Category: Bloody phone sex

Accomplice phone sex

 accomplice phone sex

 I was at a party and I walked into the wrong/right room at a very pertinent time. I was looking for the restroom and I found that sort of. There was a pretty blond girl that was forced on her hands and knees and she was taking multiple loads of piss all over her naked body and face. It was too late to run out the door and act as if I had seen nothing.

Two of the guys came over and grabbed me and started forcing my clothes off. They were getting excited about my holes that they were going to penetrate. I decided to throw them a curve ball and begged them to let me piss on her. They seemed amused. I squatted over her face and drenched her in my hot urine.

I spit all over her face once I was done and quickly grabbed one of their dicks and guided into her pussy, ripping it open. I demanded that they force fuck her rough and deep. They all seemed to really get into it. I shoved another big fat cock in her ass. Before u knew it I was joining in on the fun, getting my holes pumped open to.

Talk about a wild night.

Castrated Anal Sex

Castration phone sexYour pathetic dick deserves to be castrated, cut off and shoved up my tight, dirty little asshole while it’s gushing blood! I’m going to wrap your throbbing cock up tight with a rope, cutting off the circulation and laughing my ass off at you as I watch your shaft and balls turning blue and purple from being wrapped up so tightly! I’m just going to be sitting over here, playing with my cunt as I watch you squirm and suffer! I’m sharpening my butcher knife, I need to make sure it’s ready to slice off your manhood! Oh yeah, I want it to be gruesome and bloody, a torturous experience just how you like it! I raise my arm up high and violently cut that pulsating dick off of you, your blood splattering all over me as I castrate your pathetic cock! I’ll cut the balls off separately because I want you to feel the agonizing pain one after the other! Once i’m finished, i’m going to bend over in front of you and fuck myself with your castrated cock! I love the feeling of the gooey, sticky blood and flappy skin as it plunges in and out of my tight fuck hole. It feels like a piece of deflated bubble gum, all soft and rubbery, so disgusting! It looks sickening as I use it as though it were a dildo, covered in your flesh and blood!

Brat Bashing

accomplice phone sex


I absolutely love it when daddy says it’s time to hop into the van with him to go pick up some little brats for our wild times back home. Being daddy’s accomplice all the time is tiring but honestly- I get just as big of a kick out of watching them scream as he does. We always go to the playground and find the ones who have parents that are either completely missing in action or not paying attention at all. I always go over and snatch them up, talking them into coming over to our “ice cream truck”! Daddy then helps me pull them inside and we tie them up together. It’s time for some really fucked up fun now- I sit on their faces, piss in their eyes and watch as daddy cuts off their itty bitty clothes. Then Daddy hands me the knife and I know exactly what to do! I cut them open from the belly, Daddy sticks his cock inside and I suck on it while he fucks the little idiot to death. Daddy and I always have such a blast being evil- don’t you think you would too?

Cab Fare

Taking a cab is scary enough with out having to worry about what the taxi cab may do to me. I came home from the bar last weekend and I was so drunk I did not want to drive home, I tried to hitch hike and that did not work, I even offered to suck a guys cock for a ride. I eventually gave up and flagged a cab down. When he pulled over the cab smelled like ass and smoke. The driver was a fat bald guy with a gritty smile and a nasty torn up t-shirt on. He attempted to be chivalrous, but I suspect he just wanted a look at my ass when he flopped out to open the door for me. He gave a smile, but he did not even bother getting back in the driver seat, instead he shoved me into the backseat, pulled my hands behind my back, pushed my head down into the ass smelling back seat, ripped my panties off and rammed his cock into my asshole. He thrust so hard and nutted so fast I did not even have time to react. He then asked me where he was taking me and told me “no charge, you already paid.”

Ass rape porn

Fuck Me Until I Bleed

snuff porn

It’s Langley again! I was watching snuff videos last night and in one scene I saw a slut get fucked so hard that she bled! So then my family invited a neighbor over and told him to act the scene out with me. His only request was he wanted me to beg him to attack me harder. I was not attracted to him and was begging my family to give me a break just for a day. The next thing I knew, my cousin and brother were holding me down. I fought so hard to get away, that I ripped a fingernail completely off! Then the neighbor took out his thick cock and I knew there was no hope. All I could do was cry. I could feel his cock ripping and opening my slit up wide. I didn’t want to beg, but I had to. I cried “fuck me till I bleed,” over and over as tears flooded my eyes. I thought it was going to be over, because the neighbor came inside of me, and the blood mixed with his fresh cum. Then my cousin turned me over and thrust his hard cock into my delicate ass! I told him to assault me until I bled, and by the end of it I was bloody all around. The most terrible part is that I came 5 times! And I was disgusted, but at least I enjoyed it in some way. Maybe one of you sexy guys can force fuck me good, and it won’t be so bad. Just a thought!

