m cock deep inside. For the nasty boy’s I always keep their balls in my box of “creeches”.  Killing them without leaving anything behind.

Accomplice Phone Sex, I Find Therapeutic

accomplice phone sexAs a sexy switch, accomplice phone sex can go one of three ways with me. I help you fuck, snuff or torture some one else. You snuff, fuck or torture me. Or, I get to snuff, fuck and torture you. I think the latter might be my favorite. But I am still learning how to torture men. Helping you torture a young girl I do not find challenging. Some man has tortured me for decades. Plus, I have assisted masters who want to hurt young girls.

But until this past week, I never got brutal with a man. Tony changed all that. He hired me to abuse him in his own basement dungeon. I could smell death when I entered his extreme man cave. My guess, he or someone he knows, killed a girl in the very room he might die. First order of business, I needed to restrain him in case he experienced a change of heart.

When I Get to Be the Bad Ass Bitch, I Find it Therapeutic

He had a table full of BDSM torture devices making me feel like a domination phone sex mistress. But I did not know where to start. I picked up a slave brutality BDSM taser. A few shocks to his nuts and body made him piss himself. This would be fun, I told myself. I worked my way down the table of kinky equipment. As I flogged, tased and whipped him, my eyes went to the anal hook. So, I unbound his legs and pushed them to his chest. My saliva acted like lube so I could push it in his tight ass easily.

I would yank on it while I went back to tasing his body. Tasing his balls while I pulled the hook made his dick hard. A pain slut hired me. I felt like a pro domme during our session. I found it therapeutic for me too. Tasing him. Whipping him. Anally torturing him allowed me to picture all the abusive men in my life.

He loved my bad ass babe vibe. So, he hired me for next week too. This time, he hopes we can explore castration phone sex. Now that will really serve as therapy for me.

domination phone sex

Sadistic Phone Sex Could Put You in Prison or The Morgue with Me

sadistic phone sexAll I know is sadistic phone sex. I could not work on a vanilla line. Why? Because I do not know the first thing about being vanilla. And I do not want to learn. Vanilla appears just too basic and boring for me. I am the one you call when you have fantasies that could get you arrested or land you in the morgue. I am a maneater. Consider yourself warned.

For the most part I am asexual. Fucking does not guide my daily actions. However, my thirst for pain and suffering does guide me. The way I see life, you act like a tool or dumbass, you do not deserve to live. We should view life as a privilege not an entitlement. And privileges can be revoked for bad acts or bad manners.

I will admit my threshold for stupidity drops monthly. We have inclement weather. Icy roads with snow coming down on and off. Too cold for salt to work very well. But I needed to go out for an assignment. However, some asshole drove by me like he had a snuff sex wish. And he caused an accident that hurt a woman and her daughter. And could have hurt me too. The jackass fled the scene.

Some Folks are Just to Stupid and Reckless to Live

I am not completely heartless. So, I stopped to help the car he pushed off the road and called 911. But my photographic memory stored the make and model of the car, as well as the license plate. However, I left that part out to the police because I planned to exact revenge for this woman and her daughter. Folks like do not deserve to drive or breathe.

And I have my ways of finding out anything and everything I need about a person. Later that night, I showed up at his house. Of course, I broke in through an unlocked window armed with a few knives and chloroform in case I had to knock out other folks under his roof. Of course, the loser lived alone. Men like that cannot keep women. Normally, I enjoy long torture sex sessions before I kill someone. But this was more like a smash and grab.

I stabbed him over 50 times. Overkill to make it look personal instead of a random act of violence. And as he choked on his own blood, I told him exactly why he had to die. And I watched him choke on his own blood as he bled out. Perhaps the kill did not feel as satisfying as others, but I rid the world of one less asshole. And that does feel satisfying.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Because Revenge is Therapeutic

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies I consider my specialty. And as a sexy switch, I can be your accomplice or your victim. But honestly, I prefer to be the accomplice nowadays. Perhaps, I am biased, but I think I make a good accomplice because of all the shit I have seen and experienced in my life.

I know how to kidnap or lure girls or women to their slaughter or sexual abuse. And I know how to inflict pain, torture and suffering because for decades I subjected myself to it with the company I kept. It takes someone who has been through all the sick and depraved shit men want to do to women and girls to be a good accomplice.

And I know that any encounter with the wrong man, might end me right back to being an owned slave again. So, I try to be careful with the assignments I take. This week a new man hired me for noble reasons. And that alone made me take the job. He did not want to molest, fuck or otherwise abuse a girl or a woman. He wanted revenge on the ex-boyfriend who almost killed his coed daughter.

Revenge snuff sex might be my favorite thing. Because of the way I look, I easily lured the ex-boyfriend back to my place, where my client waited patiently. A little bit of chloroform knocked him out long enough to strip him naked and tie him up. When he woke up, he realized he had been set up. He saw the father of the ex-girlfriend he beat up.

Sometimes a Revenge Fantasy Turns Out to Be Cathartic for Me

So, the first thing I did was put a ton of oranges in a pillowcase and beat this loser black and blue like he did my client’s daughter. This is a trick for women who cannot throw a good punch. My victim screamed in pain as I cracked his ribs. But I had only just begun. I mutilated his cock and balls, so he would never force himself on a woman again.

This assignment provided a much needed cathartic release for me. I treated this guy like my father. So, I gave him some cock and ball torture sex. I carved his ex-girlfriend’s name on his cock. And I deflated his balls with a chemical castration. If you block the air flow to a guy’s balls long enough, they deflate and lose all their power and semen. He will never hurt another woman again.

Although I wanted to kill him, my client wanted him to suffer eternally and have a constant reminder of his daughter who he almost killed. I did take his money for this job. However, I would have done it for free because it felt like therapy for me. I wished my client had been my father. He actually cares about his daughter.

I’m your evil babysitter, want to be tortured?

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sex. It’s that time of the year, so many families need my help so they can go on their expensive vacations while I stay and torture their little whore’s back home. And recently, I’ve been finding the perfect bloody, tasty treats I’ve been longing for.

I love the barely legal age, the one’s coming into fruition with their bodies, so much fun to fuck with teens. These young men are so easy to tease and always take the bait. The last one I tied him up and used his growing cock to fuck the living shit out of him. This guy wouldn’t stop whining about needing a break after he came deep inside my pussy so I chopped him up and threw him in the river, he fucked me good and had great thrust and a nice fat cock tip so I kept his cock to stick up my tight little evil tight snatch for later.

Tonight I want you to be that young man, I want to torture you, tie you up, and make you bleed. I want to violate your holes and use your cock to fulfill my needs, preferably sitting on top of you so I can slap the shit out of you at the same time, maybe even strangle. These are just some of the things I do when I’m babysitting and who know’s if I’ll bring you back to your family…wanna hear more?