Category: Babysitter phone sex

Evil Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexI love evil babysitter phone sex. I hate brats. All brats are useless unless servicing your cock or my cunt or both. Don’t you agree? I can clean up well and look like a normal 20 something girl. I just never want to. I made an exception because Charles had super cute brats. As cute as those evil time consuming little bitches and bastards can be. I was low on the rent. Just needed a few extra hundred dollars and little bitches bring top dollar on the dark net. Normally, I kill them for a client who wants to destroy their little holes first. I procure a guy brats while he explores his rape phone sex fantasies and then I dispose of the bodies. All for a fee of course. I don’t expose myself to get little soul stealers for free. I had no clients wanting my fuck and kill package, so I stole two brats and sold them myself. Charles thought he was hiring Lena for the night from an accredited site. He did, I just stole her identity. Within an hour of being there, I drugged the brats. While passed out I dress them in slut clothes inappropriate for their age. I made sure they were clean, then put the live on the dark net. I auctioned them off to the highest bidder. They sold fast too. Of course, they did, they were super young and cute. I met my Russian high bidder two hours later for the trade. He gave me more than a few hundred dollars for a cute boy and girl at a popular age for P men. He can do what he wants with them. Sell them to men for snuff films for all I care or keep them as his fuck slaves. They are just useless brats. There only purpose is to keep adults happy, don’t you agree?

Cannibalistic Blasphemy

Just lovely when a rainy summer day like today has requests out the fucking roof for my god damned services. Fucking babysitting with these brats holed up in the place with me has me needing a better plan. But what better a place than to be taking care of some bratty young ones in the basement of a church. I get the brats into a little game of hide and seek while I go rummage through the room of sacraments or where preparations are done. My mind drifts and all I can think of is that P-Priest that ran this place before his indictments. Hmm… what I would give to catch a P-daddy type priest fondling these boys here today. I would love to sever his cock and simmer it up in the sacramental wine like a fine Italian dish. I would slice that meat up and feed it as sacrament to the very priest it belonged to reciting all of the unholy sins he has been conducting. 

To sweeten the deal I would have to sacrifice a young male to my daddy, Satan and baptise myself in his virginal blood as I watched the Priest bleed out. Yes, it is a fine rainy day indeed.

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Red white and blue

sex with dead bodiesLet’s remember this july the 4th with the notion that red means blood white means cum and blue means bruises. 😉 I fucked her up I did It I can’t deny it that it was the best feeling ever. I was able to let out my frustrations out on the whore that was fucking my boyfriend. It was the perfect situation to make things look accidental. It was a july 4th party and I knew a college party would be a full crowd event. It was night time by the pool with fireworks and people busy doing a ton of things. I got a couple of my guys to roofing her up and get her fucked up in the garage by the pool. We made sure she was blue with bruises red with blood and white with lots of cum. All in the spirit of independence day. Crazy that there was a huge crowd and we were able to make it seem like she drowned and cracked her skull. It was deemed a freak accident. All my guys DNA were all over her but chlorine kills some of that evidence and even though they have sex with dead bodies occasionally they didn’t touch they couldn’t risk it. It felt more than good to get my revenge as always.

Blowjob bootcamp

ass rape pornOne of my favorite experiences is being the accomplice to one of my bosses. We worked in a high tense field, and this particular company was the cream of the crop in the market. There was plenty of girls lining up to apply. One of my tasks was hiring. I had to hire a sweet whore who was willing to learn. I had to find out which whore would assist in a lot more than clerical duties. I would run a blowjob boot camp and whoever passed with flying colors could join the team. I had to get cute girls willing to do anything for this paid internship. I, of course, had to demonstrate and had to be rough on them and make them gag like good sluts. Eventually, I would turn some ass rape porn, and some rape fantasy flicks too. It was fun being in control and making my boss happy.

Babysitter Tales of Destruction

babysiter phone sex

Babysitter phone sex here I am close to your ankle-biters is amazing. Your pretty little wife has no clue that you sought my services to mutilate and destroy all your offspring tonight. Your a sick fuck but you have the cash and I have the evil desire for brat soup. After everyone is down to sleep my plan is put into action. Three big men arrive to help me with the older brats. All three will be my victims tonight. I am an evil bitch and I have all three tied up waiting on you and the misses to come home. You expected me to be done and gone but you are grabbed and tied to a chair as I grab your tiny sweet wife and cut her clothes off. I position her on the floor next to your tiny daughter. She is the only one whose ass and pussy hasn’t been destroyed by my accomplices. You watch as I cut and fuck both. My men have thick dicks that stretch and tear your daughters’ cunny. Your wife is screaming for you to help her and your little one. I slice every throat and watch all four bleeds out right in front of you. I use the blood to stroke and suck your dick so you cum all over three dead faces of your family. 


