Category: Bloody phone sex

Langley loves killer phone sex!

Killer phone sex Langley

Having a cold-blooded streak gives me a deep love of killer phone sex! Every girl has their deep, dark secret fantasies don’t they? I have one favorite, one that I turn to over and over again.

Every night I’m on here, I get calls from guys wanting to talk for free, trying to get me to talk before payment, or simply saying nothing, stroking their pathetic cocks on the other end of the phone. They keep my wonderful, faithful paying customers from being able to get through. And even if it’s for a minute, I won’t stand for that!

 He’s strapped to my stretching table. Nice and tight. His eyes flutter as he’s coming to. His eyes are huge when he sees me, he tries to scream, but between my gag and his nearly crushed throat, all he can do is a muffled rasp. Ha! Fucking worthless piece of fucking shit. I know he recognizes me, he’s called from my website enough, fucking twatwaffle. He really tries to freak the fuck out when I pull my set of scalpels out and start playing the flat edges over his naked body, slightly nicking here and there. I can’t help but to giggle out loud. Fucking pig!

Now what to do? Hmmm, it seems that he is having a terrible issue with two parts of his anatomy. His ear, and his sad little limp dick. Those fingers, those are issues, too. I got it!

I take my little pretty shiny, grip the tip of his ear, and start slowly slicing through the cartilage and flesh, I can almost hear him screaming, not that anyone will hear the little git. I hold his ear in front of his face, flapping it around like a red, sick jello jiggler. It’s strangely entertaining! What a nice-sized hole that’s made!

Oh look, he’s starting to spit his gag out. Let’s fix that! I grab what little I can of his impotent wiener, and I start slicing around and around, until all that’s left holding it to his bleeding body is his bloody urethra. I enjoy looking dead in his eyes as I grip it between my knuckles and..SNAP!.. there it goes!

Oh, tears, how sweet. I stretch his detached ear out just a bit, fit his severed dick through it, and wedge it in his sobbing mouth after removing his gag. Beautiful! He’s too busy gagging on his own still-piss dripping, blood-soaked member to see me pick up the cigar cutter.

Fucking love this thing. Just the fun clicking noise they make gets my cunt fucking wet! His pinky finger slides easily into the hole, and just as he opens his crying eyes to look my way, *POP* goes the finger! One after another, ’till all he has left for hands are two bloody palms. His left thumb is keeping his gaping, bloody pisser from bleeding out too quickly.

One by one I ram his own fingers through his hearing hole into that empty fucking skull.

Long after he’s dead, I’m still filling his head with his digits.

Try bugging me now, bitch!

Ass Rape Snuff Porn

Ass rape porn MaceyI went to an underground swingers party with some of my girlfriends and it was full of huge, burly black men with hardly any women in attendance. I was obviously by far the hottest one there, so of course all eyes were on me heavily! I could feel their dirty evil thoughts about penetrating me in the worst of ways, it was like a pack of wolves preying on fresh raw meat! We were all required to take a special pill followed by an alcoholic drink, I wasn’t aware at the time but the pill was the date drug…of course it was!! As I started to slur words and see double, they separated me and my girlfriends from one another and dragged me to a back room where they had cameras set up on tripods and a big bed with lots of blood stains on the white comforter. I was scared because I didn’t know whether I was going to be walking out of there dead or alive or what they had planned to do to me. Three huge black men came in and ran a train on me, ripping me open and force fucking my insides! I was screaming on the inside but at that point, I felt so lifeless from the pill, all I could do was let out soft murmurs of pain. My asshole was gaping while their big black cocks were being shoved in and out of me ruthlessly. I was squirting blood all over the bed, which only added to the collection of stains that were already there. They filmed it all and posted the video of me on a Snuff website without my consent, fucking pieces of shit. That’s what I get for being such a dirty, naughty girl.

Snuff sex

snuff sex

I have always fantasized about being a victim. I have watched countless scary movies and every single time I have seen a character running for their lives, I get this adrenaline rush. Something about the chase gets me so turned on. Seeing your self beg for your life and having no control while someone does anything they want to you is just incredible. I have always wanted someone to come in through the window at night, forcing me to do what ever they pleased. It makes me so wet thinking about a person just taking advantage of me and having no way of escaping from that situation. For instance I would want a stranger to tie my hands together and force me to suck their hard cock for as long as they wanted. Beating me with their fist until I was just a bloody mess. I would want my holes to be violated filled with cum or urine or what ever my attacker deemed necessary. I want to feel alive for those seconds where he looks into my eyes while he strangles me until I’m unconscious. Feeling my life slip away while not being able to do a single thing about it. My fantasies are not crazy or stupid they are what make me feel alive! I long for that one person who has an inner monster in them to teach me the value of life. But I just beg that he uses his cock and his sharp blade to torture me. I want to bleed and suffer and loose all control . My question is where is this monster that I seek?

