Snuff Porn Galleries Underground Art Show

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There is not many things that I am significantly good at. Like I am not good at making friends with anyone who does not thirst after blood like I do. I am awkward around idiots my own age when I do not have an intention to slaughter them. One thing I am really good at is snuff porn. When I started making it and selling it to the underground snuff world they fell in love with my work and I appreciated every second of it. I was sent an invitation to the underground snuff porn galleries showing. Now only was I invited to look but I was asked to prep a piece. I was nervous and had no idea what to do till I saw her and she was to be my Georgia O’K eeffe inspired piece.
She was about a teen and super pale which would make her skin perfect for my carvings. I kept her around in a box in the basement for a month or so to make her nice and thin and lighten her up even more. I did not torture her because beside for the minor thing I wanted to do to her she was to depict the purity that I loved to hunt from my victims. I drained her blood slowly and then embalmed her as though she was cowering in a corner. I hit her face behind a cow skull and marked her skin. When my parents had left and representative for the gallery came by picking her up, ensuring she would not be damaged.
I showed up in a gas mask to the event. That was kind of the thing. Everyone knew each other’s alias and no one wanted to give up that security even for a moment of comfort amount the like minded. It was like a masquerade, and I felt as though my mask played to me very well. I was very impressed by everyone’s work, recognizing a few from people who I had helped torture and capture. People who were careful carved and saved and one loving display who was pumped with fluids and adrenaline. His live screams were quite impressive. I was recognized by a lot of my supporters and given a substantial amount of donations to further the quality of my work. It was nice to be around supporters but I was ready to get back to work in my little shell.

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