Category: Bloody phone sex

Blasphemy Phone Sex: Burn the Churches Down

blasphemy phone sexLooking for blasphemy phone sex? Well, I am a blasphemous bitch. I had a little Sunday fun. The churches around here have been closed for a while. They must hold their stupid sanctimonious services in the parking lot because of indoor crowd limitations. This Sunday, the indoor services could resume. This one church is a mega church near me. I hate it. Your typical posers full of scripture yet spew a mouthful of hate. I decided to wreck their opening day. I mean that congregation is stupid. Stupid to believe and stupid to give. The preacher does not care about them. He just wants to live high on the hog off their hard-earned money. I destroyed the church. Crosses upside down. I pissed on Bibles. I shredded every page in every book of hate in that place. I wrote hail Satan in blood on the walls. I filled the baptismal tub with cow shit. I love destroying churches. I would burn them all down if I could. I had a fellow Satan lover with me to help. He left cum on crosses and in pews. The best part, however, was when the church folk arrived to finally enter their beloved church, they saw private home movies of their church elders engaged in sinful acts. I do my research. I am here to out the hypocrisy of organized religion. I had all sorts of home movies from the preacher engaged in unlawful and sinful acts of carnal lust with young boys. His wife, a pious cunt, was getting eaten out by her jail bait daughter. It is amazing what people keep on their computers. I am a blasphemous sex bitch. I am here to destroy every church one by one. Not just destroy the vessels of hypocrisy and hate, but their sinful leaders too. They need to be exposed so they can embrace the dark lord, Satan. Why live a lie? Satan accepts your perversions. In fact, Satan likes you more when you are sinful and depraved.

Poetic Slutkin Kill Spree

torture phone sexYour accomplice whore knows about torture in all forms
Sweet young,
Innocent bodies,
Playing and carefree,
Never seeing it coming.
Look at these delicious young Morsels,
Girls and boys of every color,
Waiting for you to torture little fuck whore holes.
Shaking with fear,
Naked and scrumptious,
Soon to be lured over,
My Man knows what he wants,
Twin girls to help us find Rover.
It doesn’t take much for us to take them as they are looking for a lost pup,
Soon blood will overflow our cup.
Didn’t even put up a fight,
Running your hands over sweet young skin we know
They will be dead by midnight.
I am in his ear telling him this is good,
That every man has dark desires,
And how much I want to fuck in their young blood,
Use them Put out the lust fires.
I tell him how and what to do to them,
Savor each moment for we may,
Never have this chance again.
With each orgasm they are closer to death.
We will enjoy more than the rape fantasies tonight,
As we take their very last breath.
They will be at our table for supper,
Only they will be the main course!

Snuff Sex with a Vampire

snuff sexIf you are going to have snuff sex, why not cum hard one last time, right? I was in this small Ohio town recently with an interesting history. Over 100 years ago, a complete city just disappeared. All the inhabitants vanished in the night. I decided to investigate. I love a good mystery. I was in the middle of the abandoned city and my car broke down. I saw an old building on the other side of a wooded area. I went through the forest to see if I could find help or a gas station. Before I made it through the clearing, I heard a voice. I almost pissed myself. There he was in front of me. A tall handsome stranger. Brooding and scary at the same time. He opened his mouth and I saw his fangs. I was mesmerized. As he told me he could not let me live, I felt a strange calm come over me. I should have been pissing my panties, screaming or running as fast as I could. But I was in a trance listening to his calm and steady voice tell me he would fuck me before draining my blood. Now, I knew what had happened to the people of this town all those years ago. No one would believe me that a vampire had killed all the residents and now lurks in the woods. Of course, I was not surviving to tell anyone either. I did not want to die, but I was helpless against a vampire in the dead of night in the middle of Podunk Ohio. He fingered my wet cunt as he sunk his teeth into the throbbing vein on my neck. As I came on his fingers, his fangs sunk into my flesh draining me of my blood. I felt my body go cold. I passed out, but I woke up. Had it been a dream? No. He spared me. Not my life, but me. He gave me internal life. I will now live with him in the middle of nowhere for eternity.

