Category: Bloody phone sex

Chainsaw Castration BandCamp with Venus

castration phone sex snuff filmsI’m not the girl next door type, unless of course you live next door to the Devil’s Rejects, then yes I am your crazy evil bitch next door. I’m what you would call a castration junkie. I love riding men of their junk, especially if its worthless or not used properly. I have said it before, there are a 100 ways to castrate a chap. Last week I shared my creation the Venus Penis Fly Trap, which not only takes balls clear off, but mangles cocks forever, rendering sexual predators powerless over their victims.

I have another fun way to get rid of useless appendages: chainsaw castration. In fact, every year I conduct a Chainsaw Castration Bandcamp, where I teach other women the art of  castration by chainsaw. Puts a sadistic twist on the “This one time at band camp” line. You would be surprised how many women pay good money to learn this art form. So men, if the woman in your life is fond of flannel  and Leatherface is her idol, use your junk for good, not evil, because likely she is a graduate of my Chainsaw Castration Bandcamp and is just looking for any reason to take your manhood literally.

torture phone sex castration assistanceI just schooled two new disgruntled housewives this week. Perhaps maybe even your wife? If you are unable to satisfy your wife sexually, and make no attempts to rectify that; maybe even make her think it’s her fault that you can’t get it up, then I would encourage chainsaw castration. If you like little boys and girls, and can’t control your proclivities, especially with your own offspring,  then I would encourage chainsaw castration. If you can only get off forcing yourself on a woman, even your wife, then I would encourage chainsaw castration. Oh, and if you are cruel to animals, then you are not a man, but some pansy ass coward who can’t pick a fair fight, therefore forfeiting your right to anything manly especially your pecker. In that case, I will personally use my own chainsaw, castrate the very thing you do not deserve, and feed it to the victim of your little man syndrome.

accomplice phone sex mutilationMy latest recruits showed so much enthusiasm and natural ability, that I have made them my chainsaw castration accomplices. Last week they each rid a man of his cumbersome genitalia. One was a dirty bird prone to spontaneous public masturbation on playgrounds. The other and ex boyfriend of mine with a broke down dick whom I discovered was running his mouth about how I couldn’t get his whiskey dick hard. You see, sometimes men pay me to castrate them because they are too weak to do what they know needs to be done. This was the case with the playground masturbator.  Sometimes wives pay me to do the work too unseemly for a suburban wife.  And, sometimes I just need to teach an asshat some respect for women.  This was the case with my worthless tiny dick loser of an ex. So, it was time to not just empower a few women to be castration junkies, but recruit a couple to help me with all the worthless peckers out there that need chopped off.  A castration junkie’s work is never done.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Kali

Cannibalism Phone Sex

I had a pregnant friend. Her name was Stephanie. She had long silver hair and she was married to a guy named Jonathan. They’d been trying for years and years to have a little rugrat of their own. And when she did, gosh we were so excited! We went out to the mall and got our shop on. We bought the little angel some toys and some gender neutral clothes. We talked to the glob of cells like it was already human. We were laughing on our way to the car, and when we got in, something felt odd. Suddenly there was a voice from the backseat. “You will go where I say” it growled “or I will put a bullet in your head so fast God won’t know what hit ya” Steph nodded from the driver’s seat. He had a gun and was pointing it back and forth between the two of us. I pissed myself. He made her drive to a  seemingly normal house and pull into the driveway. He got out of the car. “No screaming. No funny business. Walk to the front door. Walk in. Don’t say a word” We did as we were told and we entered the house. It smelled like cat piss and rotten meat and was decorated with very realistic looking skulls. He led us to a filthy garage. “Lie over that workbench, on your back” he told Steph. She did as he told her, without hesitation. The fear in her eyes was so awful that I threw up, and the man laughed “This is just beginning, little darlin” he handed me a hammer and a nail. “You take her hand. Drive it into that bench” He held the gun to my chest and I started to cry. “She’s my best friend” He cocked the hammer of the pistol and lifted it to my chin. “I’ll drive the first one, you drive the second” He gingerly placed the gun down, hammer still cocked, and gently placed the nail in the center of Steph’s hand. He swung up a big hammer and drove the nail all the way through her hand and onto the board in one swift motion. She screamed and he slapped her across the face. He handed me the big hammer and another nail. “Your turn” I mouthed “sorry” to her as I drove the huge nail into her palm. I was not as strong as the man, and it took me 3 swings. He took the hammer from me “nice job” He took a dirty, rusty chisel and sharpened it against a stone. He pulled her shirt up and handed me the tool. “Cut it out” he commanded. Steph screamed, a deathly, animal, gutteral scream, and started begging him. “Anything. Take my house, all my money, my cars. You can have everything, just don’t take my…” he slapped her hard across the jaw. “Fuck you.” He looked at me. “Do it. Now. I’ll start it for you” He took the edge of the chisel and jammed it into her pubic bone. Steph, thankfully, passed out, whether of pain or shock I’m not sure. Blood started gushing out of her and he handed me the bloodied handle. “Now. Take it out” I started taking the chisel out and he slapped my face. “Not that, dumbshit. I have a cannibalism phone sex fetish I want to play out” Take. It. Out” I started to stammer “She’s…I…they’ve been trying to…” “Look sweetcheeks. I don’t have time for this. I”ve gotta work in an hour. You cut that monster out or I will slaughter both of you”