Snuff Porn Doll

snuff porn

Snuff porn doll is my screen name on a few extreme fetish sites. I am a fetish circuit staple. Men know my reputation as a nasty freak who does anything because I am a stupid submissive whore. I know one of these days my luck is going to run out. I court danger way too often. I joke that I have more lives than a pussy. Friday night I met up with these sick guys I met online. They were looking to snuff a girl. I was way too old for their victim type, but I convinced them to let me be an accomplice. I can lure young girls away from their parents or friends easier than any man. I had to endure some pain to prove that I was not the police, but it was worth it to go along for the ride. They were tweakers. They are the worst as far as sick minds go. I tried to downplay my bimbo looks so I could play my part. I knew if I failed them, they would snuff me instead. I found an angel who fit their description. I used the lost puppy  story to lure away the young girl from her pack of friends. Lured her right to the white van where my new friends gagged and drugged her. I didn’t even know where we were taking her. We ended up in a fishing cabin a few hours from town. I swear it looked like a torture room in the Saw movies. Rusty knives, chains and medieval torture sex devices. I was beginning to have regrets. They were going to snuff this little girl out in very painful ways. Not before they force fucked her first, however. I watched as their man dicks ravaged her tiny virgin holes. They showed no mercy. But that was nothing compared to what came next. I watched as they dismembered her tiny body. Her blood splatter covered my body. They fucked her limbless body too.  They watched amused as she slowly bled out. They told me I made a great accomplice. “Keep bringing us little whores like this, and you can stay alive Cassie,” the ring leader seethed.  I thought to myself, what the fuck have I started here.

Bondage Phone Sex to the Extreme

bondage phone sexDo you like extreme bondage phone sex stories?  I have one for you.  I was partying over the weekend with some neighbor boys. Teen boys with some great weed and pills. They are not coke heads, but they party. I was out of powder, so I dressed slutty and went over to see if they would share their weed. Beggars can’t be choosers.  Plus, young horny guys like a MILF who parties, right? They were on some wild trip. The weed was laced with some sort of psychedelic drug. I took a few puffs and even I knew it wasn’t straight weed. I was feeling out of sorts. They boys were feeling mighty aggressive. They tied me like a package saying that their grass doesn’t come for free. I knew that. I was down to fuck. But, they had something more extreme in mind. Hardcore bondage and ass rape porn. I was tied in such an awkward position, I couldn’t move. That was what they wanted so they could force fuck me like savages. High school boys were gang banging me. Not a single one of them used a condom either. I protested that I could get pregnant, but the response was, “That will be your problem then, whore.” Cocks, beer bottles, fists and other odd items like flashlights assaulted my pussy and ass. I was hot and sweaty from the drugs. I was out of it, but not so out of it to not understand that I was being force fucked by boys young enough to be my sons. They enjoyed making me suck their shit covered sticks that violated my ass hole. They enjoyed using me as a toilet too. The ropes were cutting my flesh from the friction of the force of the fucking. There was no way out for me. Like a good little submissive whore, I just waited until they were done, which was almost 24 hours later. I had no idea teen boys could fuck me so hardcore for so long.

Not your typical babysitter phone sex

babysitter phone sexThis is not at all your typical babysitter phone sex, hell, I’m definitely not your typical babysitter either! But my neighbor just saw me as the woman next door and assumed that I would be the domestic brat loving type, he pretty much just dropped his bratty crotch fruit off at my house and wouldn’t take no for an answer! So there I was, stuck at home with three of the brattiest little assholes you could imagine and there was no fucking way that I was gonna put up with that shit! I grabbed the oldest asshole first, he was screaming his fool head off so I slapped the shit out of him. Then I put a ball-gag in his mouth and hogtied the little shit. His sisters were screaming and trying to run from me by that point but there was nowhere for them to go so I quickly had them tied up and gagged too. I was just going to leave the like that but I was pissed that their stupid father would have the balls to leave them with me in the first place, I couldn’t just let that shit go. I waited until he came home from work to get the little shits, when he came in and saw them he was shocked! He tried to act all pissed off and tough but one shot to the balls with my tazer shut him right up! I forced him to fuck his little girls while his son fucked his tender little ass. This fucking asshole tried to say he didn’t like any of it, that he didn’t want to fuck his brats but his cock was rock fucking hard and he was leaking precum all over the place! He was fucking loving it… I know that because he’s already asked me to babysit his brats again tomorrow!

