Violent phone sex fantasies have intensified the past year or so. I blame Covid and financial stress. I get it. Most people had an uncertain financial future. They needed a bitch to take their frustrations out on. My stepson takes his frustration out on me, but he uses me for financial gain too. He lost his job with Covid. He could get back to work, but he was making too much money streaming me getting abused. I thought all I had to do for him was the live streams. We had a good thing going. He would abuse me, and guys would pay in BitCoins. And I would get a bag of coke for my troubles. When he came over last night, he did not have his camera equipment. I was not sure what brought him over, but I was scared. He never pays me social calls that do not result in me being brutally sodomized. This night was no different. Only it was not a live stream. It was live action. As I tried to run, he grabbed me by my hair and flung me across the room. I hit the wall hard and fell to the ground. The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by a group of men. My vision was blurry, but I could see that they were handing my stepson money. They were paying him to use me for a gangbang rape porn. I was trafficked by my stepson. They were brutal. Grabbing fistfuls of my hair and slamming my head down on the floor as they sodomized me. For hours men came and went. They would fuck my holes, and leave. But this was no normal wham bam thank you ma’am fuck. They would punch me, kick me and spit in my face. Some even choked me while they fucked my useless holes. I may not survive the next time he decides to whore me out.
Category: Ass rape porn
Violent Phone Sex Fantasies
Accomplice of Babysitter phone sex
You know I love abusive sex and being your evil babysitter phone sex slut! I hate watching your brats but I love making them do shit to get my pussy off! I invited my twin sister to help me with a brood of brats that were so bad. I hate crotch goblins who don’t behave. We might have facetimes our boyfriends while the little urchins ran around like crazy monsters. When my boyfriend said that he knew what would shit those little loud mouths up, his cock…. Well my pussy got really wet. My twin Jumped up and said let’s do it! She told her own twisted fuck man that he could come over and help us tame these wildcats with his dick, she knew he had been itching to do some freaky brat shit. Let’s face it, she and her are always ageplaying for our older boyfriends. We know when we see a p-man!
And in this accomplice phone sex whores life, I am always striving for the most twisted deranged sexual encounters. I knew this night would get bloody, as we would have to get rid of a couple 3 dead little bodies and make a run for it. I did want to stick around and watch the mothers face as she saw how brutal we got.
Those little fuck meat dolls never seen it coming. I had the boy entranced by some perky little tits of mine and the girls began running to hide. Funny how some young ones just feel evil when they see it. I had my boyfriend grab up a juicy young one and shut her mouth right up as I jacked her throat as his cock was deep in her esophagus.
My sister’s old man had his dick in the boys ass and my sister and I ate out little cunny.. Not much smaller than our own cunts, to be honest, but fresh and untouched. THen it was time to bring out the powered turkey knife and start cutting off heads so our men could fuck those little brains out, quite literally.
Gangbang Rape Porn Weekend
If my husband is out of town, I am being a gangbang rape porn star for his son and his friends. I do not have a choice. I owe my stepson a ton of money for coke. The way I pay it back is with my ass and pussy. The moment he arrived, he put a collar on me with a leash. I was stripped naked and paraded around like a show pony. My stepson brought some friends. He had his streaming devices ready to film his stepmom being a dirty gangbang whore. The folks watching think I am a willing participant. The reality is I am his whore. I am a trafficked girl because my stepson makes me do these ass rape porn movies. To start the stream, he had me bent over almost in a ball position. My hands were bound behind my back so I could not fight them. I rarely fight, but it is hard not to flinch when they are brutally fucking my asshole. I struggled, but I was stuck. I was not getting out of this. He promised me a huge bag of coke, so I had my eyes on the prize. Guys took turns on my asshole. Some just fucked me. Others fucked me and then sodomized me with a fist or a beer bottle. One dude shook up his beer bottle and shoved it up my ass joking he was giving me a beer enema. My ass was gaping so wide that they took turns peeing in my gaped asshole like it was target practice. The beer enema was working because I shit myself. I do not think that was my stepson’s intention, but when his viewers saw it, they tipped him more. The money started pouring in when he shoved my face in my shit and made me clean it all up. This taboo phone sex slut was pushed past her comfort zone, but I got my coke.
