Category: Blasphemy sex

Blasphemy Phone Sex

 Blasphemy Phone Sex1

 I had it rough growing up. My mother was very religious and my father was a drug addict. My mother was forever convincing my father to go to church, to find God, and he’d come around, until Sunday came, and then he’d throw a fucking fit and my mother would end up going to church with long sleeves and sunglasses. Everyone knew, but he was the man of the house, so either no one spoke up or no one cared. I’m pretty sure it was the latter. My father beat me  often. My mom never believed me until the time she walked in. My daddy was humping my face and his friend was fucking my cunny. My mother took a frying pan and smashed both of their heads in. She left their limp bodies on my bed, threw me over her shoulder, and put me in the truck. She drove all night to her brother’s house, where I climbed into the nearest bed, my eyes sewing themselves shut and my body aching for rest and sleep. And there I had the strangest dream.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My father killed me, which wasn’t very surprising, and I went falling through nothingness and I fell into Hell. I was tied up, whipped and fucked by the devil Himself for eternity. I was just a dirty cum dumpster for every man that landed there. I was routinely beaten and slapped and choked out and that was my life. Forever. Satan’s dick was really, really hot. Excruciatingly so. I awoke from the dream when I realized the pain was not in my dream, but in real life. My cousin, 2 years my junior, had tied me to his bed and was fucking me with a plugged in curling iron. I realized what was happening and he stuffed his limp little cock in my mouth and pissed down my throat, continuing to fuck me with the curling iron. My pussy felt like it was melting shut and in fact, still bears scars from that night. I wasn’t sure whether I’d rather be taken advantage of by my Daddy or my cousin, but it didn’t really matter. Psalms 9:9 states The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. and Psalm 9:9 is bullshit. I’m just a little pain slut, and I deserve everything I have coming to me. Is it your turn?Blasphemy Phone Sex

Necrophilia Phone Sex: One last Fuck

I can’t let it go, I mean sex was so fucking good with him. He was just over at my place the other night and we had a hot session of him overpowering me and making me his ragdoll. I get so fucking wet when he manhandled me like that. And his cock, was perfect, I couldn’t get enough of it. I wonder how his cock was affected by his death.

Well I had to find out, and so I snuck into the funeral home that was hosting his body for the viewing in the morning. It certainly was not going to be an easy feat except I had a little inside assistance. I slipped into the back basement door where a key was hidden nearby. I slipped on a headlamp and crept through the creepy morgue and past the crematorium. I found the room where the casket was and opened them until I found Frankie’s.

necrophilia phone sex

Oh he looked smashing in a dead placid flesh sorta way. I grabbed a step stool and started opening his fly to see how hard Frankie boy was in his death. I have always wondered what it would be like to crawl in a casket and fuck a dead guy. You can play the rest out with me, or maybe we can go out and dig up a grave and get some real dirty necrophilism on. You wanna fuck the dead to don’t you? Can you imagine her decaying flesh under you and how that decaying cunt would feel around your dick? 

Snuff Sex Reagan * Twisted Twisty the Clown

Snuff Sex ReaganI have been growing tired of the same old Snuff Sex adventures lately. I have been craving something more twisted and disturbing. Then last night I found Twisty the Clown. On the TV he Frequents small towns, reigning his style of bloody terror. Taking the young ones. He wants so much, to be a good clown. But he craves blood, and the fear he smells from his victims. Yes Twisty the Clown.. he is quite Twisted indeed. You have seen the series “American Horror Story” I am sure. If you have not seen it you have definitely heard of it. Twisty the Clown is by far my favorite freak in the show. Twisty runs around with a half dead skin mask on his fucked up clown face. He stalks young people and takes what he wants. Keeping the sweet ones captive, and continuously tortures them with disturbing Snuff Sex Reaganimages of a psychotic sort. If Twisty is provoked, who knows what this twisted clown will do to them. The little ones he has kept for himself are in constant fear. I can only imagine the sexual energy these little ones must provoke as they beg for their lives. The fear of death is the only thing that will make you feel alive!

I decided to create a mask like the one that Twisty wears, one that will transform me into a macabre clown. Ass Rape Porn while wearing such a mask made out of human skin and teeth, will be my grand adventures, I believe. I think it will be very humorous to stalk a small town and leave a trail of death and blood in my wake. Taking only the very young and innocent to do whatever it is blood thirsty Clowns do. I think a small town in the Midwest would be best. One that has not felt the hand of a murderous clown. This will be more fun that I can even imagine. I smile as I begin to pack my bags. It is time for a new adventure. I have yet to use a mask to transform my appearance. This will be a wonderful new way to quench my thirst for malice, don’t you think?Snuff Sex Reagan

