Category: Bloody phone sex

He Made For The Perfect Stew

Cannabilism Phone SexThere was a guy who lived a couple houses down and I noticed he was always alone. He was so enamoured with me and was convinced I was a vampiress or something ridiculous. I walked down to his house and invited him over later that afternoon. He came over and I hadn’t had any dick in a while so I had him fuck me on the sofa, of course he was not going to be coming. His dick was a disappointment so I made him get me off by eating my bald tight pussy with my nice juicy fat lips. I got up and I was wearing my corset and long high heels boots, I round kicked him in the face dropping him to the floor. I stood over his body with the blood from his nose dripping down his chin, I was laughing at this loser. I smashed his face and he was groaning, I got down and held his head and said to him “ I will relieve you of your most precious organ and feed it to you, not like it would be much of a meal”. I smashed his face again with my heels and then I started smashing his ribs while rubbing my cunt. I loved the sound of his bones breaking and cracking. He laid there lifeless and I knew what I would do with him, I skinned him and cut up all his meat and cooked a stew with it. I made my way over to the local soup kitchen with my new stew and watched all those people eating that pathetic loser with a smile on my face.

Drinking My Victims Blood

snuff phone sex

 I enjoy bringing my accomplices snuff phone sex that makes the hard as a rock. I have been afforded the luxury of seeing the light fade out of my victims’ eyes. I love hearing the last beat of blood pumping from these little sluts you bring me. The best glass of blood wine comes from the atrial drops of blood last precious pumps before the soul leaves our victims body. I am an evil bitch and I also enjoy a glass of blood straight from some castrated balls.  I love to have that cock hard and balls filled as you enjoy a little tight pussy right before I stab her in the heart and her body goes limp. Stay in that tight dead twat as I slice your nuts off and feed them down her throat as you watch. I will cauterize your scrotum. You are now my nutless accomplice for the duration of our murder phone sex fantasies. My pleasures have switched to the young ones with creamy smooth skin and a fire in my heart makes me want to see them forced to do my evil and bodies gapped and ruined before I drink the sweet blood of my victims.


murder phone sex fantasies

What Are Your Killer Phone Sex Fantasies?

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies are my specialty. I like helping men snuff out the lives of bitches. We all know a bitch or a cock tease that doesn’t deserve to live, right?  Who do you want to kill? I can be a hit girl, but I prefer that you enjoy the kill with me. Trust me. You will regret it if you are not there to see her die; to see her tortured. The thrill of the kill is addicting. I killed my first person before I was out of high school. Been killing ever since because I love the thrill. I love the money too. Crime pays.  Last night, I met up with Chris. He had a snuff sex fantasy of killing a young girl. It is a common fantasy. Just not every man can afford to make it happen or knows where to find the right accomplice. He knew where to look and he had the money to buy what ever sick thing he wanted. I found him sexy when I discovered his victim was a very young girl who was also his niece. He has been fucking her little bald cunt for years. Just now, she is old enough to tell daddy who has been hurting her little girl parts. He wanted one last moment with her, then he wanted her gone. Knowing that she was going to die after this fuck, made him go savage on her tiny fuck holes. She was wailing and crying so loudly it made my pussy wet. He tore her fuck holes up. It didn’t matter that he bloodied her holes. It didn’t matter that her insides were hanging outside because it was the last fuck of her life. I slit her throat and we used a bathtub of lye to destroy her little body. She will make good mulch. A missing young girl with no body is always blamed on the sex slave trade. Who do you want to make a snuff porn with today?

That bitch deserved what she got

snuff sexI went out for a nice evening and some fucking drunk bitch spilled her drink all over my new fur! As far as I was concerned my fur was worth more than her life so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I convinced her to leave the bar and come outside with me, once we were alone it was a simple matter to knock her the fuck out and take her back to my place. She ruined my lovely new fur so I was going to make myself a nice new leather coat out of her fucking skin! It was slow painstaking work to skin her all in one piece but with persistence it was getting done… of course the whore was screaming and bitching the whole time but who gives a fuck? Certainly I didn’t! A coat for a coat, that’s fair right? I mean, she died of course in the end but it was worth it to me, now I will have a lovely leather jacket to replace my fur.

Bloody Phone Sex Fantasies

bloody phone sexI have a secret. I have bloody phone sex fantasies. Maybe I watch too many horror movies. Or, perhaps I know I am a worthless whore. I love to die a gruesome death. In my real life, I am a pain slut and subby bitch. I like BDSM games and rough anal. I even like breath play and mummification. When it comes to fantasy, I go even darker than my real life, because it is a virtual death.  When I am fantasizing about my demise, it is gory and violent. I want to go out with a bang! I have many snuff sex callers. It appears that many guys want to kill me and kill me brutally. Men need whores like me. I can be any bitch a guy hates. Or, I can be just me. Have you ever seen the Hostel movies? That is my biggest fantasy. I get wet thinking of being sold for someone’s darkest desires. I did a fantasy call last night that had my pussy dripping wet. I was kidnapped at a Rave and I woke up in a factory warehouse on an auction block. I was sold to the highest bidder and then put in a cell to await my fate. My fate was brutal and graphic. I was tortured for hours; slowly dismembered until I was a torso. Then I bled out as I got skull fucked. My caller was very detailed in the different objects he used to take off a limb. He even described the blood trajectory. I got super horny dying such a violent death. I scared my neighbors screaming so loudly. They thought I was really in danger and called 911. I had to explain to the cops that I was just a fantasy phone sex operator and no real harm had come to me. I promised next time, I wouldn’t scream so loudly, but I am sure I will break that promise soon.

