Snuff Porn is Better Than Spiders: What is Your Fear?


snuff porn big titsWhat is your worst fear? Mine is spiders. Snuff porn is better fate to me. I hate spiders. I have a horrible fear of being paralyzed and covered in mutant spiders. Not your garden variety daddy long legs, but SyFy movie channel 8 legged creatures from hell. One of my masters discovered my fear and used it to break me. I was sitting in his dungeon, chained. It was dank and smelled rotten. I had no idea what he was going to do to me. He was not my full time Master, but a guy my Master sold me to for a weekend. He found me obstinate, but really I was just scared. I promised I would be a good slut, but he smacked me, chained me up and left me in the dark to think about my “unacceptable willfulness.”

I wasn’t down there long when I felt things crawling all over me. Was I imaging it? I’ve heard that fear can induce psychosis. I tried to swat the creatures off me, but my hands were bound. I tried twitching my body as much as I could to get whatever was crawling on me off. Then panic sunk in. More started crawling on me and I knew it was spiders. I could feel them falling from the ceiling. My heart raced, I peed myself, and I started shaking and sobbing. I heard laughter from above me. They weren’t falling from the rafters, they were being dumped on me. Suddenly, the lights came on and huge ass creepy spiders covered my body. These were inbred looking mother fuckers. Not regular spiders.

taboo phone sexI screamed so loudly, but one got in my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but more fell inside. I tilted my head, spit them out and begged for mercy. Managed to get out a “I’ll do anything,” before an 8 legged freak tried to climb in my mouth again. He came down from the rafters with a fire hose. Although I was glad they were off me, the hose was so forceful it bruised my skin and took off some flesh. “You gonna be a good fuck pig now,” he inquired with a devilish smile. I nodded incessantly; I was still too freaked out to utter a word. His scare tactics worked. I would do anything no matter how sick or perverse to not endure my worst nightmare again.

Ass rape porn was what was in store for me next. Master cleaned me up, tied me to a bench and ushered in about 50 men who sodomized me one after another. My ass was gaping open with what felt like as much cum as there was water in that fire hose running out. But I was happy to be anally tortured and force fucked. I’d rather be snuffed out than be covered in creepy 8 legged creatures ever again.

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