Category: Bloody phone sex

Better Watch Out, Daddy..


One of my favorite things to do with daddy are his ride-a-longs. We go to all the typical places
we might find new “toys” like playgrounds, shopping malls and fast food playplaces. Anywhere
idiot bitch mom’s might leave their little brats alone while they go find their next sperm donor.
I always sneak up with candy or tell the dumb tiny girls that I know Justin Bieber- anything
to get them to come along with me to where you are. Once we get our new victim, that’s when
the fun really fucking begins. Dosing them with a little “night-night” liquid on rag to make
it easier to tie them up. We take them back to our house for safe keeping. And what do we do
once they are in our dwelling? What ever the fuck we want! I love burning them with my cigarettes
while you fuck their tiny little faces and slicing open their itty bitty bellies while you force that
big daddy dick into their pussy hole- giving me easy access to suck daddy’s cock and lick up the blood
off of you. Even climbing on top of their belly and fucking you through the slit I’ve made.
Looking up at my daddy so adoringly. But you better watch out, daddy- You may of taught me how to be a
sadistic bitch a little too well & you could be next.

Teen rape porn

 teen rape porn

I was reminiscing back to my days in school and how I decided to go to that one party that forever changed my status as the prude girl. I got a little too tipsy and found myself in one of the rooms trying to find a bathroom. I stumbled across a pack of dudes instead. They all were excited that I unknowingly joined their vip personal party.

They took turns pinning me down and forcing their way inside my holes. They where embedding their fingers and hands into my body and leaving bruises. They took out their cameras and filmed my holes completely exposed.  They were stuffing me deep and hard. I could not get away and their cocks were ripping my holes apart.

I took cock after cock in each of my holes. My innocence was gone no matter how much I cried and begged.

He wanted snuff sex but not like this!

snuff sexHe wanted snuff sex, he was very clear on that… but he wasn’t very specific as to who would be getting snuffed so I decided it would be him! He was such a cocky arrogant man and I just can NOT stand those kind of beasts! I will not bow to some man, I am a very dominate, aggressive woman and he would be bowing to me whether he liked it or not! I had to bring him down a peg or two so I told him that the only way I would help him snuff a bitch is if he let me fuck him first and this eager little homo jumped at the chance! I think his hyper masculinity was just a cover for his faggoty wimpy ways. I forced him to suck my rubber cock and even bent him over and forced his ass open, he was screaming and begging me to stop, that it was too big but I just kept right on pounding! Then I hit the little spring on the side of my strap on… the little button that pops out a very sharp knife from the tip of my rubber cock and I literally fucked that faggot to death!

Snuff porn fantasies Indigo

Snuff porn

Do you know what it is like to feel blood dripping down your rock hard cock because we just slit the throat of a hoe that no one will miss? We fucked her in every single hole possible, tortured her for hours and made her scream and cum unwillingly. The rape fantasies we carried out until her dying breath. And we did it all because we wanted to get off. After we finished her off we fucked on top of her lifeless body because it makes me wet and come so much harder knowing I took her life away only to make me happier because I am a sick and twisted slut that enjoys watching others in pain, all while I play with myself. I enjoy my sadistic side and embrace it because I am numb to the feelings of others. The only thing I am worried about is my own interest and what is going to make me wet and get me off.

Snuffed Out Youngster

Cannibalism phone sexI brought my Master home a deliciously tasty young little cunt to play with and he was so very happy! Strawberry blonde hair tied up all cute in pigtails and wearing a white little dress with her diaper bulging out of the bottom, she was the ultimate eye candy! I knew that Master would want to have me help him enjoy her from head to toe, inside and out! We stretched the tiny little cunt on to a table and put the saw between her thighs. I slapped my pussy on her face and smothered her down while she licked away, meanwhile, Master was shoving his cock in and out of her as he chopped through her torso. She was screaming as blood gurgled out of her and all over us, it was so damn sexy, Master is such a filthy pervert! Once she was dead and gone, he began eating her limbs, starting with her tiny nipples! He chews on those like they’re bubblegum, hehe. According to him, red heads tend to taste better than others, there is just something so very sweet and irresistible about them! I indulged with Master in our young, freshly prepped treat!

