Gothic Phone Sex Fantasies Take Us to Dark Places

gothic phone sexGothic phone sex fantasies are among my favorites. As a Goth girl, I’ve long been obsessed with spooky castles, vampires, witches and medieval torture. The darker and more ominous something is, the more I like it. Last week, I met a man who thought I was a real witch. Like the broom riding kind. Although, I have been known to cast some spells and eat brats, I have never ridden a broom.

As chance had it, this man wanted to be killed by a witch. Why not, I thought. Hocus pocus and all the dark magic. I took him to my cabin in the woods. I concocted a story about my ancestors being burned at the stake on the very ground I built my kill shack on. You can make a simp believe anything if you tell your BS story with enough conviction.

Of course, I told him my magic powers come at a price. And that price is not just his life. The pathetic loser gave up all his online banking details so I could drain his accounts before draining his life. He might not enjoy the torture sex, but his death would make me a very wealthy woman. I thought about all the gruesome ways to kill him.

My kill shack comes complete with a dungeon filled with medieval torture devices. However, I decided to burn him at the stake like my ancestors. Perhaps, more painful deaths exist, but getting burned alive is painful, just sadly doesn’t last as long. I told him he could meet my makers. I tied him to a stake and built a slow fire under his feet. The smell of fear and burning flesh, I find intoxicating. Arousing too.

However my cannibalism phone sex fetish swings into full gear once I smell burning flesh. His screams deafened my ears. I burned him almost to a crisp. Not completely a crispy critter. Although the only reason I did not burn him until he turned to dust was because I wanted a snack. Never tell a sick bitch you want to die. Because she will make it happen.

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