Join me on the dark side

blasphemy sexWhy don’t you come join me on the dark side, it’s ever so much fun here. I do whatever I want, there are no rules for me because I am ruler here. Now the lowly little sheeple I rule over may not realize yet that I own them but they will soon believe me. Just like the churchgoers I interrupted last night, they were busy singing songs to their weak, pitiful god when I walked in and made them shut the fuck up. They were shocked into silence when I walked in and shot their priest in the face, a few tried to grab at me but I just simply shot them and that discouraged the others from even trying. I made them preform the most depraved acts on each other before I locked them in just so that they would all know the worst sides of each other before their deaths. They were sealed in completely before I left, I made sure that no one would be able to escape then I set the building on fire and sat back to watch it burn. I guess I must be going to hell for sure now…

Becka’s Bloody Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn titleWhen I met Becka and she told me about her “little secret’ my cunt exploded! This little whore thinks she is a real pain slut. She claims to love the pain of being cut and watching the blood drip down her arms and body. She claims that she cums the hardest when pain is being inflicted upon her. I have just the thing for her. I am going to film a sweet little porn. I am going to bring a new meaning to the term ass rape  for her and she is going to bleed like she never has before!

I had everything set up in my basement . She was about to get everything she asked for and more. The cameras were set up. The knives, scalpels and razor whips were all in place. The restraints had been checked and double checked.

She walked in looking all slutty in her skimpy little mini skirt. her makeup done to perfection. I could imagine that make up running down her tear streaked face. In fact I had an extra special surprise for her.ass rape porn becka

While she was telling me all about how her dad had no fucking clue about her ” dark and twisted” side, she said he would have her locked in a convent if he ever found out. So what better accomplice to have for the filming of this bloody ass rape porn party then my friend Francis? Also known as Sister Mary Francis. She was once a nun and still has and wears her habit for twisted fun.

She is going to be the star sadistic in this porn. Next to me, no one inflicts pain and is so warped and fucked up as Francis.

Walking Becka to the basement, my cunt is alive and on fire. I know what is waiting in that basement of mine.

I will leave what happens to your imagination until I post the video on line, at which point you can view it yourself and jerk your cock to the carnage.ass rape porn francis

The Gift

You dressed me up in lingerie and let me put on some makeup – just enough to make me look pretty and cover the bruises on my face. You kept looking at me like something was missing. You kept mumbling under your breath about a special night for your friend, Matt. My head was spinning as you sprayed perfume all over my body. Then you grabbed me by the cheeks and put your angry face right up to mine. You told me I would do as you tell me to and that tonight I was to be a gift for a friend of yours.
A gift? You let go of my face and continued to stare at me like you were puzzled. Then I saw a lightbulb go off behind your eyes and you went to the drawer and pulled out some ribbon. You came back to me and tied it around my neck – in a beautiful bow. You smiled, pleased at yourself for making me the perfect “gift”. You told me to put my heels on and get in the bed to wait for Matt. I always do as I am told, so I climbed up on the bed and laid back, dressed and ready for whatever came next.

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You opened the door, and in came a boy, so young I thought. You hugged him and told him Happy Birthday. He glanced over at me on the bed and his grin became evil. Suddenly he didn’t look so innocent anymore. You told me that today is Matt’s 18th birthday and that I am his present. Matt will be my Master tonight, and I could see his cock grow in his pants. You stepped aside and Matt climbed on top of me in the bed. His hard cock brushed my legs as he immediately spread my legs and began fingering me with fury.
You stood and watched as Matt fucked me mercilessly for hours. He was young, but ruthless with his hands and cock. He fucked me raw in my ass and pussy and came all over my face. My makeup was ruined, and my lingerie ripped to shreds by the time he was finished. The only thing left intact was the pretty bow around my neck. Matt thanked you and left the room. You climbed on top of my cum soaked body, and grabbed ahold of the ribbon. You began to pull it tight and I couldn’t breathe. Your use for me was over, and as my vision blurred and I choked for air, the last thing I ever saw was that evil grin of yours.  

Killer Phone Sex Reagan * Pop Your Fucking Pills

Killer Phone Sex ReaganI decided to celebrate National Pharmacist Day with a Killer Phone Sex blog, dedicated to snuffing out those pricks. Those assholes don’t deserve their own day. Have you seen the prices of pills now a days? Fuck that. I know what I am gonna do this January 12th, I am gonna fuck up my pharmacist. The corner drug store is ran by some old stupid fuck in a white coat. I take some pretty dam strong psychotropics, and they are not cheap. One time he put the wrong damn pills in the bottle! I got so fucking sick from his ignorance, and I have been waiting for the right time to pay him back for his stupidity. This will be the perfect day to give him a taste of his own medicine!Killer Phone Sex ReaganHe normally works way past closing, and I know how to get into the store after hours. I sat in the shadows and waited till he was filling pill bottles. I jumped him from behind and hit him pretty dam hard on the back of the head. I laughed as I watched him struggle to stay on his feet. Once he was down I straddled his chest and bound his arms and legs. Then I put a metal gag in his mouth, forcing it open. Waiting for him to regain consciousness, I gathered up a few of his bottles of pills and got them ready. Don’t you love these Murder Phone Sex Fantasies? Once his eyes opened he struggled of course, but to no avail. I just laughed as I read each label and dumped bottle after bottle down his throat. He could not speak well with the metal claws holding his jaws open. But of course I cold make out a few words like “Please, No, Please, No”. I just had so many colorful pills to choose from! It was a rainbow! And since I am such a nice gal, I made sure he had plenty of booze to wash it down with! Funny thing is, once he was gone I was not sure if it was the pills he overdosed on, or just choking on his own vomit?Killer Phone Sex Reagan

Domination phone sex

Growing up my mother wanted me to worship Satan and all of his dark glory. She wanted me to stay pure until my first blood. I had other plans. I hid my first blood from her.