Severed Cock, It’s what’s for dinner

I’ve been “playing” the victim for a while now and it gets old. One of my best girlfriends from way back has a bit of a fetish. She likes to cut men’s dicks off, why I don’t know. I am going to assume some type of trauma, or she’s a lunatic, but either way, I know who to call.
We meet up at a local outdoor café and get right down to discussing what we have in mind. My thoughts were blah and mundane compared to her ideas. Oddly enough our waiter was being a dickhead. He must have been having a bad day, but not the best table to have a crappy attitude. My friend wrote her address and “let’s fuck” on a napkin and when he came with our bill, she handed it to him and said take a look. He looked down at the napkin and all he did was smile and nod. My friend turned to look at me and winked.
Waiting for the guy to show up we hear the knock. My friend…let’s just call her Nancy, answered the door with lingerie on, we both had the sexiest thing in our delicates collection. Nancy said that if this is going to be his last time with his cock I guess it doesn’t hurt if it’s happy. We brought him to the kitchen; he was surprised to see me but grinned. Must have been thinking he was about to have a 3some. She tells him to get undressed and suddenly pulled out a gun and put it to the waiters head and asked if he was going to have a better attitude than what he displayed at the restaurant. Of course, he flipped out and started yelling saying yes Maam I will always have a better attitude, Ma’am. Nancy smiled and said “Too late” and with one slash his cock was on the counter, severed and still hard. The waiter started to scream and Nancy warned him if he continued he would have a cactus shoved up his ass… he didn’t stop screaming. Well, my cactus is ruined. When she was done with him, he crumpled onto the floor in a ball of sobs. “Aren’t you afraid he is going to go to the cops if you let him go?” Nancy said, “Sure I am, but by the time he’s been through the wood chipper I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.” They guy started to scream again with her comment, so she stuffed his cock in his own mouth. She made him stand up and he was a quivering mass. Nancy took the cock from his mouth and threw it into a hot cast iron skillet and made him tend to cooking it like it was a kielbasa. He kept gagging and crying to please let it stop, and just then she told him to go sit at the kitchen table. He went and sat down ever so slowly, his ass just having been jammed with a cactus. She brought him a fork and a steak knife and a plate with the recently cooked cock. She looked at him and said “Dig in” he looked horrified. She told him he could eat it or she would bury him in sand up to the neck and pour honey all over his head. He still didn’t eat. Nancy came out with a syringe from her pocket and injected something into his beck that made him pass out immediately. He’s scraps in the middle of a garbage truck.
I asked her why she felt like he needed that much for just some bad service. She looked at me and said “That was my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. He broke up with me, so this is payback.” She laughs and I join in cause now I’m scared shitless of her, I’m moving to another state in a few months. What would she do to me?