He Didn’t Know He Was Fucking A Corpse

Necrophililia Phone SexI have a guy that will do anything for me and I mean anything. On occasion I have him go stalk out malls or bars for those stupid kinds of whores that guys like to fuck, you know the kind all bubbly and what not. They make me want to gag myself, so he went and got this petite blonde with big breasts and big blue eyes. I slapped her around a bit and she tried to scream, I warned her that wasn’t what she wants to do. I had plans in mind for this bitch and so I decided to let her have a nice farewell not before I let my guy have his little bits of pleasure with her all tied up with her arms above her head. While he was throat fucking her, I was fisting her cunt and she was crying. I decided to pinch her nose so she couldn’t breathe and he went in even deeper, she passed and I got so wet looking at her lifeless body. I put an ad out and got an unsuspecting guy to come over. I told him a free fuck and he was all for it and down my basement steps he went. He got so hard when he saw her dressed up in school clothes, I told him she was passed out from the rape drug and to have his way with her. He jumped back and asked why she was a little chilly feeling, I told him that is what it does. So he ripped her panties off and started fucking her. I was laughing and rubbing my cunt, he had no idea that bitch is dead. Before he was about to nut I told him “you know you are fucking a dead corpse”, he freaked but couldn’t help but nut.

Ass Rape Porn Gets Me Coke and Pain

ass rape pornI am an ass rape porn star. Not mainstream porn, however. My stuff is all on the dark net. It is for men who like seeing anal torture. For men who get off on prolapsed and bleeding assholes. Does that sound like you? I have a huge monkey on my back called cocaine. My need for blow leads to poor decision making. My husband cut off my allowance years ago. Most dealers won’t float me any more blow. I must make underground movies for sick directors to make money, so I can get high. Not all the directors are men.  The last anal torture sex film I made was directed by a bull dyke. She hates women like me because we remind her of her whore mother. Apparently, mommy dearest pimped her daughter out for coke. If I had a baby girl, I would have done the same thing. This woman likes to pay old mommy whores like me for pain and torture films. At first, it didn’t seem that bad. At least not compared to what I have done in the past. I can handle a fuck machine ramming warp speed in and out of my ass. I didn’t want to act like it didn’t hurt, so I moaned and moved around like a wounded bird. When she stopped the machine to lube it up, I was no longer acting. She doused the dildo part in icy hot. My ass was on fire. If that was all she did, I would have been fine, but she added crushed glass to the icy hot. My anus was shredding and burning. The more my skin tore, the more it burned. She laughed the entire time. I cried. By the time she was done, my asshole looked like raw meat. I cried so hard. I still can’t piss, fuck or shit without grimacing in pain. At least I got a fix.

torture sex

Snuff My Life Out

Taboo phone sex phone sex,I want you to come to my house and do so many nasty things to me. I want you to destroy all 3 of my holes. Tear the shit out of them making them a gaping mess. Take a knife and gut me, but don’t kill me just yet. Make the knife hurt as you dig into my flesh releasing my blood. I also crave a good old fashion beating. With all the kicks, and fists you can spare for my worthless body. I have a gas stove and lots of metal objects you can use to brand me. Get as nasty as you want. I need to explode before you give me the ultimate pleasure by snuffing out my life.

Beat Dat Pussy

Sadistic phone sexIt was a horrible mistake, over-cooking my boyfriend’s steak. He likes it cooked medium rare. He came towards me like a raging gorilla and pummeled me to the floor. He punched me in the head four times, then gripped my hair and jumped to his feet. He dragged me upstairs by my hair, cursing me. I pleaded for him to stop, but his rage was over the edge of insanity. He forced me to undress then he tied me to the bed with my hands and legs spread apart. He pulled his belt from his pants and I struggled to free myself. He swung the belt high into the hair and sent it flying back down against my wet cunt. The pain was so bad that I saw stars. He hit me over and over again between my legs until he got tired. I cried myself to sleep.

Snuff Porn is for the Killer in Us Both

snuff pornSnuff porn is for the killer in you and the killer in me. Face it, we all have murderous fantasies. I love having an accomplice to kill with it. It is more fun to hunt and kill together. When he called me last week, he was nervous. I assured him that I am very discreet at what I do, but I encouraged him to help me find the right girl to snuff. Men often regret not being more hands on when they hire me to kill for them. If you just need an enemy killed, I can see hiring a pro like me. But if you have killer phone sex fantasies that you want to make a reality, join in on the hunt and the kill. I sold him on how great it is to kill the very food you hunted. We met at the mall. His dick was the barometer of who we snatched up. Lots of young cock teases at the mall on the weekend. We decided on Ashley. She was a young teen girl. She looked like she was going on 30. Heavy make-up, tight clothes and cock teasing whore written on her face.  I lured her away to the parking lot, where my horny accomplice was waiting. Next thing the little cock tease new, she was naked and getting fucked by a horny stranger.  She screamed bloody murder, but no one could hear her in the woods.  He fucked all her holes several times until she was bleeding. He enjoyed fucking her tight teen tease holes. She didn’t like it, but she didn’t have a choice. Once she was covered in cum and blood, I chopped her up. Dismembered her limb by limb. In the woods it is easy to get rid of a body. That little whore became wolf food. Trust me, you will have fun exploring your taboo phone sex fantasies with this sadistic bitch.

killer phone sex