Sometimes I’ll feel the need to get off just like you do when you stare at pathetic fuckable body. However I need something extra I use to not need before. When I’m rubbing my little clitty I need to feel pain. I’m a addict to it, sometimes I’ll just dig my nails into my own clit until I bleed. Or I’ll have a knife and make cuts along my body to push myself to the edge. It’s not just the pain that excites me, it the color of red oozing out of my body. It energizes me to push myself and edge myself closer and closer. If I’m finding it difficult and I need more, desperate and can’t find a torturer to push me to the end. I’ll find a way to do it myself, I’ll use rope around my pretty neck and pull until I can’t breathe. Letting myself feel I’m slipping away as I reach my maximum climax, often times I keep pulling. Maybe I’m destined to bring my own end?
Category: Bloody phone sex
Hurting Myself
Dominate a pos.
I love dominating ass holes. Usually dicks that think they know everything have small weaners. I just find it so incredibly stupid and comical. There is this guy that is always being a cock ass to his daughter and wife at all of her practices/ softball ganes . My sister and her are on the same team. I listen and just observe. I have fantasized about duck taping him up and torturing his man hood. Hurt him where it hurts but also kill his pride. Maybe he would treat his fucking family better. His mouth is so loud I plan to destroy his fucking voice box and make his daughter watch.. But, I am not that fucking mean I wouldn’t want her to hurt because of her small dick, arrogant bastard of a father. So, Id have him go back to his wife with some respect and better attitude. Why does it take someone so close to losing shit they love to appreciate it. He will understand that if he fucking raises his voice one more time at his wife and daughter I will gladly castrate and eat it up like its my last meal ! I might have done it once or twice ;D
He Pimps Whores
My old man says we need another girl to make more money. He drug habit is getting out of control and I can’t make enough money to keep him high and happy. He says it’s my job to find a new girl. Every day that I come home without a girl he kicks my ass. I feel so guilty because I don’t want this lifestyle for anyone. But the beatings were getting worse and I couldn’t take it much longer. I went to the bus station and saw a girl who looked lost and upset. She was a runaway and hungry. I fed her and told her she could stay with me and my old man. She was young and pretty. My old man convinced her to try crack and by day two she was hooked. He kicked her ass a few times to put fear in her heart and soon we were turning tricks together. Now he wants a whole stable of whores with me as his bottom bitch. He loves having total control of our minds and bodies. He likes telling us he could kill us and no one would miss us. He’s a sadistic asshole and I can’t get away from him.
Just Pain
I love those long thin straight needles. I love to have them pierced thru my white creamy flesh. I want the needle to come out of my flesh on the other end. Looking in the mirror and seeing several dozen straight needles piercing my body. I also can see the blood drip down, and the redness on my skin where the needle pierced me. The next step is to get the guy you are with to flick those needles with his fingers. This makes the pain vibrate down the needle from the inside. And I can feel that shit deep in my cunt. If I don’t have a guy around to give me my pleasure-pain. Then I can do it myself I just have to make sure I have my dildo ready.
Dark Fantasy Phone Sex
Dark fantasy phone sex is my specialty. You wouldn’t survive a day in my head. Even when I was a little girl, I knew I was different. Other students at school called me Wednesday Addams, but my brain was even darker than her doomsday shit. I have murderous intents, and no one is off limits. I ran into this bitch I went to high school with a few weeks ago. She was a privileged white bitch who ruled the school. She was the Queen bee of the mean girls. She made it her mission to make my life hell. When I ran into her at the mall, she was very pregnant. Like ready to pop pregnant. She recognized me. I was shocked that she approached me. She acted like we were old friends who had not seen each other in a decade. It was like nothing ever happened. I couldn’t tell if it was fake sincerity or selective memory. She was wearing designer clothes, sporting a huge wedding ring and looking freshly coiffed. I wanted to rip that devil’s spawn right from her belly with a big knife in the middle of the mall. I faked sincerity and waited until dark to mutilate her pregnant body. I followed her home, waited patiently until she went back out. She looked like she was going to a yoga class. She never made it home from class. I chloroformed the bitch, drove her car to my kill shack where I had an accomplice waiting. My friend is into snuff sex with pregnant whores. I didn’t charge him for this one. This one was personal. I masturbated as he fucked the spawn out of her stuck up cunt. First his cock, then a baseball bat with barbed wire. Her blood curdling screams and too late apologies made me wet. Before long, she was dead, bleeding out on the floor with her aborted devil’s spawn thrashing on the floor for its life. My friend came on its dying body then squashed it like a bug. Dead mommy and dead spawn are now in a barrel of lye disintegrating rapidly.
