Snuff phone sex is what you get with me. You do not have to be a brain surgeon to understand I am not your girlfriend, and I am not your bitch. Every fucking day though I encounter some fucking loser who calls me baby or mommy or any else such nonsense. I hate brats. I hate most men. I am not a weak woman who changes who she is for a buck or a man. I do not feel the need to be coupled up because I am still single in my 30s. No biological clock is ticking for me because I do not want any brats. I know this one guy from a Goth bar I go to often. He has been a staple there since I started going to this bar when I was 21. Maybe younger too. I have never hung out with him. He knows to leave me alone. The other night, however, he thought he would chat up this snuff porn maker. He did what mothers do to women. He started asking when I was going to get married and talking about how I will be too old to procreate. I would have shanked him right there if it was not a public setting. My grandpa trained me better than that. I spiked his drink then let him take me home. We went to my place. I am always prepared for some torture at my place. Since I never know what tool, I might meet or what annoying brat may piss me off, I have a dungeon for torture always ready to go. This Goth boy thought I was going to introduce him to my mommy. I killed her a decade ago. What a fucking delusional loser he was. I will never marry. And clearly, I will kill any man who thinks I should be some flower lost in her husband’s shadows. I had no real reason to explore my killer phone sex bitch with him, but I was in a mood and his comment pushed me over the edge. Now there is a dead Goth boy who is missing his cock. He had a Prince Albert piercing. I took his piercing out as a souvenir before I tossed his severed dick to the wolves with the rest of his body. Consider yourself warned. If I can kill one of my own, I can kill you too.
Category: Castration phone sex
Snuff Phone Sex is What You Get with This Goth Girl
Break Up with yOur balls Goth Teen phone sex
He told this goth teen phone sex whore that he really can’t stand the power his balls and cock have over him. Well, If that is the case, It’s time to break up with your balls! Tell them that they no longer rule your life. You are an intelligent man with the drive and power to make things happen for you and your family.
But that cock of yours and the need to cum multiple times a day distracts you. It’s not good for such a go-getter like yourself to be attached to something that do you no good. You have already sired your two perfect angles and now it’s time to have a sexy teen whore take the garden sheers out and make them glow with the torch. A nice easy castration and cauterization at the same time!
Look I know I’m not stupid, my tats and piercings were a way for a young teen to try to look hard and older before I was okay with my little girl body I got stuck with. But now I proudly wear my skin art as a way of letting people know that I’m really into some hardcore shit. So if you bring me a limp dick and want to try to get your last cum load before the sheers close all the way that’s fine with me. I’ll Light my black candles and get some chicken blood ready as I prepare to ceremoniously separate you from the testicles that control you! I’ll do a big fat line and just snip, snip!
There will be a lot of pain just like any breakup, but you will find your mind is clear and your ambitions are in overdrive. Taking your balls is a pleasure for a goth little Castration phone sex whore like me! Plus I have a craving for rocky mountain oysters and your manhood will taste great!
Rape phone sex fantasies are what he used my little sis for
I got tired of my boyfriend using my little sister for his Rape phone sex fantasies. We live by a homeless shelter who always has people who need to be fed. I knew I could get rid of meat if I needed to. I drugged his beer and it was easy to tie him up after he passed out. I had my little sister kick his cock and balls to wake him up. He screamed out in pain and saw the knife I had. He was going to lose his dirty dick he was using to fuck my little sister and rip her holes open. We laughed as he begged us to stop and let him go. He didn’t know he was going to be meat to feed the homeless. I started by cutting his tongue off. I was tired of him speaking. My sister went next; she was being the perfect accomplice. She slashed him a few times and cut his ears off. I told her to grab his cock and pull his limp cock all the way out. With a swift fast move, I chopped his limp dick off. He screamed out but I just shoved it deep down his throat. I kept pushing his dick down his throat even more until it disappeared, I could see it bulging out his neck. His body shook and I just let my little sister beat him and cut him until she felt better. Now i just had to figure out how to cut him up and cook him before dinner, the homeless are really hungry then.
Knife Play Phone Sex Includes Castration Play
Knife play phone sex anyone. I do not even own a gun. Honestly, I find a knife to be a better instrument of human destruction. Every victim of mine gets the knife. Maybe I just torture them with castration, or I kill them by evisceration. Either way, I am using a knife. I have thousands of knives. Many I inherited from my grandpa, my mentor. He taught me how to hunt my prey. He told me there is no valor or honor in killing with a gun. A gun requires no skill. It is mostly luck. I was a young teen girl when I helped him castrate a man. That was my first castration, and it filled me with a love for castration phone sex and knives. My grandpa did not kill this man. At the time, I wondered why. But I grew to appreciate his methods. Castrating a man is leaving him with a daily reminder of his sins. It is forcing him to live a celibate life. It takes the wind from his sails and leaves him unable to fuck or procreate. My grandpa’s victim was a P man. He was diddling little girls in the community. My grandpa caught him red handed too when he fucked my first cousin when she was itty bitty. He was a family friend, a pillar of our community. He would be a disgrace if it ever came out what he was doing behind closed doors. My grandpa could have killed him. Should have killed him for his crime was grave and personal. But grandpa told me you do not shit where you sleep. Torture sex, however, when you have something over your victim, is the next best thing. That was an important lesson for a future killer to learn. This man would not say anything about his forced castration because my grandpa had film of him fucking his young granddaughter. Leverage, my grandpa told me, is a powerful motivator for silence. That man never diddled another girl again and he never told the police that my grandpa and me castrated him. Be careful who knows your dirty secrets.
