Category: Blasphemy sex

Langly’s Party Daze

Killer phone sex


I felt the kick to my face and the one thing that had held me down was that I couldn’t see him anymore tearing into my flesh and asshole. He had placed a metal rod in his jolly and was now plunging it into my asshole with the glass. Bloods squirted as I screamed at the pressure of the metal pounding into my gaping hole. Plunging the knife deep into my gut I felt the rip as my organs were being disemboweled. I thought this was what you see before you die a gruesome death! The blood pool was mounting on the floor and I was feeling myself go faint. Blow was all over my back with the blood and I could feel him snorting it up his nose. With each pound I felt his jolly grow longer and longer. That’s what coke did to you pressed the energy and release to new heights. He was full of it and I knew death for me was the only substitute.

     He had brought me here in hopes of having the party of a life time and I was getting that alright and then some. The experience was one I would die for he said so I had no quirks about getting in the car with a complete stranger as long as at the end of the night I was loaded. But it had ended badly of course with him smacking me to the ground with a hammer and nailing a crucifix  on the wall. A trophy he had said to Christ! And I was the sacrifice! With each slash that cut into my flesh I knew this party was not going to be over until I was dead. I tried to gather myself as he sucked my blood but I was too weak and my body was going numb. The last thing I felt as he tore the knife into my asshole was a metal pole pushed into my cunt. Then there was nothing but splashes of water oh so I thought as my eyes closed.

Blasphemy Sex Exploitation of Sister Anna

Blasphemy sex and exploiting a servant to the Church is what this Sunday entailed. You see this dumb fucking penguin thought she could lay her judgement upon me and my gang this morning. As we were enjoying the sunrise with our booze chilling on the green behind the old monastery. We weren’t bothering anyone and were just passing around a blunt when the whore approached us. She felt it was her duty to try “saving” us. Well… little did she expect she would need the saving.

Blasphemy Sex

I got up and pulled her close to me by her fucking crucifix and beads. She was sputtering and willing to back down and leave us alone, but it was too late. We bound and gagged her and hauled her into the rectory where we tied her up on a large wooden cross. My guys and I took in the sight with laughter and drinks proclaiming her a sacrifice to “OUR” fearless leader Father Satan.

Taking my switchblade out I sliced her penguin gown off her trembling body. Look at the pathetic whore of her Lord wearing the most prudent under garments of some old bag. However this whore had to be in her late 20’s and had a hot body, so pure and pale. She made me sick so I sliced into her sweet c cup breast and licked the blade only to spat her blood and my spit in her face. I grabbed a large crucifix from the wall, I cut her panties off and started fucking her with the relic of her worship. Laughing the whole time.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My guys wanted her, they wanted her bad so we cut her down, spread her legs and bound her wrists as we bent her over the pulpit. I soaked her panties in the holy water receptacle and ringed them out ensuring her cunt juices were wrung into the basin ultimately desecrating the purity of that basin. I shoved her panties in her mouth gagging her as my gang had their way with her other two fuck holes. We left her naked and dripping with cum in the church ready to greet the congregation.


Kidnapping phone sex stories with Makayla

I would do anything for daddy.

His mood changes everyday.

If he ever found my notebook he would probably make me choke on it.

Bondage phone sex

This week has been different tho.

Something is going on.

He hasn’t be down here, he hasn’t checked our chains.

The only thing he does is leave food at the top of the stairs.

That is all we have heard from him.

I am the one on the long chain.

It is my job to get the water, and the food and bring it to the others.

It is just me and two others, so we have a lot more food than normal.

I pulled the girls together and told them we needed to clean out home.

I bet that is why daddy hasn’t been down here, it smells like piss, blood and shit.

We have a toilet but it is really dirty.

I looked around and found some bleach, not some but a lot of bleach.

We didn’t have anything to scrub with so we used our clothes.

Home invasion phone sex

The bleach burned our cuts, and skin.

We started cleaning one day after daddy left for work.

He didn’t get home until very late.

He came running down the stairs.

He was shocked to see the entire basement cleaned.

He grabbed us, and started kissing us.

He stopped and said “this looks amazing my brats but did you ask permission?”

Daddy tied each of us up and punished us for doing something without his permission..

Always ask daddy.

My first time

My first time wasn’t planned out. I had no idea what I was doing. It didn’t feel wrong, it felt so right. I felt like I had done the world a great service. I guess to really tell you how I did it I should start from the begging.
It was after my first period. My mother was so excited, she told me now was my time to breed and make demon brats with her god. I didn’t want anything to do with her witch craft and demon worship. My mother set it all up. We went to the woods where she had a roaring fire. All of her followers where there. They danced naked around the fire.

