Last night I was out at the club, as always, and I was loving partying when I got a call from one of my hungry lovers. He asked if I could snag us a meal while I was out and bring it over so we could have a great night. I happily agreed and decided to find a sweet meal, one with meat and muscle but not too much of either. I found the perfect blonde girl; she was great looking for a delightful meal. I knock her out as she leaves the club and take her to his place. She screams when she wakes up, while we are stabbing her to death. Once she is done we gut her and cook her up and she was perfect. Afterwards he even paid me, which he never does, that is how delightful tasting she was.
Category: Cannibalism phone sex
Dinner and a Show
Would you like to eat me baby? Taste every part of my soft smooth flesh. You can tie me up and slid a knife all down my body and just figure our what piece you want first. Maybe you can torture me a little and make me suffer? You can take a scapel and make slits on my tummy and pull back the skin, and cut a piece off and fry it up for yourself. I bet I taste so good! You can cut out my womb and ovaries, I didn’t want lil ones anyways. You have worked your way down my my nice pink clit. I think it would taste the best with a little olive oil and butter don’t you think? Let me be your dinner and a show!
Squirting For You Baby
Wouldn’t you love to strap me over something so I am bent over and turn the fuck machine on and let it fuck me till I squirt everywhere. Make my cum shoot in a bowl and make me drink it. I am just want you to do with me as you please. I like everything including piss shit and mhm blood. I love feeling that burst of excitement when I feel my own warm blood drip down my body.
So when this random guy invited me to his dungeon I couldn’t resist. Him being a stranger just made my pussy start to drip. He threw me down the stairs and I was actually scared which excited me at the same time. He strapped me up like my fantasy and had a fuck machine turned up and I was ready.
I was ready for that machine to enter my fucking pussy. He made me beg for it! I fucking begged the hardest I ever had and out of no where he turned it on fast and I just couldn’t stop screaming! I was squirting all over the machine and all over the blanket underneath me. He was sitting across the room just jerking his cock till he shot cum everywhere.
Master’s disposable toy
As I prepared our most recent victims remains for dinner, dancing around the kitchen naked and bloody from head to toe, mistress perches on a counter, lazily watching me with those terrible, dangerous eyes. She informs me we have a guest for dinner, and dessert. Her own master has arrived. I pause, what horrible creature could be so powerful, so much more murderous as to be HER master? Then the thought occurred to me, I hadn’t made anything for dessert. She tells me it’s already been handled, and not to worry. That his coming was a very special occasion. I go back to rubbing salt and thyme into the chunks of pink flesh I had rinsed the blood from earlier. But my heart still beat.
Suddenly I’m waking up. I don’t remember falling asleep. My body is moving, back and fourth on a table of some sort. There’s something in my throat. I can’t breathe. But why doesn’t it hurt? I can’t see very well. My eyes aren’t all the way open.
Oh, God help me! He’s on me. It’s gotta be him. He looks like they say demons do. Beautiful, big, dangerous. He’s thrusting in…in…oh fuck! his dick is in my throat. But not from my mouth, from my chest! I’m cut open, and he is fucking my throat from the bottom up. Mistress is holding my esophagus, helping to jerk his dick off in the back of my mouth. WHY DOESSN’T IT HURT?! My heart is poun… wait, no it’s not pounding…. then it occurs to me. It doesn’t hurt, because I’m dead. I was fucking dessert. They are using my mangled, empty corpse to fuck. I’m covered in pussy juice, cum, blood, and pieces of myself.
But it doesn’t matter…. not anymore…
The next victim
I’m hunting, and she’s waiting. I see the bitch I was looking for, she’s walking out of the building. She’s by her car, digging for something in her purse. Then I’m there. Tattered clothes, begging for help. She’s concerned.Here, “I can call you an ambulance, or something” she stammers, and turns to grab her purse again. I hit her with chloroform, wrapping all my extremities around her, holding the rag to her face. Her world goes black.
She starts to come to in our chamber, I’m preparing her.
Thinking she might have a chance she struggled, trying to get free. As she was struggling, trying to loosen the bindings cutting into her skin she heard the clicking.
I have her attached to an engine hoist for her arms, and her ankles directly to metal loops in the cement.
Mistress has arrived. She carries a platter, piled with sharp utensils, spreaders, saws.
First she slit her throat, allowing her to bleed out, and started taking her apart from the middle out. Slowly, delicately, almost lovingly she removed each precise piece.
