Category: Bloody phone sex

Cutting daddy off !

Well I’m so fucking tired of this holiday season, this damn family shit is for the birds.

Just last night, my father was so busy being drunk he didn’t even know mom slipped out to get a quick fuck from the new neighbors.  I don’t feel sorry for the pathetic fuck. He’s been nothing but a fucking drunk and done nothing for this family. All he ever does is drink, every holiday down the hatch.  Now he’s turned mom into a fucking cum slut with the neighbors.  Tonight I’m going to solve the problem.  I will wait for him to drift off into a drunken sleep. I will sneak in with my strategy.suffocation phone sex

The night is quiet mom is next door the time is right. Hatchet in hand I slip in quietly. There he lay rhythmic snoring because of the booze. He’s not going to know what hit him.  I grab mom’s soft satin pillow, slide it over his face. He wakes up violent shaking.  Its ok daddy I will help you sleep. He wakes and pushes me off and I fall to the floor.  I regain my stance, he’s in no position to fight me.  I’m able to push him back down with the pillow. He’s such a drunken bastard.  He tries to fight back but he’s to tired and drifts off to an unconscious state.  Now I bring my plan into action, he doesn’t even flinch at the first slice.  I get up a big blow and whack his worthless dick off, I mean mom’s fucking another men.  Why does he need it?  The blood pours out.  Soaking the sheets and bed, I put the pillow I used to suffocate him over it.  I stare at his dick on the floor thinking of how noble I feel at the task I have completed.  Though the time is getting late and I’m covered in blood I must retreat to my room before someone discovers what I have done.  I must clean up and compose myself.  If you can think of an alibi don’t hesitate to call.


Snuffed My Sister

You tricked me. You told me that if I got you someone else that you would let me go. I thought it was too simple, too easy, and I was right. The drugs you gave me made me so stupid, and I gave you enough info to find my sister. She doesn’t deserve this. She isn’t like me. But you fooled me, and told me that you were just going to fuck her and that she would never know it was me that told you how to find her alone.

She walks the woods near her house every morning. She’s always alone. Tiny like me. I can’t believe I placed her within your sights. I am such a stupid little cum whore. In an attempt to save my pathetic life, I believed you. Even though I know what an evil monster you are. How could I not know you would fuck me over? I woke up chained in your living room as you brought her through the front door. She was terrified and crying, and I tried to tell her I was sorry but I couldn’t speak through my gag. I began to cry, trying to show her that I was sorry.

When she saw me, I saw the look on her face as she  realized that I had something to do with her being taken by you. She started screaming at me “How could you??!!”. She knows I am a useless slut that lets men like you torture my body for pleasure, and now she knew that I had placed her in your path. The one thing you promised me wouldn’t happen. You threw her down in front of me and she just kept screaming as you beat her and stripped her down and tortured her perfect little body.

All I could do is cry and try to express how sorry I was.  You hit her so hard I saw her eyes roll back and her blood splattered all over me. I watched you cut her open with your knife and her blood pool all over the carpet. You fucked her little body as she bled everywhere. She was still concious and every once in awhile glanced at me. She was dazed, but just awake enough to keep your interest as you pounded her ass. I pulled against the chains trying to make you stop, but it was useless. You had tricked me, and now you had my sister, and the torture continued throughout the day.

I watched you cut off her nipples, so similar to mine. I watched as you ate them while her blood flowed out slower and slower from every wound. I watched her skin turn pale and her lips turn blue. In my head I was so sorry, but my sister would never know. You snuffed her right in front of me, and she left this earth thinking that I had brought her here. Here to you – this hell on earth. And the fucked up part is she was right.  

My Little Meat Market

Cannibalism phone sex choice cutsIt isn’t any secret that I love the taste of human flesh. If you butcher it correctly and choose your meat carefully you would be surprised at just how tender and tasty it is. I can’t count the number of times I have served human meat at my dinner table and had my guests marvel at the unique flavor,  how the meat melts in the mouth and how tender and juicy it is! I usually hunt my own meat and that is so much fun, however sometimes I do go to a farm I know of that specializes in the finest human meat. Just like a hog farm, I can go examine the specimens and pick the finest one. They will even butcher my choice for me. Several months ago I decided to open a human meat market. To date it has been very successful. The meat is selling off the shelves almost faster then I can keep them stocked. My butchers are working over time and I have even had to go over and butcher myself here and there. Not that I mind that at all, I love getting my hands dirty. No one really knows what kind of meat I sell but everyone sure loves it. I am making money hand over fist, no pun intended!cannibalism phone sex market

Ass Rape Porn with Cassandra: Candles and Firecrackers

ass rape porn submissive sexI put on a slutty little outfit to meet my girls at the club. We were having fun, sipping on fruity drinks, getting drunk and dirty dancing. Last thing I remembered was dancing with the bouncer right before closing  time. The next thing I remembered was being with my girls tied up on our knees in some dingy living room. There was an alter covered with flowers, candles and a skull. Next too it was a table of sundry candles, dildos, and anal torture devices. Turns out the hot bouncer and some of his friends have a side business in ass rape porn.  We were going to be his next stars, even if we did not want to be.