Fantasy phone sex


The gave me wine that was mixed with some kind of drug that made me weak and see things. What I remember is hazy but I have little flash backs of all the men having their way with me. One by one they fucked me and came inside me. By the end of the night I was full of demon worshipers cum. They tied me up and had me hang upside down in a tree for 3 hours. They wanted to make sure it took.

 Sadistic phone sex
A few months later I was starting to show. I didn’t want this thing inside of me. I grabbed a rusty old hanger and folded it up. I shoved it in my pussy. I ripped that thing out of me. I was in pain and sick for a few days. My mother told me it was apart of the torture I was yet to experience. What she did not know is that little demon was nailed to the work table in the basement. I cut it up into little pieces. It was such a good feeling knowing that the creature would never live. Since then I have had a want and thirst to cause pain to anything alive.

 Taboo phone sex

The Making of a Teen Rape Porn

Teen Rape Porn ReaganShe looked so sweet when I saw her cry. Very yummy indeed. Her chest heaving with each raspy breath. The ropes were nice and tight, I can say if I am good at anything it is tying knots. I brought in her young one and she almost came unglued. Angry muffled sounds behind that tape across her mouth. A swift blow of my baseball bat cured her anger. At least the little one was calm. But not for long. I laid her down in the middle of the room and chained her to the rings on the concrete floor. Drain under her mid section. Starting with her pretty little face I stated to carve and peel. The blood was amazing. The more she cried the more blood there was. Mommy almost passed out from the blow to her head and emotional ordeal. When my carving was done I turned to my sad little mommy and painted her in her daughters blood. What a wonderful way to spend your daughter’s birthday, helping her make a snuff teen rape porn. I turned and pulled out the hammer and nails.Teen Rape Porn Reagan

Bondage phone sex with Makayla

Rape phone sex fantasies

I must have made daddy angry. I don’t know what I have done but he hasn’t talked to me or cuddled with me all week. He hasn’t fed me like  he has the other girls. I don’t understand. I grabbed his legs as he walked past me yesterday. I begged him to tell me what I did wrong. I am so hungry daddy. Please please feed me. He rubbed my face softly then pushed me down and put his foot on my throat. He told me I had 5 minutes to get dressed in my best dress and to be waiting. I was so excited but so weak. I could barley move but I made it in the time he gave me. Things weren’t normal, instead of him taking my collar off he kept it on and dragged me up the stairs with it. I am so afraid he brought out the rope. Why would daddy hurt me? I thought daddy loved me. He tied me up, and to the table. I was so worried he was going to beat me like he did that first night. To my surprise he laid me down and started to eat my pussy. He told me I had to beg to cum, but 2 minutes into it I was screaming and begging him to let me finish.  He would bite my clit as I started to lose control and that would bring me back to reality. Please Daddy let me cum!! 

Sadistic phone sex with Morticia

Taboo phone sex


It was a night of celebration. A night used to make sacrifices to our lord. The king of darkness. We wanted him to be happy and to come celebrate with us. We had two whores who haven’t even hit puberty yet. We dressed them in the see through black cloaks, nothing on underneath them. We started out by feasting on the wildlife around us. We then started our ritual for sacrifice. We spread open their young bald cunts and started rubbing their clits in-front of the roaring fire. We were pouring wine off each others bodies. Touching and pleasing each others body’s. Finally we started seeing our master appear within the fire. We started cutting the whore’s wrists and spraying the blood over the fire. We then turned our attention to the male sacrifices. We sucked their cocks and pushed in a iv needle. We took some of the virgins blood into their balls. Then we laid down with the men and breed with the virgin blood that is tainted with our lords seed. Next we will wait and see if we get pregnant with our dark lords seed.

Taboo phone sex

Paying it Forward with Venus: Practicing Random Acts of Kindness

torture phone sex evil sadisticToday is Random Acts of Kindness Day, actually it is for the whole week. I decided to pay it forward, help those in need. First random act: help a poor Catholic school girl with her religious education.  She called me a freak, so clearly she has forgotten her Bible verses like do onto others. I love tutoring and being a mentor. I think teaching is one of the truly selfless professions. I sat down with this particular school girl and assisted her with her Catechisms. As she recited them, I fucked her tight little virgin cunnie with a cross while I recited the Lord’s Prayer. She needed reminded how much Jesus loved her. Blood squirted out her pink pussy, but I held her down and kept fucking her whore twat until she said knew her catechisms by heart.  Her devotion to God was overwhelming. We all stray off the path of righteousness every now and then. Perhaps I missed my calling. I’d make a hell of a Sunday School teacher.

