Category: Bloody phone sex

Killer Deal

snuff phone sex


      It had been weeks since I had been put in this bloody hole.  The trucker that had picked me up on the side of the road had hired other girls to enjoy and fuck me. My tiny cunt was now an over-sized mass of guts and blood and one that I did not recognize anymore. My asshole lay open and a shunt knife filled the opening. It was hard to see because of the beating my face had taken. I struggled to see him standing there and was trying to get the ties off my hands. Each time I tried, the wincing pain in my shoulder would start and I knew my shoulder was dislocated. Maggots hung on  the bodies that were decomposing and much of the shit that lay on the outside of them I was forced to eat. Why had I decided to try to trick this man? I was here to study and yet the cocaine powder was too strong of an addiction to quit. My parents had warned me many times to stay away from stranger’s but, I didn’t listen. I had asked for this when I flirted with him and stole his wallet to pay for my habit.

      He was making me pay for the lie  of betrayal and flirtation. I knew for most of the night the razors that hit my skin would be for the punishment of what I had done to him. The noise of a leaky faucet near cleared my senses and I began to see the redness of blood that dripped from the corpse that lay above. My tits were sliced open and the light of darkness that held my fate cast its glow on my head. I knew I was going to die, but I would suffer more for what I had done. I felt the tinge of the hook against my pussy lips and my womb spread open by the tip of his cock. I had made a pact with death to deal with me but I knew it was not to be, After all, I was here to learn a lesson or so I thought….


Wounded Slut

violent phone sex langley (1)My pussy was burnt raw and I could imagine that by the looks of things I was not going to survive. I was one of those people that knew when death was coming and I just didn’t know how I was going to spin this tale. Could I start with my time in England before I was taken? No that would be too easy let’s just go back to the fuckers who had tied my ankles to hooks, and watched as the bones cracked in my legs. He used an ax blade to cut into them and the end of a rod was stuffed up my tiny little cunt. It was something that I knew would kill me one day. My flirtations with people I didn’t know. But I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. He was coming and I could hear the hacksaw that was getting closer. I knew his ways very well. He would beat me with his fist and use that saw up my little ass cutting the flesh and pouring acid in the wounds.
He would then take down his pants and rub the blood all over his cock and put it in my mouth making me gag on the tip. If I threw up from the pressure of his cock he would use the five tail whip and lash it across my flesh and the sound would be heard in the air like a pounding hammer as it tore at my flesh.I don’t know why he liked using that five tail whip but from the stiff ridge of his cock it created such pleasure for him. Then his friends would take turns shoot darts on my tits and ripping my ass open with their bulging cocks. It was one of those things that I had grown accustomed to and it was one of those things that was allowing the darkness to fill up over my face and the world to become black.

Your Blade

You always make me strip in front of you. The camera rolling as usual, Sir. You and your snuff movie fetish has become an unquenchable addiction, and I am the only girl who can handle the pain. Not only can I handle it, I long for it. You bought a new knife. I see it gleaming from the bedside table. Its short but sharp, and looks like it could gut a deer in a matter of moments. I knew it was a new gift for me, and would be used to spill my insides for your camera.

snuff phone sex stephanie
You never cut me yourself – you make me do it.  You make me mutilate my own body. You tell me I should be ashamed of how beautiful men think I am and that I need to deform myself so that men stop staring. I know you are right, and I ask your permission to pick up the knife. Of course you make me beg, and I do, because I need the pain.  I take the blade and follow your instructions to pierce my nipples, one at a time, slowly so they bleed down my bare stomach.

You look on calmly, cock rising with every poke of the blade into my tender breasts.  The pain sears through me like fire as the blade slices right under my nipple and severs all the womanly glands inside. I start to sweat from the pain and my heart races like a little bunny, knowing I am nothing but a toy to you. Then I take the blade to my other nipple, and do the same. They hang there, a bloody mess, and you begin to stroke your cock. I stick my chest out to show the camera and I know you are proud of me.

snuff movie stephanie
I withdraw the blade and you point to my pussy and I know what I have to do. I take it down between my legs and begin to stick it straight up my pussy. You smile, and I love it. It is so sharp, it slices both sides of my tight cunt as it enters and and fresh red blood pours down my legs onto the floor. I fuck myself with the knife, and each stroke makes me more and more dizzy with pain and ecstasy. I pull it forward and cut my clit in two. Blood spurts out onto your leg, and you laugh – the video has captured it all. It won’t be long before my vision starts to blur… and we still have so much to do….   

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Blair

home invasion phone sex rape fantasiesI was sound asleep when my dog started barking. I got up to see what was going on, assuming my husband or my son just got drunk and couldn’t find their keys. I heard footsteps. I reached for the baseball bat I use for home protection, but before I got it, I felt hands around my neck, choking me. I was thrown to the ground by a strong shadowy figure. Then the lights came on. I saw three strangers standing over me with their cocks out. I pleaded for them to go. They just laughed. I heard muffled screams. I looked to the corner and saw my baby girl tied up. They were going to force her to watch as they violated her mommy. “As long as you do what you are told bitch, nothing will happen to that sweet little cunt over there,” one of the intruders said.

