Category: 2 girl phone sex

i make snuff movies

snuff movies

If I could star in snuff movies, my dreams would come true. Lately, I have gotten so into it that I am making my snuff films. I love to be both the victim and the accomplice. It depends on my mood. Last week I had a guy who kept fucking me till I couldn’t breathe. He had a scarf of mine wrapped around my neck and began to fuck me silly.

It was uncomfortable and painful, but it did leave a mark and made me get so close to death. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Im sure I will take it too far one day, and it will be the end of me, but hey, for now, I am enjoying some hardcore orgasms. There’s nothing like getting fucked and panicking and not being able to breathe, then the relief of breathing and climax hits, and it’s the best feeling in the whole world. I’m sure one day I will take it too far.

master took me to a private party

torture sex

My master loves snuff so much and torture sex that he has his underground club membership. These parties include unlimited amounts of drugs one can dream of and so much more. It is like a high that will last all night when you step in and see all the fucking and the fun happening. I’m always willing to be a slut for him and his friends. I have no choice whatsoever. I’m going to be used and punched and slapped around and cummed on and inside all night.

All the members are big-time fans of pain sex, and they all bring out their slave pets to torture and have fun with everyone. There’s all kinds of toys and drinks and drugs and condoms everywhere. its pure fun for the dominant masters and total humiliation and pain for us slaves.

Pegging Fuck Pigs!

Domination Phone Sex

I love pegging losers like you with my 9 inch strap on! I know the sight of a dominant woman can make many men uncomfortable but I don’t care about what makes you comfortable at all. When you call me, expect nothing less than to be owned by me and used however I see fit. If you are a really good servant, you will let me fuck your holes with my strap on and feel how much I hate you as I ruin you with my dildo. Many men would never admit to themselves how much they crave the domination of a beautiful woman like me. They are too afraid to succumb to the pleasure of being pegged and owned by a real dominatrix such as myself. If you are looking to be used as a fuck pig by me and submit completely, let’s play!

End Me

Bloody Phone SexI love being tied up like the fucking cock worshiping slut I fucking am. I love being fed cock all day and night while tied up and being forced fucked in my tight fucking cunt. They love to take their favorite fucking knife and cut my fucking whore body marking me for anyone who will ever try my slutty cunt. They love owning my soaked pussy and mark me with their cum making me their cum slut forever. They love taking other girls and making me prep them for what is to come. I take the drugged up girls and cut all of their clothes off and tie them tightly to the chair and drink up all of their pussy juice making them moan and beg for more. My owners always come in and use the girl’s pussy and tight shit hole before slicing her slutty throat before making me come lick up all of their cum from her fading corpse. They love to torture me if they can’t find a girl in time, and I beg for them to end me, but they never do. My torture never ends.

Daddy’s New Abuse Whore!

Snuff Sex

Daddy rewarded me today with another cum slut to play with and get force fucked next to me! When I woke up there was another girl in bed with me, daddy had apparently kidnapped this young girl and hand cuffed her to the king sized bed right next to me. I could tell she put up a fight by all the bruises on her so I sat up and started playing with her cunt. I sucked her little pussy until she woke up and started screaming, she was wet and when daddy came in to check on us he forced his cock in her pussy and her face into my cunt. I won’t lie, it felt really good to be licked on instead of being violated by daddy’s cock. I was grateful to daddy’s new play thing for taking a brutal fucking so I didn’t have to that time!

Cum Covered Kidnapping

Kidnapping phone sex Willow


There are all kinds of reasons I love kidnapping phone sex and punishing dumb little piggies.  Every part of playing with someone’s freedom really tickles my fucked up fancy, from the initial body snatching to the inevitable snatch bashing, I thoroughly enjoy every single second with my captured and corrupted cunts.

I recently wrangled a real hot redhead and made her my fuck slave for the better part of a week.  Her ultra pink pussy and puckered butthole were so fucking pretty I almost didn’t want to mess them up.  Almost.  I can’t take pity on a little piggy just because I love the way her clit, slit and shit hole are laid out, if I did that then I wouldn’t subjugate half of the sluts that I do now.

Aside from her sexy slots, she was just like the others, asked all of the same stupid Who?Where?Why?How?’s that everyone else does.  “Who are you?  Where am I?  Why are you doing this?  How is that supposed to fit inside of me?”  They all do that and I always have the same response.  Sadistic silence.

With every dumb question they ask, I escalate their exploitation without ever saying more than one or two words, which are typically commands.  The fake coddling and reassurance always makes me say a little more, but for the most part I’m pretty quiet throughout the whole ordeal.  

I take a day or two to torture their twats and titties while I make them please mine.  Yeah I let them cum.  I make them cum over and over again until they couldn’t imagine ever wanting to climax again.  My balled up fist in their asses is usually what makes them beg me to stop, but some sluts take a bit more persuasion.  I do like a challenge, but nevertheless, no matter the cunt, they inevitably squeal for mercy at one point or another.

