Category: Ass rape porn

Accomplice phone sex

 accomplice phone sex

 I was at a party and I walked into the wrong/right room at a very pertinent time. I was looking for the restroom and I found that sort of. There was a pretty blond girl that was forced on her hands and knees and she was taking multiple loads of piss all over her naked body and face. It was too late to run out the door and act as if I had seen nothing.

Two of the guys came over and grabbed me and started forcing my clothes off. They were getting excited about my holes that they were going to penetrate. I decided to throw them a curve ball and begged them to let me piss on her. They seemed amused. I squatted over her face and drenched her in my hot urine.

I spit all over her face once I was done and quickly grabbed one of their dicks and guided into her pussy, ripping it open. I demanded that they force fuck her rough and deep. They all seemed to really get into it. I shoved another big fat cock in her ass. Before u knew it I was joining in on the fun, getting my holes pumped open to.

Talk about a wild night.

Don’t Make Me

taboo phone sex

The foster family is out of control and every time I think someone is here to save me, they just do the same things I tell them not to. My foster dad and brother have been forcing themselves inside my pussy all week long, and their neighbors too! First they reenacted a movie scene on me and held me down. They taunt and tease me for being wet the whole time saying I clearly like it. I don’t! I mean I like it physically, but not with them. They like to watch me cry as they fuck me harder and deeper and as I try to push away. I’m still so innocent, and before all this I wanted to wait, but now my pussy is getting used all day every day! I want someone to fuck me that cares, but the more I fight, the harder they cum. My ass and pussy are both sore because dick after dick has been forced into both my tight holes. My jaws are even sore from sucking so much cock, and yes, eating so much pussy. It’s so hard to keep my mouth open for hours and do what I’m told! I want to give myself to you, but I’m afraid you’ll make me do things I don’t want to do. If you have live phone sex with me, please prove you aren’t like the others. Please, I’m begging you. If you use me, I can’t stop you. I’m just a weak girl and so easy to take advantage of. Please don’t hurt me.

Gangbang Nightmare

Gangbang rape pornI’m still with the 5th Ward Bloods, the roughest gang in our city. They’ve been giving my man free dope to keep me as a sex slave in their crack house. I’ve been sucking so much cock and fucking so many gangsters that both pairs of lips and my asshole are swollen and sore. The leader of the gang put leash and collar around my neck and he walks me around the crack house like I’m a dog. He forces me to suck his cock in front of everybody. If I stop sucking his hits me so hard that I almost pass out, and everyone in the room laughs at my pain. I’ve cried so much that I don’t have any more tears. Every time my man shows up I thinks he’s coming to my rescue but he just wants more crack. I suck cock and get fucked for hours with very few breaks. Every time I fall asleep another thug put his dick in my face. I want to run away but I’m too scared. Someone, please help me!!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: What are Yours?

rape phone sex fantasiesI love rape phone sex fantasies calls. The idea of a stranger, even somebody I know, brutalizing my fuck holes makes my pussy drip. I have a caller who loves force fuck fantasies. Every time he calls, we role play a different violent fantasy. I cum every time too. This morning was extra hot. I was on my couch watching TV when there was a knock at my door. I was expecting an Amazon package, so I didn’t check to see who was at the door. This big burly stranger busted through my front door chain. He pushed me down on the couch. He tore my clothes from my body, slapped my face and told me I belonged to him. He said I was dirty little cock teaser who needed a lesson. He stated he had been watching me for weeks. I shake my ass like I think I am better than everyone. He was about to show me that I was nothing but a dirty fuck toy. Just a cum and piss receptacle. He gripped my throat so tightly, I gasped to breathe. He slammed his dick in my ass first, then my pussy. He enjoyed making me clean the shit off his dick. A dirty whore like me is a shit eater he informed me. My pussy was so wet. That didn’t go unnoticed by him. I tried to fight him off. I tried to tell him I didn’t want what he was doing to me. I pleaded to him to not cum in my pussy because I could get pregnant. He came in my pussy. Told me I better hope to God I get knocked up. He wants to force fuck a pregnant slut. He slapped me around, pinched my nipples so hard that they bled then left me on the couch with his cum pouring out of my swollen pussy. What are your taboo phone sex fantasies?

Brat Bashing

accomplice phone sex


I absolutely love it when daddy says it’s time to hop into the van with him to go pick up some little brats for our wild times back home. Being daddy’s accomplice all the time is tiring but honestly- I get just as big of a kick out of watching them scream as he does. We always go to the playground and find the ones who have parents that are either completely missing in action or not paying attention at all. I always go over and snatch them up, talking them into coming over to our “ice cream truck”! Daddy then helps me pull them inside and we tie them up together. It’s time for some really fucked up fun now- I sit on their faces, piss in their eyes and watch as daddy cuts off their itty bitty clothes. Then Daddy hands me the knife and I know exactly what to do! I cut them open from the belly, Daddy sticks his cock inside and I suck on it while he fucks the little idiot to death. Daddy and I always have such a blast being evil- don’t you think you would too?