Fantasy Phone sex is escapism into evil
Fantasy phone sex offers escapism for you and your cock. Why do you seek a demented young soul like me to get off with? Because you get to tap into a source of fucked-up ness that otherwise you would be denied. Your cock deserves some nasty little bitch that will let you soak in the blood of lost souls for a little bit. Or you could be my lost soul.
I don’t write enough about seducing men to meet their end. Men who need to be sliced up lengthwise by a werewolf cock summoned by a teen witch. But after I fuck you to death with the supernatural beast’s cock I might get hungry. I battle anorexia and could always use more protein in my diet! You know my favorite way to eat a hotdog is sliced up the middle and fried with mayo on a kings roll. So, a cock would have to be prepared the same way if I were to eat it. See, this is why you turn to me. An open book of evil. A Jezabel and Mortician by default. Let this teen whore take over you. My deepest darkest fantasies involve eating a cock and all kinds of Castration phone sex ~!
abuse me
I was in quite an abusive relationship and thats how I became so obsessed with snuff sex. My ex wanted to fuck me up every time we fucked.
Every fuck session was like a murder scene. I would beg him to stab me and leave me bleeding. It was like a drug to be able to be used. My gosh did it drive me so horny to see that look of death in his eyes. Whenever his soulless eyes would look at me I knew he wanted to fuck me up till I could barely move. A puddle of blood and cum was all that he wanted for me. Sure you may say I’m nuts but I couldn’t stop myself.
I had to be with him and now that we aren’t together I find men like him. They have to make me their victim so I can cum.
Teen rape porn is my goto when a loser doesn’t get me off!
“I am going to burn your p cock and piss in your mouth you worthless bitch..” These were the last words he heard before I slit his throat! I wasn’t against what he had done to her.. But being mid orgasm and yet to squirt, the excitement from busting his balls was going to finish me off. I was sucking the juices of her tight cunnie off his p cock when he shot his load down my throat..
Everyone knows you don’t cum first, I do! I could feel his hot steamy load filling the back of my mouth.. Triggered, I bit down on his cock as it was going limp from his release.. “You stupid bitch!” I screamed.. His scream was much louder than mine though, my pussy pulsed as I heard him yelp in agony! I thought the Torture sex he had with her as I rubbed my cunt was going to be enough for a sick bitch like me.. The thing was, he was far too sensual for my liking!
I wanted her to bleed and he was passionately fucking her.. Nothing about molestation is sensational you fucking turd.. I refrained from being a psychopath and figured okay I will just suck her sweet juices off his dick but that only led to his death!
She was right there bound and watched every bit of me slaughtering her dad; right before I popped her eyes out of her sockets and shoved them up her stretched out asshole.. Don’t worry I buried them together! Sometimes I think these Taboo phone sex sessions get to me.. I wasn’t so bad before this! I mean I’ve always had a thing for murder and the taste of blood but the creativity behind every victim now has made my addiction to snuff far more intense. While he was screaming in agony, I hovered my pussy over his face and made him choke on my warm piss as it overfilled his mouth..
Oops! Must have gone down the wrong hole.. He was lying on his back side gasping, turning blue. That’s when I sat my snatch on his hairy chest, leaned forward and slit his throat.. His blood splattered all over my body! I looked back to see his daughter squinting.. I figured before I murdered her she could watch me rub daddies’ blood all over my cooch! I turned on Teen rape porn and rubbed my snatch until I squirted. Uhmhm, it felt amazing to get off in front of her innocent eyes. Definitely was the icing to the porn. Eh, well I kilt her and ya you know the rest.. Buried, burned and ditch! Who’s next?