bloody phone sex sadisticSecond random act: assisted suicide of two very ill girls. They suffered from narcissistic asshole syndrome. Folks who can aid the weak and feeble minded end their worthless lives are so very courageous.  Saints actually. I am no saint, but I can recognize a cry for help when I see one. So when these two  young twats started spewing  obscenities and hate towards me over a parking space at the mall, I knew they clearly wanted to die.  I followed them back to their home, forced myself in, and slit their wrists  with a razor blade. They were obviously too sick to live, and too weak to kill themselves. I channeled Dr. Kevorkian, cut deep enough to hit an artery, and let them bleed out peacefully in their bathtub as to not leave  a mess for their family.  Thank goodness for answered prayers and random acts of kindness.

snuff phone sex bloody sexThird random act: assist an old man getting rid of the source of much turmoil in his life. Some of us have trouble getting rid of the negative energy in our lives. Trouble letting go of someone or something we love very much, but is simply no good for us.  I helped this man recognize how much better his life could be without the evil that resided between his legs. You see he was born with a demon instead of a penis. This demon made him do very bad things to women and little boys, even animals. He lacked the strength, like many do, to part ways with the negative force in his life, so I helped him.  I sat him down and had a come to Jesus talk with him about the nasty, troublesome appendage in his life. Then, I hacked his penis right off, and fed it to his dog.  Blood spurted out all over the wall and floor, but that is a small price to pay for a new beginning. He will clearly be a better person without the this negative force in his life. And, I feel so much better having been able to help him become a better man. As Sir Paul wrote, “We get by with a little help from our friends.”

Blasphemy phone sex virgin sexLife is just too short not to help those in need. I am not Mother Theresa, but I recognize a cry for help when I see one. I’m just so glad my parents  raised me with a do onto others attitude in life, otherwise so many more poor souls would be lost. How can I help you become a better person?

Blasphemy Phone Sex w/ Dusty

Blasphemy Phone Sex is something that gets juices flowing for all involved. This is one reason why I love worship nights, as sometimes things get so fucking hot all I can do is scream out blasphemy as the Devil fucks me. He has me screaming and moaning as I am taken by my favorite man. Yes, I worship in the house of Satan, and get baptised by the Devils seed. I dare you to try coming between Satan and I.

blasphemy phone sex

Tonight’s gathering construed of ass rape porn and snuff porn playing on all 13 of the screens. Accented by surround sound speakers blaring out dark chamber music meant for the sacrificial sermon. As I enjoyed time alone with our master of darkness I heard noise on the main flow upstairs. In checking out the commotion I notice a couple of followers hauling in body bags, three of them and they weren’t stuffed with dead folk either.

As I inquire about what was going on the High Priest smiled at me “High Priestess, my sweet, we have a treat for tonight. Here we have -he is unzipping the bags with help from a few followers- a few wonderful specimens for ritual sacrifice. We will have a full house for tonights worship and it will be divine. The three individuals were now laid out in front of me still unconscious, hogtied and gagged.  

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Oh look at the sweet virginal girls! Father Satan will be pleased and we will have a wonderful ritual tonight with a full congregation three virgins and plenty cock for a perfect gangbang rape porn ritual of blasphemy and deflowering. It would appear the girls so sweet and innocent looking were actually brought in from a detention facility one of our members work at. Oh this will be a sweet night of Worship and sacrifice to Father Satan.



The Devil Knows How To Do It…..

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Having dreams about him are my favorite nights. My Dark Prince, with his skin that shines with a beautiful red hue. His massive horns adorn his head and remind me of his huge rock hard cock. His body is well defined, muscular chest, six pack abs. His face is chiseled and his eyes glow with lust. His skin is hot to the touch. The sight of him makes my body respond instantly. I can feel the warmth of his breath against my skin as he spreads my legs and inches toward my quivering cunt. His tongue licks my already wet slit, it is rough and thick and I feel it invading and stretching me. I can’t help but grinding my cunt into his face giving him what he wants, my hot flowing cum. I can hear him groaning deep in his throat and chest as he follows the movements of my body, bringing me closer to the edge. Finally I explode in his mouth and in my sleep I feel the fluid covering me. Breathing heavy I wake up in a hot cold sweat, my legs and crotch soaked, my panties sticking to my body. Reaching down and scooping up fingers full of cum i eagerly suck it up. Closing my eyes I fall back to sleep and he reapers. This time his massive cock is hovering over my face. Longing to taste it, I cover it with my mouth and he shoves deep into my throat. It feels as if it grows larger the deeper he pushes into my mouth. Thrusting harder and deeper I can feel his balls begin to tighten and I know that he will be filling my mouth with cum soon. I can’t stop and I just hope that after I have pleasured him with my mouth he will honor me by ripping my cunt open with his huge dick. I want to feel it deep inside me.