Bloody Phone Sex Fun
Bloody phone sex anyone? I am a messy killer. I do not leave my DNA but my victim’s DNA is another story. I am a butcher babe. I enjoy a hot massacre. My friend and I destroyed a little cock tease earlier in the week. She was a mall brat who was cock teasing daddy types. My friend has long fantasized about fucking a girl her age. He has his eye on the neighbor girl and his niece, but you cannot shit where you sleep because the suspicion is always on you. You select a surrogate. You find a girl who acts and looks like the object of your desire. When they are old enough to say you touched them in a bad way, you have to kill them. For me, the killing is the best part. For my accomplices, exploring their rape phone sex fantasies is the best part. That is why it is more fun to kill with a partner. You get to fuck a cock teasing young girl and I get to kill her. John and I savored the tender age whore we stole from the mall. I watched him fuck her for hours. He fucked her so hard she lost consciousness. I love it when a girl is fucked like a rag doll and passes out. It is like he scrambled her brains and her insides when he fucked her. He had dumped a few loads of cum in her swollen cunt and turned her over to me. I butchered her, but I had to revive her first. I need the screams of tender age victims to get off. I need to taste tears of fear. I gutted her like a pig. Drove my knife into her soft belly button and disemboweled her. She died slowly and extremely painfully. One of my best snuff sex deaths.
Hot Ass rape porn GF
Oh wouldn’t she make a darling slut of a star in a hot ass rape porn? I had molded her to my perfect likeness. I star in her own right, just a year older than me she possessed the perfect quality to be split open and used by multiple men. A perfect virgin except for the lesbian sex we had, no real cock had been inside her yet. She was my perfect storm. Her name is chaos and with chaos comes the temptation. The temptation to keep her for myself or to give her to you for my own sick redemption.
I knew that you like to fuck hard and rough but when she found out that I liked it like that her face draws up and a little quiver and she asked why
“Darling don’t you know that with pain comes pleasure and with That’s a pleasure comes something that is unreachable any other way.”
I began to make her watch gangbang rape porn with me and tell her that she soon would be that girl in those videos. I would kiss over her tears and lick her pussy until she came in a crying orgasm.
And when it was time to leave her down the dark road to you She wasn’t prepared at all She thought this girls were acting and playing but I need to full well who each one of them were and that they were not surviving anymore. My victim was a vintage porcelain doll and my lover who I knew from the start would be excellent to be wrapped around your cock and then the others who came and paid a price for her. It was a story I knew well, gain those sweet tarts trust, mold them give them pleasure and then give them hell on earth!
Domination Phone Sex for a Slave
As a submissive slave, I am no stranger to domination phone sex. Some men are much rougher than others. Some guys want to slap and tickle me. Others, want to leave me black and blue, or even send me to the ER. I am a great slave. I never complain. I know it will make things worse for me. Now that the fetish scene is open again, I can go to the clubs. I went to this one club that was known for spanking. I thought I could not get hurt too badly in a paddle club. I guess it all depends on who is doing the spanking. I was selected by a much older man. Distinguished looking professor type. In my head, I thought he was harmless. History should tell me that the men who look harmless are the ones who can do the most damage. The Professor may have spanked me so hard he bruised my kidneys. I was down on all fours with my ass in the air. He began with a wooden paddle. Ouch. He packed a wallop. Bruised my ass. He even broke skin. I was in a lot of pain. He pulled my blonde hair so hard that he ripped a chunk of hair out of my head. He was just getting started. His dick was hard and long. He mumbled something about not having an ass rape porn star since before Covid. The club was a no penetration club, but he did not care. He fucked my ass raw. So hard, I cried. He fisted me too. He put a fist in my ass and cunt at same time and lifted me in the air joking about how I was his puppet. He threw me down on the ground with such force, I cracked some ribs. He was twice my age and four times as hard on me as any other man I have met in a club like that. I guess he was making up for lost time.