I was his accomplice and I liked it!

accomplice phone sexI was his accomplice and I liked it! Usually I prefer to work alone, I want to do it all my way and not be interrupted by someone who wants to fuck it all up yanno? But this guy was different, he was open to doing things my way, all he asked was that I make it very bloody and since I love blood I was definitely down with it. Our victim was small and delicate and very innocent, just the way I like em. She was terrified of course, crying and begging for us to let her go but there was no way we were gonna do that so I just started cutting! I stripped the skin off her chest, nice and slow pulling it down a little at a time until all of her chest muscle was exposed, she was in agony but I was turned the fuck on! There was blood everywhere, we were covered in it! Unfortunately, she went into shock and started to pass out so we had to cut the fun a little short… but we still got to rub all that blood all over each other and fuck on her corpse so I consider it a success!

Mr. Z’s Sweet meat retreat

accomplice phone sexThe sound of tin cans clanging together woke me up. One of my damn sluts was trying to escape. I was pissed. This one was saved special for Mr. Z.  Usually I starved my victims to break them but this was a lucky one. She had a lunch invitation from a VIP. He liked his flesh in prime condition. It was hard, but I hadn’t even left a mark on her. He said that bruised meat tasted “gamey.” So, for the last 2 weeks while he was out of town, I had pampered that slut. I even rubbed her with the special lotion that he left. After this escape attempt, I just wanted to kick her ass though. The other meat dolls were too weak to escape. That’s how I preferred to keep them. My other clients were not quite as picky about their cuts of meat.

I licked my lips as I dreamed of her demise. Mr Z’s famous method of injecting the spices, the expert trussing, and that splash of secret sauce made all of our dinners delectable and bone sucking good. Working with him was such a joy and that first taste of a juicy finger or a slice of inner thigh made even a hardcore like me appreciate a choice cut of meat.


Inmate Vs. Cattle Prod Dildo

Snuff sex

She is pinned to the St. Andrews cross, hands, and wrist bound to it. I grab the cattle prod hanging on the wall for uncontrollable inmates, but I like it for the pain and how it gets these stupid bitches attention. Her body flinches as I jab her in the side, my cock pulses when she screams in pain. The wonderful thing about this cattle prod is that it’s shaped like a nice long dildo.

“Convict 98996 Paulina, do you have any last words before your sentence is carried out?” “I do, Fuck you pig!” I smile at her, she’s about to die anyway so “say what you want, I get to go home tonight.” She glares at me and I look her right in the eyes as I start to fuck her with the prod. She is enjoying it, I play with her nipples getting her aroused, asking if she is going to cum. “Yes, yes, yes please I am going to cum” I laugh sadistically, just so you know your death will be when you are cumming, so if you want to live for a while longer I suggest you hold it.” She mouths off again and I just start to play with her clit while this big metal prod splits her pussy open. Suddenly I could tell that she was cumming but trying to make it look like she wasn’t. “
Well, I guess this is goodbye you worthless bitch.” I turn the cattle prod on, her eyes roll back, her body shakes violently. I leave the prod on zapping her from the inside. I laugh a bit, her insides are probably burned to a crisp. “Good, murderous old bitch.”

Torture sex

Vore Whore

kidnapping phone sex


You picked me up at the bus stop a few days ago. You couldn’t wait to get me back home to your house where all of your beasts and hungry creatures live. You’re quick to escort me down to the bellows of your large home, opening the door to let me into the basement and shutting it quickly behind me. I can see you peaking through a window with a camera and that’s when the monster show up. Slowly a large snake starts curling around my legs- squeezing and breaking my bones, becoming harder and harder for me to breathe. His jaw opening and starting his way up my legs..then over my hips and ass. You jerking off all the while, watching and filming your victim be eaten alive in one big bite. The snake has now worked it’s way over my belly and up to my breasts. It’s tongue ticking my nipples, tears rolling down my eyes as I turn purple and fade. You enjoying every moment of this fantasy come to life. Let me be  your vore whore- what beast do you have planned to feed me off to this time?

I fucked that little whore up!

snuff phone sexThis little annoying whore came to me the other day begging me to make her over and teach her how to be as sexy as I am… as if some stupid whore could ever look like me! My attitude and confidence is what makes me sexy, this bitch was weak, she could never be like me. Of course, I didn’t tell her that, I just invited her in with a sweet smile on my face and told her that I’d be happy to help her. I put her in a special latex catsuit, it had all kinds of nifty little clips in it to bind her up before she even realized that she was in any kind of trouble at all! Bitch thought she was looking real sexy… until suddenly she couldn’t move at all. I decided to suffocate her so I wrapped her entire head in duct tape and sat back to watch her squirm! She was struggling but couldn’t get out of the restraints and I’m afraid that poor little thing didn’t last very long at all…