Yes Please
I often think about my first Master. He use to spend hours playing with me, he had a lot of clever ways to push me to the brink of no return but never let me give in. When I would ask why he didn’t finish me he would respond that I was trash and never worth it. I would beg and plead allow him to cut as many holes in me he desires and he never gave in. He loved exploiting my need to please him, making me into a tortured little slave. I often was never allowed to saying anything other then “Yes Please”, or “Yes Master”. I was not ever allowed to have no in my vocabulary when speaking with him. Our last time together he got very furious with me. He told me I was going to be a good girl and stay alive for him while he had fun probing my insides. I responded with “No”. This cause him to get enraged at my defiance he spent hours keeping me in horrible pain and if I fell unconscious he would use a drug to wake me up. He only stopped when he had enough. He left me bruised, bleeding and craving death more was probably the best punishment he could think of.
He Likes Gangbang rape porn
rage revenge
Summer is by far my favorite season. Plenty of sluts are around they come in packs and have no problem letting loose and being whores. I found a slut I wanted to snuff out she had the nastiest attitude and tried to talk down to me. I minded my business, and she suddenly made a sly remark. I ended up sliding something in her drink and waited for her to go to the bathroom. Once she went in, I soon followed and began to fuck her up. The bimbo was weak, and she had no fighting chance. I found a utility box and grabbed the knife in their and started to slash her fake tits right out. I think her plastic tits were getting to her head. I did her a favor and humbled her ass.
Fucking Nasty Whores Finish First Not Last
I’ve got an so called innocent girlfriend named Amy she thinks she’s really smart she makes me so fucking upset. She thinks it’s just because she’s pretty and preppy and oh so goddamn innocent that she can get away with everything well I’ve got a lesson to teach this soon to be trash whore. You see I’m what the ladies and gentlemen would call a sleazy, cum guzzling, slut in fact bottom of the barrel lot lizard to the core. I like hard dick dangling in my face slapping the cock shit out of me, daring me to catch it in between my dick sucking lips and suck and slobber until I get an eruption of cum all over my cum dumpster sadistic profile. I hate innocent prissy bitches they make me so fucking done with all of their I’m So Perfect tactics to get good guys. Bitch you’re a good guy isn’t a good guy at all he most likely will swell an asshole up with a baseball bat. I can fuck any guy she gets and I told her too, well just so happens the little sneak of of tramp bitch called me on it and now we’re in a contest. You know the best thing about this contest is, that I am teaching Amy how to lower her morals completely I’ve made this girl into a superior slut bucket whore. Funny thing is Miss Prissy has no idea that she’s just as bad as me now you should hear about the things that she’s done.
My brutal jog abduction
Thursday morning, Oh how i wish i could go back to it. What I would give to relive it. Fulfillment by surprise. Adrenaline and excitement from doing wrong. I have had that feeling once before when I was a tiny young school girl out shopping with mommy and my teenage brother as he took me into an empty dressing room away from her to show sissy how good it felt to have my cunt kissed and rubbed. And it did feel good so I let him do it to me at night in his closet while mommy and daddy slept. It felt as if I were going into my brother’s closet to get fondled by him as I stepped out of bed that morning . I had a sense of covetousness, wanting to be twisted and bent against my will while being pounded by a group of heartless guys cocks. I did the best I could in the shower that morning but no matter how hard or fast my fist entered and left my holes I couldn’t fill the urge of sex my body needed. I live next to a major county highway, secluded and dangerous. So, i fit my jiggly ass cheeks into my smallest pair of spandex shorts pulled over a lose fitting t top with no bra so my titty’s can bounce around. I tied my sneakers and headed for the high way to jog. I made it to my mailbox and turned down the long high way road leading miles each way. Just being alone got my holes wet and throbbing.
So, i ran very sexually in hopes that my hot mystery man would pick me up and fuck my brains out. I never made it back to my mailbox though. I woke up feeling like a brick had slammed against my soul. I woke up completely nude and bound. A voice behind me told me your the greatest fish I ever got. And now I am going to filet you open to eat because I can little fishy. I was trapped I wanted to rub my pussy so bad as he was talking to me like that, but I was all bound up in a twisted position. I started breathing heavy and he took his tape off my mouth. And, i told him do what ever you want to me U ll do what ever you want me to do but give me no power and set me free when were done. He slapped my face wrapped my hair around his fists until it hurt and slammed my throat onto his cock and fucked my face until I drooled and vomited all over his manly balls. Next, I had my holes filled with all sexy objects and his cock. He already came twice in my ass before he finished he liked my ass wide spread above my head with a gaping hole sucking out his cum. So fucking hot! After he pleased him self and pleased me he reminds me again!
I caught you my little fishy but i cant release you back into your waters. He then broke each one of my arms and legs so that I couldn’t move, he released his bounding rope holding me together, as my abused broken body layed upon his floor i told him give me what you got I know you have more you would set me free so he stuck knifes up and down my two legs stung me up by a rope around my neck hanging me from the ceiling feet off the ground ass fucked my destroyed flesh to give me one last load of his pleasure for my insides. but the best was my life fading as all of his cum dripped out my ass hole past my knees to my feet then to the ground. PS: he jacked off to my limp swaying corpse, he said he would. Call me . abduct my mind back to that moment baby.