Killer Phone Sex

And I did. I sliced my friend’s womb open and took the wriggling, beating little monster out of it. I handed it to the man; I remember how filthy his hands were, with grease and blood and who knows what else, He made me slice her throat and stay until she bled out, and then he sent me on my way. I was numb for about two weeks, and I finally managed to find the energy to go out to eat. Fuck it, I just lost my best friend, why not my money, too? I made a reservation for one at the best restaurant in town. I got there and a waiter came up after I’d been seated. “We’ve been waiting for you. The chef has a special meal for you. It’s on the house, madame” The chef came out. It was the man from the mall. He handed me a plate.

“steak tartare for the lady.”

He winked at me.

It didn’t taste like steak.

Violent Phone Sex

Blood Lust

I’ve waited here all day, just like you asked me to. I haven’t been able to keep my hands off my tight, wet pussy, anticipating our time together tonight. You finally let me in your bedroom. You finally trusted me enough to allow me to roam the house while you are gone. I won’t let you down. My whole body aches for the abuse you give me with those strong hands of yours. I grabbed knives from the kitchen and put them on the bedside table. Anything to please you, Sir.

I hear you come in downstairs and make your way up to your room. I am waiting, my soft skin splayed out for you, the only marks are the previous scars you have left. the ones that show me how much you need me. You walk up to me and see the knives out of the corner of your eye. You whisper, “Good girl…” and reach for one. I hold your stare, something I know I am forbidden to do, but I can’t help myself. You take the blade and place it below my nipple. The point indents my tiny breast, and as you press harder, the blood starts to flow. The pain races through me, but I don;t move or scream.

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You cut deeper, and I see your cock rising inside of your pants. If only I could have that cock. All the blood I have given you and you still keep it from my tight virgin pussy. The knife goes deeper, and I have to catch my breath. You begin to undo your pants with your other hand, and let your huge cock come out of your pants. You bring it close to my face, and let me feel the smooth hard sides with my cheek. I want to reach my tongue out, but I know you would turn on me and probably cut my tongue right off. Your temper is as predictable as your blood lust.

The blade goes all the way thru my breast, and you look away from my eyes – down at the blood. I’ve lost my chance once again. My chance at that gorgeous cock. All you want is my blood, and as you reach down and run your hand through the bright red liquid pumping from my chest, you cum so hard that it hits my legs. Watching you in such pleasure while I am in so much pain is what I want. And I know thats all you want too. I am just a pathetic little pain slut, and I will never be worthy of that sword you keep to yourself.

Frat to Kill Part 2

The car began to move and I felt the sharp glass all around my legs and head. No matter how much I tried to move the ropes and ties got tighter each second. I couldn’t believe the crap I was in. If I moved too much the bind around my wrist would cut me and if I turned the glass would pierce my skin and the blood would ooze out. I heard the screams from the front and couldn’t make out what was going on there. My head hurt and I wanted so badly to turn my head so that I could not feel the blade that was pressed into my cunt. Ripping me in half whoever it was kept pushing it deeper within my womb and the blood ran deep and red. Pulling on the rope he put it across my tits and pulled tightly. It burned and I could no longer breathe from the sharp pain of the knife.  Taking it out of my pussy and placing it on his tongue he licked the blood from the end and began to rip it into my ass. Cutting my ass made the screams so earth chilling and I wished for death but I knew this would not be the end not by a long shot….

Ass Rape Porn Langley1

Babysitting fun!

Babysitter phone sex

I was babysitting some new meat this week end. They were so fucking cute. To little virgin sisters who needed to be broke in and filmed! I set the whole thing up. Gave them a little drink to make them all wobbly. And set up my video recorder. I invited Tom over to take care of the girls. I love how hard he is on them! Ripping their clothes off. And slapping the little sluts around! The harder he fuck those whore the wetter I got! I am going to make a forute off these whores. And when Tom flipped them over and rammed his cock in their ass, I just about came all over myself! And when he pulled his cock out and made those sluts suck his cock clean, that was it! I started cuming HARD! Tom finished it up by making the whores his cum dumpsters! I loved it! Cant wait to “take care” of them again!

