Money is a powerful motivator. It makes you get up every morning so that you can go to your less than amazing job all for the almighty dollar. You are a slave to it because you need it. You want to be able to have the things your friends have … don’t you? Maybe you want the things that your friends can’t afford to have. Make them feel a little bit less than you. That’s what it is all about isn’t it? Making yourself feel good about yourself through mounting debt. Who wouldn’t want that? Me, that’s who.
I have in my time run across a few people who do not want to work for what they have, but they want money. What’s a good way to do this? Life insurance. You hear about it all the time. A loved one is killed all because they have a huge insurance policy. The best type are the ones that have a Double Indemnity clause. That means if someone dies in an accident, or is killed the pay out is double.
This can be tempting for a lot of people. I can help these type of people, for a small fee of course. Fires, stabbings, shootings, you name it. The only thing that it cannot seem like is a suicide. If you off yourself, your family gets nothing. So stop being so fucking greedy and die in the right manner. One of my favorite ones, that I may or may not of been apart of, was this one woman who was a royal bitch.
Her offspring couldn’t stand their mother. Not one bit. She was just a complete shit to them all the fucking time, and they had had enough. It wasn’t just one of them, it was all five of them. Their Dad had passed away years ago, when that happened their darling Mother turned into a right cunt. They knew she had a policy but it wasn’t enough, so they put up with her ongoing shit for years after her favorite son talked her into increasing the policy and adding the Double Indemnity clause.
The hard part for them was waiting for enough time to pass. It worked out for them because a lot of people hated the woman, and didn’t make it a secret. They just couldn’t take it anymore and made arrangements to hasten her trip to hell. Turns out she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was stabbed to death during a convenience store robbery. Her and the clerk, but sometimes there is collateral damage.
From the video they have it looks like some crazy crack head did it. The way they were acting in the store before the stabbing took place, the person was fighting with the clerk, then the woman. You could tell there was some clear arguing going on, then when the clerk went to call the cops a bottle was broken and those sharp edges where plunged into their necks. The crazy person then went and grabbed some Doritos and Bud Light and left. Giving the finger to the camera on the way out the door.
Too bad they were completely covered up with no distinguishing attributes showing, and their clothing was nondescript. I think the cops are still looking for them, but the bitch’s Sons and Daughters got what they wanted. One dead Mother and a load of cash.