The next thing I heard was “start sucking cock whore; show your little whore how it’s done.” I was afraid they would take my daughter’s virginity, her innocence, so I did whatever they wanted. I let them skull fuck me. Three large cocks crammed down my throat until I gagged, almost to the point of puking. They slapped my face for gagging, then shoved their dicks back in my mouth. I was being the best dirty whore I could to keep my baby safe. I thought all they wanted was to shoot their wads on my face, but they wanted to violate my holes while my daughter watched horrified.

They threw me on the ground, penetrated all my holes while my baby cried. One of the men , pulled his cock out of my ass, went over and shoved it in my daughter’s mouth. I was being a good whore like they wanted, but he forced my baby girl to suck her mother’s ass juice off his cock. I started screaming, begging for him to leave her alone. He ran back to me, punched me right in the face. Broke my nose. Blood was running out of my nose as the two continued to fuck me, while the third guy forced himself on my virgin girl.

I had to listen to her screams, her pleads for her mommy to help her.  I was powerless. After hours of forcing themselves on us, they left. Made it clear that we were both dirty whores. My baby girl is so tiny. They ruined her fuck holes.  No worse feeling than not being able to help your daughter. I guess some men get off on ruining innocence while a mommy watches helpless.

Cold As Ice

torture sex karmaThe night was as dark as my heart. The clouds covered the light of the stars and the moon. The air was heavy with the impending storm and her body lay shivering, naked and afraid. The flames of the fire made light dance on her trembling cold flesh giving the illusion that she was dancing for me while tied to the slab. Dancing around her to the sound of the haunting music I had playing, Each time I touched her and felt her body shiver my cunt grew wetter. I could now hear the rumbling thunder in the distance, it was getting closer and soon the sky would open with the furry of the storm. That is what I waited for to begin the mutilation that I longed to inflict on her. I didn’t have to wait long for the furry that spurred me on. Lightening cracking all around me and thunder drowning the sound of her screams as I cut flesh from her body savoring it, uncooked and sweet while quenching my thirst with her thick hot blood before finally laying on top of her and writhing against her until I came hard. This morning she was stiff and cold, covered in blood laying on the slab with her eyes wide and still fixed in fear. What a shame I was hoping to inflict some mere pain and mutilation. But the thought of fucking her cold and lifeless body was just as arousing as I approached her and shoved my fingers deep in her cold pussy. Breakfast was served and I savored every bit of it.

Mutilation phone sex

I tried to remember life before daddy brought me home and locked me up.

I remember the green of grass and blue of the sky but that slowly starts to fade away with memories of being hurt. 

Being held down and told that I was such a dirty whore.

Having a cock shoved up my ass fucking me so hard it bleeds. 

Knife play phone sex

I started cutting myself to relive the pain. 

Feeling real pain made my mental pain fade away. 

I love watching the blood run down my arms but it wasn’t enough.

I was tired of being used as a sex toy.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. 

I started rubbing that knife all over my body. 

Feeling the cold steel was turning me on. 

I pushed the knife into my pussy, it felt so amazing. 

Mutilation phone sex

Having the knife shoved into my pussy over and over again. 

Little did I know that it would not stop them from fucking it. 

They liked it all cut up and bloody.

They wanted to fuck and hurt my pussy even more… 

Taboo phone sex with Ivy


Taboo phone sex

I’m just gonna come right out with it. I love torturing people, especially other women. I love getting them hot and bothered and then threatening to do t terrible things to them if they don’t satisfy me. I usually end up doing them, anyway. So I was cruising down the boulevard on the way home from getting my nose candy when I saw this bitch standing on the corner, fighting with her man. I pulled over and asked if I could help.

Torture phone sex

She was a prostitute and she’d gotten mugged, and she needed 50 bucks or this pimp was going to make her sleep outside. There was a storm rolling in, so I told him to Fuck off, and I took her into my car. She thanked Me endlessly, telling me she was so thankful, didn’t know how to repay me, all that good shit. I laughed “just keep me company.” She started to cry when we got to my place and as you can imagine, there’s nothing that gets me hotter than a woman crying. My pussy was sopping wet thinking of the terrible things I could do to this bitch. I took her into the house and offered her a line which she gladly snorted like the dirty whore she was.

Evil phone sex

I made a quick call and took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom where I started licking her pussy. She whimpered and cried and begged for more, and she gladly obliged when I stuck my fat dildo in her cunt. She came so hard for me, her eyes closed, and screamed when she opened her eyes.  My brother was standing over her wearing a clown mask and holding a machete. “Choke on this dick” he growled. She did as she was told and he came down her throat, tears pouring Down her face. I’d been preparing my dldo as they played, lacing it with poison tipped razor blades. See, thing is, the pimp I gave the money to, he was my brother. You don’t Fuck with my brother.