He said he struck gold with us “hot bitches.” He was especially impressed with Shelly whose ass was tattooed to look like a flower in bloom. He bent her over and fucked her first. No lube or anything, just violently shoved his cock in her. Even told her to “squeal like a pig.” His friend was filming him forcing his cock, as well as a ball bat, in her ass. By the time he was done her ass was bleeding and swollen. She was in tears. I felt so helpless.

ass rape porn bondage dominationMy next friend got anally fucked with fists, a fire poker, various tools, even a cattle prod. Her ass was so damaged it prolapsed. They made us suck on her prolapsed ass like it was a pacifier. I felt sick to my stomach violating my friend that way. When it was my turn, I thought I would be okay. I mean I have had a lot of cock in my ass, even a lot of foreign objects. But, never have I had a dozen or so candles shoved up my ass. Not only did he turn my ass into a candelabra, he lit them. Hot wax was dripping down my taint, into my cunt and down my thighs. Burning my flesh until the candles snuffed out in my pussy. The hot wax melted my clit and severely burned my ass and pussy lips. The torturing of my ass was all caught on film.

For hours our asses were violated for some underground ass rape porn movies. The last of us to be tortured was Leah. They shoved firecrackers up her ass and lit them. Her ass not only burned, but exploded. Blood, shit and tissue splattered our faces. Shelly threw up. Poor Leah’s ass is forever ruined. And for what? So some tool can beat his meat to ass rape porn? When they were done using our asses for their profit, they dumped our battered bodies in a van and tossed us out like garbage along the side of the road. Leah is still in the hospital. Her ass will never be the same. Mine will go back to normal in a few weeks, but I will have burn scars forever.

Just when I think men cannot get more depraved towards women….

ass rape porn torture pain

Time to unwrap a present!


I have decided what I want for Christmas. I want to unwrap a present. First I have to find the perfect present. I want her young, tender, and innocent looking. I love replacing that innocent look with fear and terror. I know just the little piece of meat I am going to take. She lives down the street. Always wondering the neighborhood. Never wants to go home. A cute little thing. Long dark hair and wispy frame. She is so fucking cute. The biggest brownest doe eyes. I got the shop ready. Had the work bench set up. All my tools laid out. And I waited. I knew she would be coming by sooner or later. And I was right. She wondered right by the shop. I called her to the door and asked if she would like to make 20 bucks. I just needed a few box’s hauled to the trash. She was so willing. She didn’t even notice when I locked the door behind her. I picked up a large wrench and cracked her in the back of the head. When she woke up she was naked and tied down with a ball gag in her mouth. She could scream but it would be to muffled for anyone to hear. Then I showed her the knife I was going to use on her. I could see the fear. The panic. And I could smell the piss as she pissed all over herself! I started at the feet. Slowly peeling away the skin. Not to cut to deep. I didn’t want her to bleed out! It was like a puzzle. A test of my skill. Slowly methodically peeling way her flesh. She cried and whimpered. She even passed out a few times. BUT I did manage to wake her back up. I worked my way up her legs. Pain painstakingly working around her pretty pussy! It took ALL my will power to not rip that little pussy up! I worked my way all the way up to her perfectly perky tits. Pretty large for her age. I decided to leave the nipples on and just pull the skin away for her little tits. I skinned all the way up to her neck. She is trying so hard not to move. I know the air is burning against her flesh. I was going to just slit her throat… BUT it is Christmas. ‘Tis the sharing season. I wonder if I can find someone wanting to help me with this little present!


Mutilation Phone Sex with Reagan * Here Piggy Piggy

Mutilation Phone Sex Reagan

Fuck I love releasing my anger with every slice. It felt so good to take it out on something so small. Sweet Marley, hitchhiking again. So predictable. Easy prey.  I am here only to release you from the piggy.

Piggy, you being such a piece of shit you had no idea that when you tried to coerce me into sex for a promotion you would have set your own little girl’s fate in motion. “Even my little girl takes Daddy with no resistance!” So you like to fuck young cunt do you? As Marley’s blood pooled around her frail young body, I reassured her that I was only saving her from a life of taking daddy’s cock up her cunt.

