Category: Bloody phone sex

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

 Let me be your kinky, torture phone sex accomplice tonight. I have years under my belt of dishing out pain and torture, all for the pleasure of various sick and twisted masters who’s commands I followed perfectly. I have so many methods I use to inflict pain on my victims so what I do all depends on how fucked up you like it. You name it and I’ve already tortured someone in that way. From needles and rusted nails shoved up under the skin to razor blades shoved under her eyelids to slice into her eyeballs every time she blinks or winces in pain. I’ve grown a new love for this choke collar and chain that I picked up at a pet store a while back. I strap the collar around my victims’ throats and yank back on the chain as hard as I can so that the spikes rip into their skin and cause a cascade of blood to run down their body. That’s what I dip my fingers into, to rub my slut cunt for Master. I finger fuck my whore cunt and watch while my victims get their fuck holes reamed and ruined. Once my master finished emptying his nuts and having his fun, I get back to torturing my victims. I don’t snuff them out just yet though. Like an animal playing with it’s prey I like to play with them until they go cold and limp. I like to end my hot and bloody snuff sessions by making my victims lie there, bleeding out, gurgling and moaning while I let my Master use my whore mouth to clean the blood, shit and cum off of his cock.

Torture Phone Sex Brings the Bloodlust out of Layla

Torture Phone Sex Makes My Pussy Sex

Torture phone sex makes my cunt wet, even when I’m the one getting tortured. There’s nothing like locking my hands and feet down on the wrack. Then tightening it until I first start to scream. You take this big, sharp nice and gently drag it from my belly button to my tits. You barely grazed my skin, but when I forced myself to look I was still bleeding. The site of my blood made my pussy tighten around nothing. I begged for you to stop. I knew it would make your cock ache. But really I wanted you to go so much further. 

You grabbed my hair and forced me to look at my tits and dragged the knife against my tits. I felt the searing pain this time. And it felt so good. Bloody phone sex must have brainwashed me. My pussy leaked every time the blood did. You were taunting me. Telling me that you’re going to saw my head off with that knife and then fuck my corpse. Then you tightened the wrack even more. The pain sent tingles down my spine. I couldn’t pretend to hate it anymore. It just felt so good every time you hurt me. 

torture phone sex

Brutalize My Pussy for Torture Sex

“Please. I want to be your victim.” You saw how wet my pussy was and knew I wasn’t lying. You saw how fucking wet my pussy was. First, you forced your fingers into my cunt. And when I didn’t react you stabbed the knife into my pussy instead. “Yessss!” You pulled your hard cock out while you shanked my cunt. You pulled the knife out and pushed your cock into that bloody destroyed pussy.

The blood and cunt juice mixture made your cock so slippery, but my pussy was still tight enough to brutally fuck. You forced me to watch again, then pressed the knife to my neck. It sliced through my windpipe so easy. I started suffocating on the blood while you brutalized my pussy. I was so close to cumming on your cock. What a great way to die

Unc needs Sex with dead bodies

After all the torture I got, watching my uncle have Sex with dead bodies started to get me wet. My uncle would use me to lure little sluts to the basement where he would torture then to death. He almost got me like that. First, we have to tie her up. Once she is tied up my uncle likes to rip her clothes up and beat her. “I like when you fight back” my uncle says as he chokes her while stuffing his cock in her little mouth. Her body is so small he can pick her up with one hand.

As she chokes on his cock, I can see the tears streaming down her face and it reminds me of the first time my uncle fucked my holes. The pain was so hard it shot through my body and made me piss myself, but he didn’t care. His cock kept ramming inside me until I passed out. When I woke up, he said “you are lucky you are family, or I would have snuffed you”. “Lick her cunt and get her ready for me” my uncle instructed me to do. I know not to disobey him.

Therefore, I lick every little slut he face fucks. Once I taste her and push my tongue inside her, my pussy starts to twitch. That’s because I know that is what she will be doing to my pussy while my unc uses her for his Rape phone sex fantasies. After he lays her on her back, he suffocates her until she passes out. He likes to bring them back to life with his cock ripping them open. That is exactly what he did. “Sit on her face” my uncle said sternly. I sat my secretly wet pussy on her mouth, forcing her to eat my young pussy.