The Ultimate Snuff Porn Film

Snuff Porn

I’m more than just my nice tits; I used to make snuff porn right here in this basement. I’m built with curves, but solid and strong. I can cart my pathetic meatsack victims around with no problem. The last film I did was by far the most excellent I’ve ever produced.
I gathered up a gaggle of sweet teens, young girls with bald pussies and loud mouths. At the mall, they’d mocked my black clothes and said I looked like a cunt from the craft; a sweet, but deadly compliment. I followed them out to their car, and trailed those little sluts home. After dark, I invaded the house, and gathered the five sleeping teens. One by one, I gagged and subdued those mouthy whores, binding them and tossing them in my trunk.
They were gasping for air when I let them out; my exhaust leaks into my trunk. Their relief turned to pure panic when they saw what was in store for them. Those pathetic cunts were dragged one by one into my basement, where I tied all five to gurneys. They were immobile, and begging for freedom. I made them choose the first victim. Of course, these bitches picked their token fat friend. Instead of her, I chose the most beautiful blonde, and flayed off her face.
She was screaming, the other girls pleading. It was too late. I love torture phone sex, but true life torture is even better. One by one, I took their faces, their tits. I carved my name into their thighs, and put my cigarettes out on their clits. It took me four days to finally grow bored of them. So, I bound them in the swimming pool, and chained them to the bottom. The four whores, as I was showing their chubby friend what they deserved, watched the pool fill slowly in terror. They knew, and struggled to their last breath. Fucking cunt bags.
I actually let their BBW friend go, as she thanked me for teaching those bullying bitches a lesson. I couldn’t actually release her to give away my identity, so I keep her as my little house pet. She cooks, and cleans, and best of all helps me dispose of the bodies once I’m done my sadistic fun. Best of all, I filmed the entire event. The profits I get from the Dark Web sickos is enough to keep my and my chubby bunny comfortable. Maybe I’ll make a new film soon. Any ideas?

Taboo Phone Sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasies

I am constantly barraged with murder phone sex fantasies. I am not a people person. I hate almost everyone. I am anti-social. I have impulse disorder. I am a narcissist. I was diagnosed with a slew of disorders before I finished high school. My parents were worried about me. I take after my maternal grandfather. He was related to Ed Gein. He is the serial killer Psycho is based on. The sadistic gene skipped a generation because my mom was Suzy Homemaker. When I was being bullied at school, my mom said turn the other cheek. My grandpa, however, had a different approach. I have been killing my enemies and any fucktard that gets in my way ever since. I am also a contract killer. I even kill losers with a death wish who are too much of a pussy to off themselves. Last week, a guy found my ad on the Dark Net. He paid me through Bit Coins. I thought we were all set when he backed out. Got too scared. He told me to keep the money. Of course, I would keep the money. It would never be an option to return the money. But when I am paid, I do what I am paid for. I do not care if you get cold feet. I am like Liam Neeson. I have a particular set of skills that I have acquired over my life and those skills make me a nightmare for people like this guy. I found him and I killed him. If you pay me to kill you, I do it quickly. I am in it for the money; your death is just bonus. But if you are even more spineless or annoying than I thought, I am throwing in torture sex for free. I destroyed his body. Cut his cock off and left it in his mouth. The press is having a field day over this unsolved murder. They think it was a mob hit. No. Just a pissed off Goth girl killing.

Knife Play Phone Sex With a Snuff Victim

knife play phone sex

When I woke up the first thing I felt was the cold steel on my skin. You were tracing up and down my naked torso with a very big knife. I knew it was very sharp, too, just from looking at it. You told me that I should be very quiet because if I screamed, you would make sure that that was the last sound that ever came out of my whore mouth. And that’s when you revealed your reasoning for kidnapping me and tying me to this bed – you were mad that I would fuck pretty much anyone but I had turned you down. 

I told you that I would be more than happy to have sex with you if you would just let me go. You said you weren’t into pity fucks and that you were going to stick your dick inside me anyway. You did and when I didn’t start screaming, you held the knife up to my throat and asked if I was scared enough to scream yet. I was and I did. If you would like to hear what happens next, just call me now for some hot and devious knife play phone sex.

Some people don’t deserve to live

taboo phone sexSome people just don’t deserve to live, I know that may sound harsh but it is nothing but the truth. Weak minded people need to be culled out so when I find a dumb bitch that clearly needs to be removed I go ahead an do that. The world doesn’t need preachy little holier than thou types so whenever I find one, I kill it. Last night I was lucky enough to find an entire family of them. They had a million little brats and they were clearly some kind of super christian type that didn’t like fun, too boring to live if you ask me. I went in there and dealt with the brats first, there were enough of them that I could make serious bank selling them to perverts. I tied them up and gagged them and loaded them all into my van. Then I went and tortured the parents to death and burned their fucking house down.