Taboo phone sex

After it was done, I laid down with her man. He was big, strong and had a log of a cock. At the ripe age I was I hadn’t seen anything so big. It was throbbing, and the head of his cock was dripping his sweet baby batter.

That first taste of cock changed me for the rest of my days. If I could I would have swallowed that big throbbing cock. I choked on it, I slobbered all over it.

My saliva slowly running down the shaft, into his big bushy pubic hair and down over his full balls. My tongue went around and around the head of his cock.

Taboo phone sex

Then all of the sudden He grabbed the back of my head pushing his cock half way down my throat and he held it there. He was suffocating me with his cock.

As my sight was getting blurry, vomit was flowing out of my mouth and nose, I could not breath. I could see my soul moving from my body as he was violently fucking my throat so deep and hard. I watched myself outside of my body.

I watched as my hands found his balls, I was becoming weaker and weaker but my fingers wrapped around those big hairy balls and I found the strength to pull on them. It was not a soft  yank, I pulled down so hard on them I almost ripped his balls off.

Taboo phone sex

He pushed me back and started to scream from the pain. I laid there, gathering my breath.. Laughing at him. Laughing at how powerful he felt and then in a few seconds he was powerless and worthless crying out in pain.

He did not like me laughing at him. He tried to get up to hit me. but every time he moved.. his balls ripped more and more. Men are for nothing more than fucking.

Torture Sex with Reagan * Sick Lies

Torture Sex ReaganRed hot and white tongues devour the foundation as I wait patiently for it to crumble. No one will know how you defied me. No one but me. This is the true fire that will burn. You were sick, and we compatible. Teased me with your submission, needed me with your submission. Now you burn as I do. I had to have it my way. You knew this. There was no other way. You lied as you begged for my pain. You lied because you told me I was beautiful. So I burned it to the ground. You fed my animal, and I caught the hunter. But you defied me. Only one last word I allowed as I sharpened my knife and poured the gas. Now I go on through this night, burning. Stench of your lies. I lived to break your will.

Sick * In This Moment

Is it sick of me
To need control of you
Is it sick to make
You beg the way I do
Is it sick of me
To want you crawling on your knees
Is it sick to say
I want you biting down on me

Are you sick like me

Am I beautiful
As I tear you to pieces
Am I beautiful
Even at my ugliest, you always say

I’m beautiful
As you tear me to pieces
You are beautiful
Even at your ugliest, I always say
You’re beautiful and sick like me

Is it sick of me
To feed the animal in you
Is it sick to say
I tease the hunter like I do
Is it sick of me
To watch the wicked way you thrill
Is it sick to say
That I live to break your will


Torture Sex Reagan

Time to unwrap a present!


I have decided what I want for Christmas. I want to unwrap a present. First I have to find the perfect present. I want her young, tender, and innocent looking. I love replacing that innocent look with fear and terror. I know just the little piece of meat I am going to take. She lives down the street. Always wondering the neighborhood. Never wants to go home. A cute little thing. Long dark hair and wispy frame. She is so fucking cute. The biggest brownest doe eyes. I got the shop ready. Had the work bench set up. All my tools laid out. And I waited. I knew she would be coming by sooner or later. And I was right. She wondered right by the shop. I called her to the door and asked if she would like to make 20 bucks. I just needed a few box’s hauled to the trash. She was so willing. She didn’t even notice when I locked the door behind her. I picked up a large wrench and cracked her in the back of the head. When she woke up she was naked and tied down with a ball gag in her mouth. She could scream but it would be to muffled for anyone to hear. Then I showed her the knife I was going to use on her. I could see the fear. The panic. And I could smell the piss as she pissed all over herself! I started at the feet. Slowly peeling away the skin. Not to cut to deep. I didn’t want her to bleed out! It was like a puzzle. A test of my skill. Slowly methodically peeling way her flesh. She cried and whimpered. She even passed out a few times. BUT I did manage to wake her back up. I worked my way up her legs. Pain painstakingly working around her pretty pussy! It took ALL my will power to not rip that little pussy up! I worked my way all the way up to her perfectly perky tits. Pretty large for her age. I decided to leave the nipples on and just pull the skin away for her little tits. I skinned all the way up to her neck. She is trying so hard not to move. I know the air is burning against her flesh. I was going to just slit her throat… BUT it is Christmas. ‘Tis the sharing season. I wonder if I can find someone wanting to help me with this little present!