Now I toss all Marley’s mutilated body parts to the hogs at the local pig farm. I chant to myself “Here piggy piggy pig… “ Daddy is a fucking pig isn’t he little ones? They love eating bloody meat, as I have fed them so many times before. My sweet little piggies.

I wonder just how worried Daddy is? I laugh to myself saving the last piece of her. Such a cute little piggy for a Daddy Pig. RIP Marley

Mutilation Phone Sex Marley

The Twelve Days of Bloody Christmas

bloody phone sex bondage mommy“Fucking Merry Bloody Christmas,” is what he said when he walked in the room. There were several of us there, bound and gagged, awaiting our fate. Twelve girls to be exact. He had kidnapped 12 random girls for his Twelve Days of Bloody Christmas. We were his Christmas presents. All I knew was that we were in the woods somewhere, secluded from civilization. No one to hear our screams. No one to care. For some reason I was being saved. I was his favorite. Lucky me, not.  He and his friends beat me daily. Choked me, slapped me, cut me, sodomized me. Made me watch as they mutilated and or killed the other girls. One a day.

bloody phone sex tortureTheir favorite way of celebrating Bloody Christmas was with knives. I watched one girl be forced to fuck her cunt with a knife. She had to bend over in front of them and put the sharp knife in her cunt. They threatened her with death if she didn’t. Her pussy was gushing blood. Her girl parts completely shredded. So mutilated I could not fathom her ever fucking again. That was the purpose. To mutilate a whore’s instrument.

bloody phone sex knife tortureAnother girl had to sit on a dirty old toilet and impale her cunt with a knife sharpener. It was long, sharp and had a coarse body. I could only imagine the pain she felt as her vaginal wall was shredded and her female organs impaled. Blood gushed out of her pussy. I was scared. I knew eventually they would grow tired of fucking and beating me and want to make me a part of their Bloody Christmas.

bloody phone sex torture womenI was tied to a bed where they brutalized my ass as I watched them force girls to mutilate their bodies. I could see out a darkened window just a tad. The creek behind the cabin was a crimson red. I guess that’s where the not so lucky girls end up. I knew my fate would be bloody, maybe even the bloodiest of them all. For whatever reason, they deemed me the Queen of the Whores. Fucked me like a whore for days. Beat me like a whore for hours at a time. Forced me to watch the carnage they inflicted on the other girls. Left me tied to a bed soaked in my own blood as they cut and sliced my flesh.

bloody phone sex rape fantasiesThere are three days left of Bloody Christmas. I suspect, I will be the last victim. I prayed for death. The dead girls were lucky.

bloody phone sex bondage

Castration Phone Sex with Venus: Be Careful What You Ask For

castration phone sex knife playSo I subscribe to all sorts of guns, knives and tactical weapons magazines. Kind of like porn for me. I saw an ad in one of the magazines that sounded too good to be true. Some loser was offering $25,000 to a girl who would castrate him. The only catch was he had to not be aware of when it would happen and it had to look like a random crime. I castrate men for free because it is fun to rid a tool of equipment he can’t operate properly. I sent an inquiry, met with the loser, found out he was legitimate. Even paid me half the money upfront to prove his sincerity.

I stalked him for a few weeks, learning his habits and patterns. He was a hunter, so thought I could castrate his worthless ass in the woods, make it look like one of those crazy animal rights/anti hunting nuts took his pecker. I put on some camouflage gear, brought a few knives and stalked him like he was stalking his prey. My cunt was dripping knowing I was going to take his junk. He was alone too. I pounced on him from a tree; jumped right off a limb like Rambo. He fought and pleaded. Said he changed his mind, wanted to keep his balls; even said I could keep the money he already paid me.

castration phone sex mutilate genitalsI was pissed now. I had spent good time and energy on my plan; I already had the rest of the money spent too. I was not going to let him wuss out of this. I shoved a ball gag in his mouth, tied him up like he would tie up a dead deer, pulled out his pecker, tied it up well to restrict the blood flow and took the whole thing off. Not just the balls as planned, but the entire worthless package. And because he was such an ass trying to change the plan, I shoved his cock and balls in his mouth. I used a small blow torch to cauterize the wound so he would not bleed out. I didn’t want  to kill him. Dead men can’t pay me. But I had no problem snuffing him out if he didn’t pay me the rest of the money he owed me. I made sure he understood that.