Celebrating Girls Scout Day with Knife Play and Castration

knife play phone sex castration sexIn honor of Girl Scouts Day, I decided to help a local scout earn a special badge. The purpose of badges is to teach young women useful life skills. I consider myself somewhat philanthropic, so I like helping young girls. I offer a badge in castration. Girls need to know how to put a man in his place. You see most men do not know how to use their penis properly, but sadly too many women let them get away with bad penis behavior. Every Girl Scout I take under my wing, is trained in how to use a knife to slice a man’s worthless junk off. Castration is a much more useful skill to have than pottery making, wouldn’t you agree?

I hand pick my Girl Scouts. This year was Lilly. Lilly has a dirty step father who violates her young holes every night, and beats her and her mother. Real men don’t abuse women. She needed my castration badge. We spent a few weeks discussing proper knife use; cock and ball torture;  how to cauterize a wound so no one bleeds out unless you want them to and how to taunt your victim with his severed appendage. She was really dedicated to earning this badge.  When I deemed she was ready to execute a castration, I accompanied her to her father’s house.

castration phone sex killer sexShe looked so cute in her Girl Scout outfit. Her dumbass dad believed I was a Girl Scout leader. Maybe if Hell had girl scouts. I explained to her dirty p daddy that we needed his help in earning a special badge for Girl Scouts Day. It wasn’t until after she had him tied up in the chair that he inquired what the badge was for. He thought it was knot tying! I sat there watching proudly as my pupil pulled out her Daddy’s dick and drove a nail into each ball, then elongated his pecker to see just where to sever it. I was beaming. She ignored her daddy’s pleas and apologies. She did not let him guilt her into changing her mind. She looked him right in the eyes as she wielded the knife above her head and said, “Daddy say good bye to your little friend.” Then with one fell swoop, she took his penis off earning her castration badge. She immediately lit a cigar and put it out on his bloody stump to slow the bleeding.

She scooped up his severed member and shoved it in his mouth. That was a proud mama moment. We left him in his basement, with his dick in his mouth, tied to a chair and went to Baskin Robbins to celebrate earning her castration badge and in honor of Girl Scouts Day.

Frat to Kill Part III

violent phone sex langleyI was aching from the glass in my back and my legs were tied so strongly together that I couldn’t bear any weight on my legs when I was dragged down a flight of stairs. Pushing me over into a corner, the hood came off my head and I saw my date struggling to stand. A rope was placed around our necks and we were forced to stand on wooden blocks on the arches of heels. The glass that was forced so heavily in my pussy was making me turn red and oozing down in steady streams. My heated fleshed was burning from my tits being cut by a knife. I sniffled thinking of the things that he had did in the car.

While the car was in motion he had poked a dagger into my tits and was poking holes in with the glass. My lips and mouth were duck taped but that didn’t stop him from using the glass to cut shears into my pussy and yank my hair out with the shiny blade. Smelling my hair and placing it in his pocket, he continued cutting my tits and causing the blood to run deep almost purplish on the blade.
I knew I was going to die but I just didn’t know when. As the rope was tightened I felt the twist of a knife hitting my inner rectum causing me to release shit all over. Picking it up my head was pulled back and my mouth opened to taste it. The smell hit my nostrils and caused me to gag and try to vomit but I was pushed back up and lay in waiting for the next thing to come….

Layla’s Death Wish

violent phone sex layla.jMy Pussy was so raw and the blood dripped down from the beating this bastard had just given me. I don’t know how long I had been chained down here. But the one thing I did know was that while the bruises on my flesh were real I didn’t know how long I was going to be able to survive here. The gaping scars from the rope that inflicted my skin tore into my flesh and the warm blood was gushing of my pussy from the assault I just had taken.
One asshole had thrown acid on my back and used a knife to deepen the cuts. I thought piss and shit were the least of the worries in this hell hole but they came back with sponges and salt to rip away at the skin that was already open. One’s favorite game of torture was to put barb wire on my pussy and insert it forcing it so far up my breathing hole I could hardly breathe.
One of the little ones they brought for me to fuck used razor blades at my ass cutting the hole so deep and wide I could no longer shit any more. I tasted the blood from my mouth and one would kiss and spit on me. Saying “You like that you filthy little nigger whore don’t you?” I would cry and the snot would just build up on my cheeks as I felt the length of their cocks in my pussy stretching it wide while the rope was tightened around my neck. Using a garden hose, they would beat my head and legs letting the blood run onto the dirt floor. The little one would stand in the door with his dick in his hand stroking it and run towards me forcing it down my throat while the others stood in the back ground getting ready to piss on my open wounds. This I thought had to be the fun part as the rope would go further up my neck and my eyes bulged out and yet I did not have the strength to pull at the rope that was taken me to darkness.