One breast at a time, each ass cheek, long strips of her flanks. And so on, until the platter was piled high with bloody meat chunks and bits. Her sexy body nude, covered in blood, meticulous. I began rubbing my pussy, watching her gut this fucking bitch. She turns to beckon me, and smiles at my finger fucking.
She lays me down in the hot, liquid, bloody pile and fucks my cunt with her bloody fist.
That’s one way to work up an appetite before dinner…
Show Me Your Pearly Whites
I have always had a fascination about teeth. They do not decompose, but they can rot in your mouth. They fall out but never lose their shape. I love ripping teeth out of little sluts. I keep them. I rub them up and down my body. They are so soft and it’s like keeping a part of someone forever. When I see a man who has nice teeth I just want to lick them. I do everything in my power to bring them home with me. In or out of your mouth. I met Brian at a bar. He was drinking Crown royal on ice.
His teeth made me want him. Every smile he flashed his teeth at me. I wanted to feel them biting my neck. Biting and sucking my nipples. I want to feel his teeth against my pussy. I would love to feel him eating me alive. Ripping my flesh off my body one perfect bite at a time. Just thinking about him eating a slut like me gave me an idea to invite him over for dinner. I wonder what he would do if I to him I want to watch him biting a little bitch while I rub my cunt…
Taboo Phone Sex Confessions of Cannibalism
There is just something in the world of Taboo phone sex that gets my pussy so very wet! One specific subject that had me so excited I needed my cunt fucked hard, and that was a guy confessing to cannibalism phone sex. Can you imagine in the heat of fucking passion that your partner just uses his teeth like some mad creature and rips your neck flesh from your body? He went on about this and how he just gnawed at her breasts then savoring every salty bloodied piece of meat in his mouth.
I could not imagine being the one alive and feeling… hell Witnessing… my own flesh being ripped away and devoured like some crazy predatory alien species. I would like to hear your stories of cannibalistic endeavors.
Not Tonight
You want some accomplice phone sex? I would be more then happy to go and get that little ex bitch of yours. We can pick her up and make her suffer for leaving you. Every time I hit that bitch in the mouth and she spits out blood your cock gets harder and harder. I am used to being you dirty little fucking whore slave but tonight I am making this bitch suffer for you. I will take some barbed wire and wrap it around her fucking whore throat and choke that bitch as shes telling you that your cock was the best and how sorry she was for being a fucking dirty skank. I love seeing her eyes turn red and pop out her skull. Aww, it hurts? Good you fucking little cock teasing whore. This is going to end any time soon so we will let you bleed out for a while and we will be back.
She was so delicious!
As soon as I saw her walking all alone, weaving all over the sidewalk, looking drunk as hell I knew she was the one. She was a little chubby but not fat and as I got closer to her I could tell that she was healthy… this was going to make us a fine meal! She came with me easily, I just told her that I was going to take her home and put her to bed. Poor dear was passed out before we even made it a block down the road, I had to have my friend help me get her inside because there was no way I could lift this meaty girl all by myself! She didn’t wake up until after we had her shaved and cleaned and mostly seasoned and I am pretty sure the only reason she even woke up then was because my friend had shoved his cock inside her tight little pussy! He didn’t want it to go to waste, can you blame him? Anyway then it was off to the oven no matter how hard she cried and begged for her life… my tummy was grumbling she was going to be dinner whether she wanted to or not!
Eat my Best Friend
You know how much I love to go out and party with my friends. I decided to go out with my friend Sam to a bar she had heard about, I was told it is a super cool place to hang out with a lot of hot guys so I agreed. We got there and everything she heard was true. We start dancing and having a great time, this guy comes up and asks us to his VIP room upstairs. They have full rooms upstairs that have beds, and a kitchen. This is only provided to those who pay a special fee, so we are lucky to be there even. Well as we are sitting there he gets us a few drinks, nect thing I know I wake up to the smell og meat cooking. It smells odd but good. I don’t see Sam anywhere, I guess she left. When I come into the kitchen I find the mysterious man cooking. He lets me try it, I ask what it is and tells me, IT IS SAM!!! I am eating part of my best friend and I can’t help but get wet. It is so twisted!! He gives me more, I go sit down and eat but he tells me no. He knows I am wet, he bends me over the table and fucks me while I eat my best friend!