After he had his balls and cock shoved in his mouth and the profuse bleeding had stopped, I straddled him and masturbated right in front of him. Told him it made me hot to rid him of his useless pecker and balls. And, it turned me on to know that I was preventing this loser from reproducing further. Stupid fucker. I don’t know what is more stupid, taking an add out to have your balls cut off or thinking someone would not actually do it. When it comes to me boys, be careful what you ask for because you will get it and a whole lot more.

castration phone sex torture revenge

Torture Phone Sex: Beauty Equals Pain

torture phone sex big titsI usually only have male masters. Sin, is the exception. She is a beautiful hot dominant bitch. I can’t help but give in to Sin.  I met her years ago at an underground sex club. She was the only female domme there. The rest of us girls were just subbie bitches there to be used and abused by the male patrons. She took a liking to me. I think because I am quite beautiful. I look like a goddess, but I am no stuck up bitch. I know my place. Sin called me last weekend as she wanted me to check out this new female centered S and M club. I was not Sin’s date for the evening; I was her pet.

I wore a diamond encrusted dog collar and crawled into the club on all fours like the dog I am. If I pulled or crawled at a pace too fast for Sin, she took her riding crop to my exposed ass. The club was packed. Lots of beautiful dominant goth goddesses with pretty little subbie pets like me. Sin took me into a private VIP room. The room looked far more inviting than what was about to happen to me. Purple and black crushed velvet disguised the torture room. Sin had me get up on this table and she tied me spread eagle. I was gagged and my hands and feet exposed.

Sin informed me that in medieval times, pretty, painted whores were denailed. I was not familiar with thistorture phone sex evil bitch archaic practice, but I did not like the sound of it. She brought out a tray of torture devices. I saw sharp sewers, hot oil and sulfur, pliers and a host of sharp objects. I was scared. Sin was a dominant bitch, but I was about to meet her sadistic side. She told me I knew better than to show up with painted nails and toes trying to outshine her. She dipped the sewers in the hot sulfur and slid them under my toes and fingernails. The hot sulfur not only loosened the nail from my flesh, it scaled my flesh. My screams had to pierce her ears. The pain was unbearable. I never knew a woman could be so cruel to another woman. I thought I was a pain slut until this moment. Nothing in my S and M world, prepared me for the pain of denailing.

Once my finger and toenails were pliable from the hot sulfur and oil, Sin used the pliers to rip the nails from their root, leaving me with bloody stumps. The pain was unlike anything I had felt before; so excruciating that I passed out a few times. The entire time Sin was denailing my once pretty extremities, she smiled. It was as if she was creating a work of art, her masterpiece to be proud of.  Even the air hurt as it touched my exposed fingers and toes. Every tear, every wince, every scream, brought a smile to Sin’s face.

I learned a valuable, painful lesson that night. Never try to be prettier than your Master. My vanity, my pride, my beauty, paid a high price for that lesson. But I will never make that mistake again.

torture phone sex pain slut

Hunting Mask

I knew you were out hunting again. Its the season for you to find all the girls shopping at the mall. I saw you grab your mask and chills ran through me, remembering last year when you first took me. You wore the same mask. It wasn’t as blood stained as it is today, but I know it is the same one. Seeing you wear it brings back that first day of torture and pain that changed my life forever. I saw you leave and I lay in my cell daydreaming about what your new slave will go through today.

By the time you chose me last year, you had already killed three girls. I remembered seeing their bodies in your van when you tied me up in the back. I knew you had killed them from rage, and so I decided not to try to fight you. I remember begging for my life and only being able to see your twisted eyes through your mask. Staring back at me and deciding to spare me. I thought I would be let go. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I became a permanent prisoner in your basement, and looking back I wish I wouldn’t have begged for my life. I wish I would have tried to fight, as I know you would have ended my life that day, just like the others.

You love to hear us beg. Thats what gets your cock so hard. The crying and pleading and promises that we will do anything. Just to live. Not knowing how big of a mistake it is. I knew you at the mall right now. I wondered how many girls would try to fight you off. I wondered how many of them would trigger your bloody rage and be hacked to pieces before you even fuck them. Inside I am screaming and I want to warn them. I want to tell them to fight, and end the nightmare for themselves today. I want to tell them not to cry or beg, because those are the ones that will end up here. In a forever hell of torture and sadistic sex at the hands of a monster.

That mask. It brings back so many memories. The first time you fucked me you were wearing it. I still foolishly thought I would be let go, so I let you do it. I begged you not to hurt me. Blood from the girls you murdered dripped off the mask while you pumped my pussy full of your evil cum. Then you took the mask off and I saw the horror underneath it. I screamed and screamed while you mutilated my body for days. The mask hanging on the wall as if it were watching from its empty eye holes. I knew that mask would be the last thing several girls ever saw today, and I was so envious. I should have fought. Instead I wait here in the cold basement for you to return from hunting and fuck your newest slave while wearing that mask.