Category: Cannibalism phone sex

Fantasy Phone sex is escapism into evil

Fantasy phone sex

Fantasy phone sex offers escapism for you and your cock. Why do you seek a demented young soul like me to get off with? Because you get to tap into a source of fucked-up ness that otherwise you would be denied. Your cock deserves some nasty little bitch that will let you soak in the blood of lost souls for a little bit. Or you could be my lost soul. 

I don’t write enough about seducing men to meet their end. Men who need to be sliced up lengthwise by a werewolf cock summoned by a teen witch. But after I fuck you to death with the supernatural beast’s cock I might get hungry. I battle anorexia and could always use more protein in my diet!  You know my favorite way to eat a hotdog is sliced up the middle and fried with mayo on a kings roll. So, a cock would have to be prepared the same way if I were to eat it.  See, this is why you turn to me. An open book of evil. A Jezabel and Mortician by default. Let this teen whore take over you.  My deepest darkest fantasies involve eating a cock and all kinds of Castration phone sex ~!

Teen rape porn is my goto when a loser doesn’t get me off!

Teen rape porn “I am going to burn your p cock and piss in your mouth you worthless bitch..” These were the last words he heard before I slit his throat! I wasn’t against what he had done to her.. But being mid orgasm and yet to squirt, the excitement from busting his balls was going to finish me off. I was sucking the juices of her tight cunnie off his p cock when he shot his load down my throat..

Everyone knows you don’t cum first, I do! I could feel his hot steamy load filling the back of my mouth.. Triggered, I bit down on his cock as it was going limp from his release.. “You stupid bitch!” I screamed.. His scream was much louder than mine though, my pussy pulsed as I heard him yelp in agony! I thought the Torture sex he had with her as I rubbed my cunt was going to be enough for a sick bitch like me.. The thing was, he was far too sensual for my liking!

I wanted her to bleed and he was passionately fucking her.. Nothing about molestation is sensational you fucking turd.. I refrained from being a psychopath and figured okay I will just suck her sweet juices off his dick but that only led to his death!

Taboo phone sex

She was right there bound and watched every bit of me slaughtering her dad; right before I popped her eyes out of her sockets and shoved them up her stretched out asshole.. Don’t worry I buried them together! Sometimes I think these Taboo phone sex sessions get to me.. I wasn’t so bad before this! I mean I’ve always had a thing for murder and the taste of blood but the creativity behind every victim now has made my addiction to snuff far more intense. While he was screaming in agony, I hovered my pussy over his face and made him choke on my warm piss as it overfilled his mouth..

Oops! Must have gone down the wrong hole.. He was lying on his back side gasping, turning blue. That’s when I sat my snatch on his hairy chest, leaned forward and slit his throat.. His blood splattered all over my body! I looked back  to see his daughter squinting.. I figured before I murdered her she could watch me rub daddies’ blood all over my cooch! I turned on Teen rape porn and rubbed my snatch until I squirted. Uhmhm, it felt amazing to get off in front of her innocent eyes. Definitely was the icing to the porn. Eh, well I kilt her and ya you know the rest.. Buried, burned and ditch! Who’s next? 

My dad is the reason I am a Snuff porn addict

Snuff porn Ever wished death upon someone? I do, all the time! Only problem is wishes don’t come true unless you make them just like measly prayers! I learned this a long time ago, when I would blow the candles out on my birthday cake and wish for the same thing, yet it never happened.. I wanted my dad dead.. I was tired of him molesting me.. He was using me as bait for his drug habit.. Making Snuff porn out of my innocent body.. I would be dripping blood down my slit, he would mount my face and bury his cock balls deep down my throat while blowing meth smoke into the air..

He would even burn the walls of my pussy by shoving his meth pipe inside of me after heating it to the point it would crackle. My mother never did anything! She was a Submissive slut who obeyed all of daddy’s orders.. Not sure what it was that had her strung out over daddy; he had the tiniest dick and seemed to think fucking littles would make it seem bigger. Dad would shake a Budweiser can then shove it inside of my asshole bottoms in, he would then pop the can open and latch onto my ass as foam burst into his mouth. He was a sick fuck!