A Real Snuff Porn
I made a snuff porn with my stepson over the weekend. I did not want to do it, but I needed the coke. And he does not pay me, but he gives me coke in exchange. That is better than cash to me. I need coke more than air. I was going through withdrawal too. I love making snuff flicks. I mean most of it is simulated, at least the death part. Well, that is what I thought. This film was different. I did not know that my stepson hired men to make a real snuff movie and he was streaming it. I was supposed to be a slut wife having a gang bang while her husband was out of town, and it got rough. I am an ass rape porn star, so they sodomized me hard. Often two cocks in my ass at once. I felt like my ass was going to explode. I was not told things would turn violent because my stepson wanted a real response from me. Guys were fucking me roughly when they started choking me and punching me in the kidneys. From rough sex to pure torture in less than a minute. I could not breath. I could barely move. I was crying. My stepson was directing it and I could see that he was pleased in my reactions. I was in real pain and shock. I did not want to be doing this anymore. Rough sex, hardcore ass fucking are different things from torture sex. They were going to kill me. They were beating on me while fucking me and I could taste blood. The guys were laughing. My stepson was telling me to look at the camera. I passed out. I was surprised I woke up. I thought for sure that I was dead. I woke up in a pile of blood, vomit, piss and cum. A small bag of coke was on the coffee table. I almost died for a day’s supply of coke.
Torture sex toys
All my toys are here right in front of me, ready to desecrate you. Mine are special toys for torture sex. Blouses and glass and acid-base dildos. They will burn your twat and make you scream. I can’t wait to see you in pain. You think you’re amazing and the best thing since sliced bread. Let me show you how stupid little narcissist bitches get what’s coming to them. You know you feel the worst pain when I am around you/ I will suffocate you while I slide my glass dildo in you. I want to make you bleed and keep your body black and blue. Let’s see how you’re going to be my punching bag, and I will fuck you over till you are gasping for air.
Gangbang Rape Porn on 4th of July
Holiday weekends mean gangbang rape porn for me. My husband took our sons camping. I do not camp. I know, right? I will let dirty strangers cum inside me, but I will not sleep in a tent. After last night, I think I should have gone camping. Like clockwork, my stepson paid me a visit. He wanted to live stream me for money. Usually, our live streams are just us. He violates me however the guys with the Bitcons tell him. Last night, he had a few extra men with him. Men with huge cocks too. He said I needed to wipe the horror off my face because I have fucked worse men. He had me there. I knew I was about to be used up good. They had horse cocks. My stepson hates me. I am just a cash cow to him and his depraved audience. I swear they all must have mommy issues. His viewers pay a lot of cryptocurrency to see very bad things done to me. It started out vanilla. Well, vanilla for me. Exploring rape phone sex fantasies with 4 men would scare most suburban moms. I can handle rough sex. I can handle almost everything, but the viewers wanted some freaky shit. They wanted me stretched and gaped. Three cocks and a fist in my ass at the same time kind of stretched and gaped. I tried my best but screamed. I bled and I made my stepson top Bitcoin. At one point, I had two fists in my ass simultaneously. They raised me in the air like I was a puppet. They shook me from the inside out. It felt like they were gripping my insides, holding on tight and shaking me about like some old hand puppet. I started puking from the motion. When it was all done, I made my stepson top dollar. And he rewarded me with coke. I have subjected myself to worse for far less.
Violent Phone Sex Fantasies
Men call me for violent phone sex fantasies every day. I never complain. I am a good slut and a pain whore. The reality is that I am a buxom blonde bimbo who craves attention in all the wrong ways. I make poor decisions and I struggle to tell a man no. Two nights ago I was in a dive bar. It was packed because folks had been cooped up long enough. Some of the men there were like sex crazed animals. I do not think they had been laid in a year. They were buying me drinks to get me drunk quickly. They could have saved their money. I would have been their gangbang rape porn star sober. It was me and about 20 drunk and very horny men. I was dancing on the pool table, flashing my tits and gyrating like a dirty stripper. I stumbled in my stilettos and fell off the pool table. When I landed on the ground, that is when they made their move. They pounced on me like hungry wolves. Ripping my clothes off, pulling my hair, slapping my face and fish hooking my mouth. They grabbed my big tits and twisted them. They slapped me an choked me. This was foreplay for them. They had the right girl because this is how I like to be treated. Rough. Violent. They brutalized my fuck holes. Some of them refused to fuck a skanky bar fly, so they used beer bottles and fists on me. Most of them, however, fucked me. I had three cocks in each hole at one point. I fucked 9 guys at once. Not by choice, but I did not fight them either. I was a good fuck pig. I am here for men to use. It is my duty to service men when their wives will not. I bet you agree.