Category: Ass rape porn

Torture sex is the only sex I like

torture sexI have a mean streak, I may as well admit that right up front because it definitely shows itself in everything that I do. I truly enjoy watching people suffer unimaginable pain, I love to see the agony in their eyes as I torture them slowly and unmercifully end their pathetic lives. These whores are worthless garbage, they exist only to pleasure us with their screams of agony until they breathe their last breath. I want them to suffer as I break their bones and slice their skin. I want to be covered in their blood, absolutely drenched in it from head to toe! After all, everything is more fun when it’s messy isn’t it? I will never be some boring vanilla sex loving bitch so if that’s what you’re looking for you should move on to the next bitch. But if you are a sick sadistic son of a bitch like me, we’ll get along just fine…

Torture Sex with Blair

torture sex anal torture mommyI answered an ad in the Backpages for a mommy model. Sounded innocent enough. Pay was good. Would help me buy party supplies. I meet this young guy at his family cabin. When I arrived, he looked normal, but the cabin was obviously abandoned, as were all the cabins nearby. I was in the middle of nowhere. No one would hear me scream.  “What had I gotten myself into,” I thought.

I ignored my gut, second mistake. First mistake was agreeing to meet a total stranger in an abandoned cabin. When I entered with him, it was set up as a studio, but rest of the place was creepy and dilapidated. He gave me $1000 upfront and told me to undress. I thought to myself since he paid me I was probably safe. We began taking a few soft core pics. He excused himself to get some more film. I waited on the bed for him. I felt a blunt instrument hit me from behind. I fell forward on the ground.  He grabbed me by the throat and dragged me into another room. Strung me up and started whipping me.

He whipped me suspended for hours. When he cut me down, he dragged me by the hair back into the other room, blindfolded me and told me I better be ready for some ass rape porn, because he hired me for torture sex . I did not sign on for this. He had camera equipment set up to film him violating my ass. He started off just fucking me, but made sure I understood that he was just priming my ass for more torture. I guess I was screaming too much and he put a gag in my mouth. Turns out the gag was because he knew that I would really be screaming for the next phase.

torture sex bondage mommyHe started fisting me, double fisting me actually, A fist in my cunt and ass at same time to stretch me out further. He said his audience loves a gaping asshole. I was tight and he needed to change that. When his hands didn’t result in the gaping ass he wanted, he shoved his foot up my ass. That hurt more than anything he had done yet. I’d never had a foot in my ass. His foot was way bigger than his cock. I was crying , screaming. When he was done, my ass was gaping open. He seemed pleased with his work. He got the camera right up to my ass to show off my hole. Then I felt cold metal against my ass. I gulped in fear. A steel hook in my ass. I felt blood trickling down my thighs. The pain was awful. He fucked me with a cold metal hook. Mutilated my ass. The longer he fucked me, the more I bled. I saw the blood pooling underneath me; I started to shake, get light headed. Next thing I knew, I passed out.

I woke up covered in blood, in excruciating pain, gagged, with a metal hook in my ass. Like the cabin I was in, I had been abandoned. Left to die in the woods.  My cell phone was in front of me, so I could call for help, if I could only get a signal….

Gangbang Rape Porn with Cassandra

Gangbang rape porn bondageGangbang rape porn is what was in store for me today. I was at a party, sipping on fruity drinks, dancing with a bunch of studs . That was what I last remembered. I woke up in a dungeon.  At first I saw no one, heard nothing. It was dark and damp. I was tied up with a gag in my mouth. Then suddenly there was a white strobe light flashing. I could see shapes. Then out of nowhere, a creepy mother fucking clown reared its ugly head right in front of me. Scared the crap out of me. I HATE clowns. He grabbed me by my throat, dragged me to another part of the dungeon. Forced me to look at the dead bodies hanging from the ceiling like sides of beef. He looked at me, lifted me up off the ground where I was trembling, and said, “This is what happens to bad little whores who don’t do what I say.”

I still had no clue what was in store for me, but at this point I would have done anything to not end up dead, mutilated and hung upside, wrapped in plastic in some unknown dungeon where no one would ever find me.  “Do I have your attention now, Slut?” he quipped at me. “Yes, I will be a good whore, just let me live,” I replied. He then dragged me to yet another part of this huge ass dungeon that looked like a studio. There were cameras everywhere. Bondage equipment. A about 100 naked well hung men. One chick and a 100 men. This did not look good for me, or my ass and cunt.