Once their insides are battered and abused, I release my horny hounds on them, all of the guys who pay me for the chance to blow their thick, sloppy loads all over and inside of whatever type of tart I managed to imprison and impair.  What use is a kidnapping if you aren’t going to use your stolen slot to its fullest potential?

The last guys were really lucky that I grabbed such a gorgeous little glam girl for them to cover and smother with their creamy cum, sometimes the whores I hoard are real hags.  Hell, sometimes I even make them all fuck a guy!  Gotta settle for what I got!  Not this last hot pink pussy packing ginger chick, she was absolutely perfect.  Even after being beaten and abused, her beautiful body and face made those malicious mega-meat packers pump out so much penis puke that I thought she was going to drown in it.  I’m glad she didn’t, I know a fella who will pay top dollar for a smoking hot cum dumpster like her.  That’s reason enough to have taken her, on its own.


Kidnapping phone sex Willow

evil phone sex is what i want

evil phone sex

Why does evil phone sex turn me on? Well, I enjoy feeling pain and being disciplined. I used always to cut myself when I would get violated. My master enjoyed watching me hurt myself while shoving his cock deep inside me. I would always have to wear outfits he chose for me.

Whether I was a beauty queen, a maid, or a bride, he would make sure to fuck me so hard that I would be drenched in cum and blood once I was done. Both substances make him so excited.

I’m very much into getting fisted and slapped around, so it came naturally to me. Whenever you want to talk about something perverse and gross, I would be a willing participant.

Shit Showers Clean My Soul

Fantasy phone sex


Fulfilling all of my sadistic fantasies builds up a bit of a barrier inside me, a weird wall that makes it hard for me to enjoy myself, so sometimes I need a palette cleansing.  How does a sick and twisted twat like me attack such a daunting task as wiping my corroded conscience clear?  I cover myself in all the gutter muck and shit I can find and cleanse my body in filth and funk.

It probably sounds counterproductive to you, but there’s something about sewage and squalor that makes me feel like, just maybe, everything is going to be okay.  The cool splatter of creamy clay and excreta as it hits my skin is exhilarating!  The slimy feel of the sludge slowly sliding off of my flesh is better than the most expensive rub down at a day spa.

When the pungent aroma hits my nostrils, it makes my eyes roll back in my head in pure ecstasy every time.  You haven’t lived until you’ve inhaled the combined stench of who knows how many people’s foulness blended with the earthy musk of watery, slip-like mud.  When little bits of sticks and leaves get into the mix, the fragrant tang is pure perfection, nostalgia at its finest.  Reminds me of being young.

Of course I rinse myself but not until the thick caking of crud dries and hardens before flaking off of me in a myriad of jagged little shapes.  I like to run my nails all over myself, getting all the gunk built up in my nail beds so I can pick it all out, one finger at a time.  I find it to be extremely satisfying.

That’s pretty much it.  I might throw some piss into the mix during my rinse off but not always.  Just depends on how I’m feeling, like everything I do.  How else would you expect a psychotic sex succubus like me to clean her body and soul?  Relax in a fucking bath with a glass of wine surrounded by candles?  Yeah right, go fuck yourself and your polished pedestrian outlook on life.  Not every woman in the world is your dumbass mom or dipshit wife.


the blonde bimbo

Snuff Phone Sex

I had to prove I was worthy of a master’s attention. I brought over the blonde bimbo down the street. It would end up being like the perfect snuff phone sex dream. When I brought her over, she thought she would be enjoying wine and some charcuterie board fun. A little gossiping and pop culture current event. It was supposed to be the typical girls’ night in, and she wanted to have some fun and get wasted and swap stories.

Instead, it was all a mirage. I would be getting into my devious mind and doing all that my master loved. It is like I became him instantly. It was like he was deep inside me, luring me to do some sinister tasks. My main goal was to make him proud, so I sedated her and made sure to record me probing her and fucking with her sleeping body.

Kidnapping Them

Kidnapping Phone SexI love to kidnap little girls and boys. There’s just something about taking them into my basement and strapping them to my table and waiting for them to wake up crying. I love watching them cry and struggle to get out it makes my pussy get wet. They always get so scared when I walk up to them with my knife and run it down their little bodies making little cuts all the way down. I love to torture the little girls the most by grabbing my big dildo and without any warning just shove it in their tight little hole. I love the first scream. But my favorite is what I get to do with my boys I love to be the first and only one who gets to make a little boy a man. I love to suck on their little cocks and get them a excited before climbing on the table and bouncing on his hard cock. I love when I am about to cum and just take my knife to slice their throat so I can paint my body with their blood. I think the hardest part is getting rid of the bodies since my animals have already eaten today.