Castration Phone Sex is My Favorite Pastime
Castration phone sex is a favorite pastime. This is Bob. Bob used to have balls. Now, this is a good castration. A clean castration. That is because Bob paid to have his balls castrated and he was a not a punk ass about it. Most of my castrations are messy. I have no problem using a dirty blade and giving you a jagged scar if you piss me off. Not all guys are like Bob. If you know what is good for you, you should be like Bob. Terry did not heed my warning to be like Bob. Bob is the poster boy for how to act when getting castrated. Terry, however, is the poster boy for what happens when you are not a simp like Bob. Terry paid me to castrate him. He then tried to back out and get his money back. I operate on a no refund policy only. I do not take kindly to men who waste my time or try to get their money back. Torture sex is sort of my thing, and I will do it regardless if you pay me or not. If you pay me though there is no going back. You can not show up like Terry did, but I will find you. I will hunt you down with the dirtiest blade I have and remove your balls. Also, I will not even cauterize the wound either. Or if I do, instead of a nice stitch job to stop the bleeding, I can use the bottom of a hot frying pan and leave a nasty scar. Tony was a little wimp who got cold feet but wanted to sue me when I would not give him his money back. I told him to tell a judge he paid me for castration. I knew he was just playing a game thinking he could bait me, but the joke was on him. Not only did he get a nasty castration, but he also got snuff sex because I killed him. Be like Bob. Don’t be like Terry.
My dad is the reason I am a Snuff porn addict
Ever wished death upon someone? I do, all the time! Only problem is wishes don’t come true unless you make them just like measly prayers! I learned this a long time ago, when I would blow the candles out on my birthday cake and wish for the same thing, yet it never happened.. I wanted my dad dead.. I was tired of him molesting me.. He was using me as bait for his drug habit.. Making Snuff porn out of my innocent body.. I would be dripping blood down my slit, he would mount my face and bury his cock balls deep down my throat while blowing meth smoke into the air..
He would even burn the walls of my pussy by shoving his meth pipe inside of me after heating it to the point it would crackle. My mother never did anything! She was a Submissive slut who obeyed all of daddy’s orders.. Not sure what it was that had her strung out over daddy; he had the tiniest dick and seemed to think fucking littles would make it seem bigger. Dad would shake a Budweiser can then shove it inside of my asshole bottoms in, he would then pop the can open and latch onto my ass as foam burst into his mouth. He was a sick fuck!
Eventually the tables turned and I started to retaliate, I wanted to get back at him for all the excruciating things he had done to me throughout the years.. One day he was shoving his micro-peen down my throat and I bit down and tugged like a four legged companion playing with his Tug rope. The sound of his scream made me adjust my wishes, I wanted to be the one to kill him and I wanted it to be a slow death. I started recording everything that took place.. From me slitting the back of his feet at his ankles so he could stand up only to collapse falling face first.. To me fucking his asshole with switchblades and even making him say hi to the camera as he chose his daily poison..
I have a shit ton of homemade Snuff movies that I made torturing him from beginning to end. I hated him, I didn’t leave mom out of this mess either! She deserved a bit of torture too, I get that dad was an abusive drunk but she wasn’t as helpless as she made it out to seem.. She could have taken us and ran to a battered shelter for women or even roofied one of his drinks. Instead she chose to wait on him hand and food like he was Kin fucking Tut. I didn’t kill her though but I made her feel pain!
I did find out over the years my mother was an addict too.. Sad part is, I didn’t find out until I got results from an autopsy that she had an overdose.. Turns out she was a speed balling junkie, I should have known.. I don’t know why I thought her deteriorating was from dad stressing her out.. When I murdered him I didn’t eliminate the problem I made it worse.. She was never home after he died all she would do was walk methadone mile for a fix. She was found slumped at a Holiday inn… If this doesn’t explain why I am an evil Sadistic phone sex whore I don’t know what will!
Domination Phone Sex with a Sexy Switch Who Will Take Your Balls and Micro Penis
He called me for domination phone sex because he knows I am a sexy switch. He was a total pansy with a small dick. He did not need that dick that was how small it was. It was a micro penis. I say was because now he has no dick or balls. Oh, do not feel sorry for him. He had it coming. He wanted his junk gone. Okay, maybe he did not want his dick gone, but once I ruined his balls, I was not in the mood to stop there. I have a philosophy. If your dick is less than 3 inches, what is the point? On a good day it looks like a clit. On a bad day, it is a frightened turtle hiding in its shell. I love castration phone sex calls. Yes, I know castration is the removal of the testicles, but some guys are just so annoying or so worthless or both like this caller, that I want to take the entire kit and caboodle.
Blake had been IMing me for months. Really, he was yanking my chain to the point I have had murderous fantasies about him. I never thought he would call me. I thought he was just some broke wank. Turns out he is a wank, but not so broke. He just cannot get a woman unless he pays for her. Sound like you? Blake is not that different from most of my pathetic loser callers. Perhaps no one else has wanked me as hard for months before, but he was just desperate for female contact that messaging me incessantly at least gave him contact with a hot woman. He knew when he called though just how pissed off I would be. I did not stop at the torture sex of his balls. I took his micro penis too. The funny thing is I chopped it off with a regular old steak knife. Not a very sharp blade, but small worthless wieners are not hard to cut off. I likely will never hear from Blake again. Only so much you can do with a man once you have neutered him. Some of you losers are just so pathetic you will do anything to get my attention, even beg for castration.