I was walking home from school the other day when a bunch of guys jumped me. I had on my little Catholic school uniform, but they didn’t care about my age. I think they were looking for something young to fuck. I was so scared that I peed a little bit in my cotton panties. They dragged me into the woods. I didn’t know them, but they knew me. Called me by my name and said if I fought them, they would kill me. They told me I meant nothing to them. I was just a cum receptacle. They pulled my clothes off and began fucking me. I cried. It hurt my little bald cunnie so much. When they started fucking my ass, I couldn’t help but scream. It hurt more than anything I had experienced before. They were pulling my hair, grabbing my little titties and pissing on me as they force fucked me. I knew it would be over soon if I just let them do their thing. It seemed like forever though. By the time they said I could go home, my knees were skinned, my ass and pussy were bleeding and I had cum all over my young little body. I had no idea what I was going to tell my parents when I got home. I was scared and sore, but my puffy nips were hard and my cunnie was wet. I must have liked it, right?
Category: Ass rape porn
Rape Phone sex Fantasies
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies
I have killer phone sex fantasies. So many people to kill and so little time. That is why I need an accomplice. Some one with a sick mind to match mine. You can’t have any age limits when it comes to killing because I prefer to hunt the tender age victims. Know what I mean? Little girls and boys are overpopulating the world, especially little brown babies. When I met Allen, I knew he was perfect for me. He wanted the wall more than me. Illegals are coming into our country breeding like rabbits and taking our resources. Allen has a neighbor who is hiding from the law. They are illegally in the US from Mexico with many little brown brats. If those little ones disappeared, people would think ICE took them or the coyotes came back for more payment. Doubtful their middle-class boring accountant neighbor would be a suspect in anything, especially not with a smart and snuff sex savvy accomplice like me. I took the brown brats and delivered them to Allen in a not tell motel off route 66. The little Spics didn’t speak English. Figures. Want to come to this country but don’t want to learn the language. Didn’t matter, they wouldn’t be alive to learn it anymore. Allen fucked the shit out of these brats. Fucked their assholes and their cunts. Skull fucked them too. They screamed in pain. They were paying for their parents’ sins of coming into America illegally. Little brown brats are locked in cages under government care daily. No one cares about these stupid Mexican brats, why should Allen or me? He fucked them raw and I disposed of the bodies. No one will find them. No one will care except for maybe their fat illegal welfare loving mommy but she is next on my list.
Anal Torture Sex Revenge
Torture sex was on her mind. She found out her husband was cheating on her with me. Instead of confronting me or putting me on blast on social media, she plotted a painful revenge. She used her husband’s phone to lure me to a no tell motel on the outskirts of town. I thought my married lover was being careful. I didn’t know yet that his wife had busted us. I soon found out just how pissed off she was over our affair. The moment I entered the motel room, she jumped me. She used a taser to subdue me. She tied me up and fucked my ass with a cattle prod that shocked my ass with every thrust. I was convulsing and pissing myself in a dank, dark motel room. If I screamed, I was sure no one would come to my rescue. This was likely a junkie motel. She yelled at me for fucking her man. She called me a dirty skank and insisted she would teach me a lesson. She would if she didn’t kill me. I wanted to die. I was in a downward dog position exposing my ass to her ass rape porn torture methods. I could feel my asshole prolapsing. She was merciless. She wanted me to suffer. Mission accomplished. I was crying in pain and humiliation. She left me in that motel tied up. The maid found me bound and laying in a pool of my own drool and piss the next morning. I guess I need to find a new boyfriend.
Gangbang rape porn
I recently got offered a gig doing porn for a guy that seemed kind of shady but he was paying really good, so I wasn’t too worried. Even if he didn’t pay me, I’m still getting some dick out of it, so either way, I’m winning. I show up only wearing the trench coat like he had asked. I thought I would only be shooting a scene with one guy. Imagine my surprise when 6 guys were there, waiting for me! I wanted to run away but they started grabbing me and touching all over my body. I suddenly realized what was happening. This was a gangbang rape porn! I was going to be fucked and pounded over and over by all 6 of their cocks. I had cocks in my ass and kitty at
the same time. I tried to open my mouth and yell out but every time I tried, another cock was shoved into my mouth. I gave up and just let them fuck me and fill me. After they were all done, I was a nasty, cum dumpster mess.
Ass rape porn
I woke up in the trunk of his car, my hands were so tightly secured I couldn’t move at all. I had a piece of tape over my mouth, and I was already totally naked. I was more than scared, I had no idea who had taken me or where I was or what they planned to do with me. Finally, the car stopped, and they opened the trunk, ready to knock me out if I got feisty but I did as I was told. They made me go with them to a deserted area were eventually I spotted a barn. I started to get really worried, what on earth was in there? When we got inside it was like a movie studio. Everything set up to take premium videos. They ripped the tape off my mouth, I counted over 7 of them all around, waiting. “What the fuck is this?!” I screamed as they pushed me to my knees. He slapped me hard and said “your very own Ass rape porn bitch” and that must have been some kind of que because the men began holding me down so the one with the biggest cock to force his way into my tight unwilling ass. I cried and screamed and begged but one by one they fucked my ass and came in it or on my whore face. I knew I was going to be there for a while. There was lots to use me for.