Sex with dead bodies

As my unc ripped her young pussy open I rode her face and when I came, she started drowning in my juices. But that made my uncle fuck her harder. “Smother the bitch” he yelled. So, I sat my pussy harder covering her mouth and nose. I could tell she couldn’t breathe because her body was shaking and fighting for air. What she didn’t know it only excited my unc even more. Finally, her body stopped moving and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Good job dumb slut” my unc said as he continued to fuck her limp body. As he filled her up, he said “Now you can’t fight back, you are already gone”.

Bloody phone sex Massacres are my Christmas in July!!!

Bloody phone sexBloody phone sex Massacres are my Christmas in July!!! Once Upon a time eMidnight dreary, the summer heat had gotten to me in a bad way.

All I can think of is when I murdered that family on Christmas and how warm and fuzzy it made me feel. Im little and pale as fuck so the sun and I are not friends at all! As the heat rises my need to kill and feel festive rises in me as well.

The Holidays are prime hunting grounds when moms and dads are stressed out. Turns out the hot days of summer might be prime for parents sick of brats and needing free time. Now is the perfect time for bloody phone sex Xmas In July. 

Enter babysitter Harper, who has made a Christmas in July daycare themed event for little brats! Mommies and daddies are eager to give me little bitches and bastards for my holiday play land. They even pay me to “take care” of brats in cute holiday attire.  I’m ready with my candy canes and wrapping paper, and I’m ready to show them the true meaning of Christmas in July! Wrapping up fuck tots and fucking them with candy canes is nil compared to what me and big Santa Claus dick is going to do them.

Bloody phone sex Massacres are my Christmas in July!!!

I baked cookies with shards of glass to start off our bloody phone sex, Ginger Bread that cuts their mouths up makes quite the spectacle! Be our Santa and kiss bloody lips as you fuck little elf pussy and ass. I’ll take the boys and drill those asses with some reindeer antlers I found in the attic.

Let me dip the boy penis in some chocolate for us to suck clean! I know that bag of presents you brought contains such freaky sex toys! A saddle fuck machine for the girls, and some cock rings and ass plugs for the boys. I know it’s the heat of summer but Christmas in July is perfect for big bad Santa’s who need to empty that sack! Let me help make our Young victims nice and bloody as you fuck them merrily!

Bloody phone sex

Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps.

Violent phone sex             Violent phone sex includes whips, chains, bloody stumps. Water torture. The violence of it all. It all makes me wet. Horny. Gasping. To be sure it is the best time to fuck. Be it water, whips, chains, oh the pleasure, and it must be remembered the pain. Have you ever used water torture? Try it. By all means use it at on me. As shown above I am a freak for pain.

            Now I may just be the Queen bee killer. I do like every aspect of violence. Whether it is doling it out or receiving some of the pain. Knowing how to water board, to torture using chain, whips, most assuredly water. Turn them into bloody stumps.

            Give me that Torture sex. I need to have it. Watch as I get wetter. Let the juices flow.  You start with the torture and this hot blonde will finish you the only way. That way is to finally make you explode from the pressure.

            In summary you need the torture as much as I do. Going to show you the bloody stumps. Using whips, chains, and water hoses. As shown above it will make it raw and bloody.

Torture phone sex Teen deserves all the pain you can inflict.

Torture phone sexTorture phone sex Teen deserves all the pain you can inflict. I make no qualms about being a pain slut so early in life. My body is yours to mutilate and degrade in any way you see fit. Women see a little tiny 100 lb waif with tattoos and crazy hair they know that there’s something inherently fucked up with her. And that’s me I’ve been a torture Dolly since I was just a little girl and well I don’t delight in it, I do find pleasure in the pain. I’ve spent most of my teen years finding other cuteness to have you do the things that were done to me. But in hard times I’m always a standing for that big daddy meat to torture me. Pull my hair and slide your cock down my throat until I can’t breathe. Place your hands around my neck and strangle me while you’re forcing your cock down my throat. Slap and beat me to the beat of your cock jerking.