Eventually the tables turned and I started to retaliate, I wanted to get back at him for all the excruciating things he had done to me throughout the years.. One day he was shoving his micro-peen down my throat and I bit down and tugged like a four legged companion playing with his Tug rope. The sound of his scream made me adjust my wishes, I wanted to be the one to kill him and I wanted it to be a slow death. I started recording everything that took place.. From me slitting the back of his feet at his ankles so he could stand up only to collapse falling face first.. To me fucking his asshole with switchblades and even making him say hi to the camera as he chose his daily poison.. 

Sadistic phone sex

I have a shit ton of homemade Snuff movies that I made torturing him from beginning to end. I hated him, I didn’t leave mom out of this mess either! She deserved a bit of torture too, I get that dad was an abusive drunk but she wasn’t as helpless as she made it out to seem.. She could have taken us and ran to a battered shelter for women or even roofied one of his drinks. Instead she chose to wait on him hand and food like he was Kin fucking Tut. I didn’t kill her though but I made her feel pain!

I did find out over the years my mother was an addict too.. Sad part is, I didn’t find out until I got results from an autopsy that she had an overdose.. Turns out she was a speed balling junkie, I should have known.. I don’t know why I thought her deteriorating was from dad stressing her out.. When I murdered him I didn’t eliminate the problem I made it worse.. She was never home after he died all she would do was walk methadone mile for a fix. She was found slumped at a Holiday inn… If this doesn’t explain why I am an evil Sadistic phone sex whore I don’t know what will!

Soul snatching Snuff porn star goes insane

Snuff porn I went on a nude killing spree! This one bitch in particular got the best of me, I garroted her in a traffic jam! She’s the one who triggered me.. I was pissed and went for a drive with no clothes on, only to be jammed up in traffic due to a car accident! I was swerving lanes when she honked without stopping.. The sound of her horn rang my ears, I looked over to see her middle finger standing tall at me!

I got out of the car in traffic with my jumper cables in hand; jumped on the hood of her car, raging and beat the windshield in with the jump lead end.. I then dragged her out of the car by her hair and wrapped the cable around her neck.. Nobody stopped me, I looked around and saw people recording like they were watching Snuff porn.. Shouting “Worldstar and Fuck she’s hot!” I got so turned on hearing the men chant for me..

It turned out she had a worthless fuck pig kicking in a booster seat.. I grabbed a hold of her disgusting twit, ripped her cotton panties off from under her cute little sundress and shoved my fist up her cunnie.. I literally had the rugrat seated on my fist like a batting glove.. Some random fucktard in traffic tried to get out and save her..

I took out my razor from underneath my tongue and slit his fucking throat.. Blood splattered all over my naked body.. My pussy was throbbing.. I needed to be fucked hard! I have a hypersexuality disorder that causes me to have manic episodes whenever my needs are not tended to.. I was craving Torture sex, all I wanted was someone to shove their cock inside of my cunt!

Killer phone sex

A state trooper arrived on scene and advised me to drop my weapon.. I stood there, with my hands held above my head and my freshly shaved wet pussy exposed.. My nipples were rock hard and I had a huge grin on my face! Blood all over my teeth, I laughed and pleaded for him to cuff me.. He bent me over the hood, shoved his Billy club into my cunt and ripped my head back by my hair..

He called me a dirty whore and said I would be going away for the rest of my life.. In the slammer, where a sick bitch like me belongs! Even behind bars, I’ve still managed to sneak a cellphone in so I can have Killer phone sex from the hole! So be it, as long as I can still rub my twat… I have a Phone sex addiction, nothing can stop me.

he wants to eat me

snuff movies

My ex was so obsessed with my body that I always wondered why he was such a horn dog. It didn’t take long for him to tell me he wanted to eat me and film it. All he wanted was for me to gain a couple of pounds, just enough for him to slice some of me and enjoy it.

He was really into cannibalism and snuff movies. Wow, you think you know someone till you realize everything is a lie.

All he could think about was how id taste on his plate when he gave me an ultimatum that i would have to do it or he would leave me. I accepted and caved in and let him feast on my body. The draining of blood had him erect and wanting to fuck me so roughly.

