When I was in high school, biology was always one of my favorite subjects…actually it was the only class I liked. Was it the teacher you ask? Nope. My friends? Wrong again…(what friends?) It was the actual class itself on the days we had a lab nonetheless. I’m sure you know what labs were my favorite… That’s right you guessed it! The labs that I was able to dissect things were what I loved to do the most and now that I am out of school I’ve gotten to some dissecting of my own. The human body is so much more complicated and complex than one may think. But I love it…and you know what’s most fun? Doing my little dissecting without giving these fucks any drugs and while keeping them wide awake! Oh how that must hurt! Hahaha. I love causing others pain…nothing is more thrilling and nothing turns me on more! So in my free time I take it upon myself to experiment on every person I get a chance. My latest victim was a squirter. And I don’t mean the cum squirting kind…the blood going everywhere kind! She was super dramatic too. I mean, I was only cutting open her finger and she was screaming like it was the worst pain she’d ever been in! Oops…it probably was – hahaha. But it turned me on so much seeing her in pain, struggling against my tightly secured straps, tears running down her red face and even better the blood that she was squirting everywhere. I don’t mind when things get all messy and bloody. It’s not as if this whole experiment won’t get MUCH messier anyway! I have so much to look at, and cut, and dissect… She’ll stay alive the whole time, suffering probably till she bleeds out or until my knife hits a main artery. Isn’t biology fun?!
Category: Bloody phone sex
Isn’t biology fun?!
Babysitter phone sex
If you would of walked into the bloody mess that I created tonight you would be having nightmares for the rest of you life. The things that I have done to create my bloody mess would be haunting you for as long as you live and have you thinking of things you would never think could of possibly happened to someone so beautiful and so young and innocent. Do you really value something so tiny and worthless? What would you think if you saw someone young and what people say innocent laying in a puddle of a bloody mess.
Let me let you in on the biggest bloody mess you could ever imagine. it all started with my neighbor asking me to watch his young twins while he ran his wife to the emergency room she wasn’t feeling well. I knew I hated little brats and wanted nothing to do with them. I told him no but he left the fucking little monsters anyway. What did he expect me to do with something so little and whiny. All they did was cry for the first two hours of their parents being gone. I knew I was not going to be able to tolerate it much more. I tried calling them,no answer.
After all I am a sick and twisted bitch. I cant take any more of these fuckers crying. Anyway I read this book when I was little, in it this mother made her shit tard of a kid eat something that made him shit himself… I think it was gas.. I have gas. We keep some in the shed. Plus this was going to be easy to act like I had nothing to do with it, ankle biters get into EVERYTHING. I grabbed the red can and brought it to the little shits. Told them it was a yummy drink and watched them gobble it up. After about 15 minutes these bitches started puking up blood!! Now I have a big mess to clean up and two bodies to put by the shed.
Accomplice Phone Sex is the Best: Killing is More Fun with Two
My protégé Amy, the young daughter of my favorite sadistic accomplice, called me in a panic. She was babysitting and something went awry. When I arrived to the house she was at, it looked like the home of the Devil’s rejects. Blood splattered on the walls, even the ceiling. I could smell the carnage and it made me wet. “Amy dear, what happened, I inquired?” As she explained it, mommy and daddy came home early and caught her having naughty fun with the brats in her charge. Guess the parents got their panties in a bunch over a little knife play on young flesh. Amy went all Lizzie Borden on the family out of fear. She is young still. I’m training her to kill with less emotion. As I assessed the situation, I realized there was quite a bit of clean up necessary. Four bodies were still twitching, barely alive, but alive none the less.
The little ones just required some face sitting to snuff them out. They suffocate so easily at that young age. I put mom in the bathtub. Stripped her naked, then assaulted her fuck holes. I could say it was to make it look like an intruder had force fucked her then killed the family, but really it was just for fun. I fisted her pussy, while Amy shoved a baseball bat up her ass. We didn’t finish her off until we had a little fun with her pretentious worthless holes. One sharp stab in the gut with my knife, and the cunt bled out in the tub. I let Amy finish off Daddy. Suggested she castrate him first. She sliced off all his man parts. I was so proud if her when she tossed his junk out back so the coyotes could feast. She slit his throat, masturbated as she watched the blood spurt from his jugular.
Finishing off the picture perfect family was easy. Staging the house to look like some random act of violence was more difficult, but a perfect chance to school my young disciple in the finer details of killing. My method of madness is to stage a home like a frenzied killer looking for drug money or something similar broke in the house. The random senseless acts of violence are rarely solved. I am the perfect killing machine. Methodical, emotionless, creative and intelligent. Amy is in good hands. No one will ever know either of us were there. It turned out to be a fun night. Sometimes the best fun is unexpected. I always enjoy killing more with an accomplice.
