The bitch deserved torture sex. She went all mean girl on me when we met for drinks. We went to college together, but she thought I would have grown out of my “creepy Wednesday Addams stage” by now. She went off on me. Clearly, she forgot who I was. She changed 180 degrees from college. She used to practice witchcraft with me. She was a fellow Goth girl. Now, she looked like something straight out of the Housewives of Beverly Hills. I mean she is my age, yet I could tell she had plastic surgery and a lot of Botox. She looked like Bimbo Barbie. No clue what happened to her since we last saw each other, but I wasn’t about to let her talk down to me. I spiked her latte drink. When she got drunk feeling, I took her to my cabin in the woods for fun. Along the way, I picked up some dirty hypodermic needles. I know where the junkies hang out. I stripped her naked. She fucking got a boob job. I pierced her shaved pussy with the dirty needles. When she woke up, she started screaming. She was calling me names as expected. I pierced her lips together with more dirty needles. I mutilated her perfect, fake body. I cut her implants out. I sewed her tight bald pussy shut. I pierced her clit too. I love mutilation phone sex calls. Are you ready to help me torture a plastic whore to death?
Category: Bloody phone sex
Torture Sex with a Plastic Bimbo
No Slut Slave Can Compare
I guess no fucking slave whore can compare to me. I overheard my temporary master and my master on the phone. My master was talking pretty loud saying he feels sorry for my temp master. The slave whore he has, can’t come close to putting up with half of the things I can. I was surprised to hear this, my temp master was very forceful and strong. My master does do some pretty fucking crazy things. He probably had the poor slut chained up, with spikes digging into her neck, ramming cocks down her throat all night. Every time one of those hard rock cocks dug deeper, the spikes pierced right through her poor aching neck. I bet there was blood everywhere. I am sure master wiped all that blood up, using his cock as the sponge. He loves to use blood as his personal lube. I am sure that was too much for her. Hmmm just thinking about that, made my slutty slave pussy melt with pleasure. I guess I do miss my master after all. Good thing I am packing up tonight. I will be leaving in the morning, I am sure master is going to have some wild and crazy shit planned for me. I know deep down he misses this fucking nigger whore. Maybe now he will see, it doesn’t get any better than me.
I took his manhood and laughed
I had so much fun last night, I met up with this total douchebag and I ended up taking his manhood! I know what you’re thinking, you think that I just emasculated him by fucking another man or pointing out how small his dick was right? Well, you would be wrong! I didn’t just humiliate that asshole, I cut his fucking dick right off! It was way too easy to do too, he was so fucking conceited that he thought his tired pick up lines were actually working on me, can you believe that shit? I let him think he had me, I even suggested going back to my place. And when we got there, I made him think he was going to get laid and I convinced him to let me tie him up. Then he was all mine. He was all tied up and instead of some good pussy on that pitiful cock he got a rubber band wound tightly around it. Then I cut tha mother fucker off and left him to bleed to death! It was so satisfying for me to watch him die…
Temporary Master
I have been with my new master for a couple of days now. I have learned a lot of things about him in the short time we have been together. He likes blood and lots of it. The first night I was with him he tied my ankles up then tied my ankles around my neck so my legs would be lifted all the way back to my head exposing my nigger cunt. He took a sharp hunting knife and slowly inserted it right into my black fuck hole. The knife was so sharp, as soon as my new master put the tip of the blade in my cunt started to bleed everywhere. He took his large mouth and started sucking the blood right from my bloody nigger cunt. I thought I was going to die right there the first night. The rush was amazing but I did not want to die just yet! No, I wanted to please this big sexy monster as much as I could. I knew if he was making me bleed this much on our first night there was so much more yet to come. My temporary master has a huge 12-inch thick cock. I am just waiting for the day he chokes the shit out of my nigger throat with his giant anaconda. He does not know I like all of this, no master will ever know that secret of mine. I am already liking it here with my temporary master. I just hope the other fuck slave bitch can hold her own so I can stay here forever.
Blasphemy sex fascinates me
Blasphemy sex fascinates me, the idea of doing something so wicked gets me wet as fuck. I had to do something big so I went and found myself a little bitch and brought her to the nearest church. I tied the little whore up and gagged her and stashed her in a little cupboard until the church service began. I locked all the parishioners in and made sure that there was no possible escape routes and then I put on one hell of a show! I was up above them all on the choir balcony so no one could get to me but they could all see me and that stupid little whore very well. I stripped the little bitch and held her up so that they could all see me shove a cross up her ass, she screamed so loud that everyone turned to look and when they saw what I was doing they flipped the fuck out. People were fainting and screaming but I told them that I was their God now and that if they wanted this bitch to survive they had better start worshiping me! They didn’t like that too much so I said well fuck your god I will kill this whore right here in his house and you can’t stop me! I slit her fucking throat and watched her blood spray all over them, it was so fucking hot! I will definitely have to plan something else like that very soon!