Cab Fare

Taking a cab is scary enough with out having to worry about what the taxi cab may do to me. I came home from the bar last weekend and I was so drunk I did not want to drive home, I tried to hitch hike and that did not work, I even offered to suck a guys cock for a ride. I eventually gave up and flagged a cab down. When he pulled over the cab smelled like ass and smoke. The driver was a fat bald guy with a gritty smile and a nasty torn up t-shirt on. He attempted to be chivalrous, but I suspect he just wanted a look at my ass when he flopped out to open the door for me. He gave a smile, but he did not even bother getting back in the driver seat, instead he shoved me into the backseat, pulled my hands behind my back, pushed my head down into the ass smelling back seat, ripped my panties off and rammed his cock into my asshole. He thrust so hard and nutted so fast I did not even have time to react. He then asked me where he was taking me and told me “no charge, you already paid.”

Ass rape porn

Fuck Me Until I Bleed

snuff porn

It’s Langley again! I was watching snuff videos last night and in one scene I saw a slut get fucked so hard that she bled! So then my family invited a neighbor over and told him to act the scene out with me. His only request was he wanted me to beg him to attack me harder. I was not attracted to him and was begging my family to give me a break just for a day. The next thing I knew, my cousin and brother were holding me down. I fought so hard to get away, that I ripped a fingernail completely off! Then the neighbor took out his thick cock and I knew there was no hope. All I could do was cry. I could feel his cock ripping and opening my slit up wide. I didn’t want to beg, but I had to. I cried “fuck me till I bleed,” over and over as tears flooded my eyes. I thought it was going to be over, because the neighbor came inside of me, and the blood mixed with his fresh cum. Then my cousin turned me over and thrust his hard cock into my delicate ass! I told him to assault me until I bled, and by the end of it I was bloody all around. The most terrible part is that I came 5 times! And I was disgusted, but at least I enjoyed it in some way. Maybe one of you sexy guys can force fuck me good, and it won’t be so bad. Just a thought!

Accomplice snuff movies made here.

Snuff moviesThe rattle of the cage echoed through the dungeon. The little teen slut was screaming for her mommy again. I found it amusing that she was crying for the same mommy who had allowed her to run away from home. She was just another teen statistic now, never to be found. Just an old pic on a milk carton to be thrown in the trash. There was a knock on the door and it was you, my dear snuff friend. I was always glad to make a buck doing a snuff movie.

We walked back to the cages so you could check out the merchandise. I always kept a few on hand for special purposes. Some of my clients paid for a breeder. He would impregnate her and then sell the “product” or keep it as a fucktoy. Others liked them young and innocent. An elite few liked them dirty and starved for hunting games.

You finally choose a hollow eyed brunette for your movie. She screamed when you pointed at her, a sound that made my pussy twitch. She knew who you were. Her friends had already met their demise at your hands. The tools were laid out and the camera was set up.

It was time to let the fun began. Would you care to join us as we slowly push this girl to the end and orgasm as she dies? I bet you know someone who needs to be ended this way.

Taboo Phone Sex Babysitter Abducting Brats

I love to kill brats and taboo phone sex with me is all about the abducting and fantasy raping their tight bodies. My pussy throbs for some hard fucking when I am drawing the life out of some fucking brat. I swear seeing their little faces turn blue while their eyes roll in the back of their head is a total turn on. I love grinding my cunt on their little mouths while my cunt is bloody with menstrual fluid.

The feel of little necks breaking beneath my hands, their last breath caressing my cunt, and their little bodies going cold is all just a build up to my ultimate orgasm. One of my favorite things is slashing their necks and getting the warm sticky blood all over my body. I want us to cover ourselves in the virginal blood and fuck, I want you to fuck their dead little cadavers ad ejaculate in their ripped up and torn cunts.

Taboo Phone Sex

Lesbian Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornI was hired for an ass rape porn. I didn’t know the details. I was being paid in coke so I didn’t care. I assumed I was getting a hardcore ass fucking by a gang of men, which is pretty much standard in my world. I was surprised when I arrived at the address I was given to discover another woman there too. We chatted for a bit and assumed the male talent would be arriving soon. The only male to arrive was the director. He brought with him a big bag of sex toys. Monster sized sex toys. Our instructions were simple. He wanted us to use toys on each other’s assholes. The one who could prolapse an asshole first would win an extra ounce of coke. That was high motivation for two strung out whores. I put her in a wrestling hold and slammed a big fat dildo up her ass. It was the size of a Python and I did my best to cram the entire thing up her asshole so I could yank it out. She got me off balance and shoved a similar looking dildo up my ass. We had each other in a scissor hold fucking each other’s assholes, but since we are seasoned ass whores, dildos were not going to cut it. I pulled out the dildo I rammed up her butt and replaced it with my fist. I grabbed her ass from the inside with my long red finger nails and pulled her ass inside out. She tried to do the same to me, but I halted her by twisting her anus and digging my nails into her prolapsed ass deep. She let out a scream. I was declared the winner. It wasn’t personal. I am just a coke whore who will do anything for her next high.