Snuff Porn with Ankle Biters
Snuff porn with little ones gets my cunt wetter than anything. I hate brats. Not a maternal instinct in my body. So, if you want to violate super young pussy, I will encourage you. I will never stop you. I have this friend who thought if he confessed his dark desire to skull fuck a little brat, I would stop him. Instead, I kidnapped an ankle biter for him and told him to fuck her eyes out. He couldn’t believe I brought him a brat. Of course, I did because I am a sadistic bitch. This little girl was screaming and crying for her mommy. I told her I killed her mother. It made me wet to see the fear in her little blue eyes. My friend was done with his guilt and doubt. He was ramming his hard cock in all her tiny holes. He skull fucked her until she passed out. I slapped her back awake until one time he fucked her dead. I knew it would happen because she was the tiniest victim. He kept fucking her even though she was dead and lifeless. Because she was tiny like a rag doll, when he continued to fuck her dead body, she looked animated. I let him have his thrills. Sex with dead bodies is as hot as fucking a tiny little girl. I took care of her remains. No one ever finds the body when I am your accomplice.
Snuff Sex Home Nightmare
It was like a snuff sex nightmare. I was dead asleep. My dog started barking, so I got up to see what was wrong. I thought he had to pee. I stepped out the back door with him and some one grabbed me. He pushed me back inside my house while my dog was outside barking. The masked figure tied me up like one of my bondage shoots. He never spoke. He showed me his huge knife and I shut up quickly when I realized I could die. In my head, I told myself this was just a dream. My assailant cut my body. He carved whore in my chest. I was waiting for him to force fuck my cunt or ass, but he seemed to be getting off on sexually mutilating my body. The pain was agonizing. My flesh was carved up like I was in a Saw movie. I could feel my hot blood running down my body. My attacker lit a cigarette and started smoking watching my body bleed like he was in some post cum bliss. Before the cigarette went out, he burned my bleeding nipples and my clit. When he inserted a few fingers up my cunt, I realized my assailant was a woman. Those were not man hands fisting my cunt. That explained why I was not fucked. Who was it? A wife or a jealous bitch? Someone I knew or a random stranger? She broke into my house tied me up mutilated my body for hours, then left quietly, never saying a word. I was left tied up on my living room floor, bleeding on the carpet and wondering what chick I pissed off so much she would extract this kind of revenge. I guess that is the life of a taboo phone sex whore.
Snuff Sex Accomplice
He asked for snuff sex for his baby girl. I knew what he wanted. He didn’t want to kill her. He just wanted to fuck her and because of that he would have to kill her because she would tell her mother what daddy did to her. When the girls are super young like her, fucking leaves a mark. They also struggle with keeping secrets. I always suggest creating an airtight alibi like being at dinner with your wife while your brat is with the babysitter. Leave a window open for me, and I will knock the babysitter out cold and kidnap your baby girl. For days you will plead for information about your daughter’s whereabouts while I am keeping her warm for you. When you make your escape to my cabin in the woods, you can use her tiny fuck holes. Leave all the DNA in her tiny body you want because the body will never be found. That is why you hire women like me. I do the unpleasant shit like kill your brat and get rid of her body so you can explore your rape phone sex fantasies for your super young daughter. I am the best accomplice because I have no conscious.
Ass rape porn
When I woke up it was dark, pitch black and I had tape over my mouth and handcuffs around my wrists. I am naked, my ankles are bound together as well. I can tell eventually that I am in a car’s trunk and it isn’t long before we stop. I can hear the blood in my ears as I wait, so much anticipation I can hardly handle it. He opens the trunk, camera in hand already rolling as he says “Welcome to your very own Ass rape porn, bitch!” He drags me by my hair and onto the ground were he starts kicking me over and over-demanding that I crawl over to the mattress he has set up in the woods. I am crying. I can’t breathe and can barely move. I try to get there but it isn’t quick enough for him. He grabs my hair and drags me to a tree, unlocking my handcuffs before locking them again after my arms are wrapped around the tree as if I am hugging it. He’s cussing at me, he’s angry I didn’t get to the mattress quick enough and now I am going to pay for it. He starts fucking me hard and fast, smashing my face against the tree’s bark in an attempt to abuse me even more.m I am helpless and my struggles are useless as he fucks my holes over and over. He removes the duct tape and blows a load into my mouth before putting a fresh piece over my mouth. He leaves me there, bound to the tree with cum running down my body from being filled up, and down my throat from him too. I am crying and screaming for hours and no one comes. Will I die here? The camera caught everything too. The brutal ass fucking that left his cock bloody to where I had to clean it off.
Taboo Phone Sex Story
I am a taboo phone sex mommy. I let men violate me in front of my young sons because I am a junkie. Last night, we were all dead asleep when there was a large banging at the door. My husband is out of town, so I wasn’t sure who was at the door. My gut told me it was my asshole stepson. He has a key though. I got up to see who it was but no one was at the door. I opened it and a bunch of guys pushed me inside. They started punching me and pulling my clothes off. They knew me. They called me by my name and asked where my sons were. I was pleading with them not to hurt me or my boys. My boys came out and did nothing to help me. They enjoyed watching these guys gang bang mommy. I think they thought I liked it. They thought mommy was just earning her medicine, but these were strangers to me. I had no idea who they were. I had no clue what they wanted. They made it clear that what they wanted were my whore holes. They got them too. They fucked my ass and my cunt for hours while my boys watched and masturbated. My own sons didn’t seem to care that I was being force fucked in my own house.