Evil Phone Sex Sunday

evil phone sexEvil phone sex Sunday? Has a nice ring too it, doesn’t it. Evil describes me well. So does sadistic bitch, snuff queen, sick, twisted, antisocial and depraved. I am not warm and fluffy. I’m evil. Pure evil. If I don’t like you, consider yourself warned. I won’t warn you twice. I was flying recently. I hate to fly, but it was not avoidable. I had been paid to dispose of a bitch for a guy. It involved me being across the US to do the deed. On the way back, this annoying little twat was sitting behind me. She kicked my seat non stop. I warned her. I warned her mother. Both looked at me with indignation and the problem persisted. Obviously, I could not snuff them both on the plane. Well not without ending up in prison. I’m smart. I’m patient. That is the best kind of evil. I waited for my luggage near them so I could get the name on the badge. I watched the car that picked them up so I could get the license plate number. I have connections. I had their address before I was even home. I know this really sick molester who loves little girls. He recently got compassionate parole. He wouldn’t mind going back to the joint for the pleasure of killing, fucking and dismembering a cute yet annoying little brat. When I told him about her, I tossed in he should do the momma too to throw suspicion off the P man just paroled in the neighborhood. He was putty in my hands. I drove the getaway car.  I knew he did them both good. He came back with souvenirs. He sliced off the little girls tits and her little bald cunnie. I told him I would freeze dry them for him. He was covered in blood, but I could still see his evil grin. He told me sex with dead bodies was something he really missed in the joint. His days are numbered because of lung cancer, but I think until then he is going to be the perfect accomplice. He has nothing to lose.

Evil Phone Sex Fuels My Devilish Ways

My interest is always sparked by the erotic dark side of things and evil phone sex fuels just that. Your twisted mind and evil thoughts of the things you wish to do to your cheating girlfriend and her lover are all you need. I will be your sadistic phone sex apprentice in this hideous plan of debauchery. Now let’s not wait forever as I have a need to cause some trouble.

I wait with the van running for the two of them to show up to his apartment. Once I catch eye of them two of my biker buddies will jump out and toss black pillow cases over their heads and zip tie their wrists as they haul them into the back of the van. You are waiting at the gangs warehouse for us to return. We shove them in and sit them down as their ankles are bound to the chair legs. Removing the covers they now see you, four of my brutal looking biker buddies and myself before them. I am licking the blade of my knife as I circle your Girlfriend and rubbing the point of the knife across her neck enjoying the fear in her eyes and her whimpers. My buddies grab her lover and star roughing him up hitting him with chains and kicking him in the head and ribs.

They rough him up good and force her to watch as they each take turns sodomizing the low life fucking loser. She begs and pleas for you to get them to stop and we aren’t having that. I slice her clothes off, and slap her around. I go over to her lover and in a quick slash of my blade I castrate the mother fucker. She cries out and I toss you a chain to bash her in the head with. As her mouth is bloody I tell you to skull fuck the cunt. As you skull fuck her useless mouth I grab my huge spiked strap on and cut her ankles free yanking her out f the chair I toss her down and start to fuck her slut cunt with my cock weapon making her bleed and go into shock. I then command you to sodomize her. 

We bash the crap out of her bloodied body and dismember both of them and toss their bloody meaty limbs to our wolf pack in the woods behind. I then fuck you with our bodies covered in their blood.

Evil Phone Sex

Murder phone sex Fantasies, fuck me with a knife

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Master has me in his playroom. He straps me down to the metal table naked. Him and one of his friend’s start rubbing on me. They work their way down to my already wet cunt hole. They begin to finger me. Once my tight pussy is soaking wet they begin their fun.

They start by fucking me with a broom stick. It hurts. They ram it deep into my cunt. I scream out in pain. They take away the broom stick to replace it with the handle of a thick brush. They shove that in and out of my tight wet hole as well.

Master starts to fist fuck me now. He shoves his whole fist deep inside of my stretching bald cunt. I begin to cry. He punches his fist inside me over and over.

I think he is done when he takes his fist out. I am wrong. His friend takes a knife. I think he is going to fuck me with the handle. Wrong again. He stabs my soaking wet cunt hole. Over and over he slices my tight pussy. I beg him to stop.

Everything goes dark. My pussy is gushing out blood as he fucks me harder with the blade. I feel myself grow cold as my bloody pussy betrays me as I squirt out my juices onto his knife.

Torture sex

torture sex

I was at the club in a public bathroom by myself. I was obviously very drunk and fucked up. I guess I should not have made myself oh so vulnerable. I was washing my hands and the next thing I see is my face pushed up against the stained walls. A mans hand was squeezing my hair around his knuckles and he was biting my neck.

I tried to squirm away from his grip but he just pressed into me harder. My dress lifted above my ass and I felt him rip my panties off. His cock penetrated my ass hole, ripping the tight muscles apart. He was fucking the front of me up the wall, with each huge hard thrust into me. He stripped my dress off of me more.

He pinched my nipples so hard that I am pretty sure they came off. He turned my body around, so that I was facing him and he put a knife right against my pussy mound. He stabbed it right into my pussy, making blood gush down my thighs. Even my screams cant be heard because of the loud house music playing outside.

He uses my blood for lube and forces his cock harder in and out of my cunt. I know he is going to  kill me.