Torture phone sex Teen deserves all the pain you can inflict.

 In this tale of Babysitter phone sex gone wrong, this time I have bit off more than I can chew. Sadistic daddies are my weakness and while I thought what he really wants is his own little fuck tots, its me he is punishing. Straight off a serial killer documentary, he has meat hooks hanging in his secret room in the basement. What I am not telling you is that I have secretly wished for someone to string me up and make me pay for all the things I have done. Pussy lips pulled roughly as he shoves his fist up inside me, wasn’t on my bingo card though. My cunts are small and so am I. How am I going to last hours at his hands if he fists my pussy makes me bleed. And who is going to watch his brats while he tortures, fucks and possibly kills me?

Knife Play Phone Sex Kills on the 4th of July are the Best

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex heated up Thursday night. I went out trolling for a victim. Did you know that 4th of July is the perfect kill day. With all the fireworks going off no one hears gunshots or screams. Now, I am not a gun fan. Why? Because it takes little skill. It ends up being mostly luck and it’s over quick. To me, there is no fun in that. I want to enjoy my kills. But more importantly I want to savor the suffering.

I have too many tales of murder that night to share them all. But I did kill 18 men, and two chicks. Outside of mass murder, I think that’s an impressive kill rate for a single evening.  But I am a snuff porn fan. I did have to shave some time off the suffering so I could cram more kills in before the fireworks noise died down.

This one cunt become victim number one of the night. We had a chance encounter at a convenience store, and she acted like a total twat to me. Made some Goth girl insult and then started calling me a bitch and a cunt when I told her to eat my pale ass. She fucked with the wrong bitch.  I went into the store just to get some matches but bought some fireworks too. And I followed the bitch to her house. I saw no other cars. I waited a bit to see if I saw anyone else and I did not.

Fourth of July is the Best Kill Day of the Year

Normally, I plan better but I can be less cautious on the 4th of July because of the noise. I waited until it got dark, and her neighbors began letting off fireworks. I broke into the back of her house and caught her off guard. Loser. She had no plans for the 4th of July. She was watching some Lifetime movie. Although she screamed, it sounded like WW III outside. So no one would hear her. Did not take long to tie her up on the floor. I ripped her nightgown off and pulled her panties down.

She tried to apologize to me, but too late. I rammed a bunch of sparklers up her cunt and lit them. Now she really screamed. But no one could hear her still. I could smell the flesh burning. And that kind of torture sex turns me on. I put some firecrackers up her ass too. She went into shock when I blew a big hole in her ass. So, I let her bleed out on her living room floor and went off to kill 19 more poor souls no one would miss.

Snuff phone sex whore Stephanie

snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex slut Stephanie is celebrating the 4th a little differently than most of the whores you’ll find on these lines. I won’t be shooting off fireworks or going to any parties. Instead, I have a tiny, young victim to abuse all night long and I’m hoping I can find an evil Master to enjoy her with. She’s tied up in my basement right now with her panties balled up and stuffed in the back of her throat, gagging her. She’s drugged up to the point where she couldn’t fight back if she wanted to and I want your help torturing her until she’s on the verge of blacking out. Once we’ve tortured her until we can barely move, we can snuff her out together. I’ve already taken my time using pliers to snap her teeth out so that you’ll be able to fuck her soft, gummy bleeding mouth! Wrap her hair around your hand so tightly that it starts to rip out at the roots while you’re slamming her head up and down, fucking her face and making her choke and gag on your dick. I’m going to be fucking her up the ass with my spiked, wooden bat and ripping her wide open when I twist it deep inside of her. I want you to see how good it feels when she tries to scream with your dick down her throat! That’s after you get finished force fucking those tight, young holes of course. I’m going to use that same bat to bash her tiny head in while Master is pumping his huge dick in me from behind. My slut pussy is gushing from thinking about hearing her gurgling, muffled screams and taking your dick at the same time! The harder you pump my cunt, the harder I’m going to swing down onto her little face with this bat! When we’re all finished with her, I’ll toss her tiny, mutilated corpse into my Daddy’s wood chipper, turn her into mulch and forget she ever existed. Then it’s on to the next victim. I’ll never stop being an evil bitch and snuffing out little bitches that I find wandering around alone. I just need an evil Master to join me.