Gangbang rape porn evil snuffCreepy clown fancied himself a porn director. Director of Bound Gangbangs Productions. I guess it was a disguise so I would not be able to identify him. He told me he hoped I liked things rough because he was going to make me the hottest thing in ass rape porn. He tied me spread eagle to a work out bench. The men gathered around me, cocks out.  They just shoved them in my mouth. I was gagging. So many cocks, I could barely breath. I was being choked by cocks, skull fucked. My mouth was being gangbanged. When they started cumming, I was choking on cum. Drowning in it actually. They didn’t care that I couldn’t breathe. They started fucking my cunt and ass. Sometimes shoving 6 or 8 cocks in a hole at a time. I felt so humiliated. I was in pain. Could feel my ass gaping open, cum running out of me. The camera was rolling. Pennywise behind the camera. I felt like I was being anally tortured by the Insane Clown Posse.

My holes were cum drenched, gaping open, swollen, even bloody. My ass was prolapsed. I had been bound and gangbanged for an underground porno. But I survived. Creepy clown director let me live. Dumped my battered, cum filled body in an alley like garbage. “Garbage belongs in alleys,” is the last thing that clown said to me.

Bed Time Nightmares With Reagan * Chapter One: The Torture Sex Snuff Studio

Torture Sex Reagan She had no idea the Torture Sex snuff house was the location of her newest nightmare. “$2,500 is paid after film is completed. Room and board provided for the week of production. Meals included and transportation is provided throughout your time here at the house.” Shaking his hand she thought it seemed like a good deal. She only had to endure a week of the actual filming. Something she, and probably 99% of the woman in this world, had always said they would never do. But never say never. She then wondered about how the porn industry flourishes during these times, when almost all of America seems to be having economical hardships. How many woman did this industry soak up? She shrugged it off and was more than ready to start this week. She was ready for it to be next Saturday for sure. That day she would be walking out of this house, cash in hand.. and hoping for at least 15% of her self respect and dignity left. She would never see that day.Torture Sex Reagan

Her first day she was told to meet downstairs in the common room. This was more like a living room, but since this was once a boarding house, it was the common place of the renters. She almost felt comfortable in this room. Something would not let her completely relax, she just assumed it was the day ahead and what she was preparing to do. He joined her within a few moments and re introduced himself as Collin.

When she entered the basement she noticed it was bare. This was odd, and her brain immediately started to try to make sense of it. Should there not be a film crew down here? Before she could connect any reason as to why she was not on the set of a pornography film, but in the basement of a house where no one was aware of her location, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. The world went black.

Sense of smell entered her mind first.. damp, metallic, and sour. Hearing flooded her brain.. feet shuffling, several male voices where she was able to make out the few words “rape, torture, snuff film”. Still unable to move and not sure if it was the bindings she was beginning to be aware of, or her being half unconscious. Fearful to open her eyes, she was not sure of when that was available.Torture Sex Reagan

For the next few days her world turned to horrifying pain. She lived longer then most. Endured gang bang after bloody gang bang. Her flesh torn off of her body inch by inch. With each cock she was forced to pleasure they slowly peeled a token off of her tortured body. Some stuffed her ass with her own skin chunks while others ate them as they dumped their cum all over her gaping wounds. And a time or two was forced to eat her own bloody chunks. Machines were hooked to her in various places to deliver electric shock during her violation. At one point, her captors used a needle and thread to close her cunt and ass, only to rip through her flesh with spiked rubber cocks. In the end, Collin reappeared to costar in her last scene. As he entered her mutilated and gaping hole with a baseball bat, one last slice opened her gut. As her insides leaked onto the floor he was pushing them throughout with that wooden bat. Empty, bloody, and now snuffed, he coated her face with his sticky seed. And just in time to check in the next fuck pig.


Lets Play!