Dirty Little Snuff Sex Addict
Sitting around watching snuff fantasy porn is such a bore. Why do that when you can have the real thing? Out in the real world there are millions of victims waiting to be plucked up and each one deserves to have their lives destroyed. Don’t act like you don’t know it! Those bitches are just toys for people like us. They exist to feed an addiction we were born with.
Take Brenda for example. That whore thought she was soooo cute, but I put an end to that. Now I bet that stupid skank avoids mirrors altogether. Taking her was easy too, all I did was scoop her right off the street. She saw me nearly everyday so for some reason she trusted me. That was a HUGE mistake which I’m sure she’ll regret for the rest of her pathetic life. Yes, I left Brenda alive and it wasn’t to be nice either. After what I did to her I know she wishes she was dead everyday. I’m very glad that she’s too much of a pussy to kill herself because now I get to watch her suffer everyday!
Seeing her disfigured face makes my cunt soaking wet. The way people stare at her like she’s less than human nearly makes me squirt right into my panties. Brenda’s torture never ends and I love it! I gouged her eye out with a spoon that I heated over a fire. Mmm just the memory of her screaming makes my toes curl!!! Of course, that wasn’t enough. An injury like that could easily be covered with eye patch or maybe with plastic surgery she could get a glass eye. That wouldn’t be very much fun now would it? Every time she caught a glimpse of herself I wanted her to remember me so I craved one side of her pretty little face up.
I dug so deep into Brenda’s fragile flesh with a rusty knife that no doctor could fix her. Not that she’s going to even try looking for one because I warned her what would happen if she did. If that dumb slut even thinks about calling a plastic surgeon or worse, the police she knows that something very bad will happen to her. Either I’ll completely destroy what’s left of her face or I’ll leave her so broken and mutated that she’ll need permanent care for the remainder of her sad existence. All it would take is the severing of a limb and a couple quick bashes to her dainty little skull to turn Brenda into a vegetable. Sure, she’s behaving now, but I have no doubt that her day is coming.
Mother Goose Gore
I figured I would write my own book for little ones to read. A book that I could read to the little ass holes to scare them and watch the fear on their tiny little chubby faces. A way to torture them and make them fear their most beloved nursery rhymes. Oh how evil my laugh will be as they squeal at the horrid words I will sing to them. I hope you enjoy my devious collection, I know we will when we have fun with them together. Ha ha.
My version of 1,2 buckle my shoe;
1, 2 I am watching you
3, 4, gonna taste you whore
5, 6, Put your cunt on a stick
7, 8, Let you bake
9, 10 That’s your end.
The old lady who lived in a shoe
There was an old bitch who lived in a shoe
She bread lots of brats and she knew what to do;
sold them to men for money and let them cut off their heads;
The ones who lived, were tortured and beaten
Some of the ass holes were even eaten.
Im a little PGirl (Instead of teapot. HaHa)
Im a little Pgirl
Tiny and thin
When you come over
My knife goes right in
Lets have a good time
Help me out
Rip them open n’ tear their guts right out.
Wha Wha Little Bitch (should be bah bah black sheep)
Wha, Wha,
Stupid Slut
Wanna Suck
His Cock?
Yes please,
Yes please,
Till my bellies full.
Knife to the kidney,
Tear open your ass
Your about to
Die you cunt
Better hope
You die fast
Ha, Ha
Stupid slut
Still wanna
Suck that cock?
I’ll take your silence
That you have no guts to stuff.
Daycare Fun
I pass the time at the daycare just fantasizing about getting alone with the twenty or so little shits I have to watch every day. I just want to string them all together from the roof, Making a ladder of young naked bodies and turn them into a waterfall of blood after I gut them open. I can see a Christmas tree of their guts dangling from the ceiling but there’s no way I’d get away with slaughtering an entire school house of them, So I just wait for the individual jobs I get from unlucky parents in desperate need of someone to watch their shitty little ones while they go out and be fucking irresponsible like they always want to do. Giving the job to someone they don’t even know. So I just have to go to the bathroom during breaks and rub my wet cunt while thinking about it instead of actually doing it. What a disappointment.
Big Pot!
I turned that girl from last week into cordon bleu. I know traditionally the recipe calls for chicken but she was such a little pussy that I thought the course was appropriate. I fucked myself with my favorite jagged dildo for dessert since I was still getting wet from chasing her down into the dirt. That’s the rest of her though so I’ve been prospecting my next hunt and even found a nice stew that calls for a lot of rump so I need a fat ass to fill this pot I’ve got waiting to be used. In the mean time I’ve been using my favorite carving knife on my tits so I can cum like ocean waves. Ricky’s dick alone just isn’t doing it for me any more. I need another fucked up and twisted guy to help me along the way. Everyone needs a partner in crime and I need one with a big fucking cock and a big fucking knife who’s willing to use it both to penetrate me with.