Sneaky little bitch


Babysitter phone sex  I love to watch little brats running around it just reminds me so much of my self, and how much of a little shit I was. My family gave up on me because of it. To much fighting, arguing, sneaking out and threats.So, now I love to just watch them while their parents are gone. I get to do what ever because I am the fucking boss. When they the youngest one screams I put him on the dresser naked to make him so fucking cold while he freezes. That’s his time out haha. I make it so cold in the house the screams make my pussy drip. I had to tie their dad up last night because he caught me being vile, I lost my job and will have a warrant soon but I fled I don’t give any shits. I’ll do it again I just need to move, Let me know of some good places that I can keep being a sneaky little bitch.

Famewhore Kim K

torture sexSnuff sexsnuff pornI worked with Kim K as an assistant for a photo shoot she had with a grand photographer. The photographer was one of the best in the game if not one of the one of the best the best. Kim was freaking out about losing followers her husband was going crazy there was royal wedding frenzy. Jenny Lo had a comeback, and teeny boppers were killing her shine left and right. Kimmy K was desperate and willing to do anything to climb to the top and stay number one on the trending boards all thru social media. It was so awesome to be a fly on the wall for what I am about to spill next. Kim put her career in the hands of the photoag and listened clearly and carefully to all the orders and suggestions. It started out simple. Kimmy take your outfit off entirely, Everyone has seen every square inch, so this wasn’t going to do a thing. 

The advice she got was spreading her cunt for the shot. The famewhore did just that. The photographer finessed her to do everything he wanted her to do. Kim K was spreading her twat her ass and even peeing on the photographer’s dick. That’s a golden shot he reassured her. In no time he was fucking her holes and making her give him a footjob and letting him fuck her famous curvy ass. Things escalated so quickly. I was ordered to bring in her young sister Kenny J. Kenny was timid shy and it was so surprising she was a model. Kim ordered ken to strip and get close. Kim K was kissing Kenny and Kenny had a stream of tears. They both were cum swapping and piss swapping all of the photographer’s supply. It was total torture sex for kenny.Anything for fame and exposure Kim kept telling ken it was all going to bring the  Karjen clan on top again. Kenny got sick and barfed everywhere. Then Kim k had to clean it up entirely. Their grand shoot wasn’t done just yet. The ankle biter came in and took a personal lesson from her momma and took that meat stick too. It was definitely a first to witness. 

Can you believe they let me babysit?

babysitter phone sexCan you believe they let me babysit their little girl? Me? A sick twisted bitch that has never pretended to be anything else? Crazy right? Well, crazy or not there I was watching this little brat and bored as fuck so I decided to have a little fun. I stripped that little bitch naked and tied her to her bed and tortured her for hours. Just cutting little pieces of her off and breaking her little bones. I had finally gotten to opening up her lil fuck holes with my biggest strap on cock when her parents came home and at that point I kind of had to kill them too. I couldn’t just let them call the cops or something right? Luckily they were easily restrained and I just continued to have my fun until the little bitch was finally dead. Then I fucked her parents up and set the house on fire. Honestly it was the most fun I’d even had babysitting!

I Need The Pain

Taboo phone sexI love allowing someone to take complete control over me. It makes me feel complete, less worried. Takes off the burden of making the small decisions. Having no choice is a lot easier then being the one making a choice. Sex now feels empty without some kind of force in place. I need to feel pain in order to feel any pleasure. I’ve gotten so use to the abuse that without it, I feel almost nothing other then dissatisfaction. Is it so much to want every hole to be taken advantage of, to have my body destroyed in the name of pleasure. I submit to you, I’m completely under your control for whatever you desire. I love being your submissively little bitch.

Snuff sex with my ex

snuff sex

There is nothing like fucking an ex over. I am not into makeup sex. I much prefer getting even and showing my ex who is boss. We had a tumultuous relationship I must admit I was probably the culprit of the problems. I am not one to shy away from drama. I love sex drugs and rock and roll. I don’t mind being loud and fighting when I high as fuck. I would get in all rage deathmatch fights with anyone in sight. My ex-decided he had enough and called it quits. I was beyond humiliated and wanted revenge. I waited for a couple of days to pass by, and I was going crazy home thinking about how could I possible fuck him over. It dawns on me. I invited him over and he accepted. I pulled an award-winning performance. I made him believe I was going to fuck him crazy, but I was more in to snuff sex he should have known better. I made him feel like the bitch he was as soon as my strap was in all his hoes. I had no mercy for the dumb fucker.