Torture Phone Sex: Tentacle Rape Porn Fantasies with a Subby Whore

torture phone sex rape fantasies

I’m a good torture phone sex whore. Callers ask me all the time if I am truly a submissive no taboos girl. Of course I am. I have to be. How I can I serve your sickest, most depraved and violent fantasies if I have limits? It is not my place to have any limits. I am here to be used for your pleasure, your amusement. One of my callers enjoys tentacle rape porn.  The idea of some monster with at least 8 appendages to violate my pussy and ass gets me begging him to me hurt. In his fantasy, I am tied to his bed. He is a mad scientist type who has been creating the perfect monster to not only defile and violate women, but eviscerate them too.

After trying numerous creatures to fuck me to death, he finally creates the perfect one-an octopus type monster with 8 tentacles. Tentacles wrap around my arms and legs to restrain me. I can feel its suction cups tearing the skin off my body. The remaining tentacles enter my fuck holes. The tentacles are slimy, sharp and thick, as they pierce through my pussy and ass, I feel my insides being pulled out of me. A tentacle that entered my cunt comes out my mouth. I’m gagging, choking on my own blood. My Dr. Frankenstein is watching in excitement as his creation fucks the life out of me literally.

tentacle rape porn submissive whoreI’m held down my tentacles that are tearing the flesh off my bones. Being fucked by tentacles that are shredding my insides, piercing my internal organs, killing me with every thrust. I’m gagging on my own blood, laying in a pool of my internal organs. My evil scientist jacks his cock over my bloody, lifeless body, and once I am dead, fucks the gaping bloody  hole where my pussy use to be.

I get off on whatever vile, twisted thing you want me to do or watch be done to me.  I never say no, not even to gang rape tentacle fantasies. Bring me your monsters.

Castration Phone Sex: The Venus Penis Fly Trap

castration phone sex butcher bitchHave you heard of the expression, “A 100 ways to skin a cat?” Well, I like pussy too much for that, so for me it’s, “a 100 ways to castrate a chap.” Sure, being a twisted little butcher babe, I could give a chap fifty whacks. That’s too easy, too boring, too conventional.  I have been experimenting with castration methods for years now. Tiny dick losers, asshats, perverts, deviants and annoying fuckers have long been saying goodbye to their junk at my hands.

I think my favorite method for removing worthless and improperly used appendages is my special creation: The Venus Penis Flay Trap. My first test subject of this method was Paul: a drunk trailer park daddy fond of diddling little tykes of both genders. If you can’t use it properly, you should not have it is my motto. I paid Paul a visit one day. Caught him red handed with his worthless pecker up some poor young school girl’s ass. I told him I was a disciple of God, and it was time to have a come to Jesus conversation about his man bits.

torture sex castration funI had his little victim help me show him both the error of his naughty ways and his road to redemption. I pushed him to the ground, while she removed my special instrument and set it on the floor in front of him. I invited her to take a front row seat to what I like to call a little trailer park justice.  I gave Paul an option. My knife could slice his throat, killing him instantly, or he could tea bag  my Venus penis fly trap, remove his evil appendages on his own, thus saving his life and his soul. For whatever reason, Paul struggled with this choice. He took too long  deciding if his balls were worth more than his life. Idiot. No life, what the fuck does it matter if you got balls or not?

bloody phone sex torture pornHis little victim became my accomplice in the time it took him to realize that life is more important than balls. She leaped off the couch were he violated her little ass, pushed him hard enough that his drunk ass fell onto my contraption. Bonus. Not only did it take his worthless balls, but his pecker too. All of his evil appendages snapped clear off. Suddenly his living room looked like a crime scene. Blood splatter everywhere,  male parts tossed around like dirty clothes, and a drunk p daddy passed out, bleeding all over the shag carpet. My youngest little accomplice stood over his lifeless body, gave him a swift kick where his gonads use to be, then pissed on his bloody stump. If I ever were to have a daughter, I could do no better than this perfect angel.

Girl power was alive that day. Like me, she would be a victim no more. She has become my little castration accomplice. Some things in life are better shared with a friend.

Castration Phone Sex: Loser

Castration phone sex with Dusty will have your pathetic dick twitching. You’re a sick fuck aren’t you? Your desiring my skill for making your pathetic worthless manhood *if you can call it that* obsolete. I will castrate you and make you nearly bleed out before I allow you medical aid. I am interested to see if I can’t see how long it takes to bleed to death from such a wound. Can you imagine it?