Killer Phone Sex Nigger Cunt
Killer phone sex Nigger Cunt got me in so much fucking trouble! I have to thank that asshole for this. This motherfucker was trying to put his whole hand in my ass. Attached to the end of his hand was some kind of fucking razor. I felt every drop of blood and shit mixed together as my ass was being pulled apart. I was fighting all of them but it wasn’t going to be very long before the end came. Sucking their fucking cocks now they had me shitting out bricks of heroin for them. It was in their nature to make me swallow balloons of heroin and then smuggle it here. I was paying for that fucking asshole’s mistake every day of my life. I don’t think they ever had any intentions of ever letting me go back alive. Its not like I would want to. Who would want to go back to a crack addicted motherfucker ? It was his stupid motherfucking debt that had me with a razor crazed motherfucker pumped in my asshole! I guess that’s how things went when you tried to reason for your life. Every move you made was fucking stupid!
Being tied to a tree the night before and being forced to eat shit was the worst that these motherfuckers; I thought, would do to me. Barfing up instantly, I had been ordered to clean it up. They then gathered around me and called some asshole. I don’t know what the fuck they were doing but after I was taken for this killer phone sex game to see who was going to beat me first they had been calling whoever for the longest! But that was not the worse par the worse part was being tied upside down from my ankles with my legs firmly apart while these mother fuckers practiced arrow throwing and even that would have not have been so bad if they hadn’t gotten the little one involved to come in and join this little game. He would bite into my flesh and pull my nipples so hard I am sure they were torn off!
As I fought him off , I struggled to see what was going on as a door was opened. My eyes grew big and I was scared as hell! “Hi Layla long time no see!.” Stroking his 12 inch cock I widened my eyes and the only thing I could say as a cock was stuffed in my mouth was “You!… I saw the hook at the end of his hand and then nothing else! I am sure what ever that bitch was sticking in my ass was leading to my death but it was much too late to know.
Murder Phone sex Fantasies with a Cannibal
I felt the teeth in my back and my flesh being ripped off. I knew he was trying to eat me alive but there was nothing I could do to get away. There was nothing I could do but try to brace myself for the surrender of death. I don’t know if I was going to make it or not at this point I didn’t know if I cared. I just wanted him to hurry up and get whatever he had planned to do to me over with. It didn’t matter what it was as long as it came quickly and took me out of this misery. Unzipping his pants and moving toward me for the umpteenth time made me know what to do. He wanted me to bite down on his cock with all the strength I had left. I was trying to do that but the pins in my eyes were blinding my vision Blood pooled in my ears and I knew it was going to be all over soon. I tried fighting and yelling but all that came from my lips now was a squeal it was going to be the end.
Pushing my head down further on his cock he was suffocating me and my eyes began to bulge. But this was not to be the end, further pushing me down he took my head in his hands and slapped me across the face spitting on me. Turning me around he rammed his cock in my ass and I felt his hands around my neck tighten and I was clawing at him to breathe but it was much too late. I felt the tear of my flesh again and the release of my spirit to Hell. I had gotten what I deserved from this murder fantasy and you with all the sick twisted games have never been caught! Doesn’t that just make your cock hard all over again?
The Wrong Bar to Score Drugs
I knew the moment I walked in to score some coke, this was no ordinary bar. A wholesome looking soccer mom with a dirty habit stood out like a sore thumb in this leather biker bar. But, the bartender is known for having the best coke for the cheapest price in town. I tried to act like I fit in as I walked up to the bar, but I was shaking in my pumps. “You look like someone I want to abuse,” the bartender informed me. I felt eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. “I’m clearly in the wrong place,” I stammered. I pivoted on my heels to leave, but he grabbed me gruffly by my red mane, yanked me back. “Not so soon MILFY. I know what you want and I got what you need,” he seethed before slamming my face down on the bar.
Dizzy from the blow to my head, I teetered in my pumps until I collapsed over a table. Before I could regain my composure, strangers were pulling my clothes off. Dazed and confused, men violated my holes. I felt fists being shoved up my cunt and my ass. Men were pissing down my throat. I was being violated in the worst way. The creepy bartender came around me from behind. Grabbed my red locks so hard I thought my hair would pull out from the roots. He started force fucking my ass. I started to cry, but I got my mouth muffled with huge cock. “Nothing more we hate than soccer moms slumming for drugs,” he spewed. They used my ass as a cum dump for hours, my body as a punching bag.
When they were finished with me, they spit in my face, tossed me an eight ball and the bartender told me to get my skanky ass out of his bar. Battered, filled with cum, bloody, sore, humiliated, I crawled outside to my car where I guess I passed out. I woke up with WHORE written across my forehead in what appeared to be my blood. I knew that bar looked sketchy, but I needed a fix badly. At least I got it.