Ass rape porn is what I made with a little cock bitch

What else do you do with a little dick bitch, besides making Ass rape porn. Especially when they have money and are cocky. That is when I brought one of my bbc friends over. I love watching them break a cocky little dick man bitch in. Therefore, as soon as I get one over, I loosen him up. You will take shots and get blown. Anything to make you weak. “Let’s do something kinky” I say, trying to trick you into getting tied up. After you agree and undress, I cuff your hands together.

I even play with your cock and get you stiff while tying your cuffs to my bed. That makes you weak and vulnerable. Then I take my panties off and I stuff them in your mouth. “Your little cock just got stiff enough to tease my clit” I say laughing. Your eyes get big like a deer in headlights when you see my bbc friend walk in. He was naked and I grabbed his big black cock. “This is a real dick” I say, teasing you. Humiliation is the perfect way to keep you stiff. I grab you by the hair and take my panties out your mouth.

Ass rape porn

Before you could speak, he rammed his cock down your mouth. As you choke on his big black cock, I pull my camera out and start to film. Your mouth gets used and your cock stays stiff. That’s why I laugh and giggle. “Fuck him like the big clit bitch he is” I say while lubing his ass up. Then I ram my fingers deep in his ass. “You will get fucked and used like the bitch you are” I demand. After he pulled his out your mouth, I stuffed my panties back in and tape them down. “I love a virgin white bitch” he moans as he rams his big black cock deep in you.

It’s so funny to see tears streaming down your face like the blood from your ass. Yet the whole.time your little white clitty was stiff. The camera zoomed into your ass as you got fucked. The blood lubed up his black cock even more and made it easy for him to fuck you harder. This will make a perfect bloody cum shot. “Milk me bitch,” he said as he wrapped his hands around your neck.  He used you like a blow-up doll and you just creamed yourself. “What a pathetic bitch, you needed to be used for anal Rape phone sex fantasies” I said teasing as I zoomed in to you getting creampied. After that night you came back for your weekly  bbc torture fuck, and I film it every time.

Rape Fantasies and Humiliation on Rena’s Evil Phone Sex Dates

I’ve had some evil phone sex experiences lately. Like when I had that one date who was into some really fucked up shit – like, bondage and domination kind of stuff. That alone is my thing but he took it to the next level to get his cock hard as a rock.  First date, he tied me up with ropes so tight that I couldn’t move or even scream when he started fucking me in the ass.

Jammed a big black 11 inch cock deep in me without a second thought. It hurt like hell but he kept going until I felt something break inside of me. Then he made me clean myself off and do it again while promising more pain if I didn’t comply. After that session or date, my asshole was raw and bleeding but at least it wasn’t the only thing hurting anymore.

There were also guys I knew like my teachers and neighbors, old men who just wanted to use my mouth for their pleasure without any regard for how much it hurt or disgusted me. They would cum in my throat over and over again until they were satisfied. Sometimes they wouldn’t even let me swallow their load properly before pushing them out to spill all over my chin or cheeks or tits yet again!

snuff phone sex And don’t get me started on those ones who filmed everything we did together, which I love.  Just don’t love when they shared those videos online underground clubs and sent a copy to my own dad to blackmail him later.

But despite all the pain and humiliation, there were moments when I actually enjoyed myself – or at least thought I did. Like this one time with this young punk who took me to an abandoned warehouse late at night. He fucked me hard against a rusty pipe until we both came; then he pulled out his gun and made me suck on it while he threatened to kill anyone who tried to stop us from being together forever (or so he said). It was thrilling in its own twisted way…until reality set back in later that night when I realized what kind of life I had chosen for myself at such a young age.