Category: Bloody phone sex

Are you hungry?

torture phone sexI have been feeling extra naughty lately, and I wanna help you get a little bitch. I want you to fucking tell me what you want, and I wanna go out and find out next  meal. I wanted to get one of those drunk girls off the beach, and I will make sure that she is nice and athletic so she will cook very nicely. But prepping the little bitch is my favorite part, rubbing oil all over her body and stuffing her with veggies and seasonings. Then, I will go with tinfoil and cover her nipples and toes so they don’t burn. Then we just wait for the house to smell up like a good tender girl, and then beep we here the alarm go off. She is done, and we are hungry.

Snuff Porn Videographer

snuff pornSnuff porn is my thing. I don’t just like to kill, I like to film my killing. Sometimes my videos are for my spank bank; sometimes my little death videos are for my accomplice’s spank pack. Troy hired me to be his filmographer recently. He heard about my work. Said he had even purchased some of my works on the underground market. He kidnapped this sweet young morsel to live out his rape fantasies as well as torture and kill her. When I arrived she was practically dead already. So, tiny and young. He had been fucking her for a few days. You could tell. Her little holes were ruined. Completely ruined. Prolapsed pussy and ass. He had ropes, chains, knives and other torture devices laid out. He was ready to party. Not sure how much life was in her. She did not look like she had any fight in her. Personally, I like it when they struggle. The screams and pleading get me wet. But, to each his own. I was simply there to film his milestone. I watched as he dismembered her tiny body. There was a lot of blood, not enough screaming for my taste, but he was hard as a rock and that is all that mattered. I filmed him having sex with her dead body too, well more like her stump. He ravaged her dead holes. He paid me extra to dispose of her body. I know how to get rid of the evidence. It is amazing what a barrel of lye can do.  When I delivered his snuff movie to him, I joined him for the first viewing. It turned out better than I thought. The life was gone in her eyes, but she twitched a lot.  Not my best work ever, but hot nonetheless. If you have a dirty fantasy you want to live out, make sure you hire a sick videographer to preserve the memory.

I’m an equal opportunity killer

evil phone sexI am an equal opportunity killer, I don’t care if the bitch is black or white or whatever, all bitches bleed and die the same way. So when a friend of mine asked for a mixed bag of whores to torture I didn’t think anything of it, I just went and got him a skinny little white bitch and an innocent little black bitch too. I had to drug the little whores to get them in my car so they were unconscious when we got to his place but that worked out perfect because it allowed us to strip them and tie them up easily. 

snuff sexThese little bitches were terrified when the awoke to find themselves naked and tied up, and once they saw the room was filled with naked horny men they both started to cry and beg us to let them go. All I could do was laugh! As if I would let a couple of whores go! No, these bitches were going to literally be fucked to death and that was that! I let the men take them and soon all the begging and pleading stopped because their mouths were way too full of cock to make any more protests!

snuff pornEveryone got a turn to fuck all their tight little fuck holes and when it finally came time for them to die we untied them and let them fight for their lives. Unfortunately, they were far too weak to put up much of a fight and soon they were both dead. They will live on forever in my latest snuff film tho, and isn’t that an honor?

Ski Mask Love

Rape phone sex fantasiesI have this dark fantasy. I want to be home all alone in my bed, in the dark. I want you to break into my home, wearing a ski mask. I want you to silently come into my room and cover my mouth to keep me drom screaming. I want you to force yourself between my thighs and push your hard cock inside me. Threaten to kill me if I scream out for help as you fuck me hard. Put your hands around my throat and choke me. I want you to fuck me like you hate me. Take my pussy. Take my ass, bend me over and fuck my asshole. Force me to my knees and choke me with your dick. Be mean, be cruel. I need you to take my pussy by force. Slap me around, treat me like trash. Fuck me like this pussy belongs to you.

Master, I Want it Harder

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Master made me strip naked and wait for him with my ass out and ready for his cock. I pulled my cheeks apart when I heard him coming close. Spread wide, I felt his hands explore my pussy and ass as he fingered both holes. He smacked my ass hard, making me squeal. After a few whacks, he grabbed a paddle and spanked me with it until I was red and sore. In between each slap, I had to tell him that I want it harder. And he always complied with that request, regardless that it wasn’t actually what I wanted. When I don’t ask for more, the punishments become much worse, so I know better than to beg for mercy.

But sometimes, fate decides the punishment for me. Something must have made him very upset that day, because I felt a knife pierce through my back. Even still, I choked out, I want it harder! Stab after stab, I asked to get it harder. The blood poured down from my body, pooling around my knees. Filling my lungs, the blood came up from my throat as I coughed. This time, I was no longer able to ask for it harder, as I had lost consciousness, barely clinging to life. In a fit of fury, he dug the knife through my neck, cutting my spinal cord and brain stem. Time for a new slave.

There is nothing left but BLOOD and Semen

Snuff phone sex I had this nasty sexy fantasy I would love to play out with someone. So it starts out with you kidnapping me from a bar where I am wearing a short little skirt with no panties acting like a little fucking whore, so you want to teach me a lesson. You throw me into a bathroom and I hit my head on the corner of the toilet as I fall. You come over and tell me if I want to be a little a whore your going to treat me like one. You bend me over and start fucking me as hard as you can in my pussy and my ass.