Snuff sex with my roomate

snuff sex

The guy I am dating has brainwashed me, and I can admit it. No one needs to intervene. I knew I was his when he got me into snuff sex. There’s no other kind of sex I want now.

The cherry on top was when he convinced me to make our roommate part of a threesome, where he challenged me to prove that I could be a good whore willing to obey him and submit to all his orders. I had to seduce and then sedate her and let him watch as I took control of the situation and made him proud. The first thing I did while she was going in and out was choked her and tied her up. Slice her up and use the most enormous mightiest strap ever.

She had no idea what happened the next day but was all sliced and bruised up. She never questioned it when we told her it was an accident that occurred.

Sex with dead bodies found in the river

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies found in the river. Who put them here? Why are they all sexy young girls? The questions you should be asking but aren’t because you love cold vaginas and rolled-back dead eyes staring at your necrophiliac ass. I see how hard your cock gets as the river swells like your cock. Oh, grab her by the ankle that’s a sexy one that just floated near the bank. Oh, My gawd she is not quite dead yet! I hope she will do for your deranged fixations! If not that bloated one stuck in the bushes with the nubbins can be your pocket pussy. Let me just drag this one out and finish her little redheaded self off for you.

Sex with dead bodies in the river with teen Harper

Oh, she is barely conscious let me just tie my bikini top around her throat while you skull fuck her. See, fucking a living doll is very pleasurable. I know you like the dead ones the most. Something about defiling little girls’ corpses just engorges your sick cock. I promise you can fuck her after. I’ll even leave her to rot in the sun while I give you the decomposing body of the one with the nubbins that never got to grow to tits. I bet she would have had a nice rack. And if you feel the need Pork some dead long pig with me. I’ll turn my back if you feel inclined to tear into a fresh kill. Let’s drag the river to be the evilest and vile motherfuckers of snuff sex we can, baby!

Blasphemy sex is his secret desire

blasphemy sexBlasphemy Sex is not what I wanted, but I got conditioned to it. The only way I could put myself in a situation that would put me at risk of being hurt. My boyfriend would enjoy writing all the sinister things that pass thru my mind.

A good whore like me will always tend to a man who wants to ruin them. I was looking thru my boyfriend’s phone. I shouldn’t have, but curiosity got the best of me when I ran into his plans of cutting me slowly and sacrificing me to satan.

At first, I was so creeped out, but then I read some more and saw that it was all for him to get ahead at work and make a significant amount of money. Satan rules weak-minded individuals who always have a dumb slut near them, like me.

My cunt was so excited as I rubbed it reading all the malicious acts he wanted to endure on me.

 Snuff Sex ???? Raw ????

Snuff sex Raw ????is a devilishly good way to have some young succulent flesh. I Love to bite into that delicate ass flesh and just bite a chunk out. This is how I get when I start suffering from a nutrient deficiency. I crave raw flesh. I am not into raw animal meat. My craving????‍♀️  and need is of a cannibalistic need.


These cannibalistic cravings are impressions left in my DNA from ancestral Hunter gatherer’s. My bloodline was said to be of an albino cannibal clan that loved to devour it’s victims when the adrenaline is high.  The release and chase is the most prominent form of getting the victims meat spiced well.

Snuff sex

The best is to cage and torture the whores or beastly men a bit and build up the serum in their blood. Then with a taunting and game time we release them and let them run. I have to say I was not ever told to not play with my food and now I understand why. It’s far most delectable when the food is spiced well.

Cannibalism phone sex

Cannibal Captive Sliced and Left Bloddy

Cannibalism phone sex


Tear me apart. You know you want to. You see a victim on the floor, helpless, practically begging to be in your clutches. It is not everyday you get a live one, a human drugged out and ready to be consumed. You see my chest heave up and down, showing signs of life. You go down my legs, noticing characteristics that would indicate I am young. Fresh young meat was always your favorite. You know what to do. Take out a knife and slice my throat. Watch me try to cover my throat with my hands to stop the bleeding. It is a fruitless effort as the blood spews from my neck, killing me quickly. A lick of my blood gets you going so you can properly prepare me for consumption. You have your butcher knife in hand ready to slice and dice me to your liking. Where do you think you will start? My juicy thighs? My tender arms? My supple neck that you slashed? The choice is yours.