Torture phone sex

Killer phone sex

killer phone sexI was feeling kind of risky, since I wanted a total stranger whom I have never met to come over to my place and basically beat me senseless, while at the same time forcing his will on me to do sexual favors. I want to be dominated I want to experience pain in a whole new light. I answered my door to a normal geeky guy who didn’t seem to fit the bill of what i would presume as an animal. My opinion on him changed very quickly the moment he slammed the door shut behind him. He grabbed me and covered my mouth, so I could not scream as he began to punch me in the stomach multiple times. I became winded and ,all I could do way lay on the floor like a bitch hoping to catch my next big breath of air. I looked at him with a scared kind of look since this is not what I expected from him. He smiled at me with such delight and began kicking me with his his big feet, I felt my ribs cracking I let out a scream and instantly regretted it. He jumped on top of me and began pounding my face in with his hands until I could no longer see out of either eye. My Nose would not stop bleeding since it was really broken. I just cried since this was way to painful for me. I begged him not to hit me anymore, and he agreed If I decided to suck his big fat cock. I grabbed his cock with my bloody hand and began sucking  the best I could with two fucked up eyes a broken nose and mouth full of blood. He just kept pushing my head down deeper and deeper down his dick. I could hear him cussing at me and telling me what a nasty whore I was as I continued to work his sausage down my throat, He was not very content since he grabbed at my hair really fucking hard, twisting it all around his hand pulling it up as I sucked him off, I tried so hard to concentrated but it felt like my hair was about to come off my head. I stopped sucking to scream and again I regretted it. He threw me on to the floor ripped off my shirt exposing my boobs. With one hand he twisted my nipple and with the other he began fingering my pussy. I guess I didn’t scream loud enough for him so he reached down to my tits at eye level and with his teeth he bit off my right nipple. I screamed out loud as I did my best to coupe with the pain. I begged him to stop that I wanted no more of this and his response was pushing my head down as he stretched out my pussy. I squirmed and begged him to get off of me. I tried reaching back to grab his balls so I could escape and instead I kept getting stuck into the back of my head, I began seeing stars and feeling light headed and all I could do was wait and stay still as he fucked and filled my holes. When It was over he turned my body over and looked me straight in the eye and watched me take my last breath before he slit my throat watching me bleed to death. His face was red with such anger but smile was from having fun.

young one

Young voice phone sexYou need someone to put your ass back in place! You think you could go around telling women what the fuck to do? Well not this bitch mother fucker, I’m so tired of your fucking bull shit! Now you are my little bitch, and you will beg for more of this bitch on your cock. That’s one thing I know for sure, that you love my tight little pussy and tight little asshole! Plus the big plus you love the way I give you head! This time I will be holding my knife when you are making me give you head pushing my head down making me choke and gag on your long as dick! I will fucking finally use it on you! I will chop your fucking dick of then shove it down your fucking throat so you could see how it feels when you choke me with your cock!

Young Prey Leads to Taboo Phone Sex

Hunting young prey is one of my favorite taboo phone sex roleplays, and what we do with the captured victim is what really fuels my corrupt sick mind. Can you just smell the sweet scent of those young things we are about to capture then it’s that spicy yummy scent of fear that overcomes them when their perceptions are skewered and they can’t quite comprehend what is about to happen to their young luscious bodies. We strip them down with knives and scissors as I laugh the whole time and accidentally *smirk* nip a little nipple making a droplet of blood appear.

The pure intensity of seeing this young thing naked and the scarlet streaks that appear as I have a little teasing fun with my knife over her sumptuous flesh. Take her innocence with that manly cock, just rip her tight cunt and fantasy rape her fuck holes as I draw pictures in blood on her flesh. I will piss in her mouth and make her choke as she tries screaming when you rip into that pussy and ass. Taking her to the point of shock makes me hotter than ever to grab a machete and start hacking at her limbs. The spewing of blood as you ejaculate in the burning ripped holes is just too fucking hot. I think we need to play a game really soon, don’t you?

 Taboo Phone Sex

Endless Abuse

Sadistic phone sexI’ve been in an abusive relationship with my crack addict boyfriend since I was a teen. I met him through my parents who are also crack addicts. All my boyfriend had to do to take me from my neglectful parents was toss them a few crack rocks. He took my virginity and my innocence. It wasn’t long before he was forcing me to sell my body to keep him high. He beats me for almost anything because he has a hair trigger temper. He expects food on the table and a spotless home anything less is another ass beating. I figured out the only way his dick can get hard is through violence. Sometimes when he’s feeling really sadistic he’ll force me to suck his cock for hours until my lips are swollen. I’ve tried running away but he always finds me and beats me for trying to escape. Sometimes I hope I get in the wrong car and the john ends my life, because that’s the only thing I have left…hope.