Worthless Whore

Snuff pornHave you ever been so obsessed with someone that you would do anything for them, even die?

I have such a strong desire for my son! I know it is wrong, these urges that I get. I know I am a worthless whore and I know that I need to free him of my whorish sins!

But I never expected it to end like this!

He found me in my secret room, my shrine to the perfect life I have created. The secret pictures I took of his young body as he grew, plastered the walls. His old cum stained underwear from when he first started masturbating lay on my pillow, pictures of his girlfriends with my face taped over theirs, all these things surround me in my room.

I turned to see him standing at the door in shock. I begged him to look away as I lay naked, my pussy dripping at the thought of him!

I grabbed his wrist and drop to my knees in front of him, begging him to end my suffering as a worthless whore obsessed with her son!

His cock was staring me right in the face and I begged him to grant me one last wish.

He agreed as I started sucking on his hard cock! He wrapped his fingers through my hair pulling me hard unto his cock as he fucked my worthless whore face, choking me with every inch!

I fell back on the floor exhausted as I handed him a knife, “Please”, I whimpered, “Please, cut my dripping cunt out of my body so that I can be done with this unending yearning!”

Even the pain from the stabbing made me want him and I knew that the only way to stop my desire for him would be to end my life!

As he dismembered my bleeding body, my tits, my twitching cunt, and finally, my head, he looked around the room and saw how much I desired him and he could not lose that love!

He heard my voice whisper in his head as he picked my lifeless mutilated body up and lay each piece in place in my bed. He covered the pieces in my prettiest nighty as he laid down next to me and fucked my lifeless body one last time!

It was only after I begged him to end my worthless whore life that I would get my sadistic desires fulfilled!




Snuff Movies Make Me Horny for a Kill

snuff moviesI was watching snuff movies last night and got horny. Not horny for sex. Horny for a kill. The moon was lovely last night. Magical. I drove around looking for the perfect victim. I was in the mood to pierce the flesh of a young girl. I wanted super young, but at that time of night nothing that young would be out alone without parental supervision. I settled for a young teen girl. She was hitchhiking which told me no one was missing her yet. She ran away from home after her parents banned her from seeing a much older boy at school. She told me everything as I drove her to the place where she would die. It was providence. What were the chances that a hot teen slut would be out at the dead of night in my county? I normally do not kill in my own county, but nothing tied me to this girl. She left her folks a running away letter. The police would assume she was long gone or hitched a ride with a bad man. I am an evil bitch, and no one thinks young girls go missing at the hands of a woman, not even the sickest bitch like me. I took her to my cabin in the woods. She screamed her last words there. She begged for her mother, but I told her she left her momma. She was mine now and I was in the mood for violent snuff sex. I sexually mutilated her young teen body. I stabbed her smooth cunt with a sharp knife. The sounds of her screams and the smell of her blood intoxicated me. I fucked her holes the best I could using knives, my fist and beer bottles. I would have preferred it if you were with me. She died. Bled out in my cabin in the woods, alone and scared. I would not have it any other way. Perhaps, the next time I go hunting, you would like to join me?

Taboo Spousal Torture

Taboo Phone SexTaboo phone sex is one of life’s little pleasures, like somebody’s dying breath, or watching the light go out of someone’s eyes, or even the last echoing beat of a heart. You know, the little stuff. Now I greatly enjoy living comfortably, but this economy is so shitty that I have only a few ways that I accomplish that. One of those is by marrying quickly, and killing slowly. There’s nothing that I love more than torturing a spouse to hell. I don’t mean that in a little cutie way, like getting on their nerves. I mean skinning them alive, disemboweling them, leaving them for starving rats to finish off. I literally mean torturing them to hell.

I always pull out their fingernails first, pluck out their hair so their skin is raw. Then, I take my favorite Louisville Slugger, play the xylophone on the rib cage. Oh there screams are music to my sweet sadistic little ears. If I’m still feeling exceptionally twisted, I’ll skin them slower than I normally would, cutting off a pinky here, or a thumb there. And spraying them down and some orange juice, just a gentle acid. The sugar from the orange juice attracts the Flies, the flies lay their maggots on their skinless bodies, burrowing into their flesh.

I wish I could continue telling the story, but unfortunately I have a wet little problem in my princess parts but talking so sadistically has brought to life. Better go masturbate myself, but hopefully it’s you getting me off after a kill next time.

Snuff Porn