Teen phone sex BlazeIt’s time to play the game! I love babysitting these little whores. They have no idea. They run around like I am their servant. They think that the world revolves around them. After all that is what their parents have taught them. But not me. I know what the future holds for them. I  give them a little sip of a special drink to get them in the mood. And then a call to all my P* cock friends who want to have a little fun. Those little sluts will NEVER be the same again. And I can’t wait to WATCH every pounding moment of it. I make sure to set up my video camera so I can relive it over and over again. The guys can’t wait to get started. They want to rip the clothes off the sluts. And slam their cocks down the little whores throats. I had to play with my pussy while I watched as those big hard cocks borrowed their way into those tiny little holes! It was pure heaven. And seeing those big cocks explode pushes me to cum so hard. I do love my job!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair

rape phone sex fantasies mommy redheadI was set up on a date. I should have known he was too good to be true when he showed up with flowers and candy. We had a nice meal, he bought us several bottles of expensive wine. We danced. It was all like a page out of a Nicholas Spark novel. That should have been my red flag. Very little romance left in the world. I foolishly agreed to go back to his house for a night cap. That is when I met Dr. Jekyll.  I was not even to the couch yet, when he grabbed my arm, pulled me back and slapped my face. He said to me, “You are a worthless whore. Be prepared to act like one.” He threw me on the couch. Pulled his cock out that was already rock hard and started skull fucking  me.  Grabbed me by my hair and shoved me down on his cock until I  gagged. Usually I can handle rough oral, but he was restricting my breath. I accidentally nipped his cock with my teeth as he was skull fucking me so hard.

“You like it rough bitch,” he quipped. He smashed my face into his coffee table. I started bleeding immediately. The blood gushing out my nose turned him on further. He violated more than just my mouth. He ripped my panties off, shoved them in my mouth, and forced his dick in my ass. Hands around my throat choking me as he fucked my ass. After he shot his load up my ass, he kicked my ass, thrusting me down on the ground. He stood over me as I laid there battered and bloody and pissed in my face. He finished by spitting on me.

He told me I had 5 minutes to get out of his house or he would do it all over again. I scooped up my clothes and ran from the house. I knew he was too good to be true. Men never treat me that well.

How do you want to treat me?

Starring in Another Ass Rape Porn Film

ass rape porn blonde whoreMaster told me today I was the queen of ass rape porn. I love anal sex, but what he does to my ass is not sex, but torture. He threw me in a cage telling me “to shut the fuck up.” According to him, whores should only be used never heard. I had to back my ass up through the cage so he could prime me. He began with fingers, then worked his way to a full fist up my ass. He doesn’t use any lube. He needs my ass to hurt, he needs it looking raw and sore. Oh and totally gaping open. That’s what sells ass rape porn: mutilated assholes.

After he has my ass properly primed, I am permitted out of my cage so I can be tied to a sawhorse. This is when he inserts the anal speculum, cranks it open wide and starts cramming shit in my ass. Whatever he can find to torture my ass: baseball bats, broom sticks, wine bottles, candles… anything that will make my ass bleed, gape and prolapse. He is always amazed at how big he can get my asshole to open up. Once my ass was bleeding, practically shredded, he fucked me. Fucked me for hours and brought in over 50 to guys to fuck my ass too. Camera rolling the entire time. Anal gangbang torture gets my master off. Does it get you off?

The key to a good ass rape porn film master told me is a ton of cum pouring out my ass. So much so that there is a puddle of cum on the floor that I am forced to lick it up. The film ended with my face being forced into a bloody, shitty pool of cum.

Can my ass serve you, Master?

Torture Sex with Reagan * Sick Lies

Torture Sex ReaganRed hot and white tongues devour the foundation as I wait patiently for it to crumble. No one will know how you defied me. No one but me. This is the true fire that will burn. You were sick, and we compatible. Teased me with your submission, needed me with your submission. Now you burn as I do. I had to have it my way. You knew this. There was no other way. You lied as you begged for my pain. You lied because you told me I was beautiful. So I burned it to the ground. You fed my animal, and I caught the hunter. But you defied me. Only one last word I allowed as I sharpened my knife and poured the gas. Now I go on through this night, burning. Stench of your lies. I lived to break your will.