Cocksucker Castration
Cocksucker! Now do I have your attention? This snuff whore has captured you and you are hanging in an abandoned factory warehouse. Oh, this little blood loving slut didn’t do it alone. These massive black football player type big strong black men have had there way with your ass. Your bleeding down the wall with meat hooks in your shoulders.
I loved the way you squealed for me piggy boy. You have been pissed on and fucked so hard that your intestines are hanging out. You’re my bloody faggot bitch. My Bitch man slave, be my sex toy entertainment for the night.
My shears are sharp and catching the light. Beg for me not to castrate you cock whore! I will let you down if you prove yourself. Ten big Black cocks are waiting for you to try to save your manhood! Suck them and let them fuck the pulp that is your ass! Can you save that dick? Or will I be slicing and dicing it as you bleed out for me, dealers choice!
Slave Trade
My master traded me for another slave today. I was hurt to think he would want someone over me. I do everything and anything he wants. He is trading with one of his friends. The deal they set up was they switch us for two weeks. If they like the trade they will keep things the way they are, if not, I will go back to my master and everything will be back to normal. I know my master will take me back. I am the best black sex slave there is. Master will miss me once he realizes no other bitch slave will take what I can take. See, my secret weapon is I like the abuse. I like when master tears my tight nigger ass, leaving it to bleed all over his cock while he is fucking me hard in my wet nigger cunt. It is my little secret of course, but it doesn’t matter if it is a secret, it’s the fact that I can handle more in a day than what most of these pathetic sex slave bitches can handle in a week. I have not seen my temporary master in person yet. From what I hear he is younger than my master and stronger. Who knows maybe I will be the one who doesn’t want to go back.
Blasphemy Sex: Hail Satan
I am a Satanist and a witch, so blasphemy sex makes my cunt wet. I know, wicked, right? Do I look like I go to church? I love to give Satan a tribute every month. I think the best sacrifices are those little ones who go to church every Sunday in their best clothes and sing hymns to Jesus. Delusional little brats. God won’t save them. Only Satan can do that. Hail oh Dark Lord. Darkness is more fun than light any day. With it being Sunday, I was up early scoping out the talent to give over to my Dark Lord. I found a blue eyed, blonde little slut. She had on this white baby doll style dress, Paten leather shoes and her hair was down in curls. She looked like the perfect sacrifice. I snatched her when no one was looking. I was going to ruin her pretty dress with her blood. I like red better than white. I took her to the cabin in the woods, placed her on my pentagram, read some satanic verses and stabbed her in the heart. I love dark magic and blasphemy phone sex. I read out some satanic verses and cursed her god as she bled out. No way, she was surviving. She was bleeding out. She had fight in her for being so young, but in the end darkness won. Evil always wins.
Evil Angel Eats Your Family Jewels for Lunch
Some say this Evil slut had ties with the Angel of death directly. But I just love blood and gore, it makes me so horny. The only thing that I love better than destroying small humans is slicing and dicing your balls. I love feeding on cock and brat flesh! And if I can get both together then I am in orgasmic heaven. Bring me your brat and your balls and cock. I will cut you after I give your fucking fantasy to destroy that fuck brat and I will let you smell her fuck breath after she gags on your cock. Then we will destroy her sweet cunny and asshole in one fell swoop with your daddy cock. I will keep her as my little accomplice as we cut your cock and balls off. Then we will saute them and eat them as you bleed out in front of us.
Getting What I Deserve
You promised me exactly what I wanted a night to remember. I don’t know it yet but I know you. You have been talking with me online with a fake profile. A few years ago I fucked you and robbed your wallet and few other valuable items while you were passed out from the drug I slipped into your drink. It has taken you sometime but you are ready to get your revenge. I think I am on my way to have a nice date with a sucker of a guy that I will also drug fuck and rob from. Little do I know what you have waiting for me. I pull up to your house and I knock on the door. I do not recognize you when you greet me. I walk in and for the first hour, everything is going according to my plan. After dinner, I suggest we have some drinks and that is where I plan to drug you. But this time I will not have such luck. You disappear and come back with two glasses of red wine and a knife hidden behind you. We sit down on the couch and I try to distract you but you are not having it. You look into my eyes and kiss me so softly and gently. I am in a trance for a moment. Bam, something hits my head and I fall off the couch and double over in pain on the floor. You throw your body on top of me and punch me in my face calling me a trashy whore. “do you remember me you stupid cunt?” Before I could answer with a no you remind me of who you are and what I did to you a few years ago. You are one of many that I fucked drugged and robbed so I barely remember your face or that night. But I have a feeling I will remember you after tonight.