Castration Phone Sex

Your testing me by attempting to be an asshole. Well mother fucker that shit does not fly with this Bad Ass Bitch. I approach your loud pathetic ass at the bar where you just get more obnoxious. My friends all look on in silence, they know me so well.

The cold steel pressed against your scrotum as I have you believing your going to stick that dick inside me. You really think I am going to let you stick that thing in me? I run my blade down your inner thigh and back up the other teasing you as I do so. I feel you getting erect as I push the tip of my stiletto into your ball sack. I caress the flesh as it tightens. Your pushing towards me and I hold my blade perpendicular to your balls. Your hands start groping at my tits, I slide the blade across the base of your scrotum as you let out a scream.

Torture Phone Sex

Smiling at you I hold your dismembered balls in my hand as I hold them over my mouth lapping at the blood. I lean in close and spat it in your face. “You’re a useless piece of shit”, and I toss your testicles at you and walk away.

Blair’s Lesbian Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn mommy rape fantasiesMy son texted me to pick him up at school, so of course I went like a good mommy. When I walked into the gym where he was supposedly waiting,  I did not yet know I would be the star of a gangbang rape porn. The cheerleading squad informed me that my son paid them good money to make me a part of their lesbian rape porn and resisting me was futile. I thought this was part of some early April Fool’s joke. Was I being punked? I looked around for my son, some sign this was a hoax.  I laughed, sure it had to be a joke, and started to leave.

lesbian rape porn gangbangA girl grabbed me by my hair gruffly, slammed my face against the bleachers and said, “Whore, you leave when we say you can.” My nose was bleeding. I even bit my tongue. All the girls started smacking me, beating me into submission.  Kicking me, calling me names, spitting on me, pulling my hair, they taunted me, made sure I knew that I was their bitch. If I wanted out of Satan’s School for Cheerleaders no more scathed than I already was, I knew I had to be a good little whore.

They pawed at me like I was a piece of raw meat and they were hungry animals. Ripped all my clothes off exposing my body. The harsh auditorium light nauseated me. Fingers were crammed in my cunt, my ass and even down my throat. Two girls shoved their fists up me simultaneously. I was being double fisted by teen cheerleaders who could be my own offspring they were so young. No lube, no warning, just dry fists up my tight holes. I could feel the head cunt cheerleader pulling my asshole out.  My ass was prolapsed, bleeding, swollen just from their fists, when I was introduced to the biggest, thickest dildo I had ever encountered.

ass rape porn naughty mommyBefore I had the pain of the dildo from hell up my ass, they each fucked me with a strap-on. Gangrape porn was being made with my ass as the star. Seven bitches violated my already tortured ass. I didn’t know lesbians could be so rough with another woman.  My asshole was gaping open, blood was trickling down my taint. The site of my blood made them ravenous, and they took that huge dildo and rammed it up my asshole so hard, I swear it could have come out my mouth. My ass never hurt so much before. These cheerleader cunts shredded my ass; hurt me more than a gang of cocks ever had before.

After several hours of anal abuse at the hands of evil cheerleaders, my son showed up to get me. He did indeed sell me to these bitches to settle a drug debt he owed. Apparently even teen lesbian cheerleaders from hell enjoy a soccer mom’s ass for some gangbang rape porn. Can you hurt my ass worse than 7 evil cheerleaders?  

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Mutilation phone sex Makayla

Today daddy was different. He walked down the stairs with a look in his eyes that scared me. He put my collar on me and then grabbed another daughter. Last time this happened one of the girls never came back. As we walked up the stairs I knew one of us or both of us were never coming back to the comfort of my little pallet beds. We would never see our tiny holes that we called home. Once we were upstairs daddy stripped us naked. He was looking over our bodies. He finally handed me a basket full of clothes pins. He grabbed Gabby and slammed her down on the table. Daddy is so strong. He strapped a choke collar on her and tied it tight to the table. He tied her arms and legs down. He told me to get started. I pinched her skin and pulled up as much as I could on her malnourished body. After I pinched and pinned as much as I could, then daddy pulled out his knife and started to make little cuts on her body. asking her if it made her pain go away. She was still crying and screaming in pain. He told me to make her shut up. He handed me a pair of pliers and told me to be creative. I took the pliers and pulled out her tongue piece by piece. The look in her eyes as she watched me do this will haunt me till I die. I don’t know what happened to her after daddy kicked me down the stairs. But we never saw her again.