Sick * In This Moment

Is it sick of me
To need control of you
Is it sick to make
You beg the way I do
Is it sick of me
To want you crawling on your knees
Is it sick to say
I want you biting down on me

Are you sick like me

Am I beautiful
As I tear you to pieces
Am I beautiful
Even at my ugliest, you always say

I’m beautiful
As you tear me to pieces
You are beautiful
Even at your ugliest, I always say
You’re beautiful and sick like me

Is it sick of me
To feed the animal in you
Is it sick to say
I tease the hunter like I do
Is it sick of me
To watch the wicked way you thrill
Is it sick to say
That I live to break your will


Torture Sex Reagan

Snuffed My Sister

You tricked me. You told me that if I got you someone else that you would let me go. I thought it was too simple, too easy, and I was right. The drugs you gave me made me so stupid, and I gave you enough info to find my sister. She doesn’t deserve this. She isn’t like me. But you fooled me, and told me that you were just going to fuck her and that she would never know it was me that told you how to find her alone.

She walks the woods near her house every morning. She’s always alone. Tiny like me. I can’t believe I placed her within your sights. I am such a stupid little cum whore. In an attempt to save my pathetic life, I believed you. Even though I know what an evil monster you are. How could I not know you would fuck me over? I woke up chained in your living room as you brought her through the front door. She was terrified and crying, and I tried to tell her I was sorry but I couldn’t speak through my gag. I began to cry, trying to show her that I was sorry.

When she saw me, I saw the look on her face as she  realized that I had something to do with her being taken by you. She started screaming at me “How could you??!!”. She knows I am a useless slut that lets men like you torture my body for pleasure, and now she knew that I had placed her in your path. The one thing you promised me wouldn’t happen. You threw her down in front of me and she just kept screaming as you beat her and stripped her down and tortured her perfect little body.

All I could do is cry and try to express how sorry I was.  You hit her so hard I saw her eyes roll back and her blood splattered all over me. I watched you cut her open with your knife and her blood pool all over the carpet. You fucked her little body as she bled everywhere. She was still concious and every once in awhile glanced at me. She was dazed, but just awake enough to keep your interest as you pounded her ass. I pulled against the chains trying to make you stop, but it was useless. You had tricked me, and now you had my sister, and the torture continued throughout the day.

I watched you cut off her nipples, so similar to mine. I watched as you ate them while her blood flowed out slower and slower from every wound. I watched her skin turn pale and her lips turn blue. In my head I was so sorry, but my sister would never know. You snuffed her right in front of me, and she left this earth thinking that I had brought her here. Here to you – this hell on earth. And the fucked up part is she was right.  

Empty Lot and Empty Soul

Why would you leave me here in the sleet and rain? There isn’t anything for miles. This is the old abandoned lot at the factory outside of town. There can only be one reason. You sold me again. You sold me, and I know someone must be coming for me. I walk around aimlessly in the cold frozen rain, my legs aching and my mouth dry. I try to yell for help, but I know nobody will hear me. I know you never make mistakes, and whoever is coming for me will get anything and everything he paid for.

I see the headlights approaching and I know better than to try to run or hide. That just makes it more fun for your friends. They only pay to take me and play out all their rape phone sex fantasies with my body. I walk to the edge of the lot and try to wish myself invisible. The lights approach so slowly, and I am terrified. Maybe this time you sold me for good. Maybe you took enough money to give me up to the snuff porn world. Maybe I didn’t even care anymore. All I am is a piece of flesh for you to trade for sick fun at the hands of other rich men.

The lights stop and glare at me. I am hunched over, freezing and scared. I can hear the engine of the car rumbling and I know he is inside, warm, watching me. I start to cry despite knowing it won’t help. I hear the car door open and footsteps coming towards me. I can’t see anything through the glare of the headlights and my tears. Then he grabs me, and I catch a glimpse of his masked face. I try to fight but he loves it. I can feel his hardon on my back as he wrestles with me. He is telling me he is going to hurt me badly.

I fight him all the way back to the car, but its no use, he throws me in the open door. My legs go numb from the force of the hit against the door frame. He spits right in my face, and it drips down along with the sleet. He attacks me right there in the parking lot with the door open and the freezing rain pelting down on us. He spreads my legs and shoves his fist up inside me without any hesitation.

I try to scream again, but nothing comes out of my mouth. He fists me until I am nearly unconscious, and then shoves me the rest of the way in the car. He gets in the drivers side and we drive away. I have no idea where I am headed and I have no idea if I will ever see you again. But I know for sure this guy is evil, and I am a worthless whore, only still alive because you can make a quick buck off selling my body.