Then once you tore my holes until they where bleeding you told me, “Now that I fucked your holes I am going to have to make new ones and fuck those”. You take a knife and slice all over my body and fuck those holes until all that left is blood and semen.

Off with your cock, Loser.

castration phone sexYou cheating fucking Loser. I spit in your face. You’re the type of man who deserves castration phone sex. Do you really think you can get away with treating women this way? Do you think your cock is so special that you can stick it in any fuck hole you please with no repercussions.

I watched you in the club tonight, looking all ghetto in your saggy pants and swagger. You hit on every woman who walked by.  Just the good looking ones though. The less attractive, you poked fun at. I watched girls faces crumple as you verbally destroyed them. I’m a cold hearted bitch but you are an asshole who deserves a whooping. Bet you wouldn’t be so smug with no cock or balls.

Tired of watching you, I approach you. Your eyes light up as you take in my slim body. “Wanna smoke a fat one?” I ask you. You nod and follow me to my car. “Hey, sexy, you wanna suck my cock?” you ask me. I respond with a kick to your nut sac with my steel toed boots. You go down hard.

You’re my prisoner now. You’ve gotten into some bad pussy for sure. MINE. I’m gonna give you what you really deserve. I unzip your pants and lay your cock out on the table. Your eyes bulge as I pull out my blade. Blasphemy explodes from your mouth as you beg to the almighty. Too bad, loser. You met the devil instead and now she owns your soul.

Vengeance is mine, saith Natasha. Welcome to hell. Now you get to burn forever as a dickless loser.

Week VI of Seven Deadly Sins: Lust Final Day

As my guy brings the knife closer to the slovenly woman she starts to try to scream but she has a ball gag in her mouth and very little comes out. She tries to struggle against the restraints but it doesn’t matter he yells to me to come and sit on her.

She is on a bed in 4 point restraints and while I am sitting on her he puts a strap on the bed over her torso and back under the bed. I hear him ratcheting the strap down. He stands up and says I can get up, I stand and shows the knife the slovenly bitch again and she starts to struggle, but now it’s a 5 point restraint and there is no getting out.
He bends over and brings the knife down to her pussy, and even though the knife is insanely sharp and could cut through her clit like butter, he is taking his time. He makes small cut after small cut; finally, the whole thing comes off. The bitch has stopped screaming, I think she is in shock.

Mutilation phone sex


My guy slaps her in the face a few times and she is totally out of it. He lets out a laugh and says to her “Clits are for whores.” Her eyes are filled with tears and her gaze suddenly shifts to look at my guy. She has a look of pure hatred and anger. My guy thinks it’s funny. “What are you going to do you worthless bitch? You’re strapped to that bed, no revenge for you ha ha ha.” The next few days he pretty much leaves her to heal, throwing water down the stairs in bottles and only giving her food if she has earned it with sucking his cock. He went down there about an hour ago.
What the fuck!! How the fuck did you get out??!! Put the fucking knife down bitch. PAULINA!!”

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies

taboo phone sex

Taboo phone sex fantasies are what I do best. My callers fall into two categories: mommy lovers and sadistic men who like to do cruel things to mommy whores. I have a very interesting life on and off the phone. Callers ask me all the time if I have a Master. My master is cocaine. I have long had a problem with nose candy. My husband travels a lot, so he doesn’t know the depths of depravity I will sink for a fix. He is not a dominate man, neither are our young sons. His son from a previous marriage is the closest thing I have to a master.  Since I am weak for cocaine, I get myself into pickles all the time. This weekend, I was partying with some frat boys. We were doing lines and fucking. There was some double penetration going on, but nothing wild. Then one of the guys brought in a little girl. No clue who she was or where she came from. She was very young and very scared. She asked me if I knew her mommy. This wasn’t good. I tried to be maternal to the girl when one of the boys punched me in the face. He gave me a knife and told me to “carve the bitch up.” All three boys had pure evil in their eyes. I was informed explicitly that if I didn’t snuff the little whore, I’d be a dead bitch. These weren’t frat boys. They were sick twisted perverts. I looked at the little girl, said I was sorry and closed my eyes. I told myself this was all a bad dream as I plunged the knife in her tiny body. She was screaming and they were laughing. I was crying and shaking. When I heard no more screams, I opened my eyes. The guys were fucking her young dead body. All three of them. It was the most gruesome thing I had ever seen. They seemed like normal 20 something men but they were a pack of wild animals. I did the rest of the blow, got so fucking high, I’m still not sure it really happened, even though the blood stains on my clothes tell me it did.

Snuff sex is what killed her

snuff sexSnuff sex is what killed her but it took days and days of her suffering before she finally expired. By then I was bored with her, she was too weak to be much fun and I was read for her to just fucking die already! I had already done everything I could think of to hurt her, she was missing limbs, her bones were broken she was well fucked and burned… even skinned in places and still that bitch wouldn’t die! Was she some kind of super human victim? An immortal whore? She was boring and annoying me with her very presence so I decided to just beat her to fucking death and end it all! I picked up a heavy pipe and just started smashing her with it over and over and over again until she was reduced to a pile of mush… finally dead so I could move on to the next thrill.